Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 976 Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?

Chapter 976 Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? (1)
The conversation between Qianxia and Sangqiu Zirui was obviously not pleasant, and there was no constructive progress.

But Sangqiu Zirui had a deeper understanding of Qian Xia through her words.

Qian Xia's brows and eyes darkened slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

She stopped talking, and just quietly drank the white water in front of her. The somewhat gloomy temperament on her body had obviously affected Sangqiu Zirui who was opposite.

"Qian Xia, since you have brought your words to this point, I will not hide any more. You guessed that one of the emperor stars is me, so what about the other one?"

Qian Xia's eyebrows moved slightly, but she didn't speak.

"Who is the other emperor star? Both of us know very well. I said that I made a wrong choice back then. In this life, I will naturally not make the same mistake again. It's just that I want to see, the temptation of imperial power , what does it mean to Mu Liunian?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Actually, you know it very well, don't you? You should have guessed it a long time ago. Since I first cooperated with Mu Liunian with all my strength, why can't I help Xiao Yunfang remove some obstacles now?"

"You want the two of them to be enemies?"

"No! I know Mu Liunian's ability, and I also know how capable Xiao Yunfang is. He can't be Mu Liunian's opponent, so, as you said, Xiao Yunfang is destined to be just a shooting star in the night sky , Mu Liunian is the eternally shining star."

Qian Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a bit of chill on the brows.

She probably already understood what Sangqiu Zirui said, but it was hard for her to believe why Sangqiu Zirui set up such a trick?Just because of her?

This is too far-fetched, right?

"You want to push Mu Liunian into that supreme position?"

"Not bad! Qian Xia is getting smarter."

Sangqiu Zirui smiled sincerely, and the gleam in his eyes suddenly seemed to make the small hall a little more hot.


Qian Xia's voice turned cold all of a sudden, and her demeanor changed from the melancholy just now to icy cold.

Indulging her as a helpless woman, but at this moment her frosty eyes made the person opposite her extremely uncomfortable.

"I thought you would know." Sangqiu Zirui smiled harmlessly.

"You want to watch him sit in that position, and then compete with him? Sangqiu Zirui, I never believed that you have lost interest in imperial power. How could a person who is greedy for power from the bottom of his heart give up so easily? Your own pursuit?"

Sangqiu Zirui laughed again, a bit sad.

Is he such a person in Qian Xia's mind?No matter how hard he tried and how he changed, he still couldn't change his image in her mind?

Sangqiu Zirui felt that kind of pain in his heart.

Thinking of what Master said back then, he said that when his heart really hurts, he will understand how deep the injury he caused Qian Xia back then.

Is this retribution?

Sangqiu Zirui looked up at the woman in front of him, both familiar and unfamiliar.

She is impeccable in her eyebrows, talking and laughing, and her gestures.

But she is like this, she is always so indifferent to others, at least she doesn't hate her, but she is always so cold to herself, even stabbing his heart with a knife endlessly.

In this world, there is only Yun Qianxia, ​​how dare you treat him like this!

But he is just such a person who likes to be abused.

Even now that Qianxia treats him so badly, his heart hurts because of it, but he still has a feeling of extreme enjoyment.

Is this abnormal?
"Qianxia, ​​do you think that I purposely let both of them grow up because of the dragon chair, and then the crane and the clam will fight each other, and the fisherman will benefit?"

"Isn't it? Perhaps, you can give me a more reasonable reason."

Sangqiu Zirui glanced at Qianxia's abdomen, smiled lightly, and twitched the corners of his lips, "Actually, is there any reason, is it important? Because I know that no matter what I say, you won't believe it. You just believe Your own feeling, you only trust your Mu Liunian, don't you?"

Qian Xia pursed her lips tightly, but did not make a sound.

"Are you unwilling to admit it? Or is it that you know everything in your heart, but you just don't want to let yourself face all this? Qian Xia, I thought you would understand my painstaking efforts, I thought you would know, what do I want most? What exactly do you want?"

Sangqiu Zirui's eyes turned out to be slightly watery, and soon, his expression made people look very uncomfortable, half crying and half laughing, painful and sad.

"Qian Xia, I know you don't want to trust me anymore. I know that I hurt you too deeply, so no matter how you treat me, I have nothing to say. But Qian Xia, who in this world has never made a mistake ? Why do you always blame me alone? Don’t you make any mistakes? "

Qian Xia's heart tightened, and she naturally thought of Xu Zeyuan!
Gently closing her eyes, Qian Xia's expression couldn't be described as indifferent, at least, in Sangqiu Zirui's view, her expression was still somewhat painful.

"Even if you trust Mu Liunian again, hasn't he made any mistakes? Did he not hide anything from you? It's just that you choose to trust him now, that's why you are like this. It's because he was the protector in the previous life." Your man, so you have unreserved trust in him, and you are so cruel to me?"


The cup in Qian Xia's hand fell heavily on the coffee table.

Looking at the overflowing water, it wetted her fingertips, which made her fingers more radiant and whiter.

Qian Xia's fingers trembled slightly, maybe it was caused by too much force just now, maybe it was because his words just now hurt her deeply.

"Sangqiu Zirui, the reason why I trust Yuanchu is because I like him and I care about him. It has nothing to do with whether he is that man or not. You should understand that before I remember everything , I have already decided that in this life, I will walk with him, no matter whether it is flat or steep, or full of thorns, I will not regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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