reborn idle wife

Chapter 207 Green Lotus and Red Apricot

Chapter 207 Green Lotus and Red Apricot
In other words, the turmoil in the world that Nie Rulan mentioned had already started before they knew it.

The three parties were a little silent, and they were also involved in this matter. Although they tried their best to remedy the incident afterwards, the losses that had been caused could not be recovered at all.

Lao Zhao didn't know why they were silent, he just thought that his experience was too bizarre, these people were frightened, and didn't take it seriously: "I have never begged anyone in my life, but this time I begged You guys, take those two children with you when you leave. I can't drag them down like this. Seeing that I'm getting worse, I'm worried that one day I won't be able to control myself, and I won't be able to recognize them and hurt them instead. If there is such a day, if you don’t say what others think, you will not be able to forgive yourself.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic." Nangong Xiao felt a little parched, and his voice became a little hoarse: "There is no unparalleled road, who knows if your illness will recover one day, arrange these things now It's too early, besides, I didn't say you, how could those two children leave you as a patient and follow us?"

Dongli looked at them: "Why don't you leave with us with their siblings? In this way, the children will follow willingly. Besides, if you contact more people, maybe someone will be able to save you? And Now that the wild beasts in the forest have undergone such changes, they are naturally becoming more and more dangerous. Not only will it not do you any good to stay, but the two children will also be shrouded in danger. You don't want what happened to you to happen to you. on them?"

Old Zhao hesitated a bit when he heard this. Thinking about his two children, he really felt that this place was not very safe. Looking at the few people in front of him, they all had family background and strength. If nothing else, save the two and a half older children. There is absolutely no problem, but with my own situation, what if it suddenly flares up in a crowded place and hurts someone?
Dongli saw his embarrassment, thought about it and suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, you will never have a chance to show off when you are with us." That kid Bi Shu is also a thousand-year-old tree demon after all. Living with an incomplete werewolf should be no problem: "I heard that you used to be a victorious general. Please go and help build our small place. Although it is a bit overkill, I hope you can think about it."

"You don't need to talk about it." Old Zhao closed his eyes, and opened them again, and there was no wave in his eyes: "I will leave with you, but I have a request. If one day I get sick, the children can't see it." , I have already dragged them down a lot, I don’t want the two children to be afraid when they see me in the future.”

This is no problem at all. Nangong Xiao and Zuo Zhan were a little excited. They didn't expect that this time, apart from sending some grain and grass to Zhenbeihou, there would be such a harvest on the way back.

Now that it was agreed to leave together, Lao Zhao's body did not change in the middle of the night. Zuo Zhan was relieved, so he loosened his acupoints. They didn't sleep much all night. After talking about the general regulations, the sky had already brightened, and the industrious girl had already got up. Although it was a bit strange to see a few guests talking with her father, she didn't say anything. Start watering for cooking.

The news that Lao Zhao's family was going to leave immediately spread throughout the small village. After hearing the news, all the folks in the village came to see their family leave. The general couldn't help but have a sore nose, so he took a chance to call Nangong Xiao to stop him, and said tactfully that this place is no longer safe now, can these people be brought into the protection range, the conditions are not much better, as long as they can save their lives, Just have something to eat.

As for why he didn't ask Dongli to discuss this matter, on the one hand, it's because men and women are different. Nangong Xiao guards his wife's attitude like a vicious dog guarding a fleshy bone. Moreover, he doesn't think a woman can have anything. See, which family is not the man who is in charge of the house?It's useless to talk to a woman, maybe the woman's long-winded mouth will mess up the matter and cause some bad consequences.

Nangong Xiao didn't understand what kind of thoughts passed through Lao Zhao's mind during this short period of time, so he readily agreed to his request, and there was nothing to embarrass him about. Mo Youran and Bishu still had a lot of wasteland that was being reclaimed. Zhong, what is lacking the most are labor force tenants. If someone is willing to go, they will naturally welcome them with both hands: "Don't worry, we are in need of a large number of tenant farmers, and the rent that needs to be paid every year is not much. If people in your village lose I promise, not only can I survive, but I can also live very well."

At this point, a matter of heart is completely settled.

However, in the large village surrounded by strong forces, many people moved in because of the tall and strong walls built by Hou Ye and the large wasteland opened by the Mo family. There is no need to worry about wild animals here. You don’t have to worry about not being able to eat enough, as long as you work hard, you can always find work. Considering that most people have nowhere to spend money even if they give them money, after all, this place has not really developed and is not prosperous enough, Roche thought. They use food instead of money. Anyway, the Mo family has a lot of food now, so it can be said that everyone is happy. There is enough money in the shop for turnover, and it is convenient to deal with merchants from the north and the south. The cold things like silver are much more practical, so many people are willing to come to help the Mo family. I heard that when those wastelands are opened up, the Mo family will use a large number of tenant farmers to help farm the land. Those who are flexible have long been He has already begun to think about it. Being a tenant is much safer than being a hunter on the mountain. People also say that the head of the Mo family is kind and allows the children of the servants to read and write. He specially asked a learned person to teach him. If there is such an opportunity, send the dolls to study for a few years, even if you don't expect to be admitted to the glory of the ancestors, at least you won't be blind, and you will be cheated when you go out.

Mr. Mo and Mrs. Xu have been completely free since they arrived in Liaodong. Their son, daughter and son-in-law are busy with everything, and the couple have begun to enjoy the happiness.

A few days ago, the daughter and son-in-law together with Zuo Zhan and the Su family went to deliver military rations to Zhenbeihou. Anyone with eyes can see that Emperor Jinxuan is jealous of Zhenbeihou. Emperor Xuan would be so shameless, so disregarding the country and the country, knowing that the Zhenbei Army was fighting against the Wala people, but he deliberately procrastinated on the logistics, food and grass security. Seeing that winter is about to enter, and the place in the north is extremely cold. Is it possible that the Zhenbei Army will be hungