Chapter 101
Look around the audience.

Countless warriors are gathering together.

These martial artists are clearly divided into about ten small groups.

Among them, the people from Longwei Hall in Shifang City were fighting, but the suspicion of pulling sideways was more serious. Most of them hugged the tall man and let Wu Xi's fists and feet rain on him.

Seeing a group of people who seemed to be from the opposing force enter the arena agitatedly, Chen Xiaofan said at the right time: "Everyone stop, what's going on?"

Seeing Chen Xiaofan's presence, Wu Xi gave him a cold look, then stopped and said, "This is a person from Lizhou City, who speaks rudely to me and speaks without restraint."

Chen Xiaofan nodded clearly and said, "Then you shouldn't do anything, you see it's a mess."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the party being beaten: "Brother, how is it, does it matter?"

While talking, he waved to Xu Shisan and said, "Come on, show me quickly."

Xu Shisan took a few steps forward, but was pushed back before he could walk over.

People from Lizhou City helped the victim up, and then the victim glared at Chen Xiaofan and said, "What are you, get out of the way, today's business is not over!"

"Oh yo."

Chen Xiaofan smiled: "I'll just take you as an angry word. After all, if a man is beaten up like this by a woman, it will definitely make him lose face. I understand."

When the other party heard this, he immediately exploded in anger: "Understand Nima, copy guys, get them!"

"Yes, get them!"

"I saw that the people in Shifang City were not pleasing to the eye, so let's fight first!"

"Come on, support you!"

People from various groups around shouted.

Chen Xiaofan frowned slightly.

This is a challenge...

This group of people is the so-called arrogance of other Dragon Guards.

"Old Chen."

Ye Chen took a step forward and looked at Chen Xiaofan.

Chen Xiaofan nodded: "Go, just don't beat him to death."

"Wait." Lu Panpan leaned over, looked around and said, "If you want to stand up, do you want to make things bigger?"

"What do you want to do?" Chen Xiaofan squinted at Fatty.

The fat man pointed to the people around him: "How about killing all these people?"

"I don't think you know how to write the word dead." Xu Shisan whispered, "There are almost dozens of golden bodies here. What are you doing?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Before the fat man finished speaking, Chen Xiaofan kicked him: "Don't talk nonsense, just clean up the people in Lizhou City. If you want to die, I don't want to die."

While speaking, people from Lizhou City rushed over.

Chen Xiaofan didn't move.

Ye Chen and Fatty went up to meet them, and Shen Ni released Wuhun suppression behind them.

At the same time, Wu Xi from behind also charged up again, but Chen Xiaofan didn't stop him even if he wanted to.


A bit of confusion.

There were more than 20 people in Lizhou City, who were overthrown by the four of Ye Chen in a row. Soon, only four of Ye Chen were left standing in the arena.
The clamor around him died down.

All the forces looked at Ye Chen and the others in surprise.

Although the Dragon Guard Hall in Lizhou City has never had any famous monsters, but just now, after all, there were more than 20 people, and they were not weak.

But in the hands of these four people, even half a stick of incense could not last.

It can be seen how strong the strength of these four people is.

At this time, the fat man seemed to get angry, stood in the field, looked around and everyone shouted: "Who else!"


The corner of Chen Xiaofan's mouth twitched suddenly.

When I looked up, I saw people from other forces looking eager to try.

To suffer.

Is this fat man trying to make trouble?
"So you don't dare to speak anymore?" The fat man swept across the crowd, and said proudly: "Didn't you just yell loudly just now, didn't you think that Shifang City is not pleasing to your eyes?"

"Come on, come and hit me!"

Chen Xiaofan's eyelids twitched: "It's over..."

"I've heard that there are many monsters in Shifang City. I, Li Yuan from Tai'an City, have come to learn from them!"

Sure enough, someone jumped out.

As soon as one appeared, the others appeared one after another.

"My Tianmen City..."

"Get out of Tianmen City." The fat man roared domineeringly.

Everyone in Tianmen City laughed: "You are the son of the Lord of Tianmen City, but you still can't control the head of Longwei Palace in Tianmen City!"

"beat him!"

"I, Luluo City... Forget it, what else to report, just beat me up!"

For a while, the audience was restless.

Except for the Lizhou city people who were beaten and lying on the ground, almost all the people from the remaining eight cities came.

"This idiot." Seeing that the situation was beyond control, Chen Xiaofan gave the fat man a vicious look, stepped forward and stood back to back with Ye Chen and the others in a circle.

Xu Shisan and Feng Yaoyao took advantage of the gap and slipped out, they were no longer suitable to participate in this scene.

Seeing hundreds of people besieged over.

"Fatty, if I have a little scratch today, you can wait for me in the future." Shen Ni tightened the whip in his hand, with a bad tone.

With so many people fighting in a melee, with no eyesight in their fists and feet, no one can guarantee that they can survive alone.

"What are you afraid of? I'll let you all see how powerful the young master is after the golden body!"

The fat man smiled arrogantly, and the golden shield on his body bloomed.

I saw that the golden shield of his body was particularly eye-catching and unique, different from the gold of ordinary people, but a layer of dark green color like the armor of a mysterious tortoise.

He is like a huge turtle beast, rushing towards the enemy.

I saw people flying around.

He waved his arms, and the vast force stirred the audience. The dull and shocking power was like a pillar of the sky, and one person after another was knocked out by the fat man.

Almost no one can be the enemy of the fat man.

"When the Lu family's domineering body is at its most glorious in the golden body state, its physical strength will reach an unimaginable level, as tyrannical as a cow."

Seeing Chen Xiaofan's surprised face, Shen Ni explained something to him.


Chen Xiaofan nodded.

Turning his head to look to the side, Ye Chen and Shen Ni didn't need to pay more attention. The two cooperated one by one from a distance and one from a distance, like a sharp sword that was infinitely extended.

He paid more attention to Wu Xi.

This woman is also extraordinary, with a god-level martial spirit, and does not know what skills she has practiced. With the combination of the skills and the martial spirit, thunder light blooms between her hands, and every time auspicious thunder and lightning come out in a chain.

In this melee, it was the most suitable move, large swaths of enemies were bombarded and fell to the ground.

"Is Lei Fa a genius?"

Chen Xiaofan paused, and took a high look at the woman.

Thunder is one of the most ferocious means of attacking power, and most of those who can resist thunder are not weak.

In the midst of people turning their backs, it is difficult for the enemy's masters to use their fists.

Among the top evildoers, ordinary geniuses are completely out of hand, and may even become a burden.

That's why the enemy has a lot of evil spirits, but because their own people are in the way, they can't make meritorious deeds at all, which makes them anxious.

"All the idlers retreat, leave the fat man to me!"

A man who was as tall as a King Kong roared angrily, and rushed towards the fat man through the crowd.

"Ye Chen is mine!"

A master of swordsman stared at Ye Chen.

"Those two women let us come..."

The chaotic crowd retreated, and several top talents stepped forward.

Seeing their own people take advantage of everything, it's time to head-on.

Chen Xiaofan chuckled, and the Frost Sky Pillar slammed into the field, stopping everyone in their tracks, and then took out the Soul Requiem Bell and shook it lightly, making everyone freeze in place, falling into dizziness.

"If you want to wait, there will be opportunities, so please calm down now."

(End of this chapter)

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