Chapter 202
Hearing this, several people were a little stunned. In the beginning, they built the high-walled village on the one hand to successfully form a large city in the future, but it was also for the safety of people. Wild animals are frequent in the vicinity, and human beings face it. They are undoubtedly too weak. If they are protected by a solid city wall, they will naturally be much safer, but they ignore how those poor people can survive after being trapped in the wall.

It seems that it is necessary to intensify efforts to open up wasteland. At the very least, those who live inside the high wall can find a way to make a living. It is much safer to be a tenant than to risk the risk of being a hunter.

"It's just that we didn't think carefully." Seeing the tense atmosphere, Mrs. Su laughed to smooth things over: "I'm afraid we have to rely on Brother Mo. If we can reclaim the land as soon as possible, we will naturally need a lot of people. Those who help farm the land will have protected many people invisibly at that time."

Dongli looked at the short little girl, and bent slightly: "What kind of medicinal material did you pick up, and it was delayed until this time. Can you show it to me? If yes, I will accept it, and I can help How about you invite a doctor with excellent medical skills to help your father see a doctor?"

"Are you serious?" The boy spoke out first, and took out the golden krait he got without waiting for Dongli's answer: "Look at this, the snake gall of this snake is said to be very valuable? A hundred bucks?"

It turned out to be a poisonous snake. Dongli didn't know what a golden krait looked like, but she knew that it was definitely not a good stubble. She had always been a little afraid of these reptiles, so she took a step back: "This is it!" You got it? This should be a poisonous snake, you are very brave!"

The young man raised his head proudly. Because of his thin body, his head looked extraordinarily big. It looked a little funny: "I am the best at catching snakes. Snake meat is very fragrant. I didn't know that snake gallbladder can be exchanged for money before. Tell me to throw it away, if I keep it, wouldn’t it be possible to get back a lot of money now?”

Zuo Zhan looked at the poisonous snake: "The gall of the krait is still very valuable, and you will need it in the medicine shop." But he was wondering in his heart, the krait is something that is only found in the south, how could it appear here?Judging by the appearance of the two children, they are no strangers to this snake, which is really strange. Could it be that this snake will also migrate?
"Then, can I get a hundred dollars in exchange?" The young man was a little anxious. If he could get it, he would be able to hire a doctor for Dad. Although the hostess said that he was willing to help find a doctor, they still had to be consulted by other doctors. Jin, otherwise, if the doctor doesn't take good care of the doctor, wouldn't Father's illness be cured?
Seeing the child's appearance, Dongli felt a little sad. He risked his life to catch a poisonous snake just for a hundred bucks: "Of course it's worth it. A hundred bucks is nothing. At least five hundred bucks are there."

Five hundred bucks?Both siblings stared wide-eyed. The strong men here sometimes go to far away places to help rich people work. It only costs more than thirty yuan a day. They can get five hundred yuan for catching a poisonous snake. Big money?The two siblings were stunned by the sudden good news, and were speechless for a while, then the elder sister took off the pannier on her back: "Look, we have a lot of medicinal materials here. Look at what you need, oh, yes, brother, take out that mallet, it is a good thing, I heard that someone used to make a lot of money with a mallet, and a brand new brick house was built in the house, we This is also very good."

The younger brother took out something from his bosom, it was yellowish in the white, and tied with red thread, the roots were intact, it looked like a small person with limbs, but it was a rare plant. of shaped old wild ginseng.

Ginseng is not rare in Changbai Mountain, it is a special product, but it is rare in some years. If you take it to the capital, you may not be able to buy it if you have money, so after being surprised, Dongli couldn't help laughing, she knew that opening a medicine store in Liaodong is definitely a sure money: "It's true. It’s a good thing, but I would like to ask how you plan to dispose of it? Should you sell it to us directly, or take it to us for consignment? Wait until it’s sold and then get the money? Let me tell you this, if you sell it directly If you give it to us, you can get the money immediately, but the price must be cheaper than the latter, what do you two think?"

The two siblings immediately became embarrassed, thought about it, and murmured together for a while, finally the boy gritted his teeth: "We are in a hurry to spend money, if we sell it to you, how much can you pay?"

Dongli has a good impression of these two hard-working children, and he doesn't want to take advantage of them: "Well, I will give you 100 taels of silver first, and I will buy this ginseng plant. If it is sold later, the price will be much higher , I will make up for you when the time comes, what do you think?"

After the words were spoken, the two of them didn't answer. The smile on Dongli's face couldn't hold back anymore. The price she gave was very fair. Although the hundred-year-old ginseng is precious, there are not many people who know the goods nearby, even if those who came here specially The merchants who bought ginseng also tried their best to lower the price. Some unscrupulous [-]-year-old ginseng only offered a price of more than ten taels of silver. , but from here to the capital, the journey alone is overwhelming. Who would dare to block this without the strength of a big business?Besides, even if you have the ability to enter the capital, it doesn't matter, good things can only be plundered by others, how can they be sold at a price?She felt that these two children were pitiful and sensible, and she was already talking too high. Who knew that they didn't respond. Could it be that she had too high expectations for this ginseng, hoping to get rich with this thing?Since ancient times, the hearts of the people have been weak, so it is impossible for these two children to think that they are those profiteers, deliberately deceiving them so as to make huge profits from it.

"Sister, try pinching me." The younger brother turned to look at his sister blankly, "I seem to be able to dream while standing, I remember that the snake didn't bite me, how could I have hallucinations? gone?"

"I also feel like I'm dreaming." Although the older sister said so, she pinched her younger brother fiercely without hesitation, and the boy who pinched him jumped three feet high with a cry.

Although the body hurts, the two of them are very happy. This means that they are not dreaming. They took the risk to dig up the mallet, and the price is 100 taels of silver! 100 taels, it’s still silver, the two of them have never seen silver since they grew up, and they rarely even touch big money. Poor families, they can’t wait to break a big one into three, how can they be willing to give it to their children? Look.

Dongli looked at their performance, a little dumbfounded, and then it was funny. After hanging around with those people in the capital for a long time, he would unconsciously think of things as bad, but he forgot that some people are actually very easy to satisfy , Just like the two children in front of them, their wish is actually very simple, as long as they can get back the money to cure their father, have money to renovate the house, and the family can live together in peace, this is enough.

"You, you really gave us 100 taels of silver?" The boy rubbed his hands excitedly, and asked anxiously, as if he was afraid that Dongli would go back on his word: "You won't lie to us?"

"What did I lie to you?" Dongli squatted down in a good mood, looked at the girl's medicine basket, and was surprised to find that there were a lot of good things in it. Of course, that didn't refer to medicinal materials. Except for ginseng, the rest of the medicinal materials were It is very common and common, and you can’t expect a child who has never read a book to know how many medicinal materials. These are only memorized when they are commonly used in the past, but this child has a lot of things in the basket, such as wild fruits and wild vegetables. Yes, Dongli found a lot of things he hadn't seen before, and asked the little girl, most of them were edible.

"Is that tiger yours?" The little girl looked timidly at the gust of wind, both fearful and envious. With this tiger by her side, they wouldn't be afraid of anything when they went into the forest, right? "Please, can you help us get out of here? The two of us came up the mountain without telling Dad. If we can't go back tonight, Dad will be very anxious."

As if thinking of his father's illness, the boy's face became gloomy, not as excited as before: "Father can't be angry and anxious, please help us, please!" Poor Xi's appearance is particularly poignant, because she is thin, her eyes are extraordinarily bright, so the worries and sorrows contained in them are completely revealed.

"It looks like we don't have to camp at night." Nangong Xiao said jokingly, the homes of these two children are definitely not far away from here, and it would be good to spend the night there, it's better than feeding mosquitoes in the deep mountains and old forests, it's autumn Those mosquitoes are still very active, they are not afraid of Gaifeng, the king of the mountain forest, Dongli has several layers of protection, so naturally he doesn't care about the little mosquitoes, although they can get a little light, they won't be sucked dry by those fierce mosquitoes After all, there will be a lot of red bags on the face the next day, itching very much, and affecting the image.

Now that the decision was made, several people escorted the two children down the mountain, and the blast stopped when it reached the edge of the forest. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared without a trace. The king of the forest belongs to the forest, so she can't be so selfish and ask the tiger, which should be proud of the forest, to become a domestic dog.

As expected, the place where the two children live is not far from the mountains and forests. It is a small village with only a dozen or so families sparsely. When they arrived, they saw men from many families holding torches towards them. Running here, there are unknown dogs growling loudly, creating a panic atmosphere.

"Uncle Jin! What are you doing here?" The little girl had good eyes, recognized the acquaintance from a long distance, and asked loudly.

"Is it Nizi?" A rough voice came from over there, and then many people ran over quickly holding torches, and the man who talked to the little girl was a man who looked like he was in his early forties: "Really?" Is it Nizi? And Changsheng, where did you two go? It’s killing your father, aren’t we going to find you?”

It turned out that the father who was lying on the bed hadn't seen his two sons and daughters back when it was dark. There were especially a lot of wild animals around here, and they attacked people like crazy again recently. Who would dare to go out at night?Aunt Wu from the neighbor's house next door kindly helped to make dinner, but the father couldn't afford to eat, so she begged the neighbor to help find the two children.

It just so happened that Aunt Wu suddenly remembered that she had told the two children accidentally that the Mo family medicine store inside the high wall bought medicinal materials, and they could get back the money by picking some medicinal materials. The child was taken aback and sneaked up the mountain, right?
 I found that the subscription has dropped dramatically, do you feel that it has become very boring recently?Hualuo is dizzy and dizzy from work, but she will correct it immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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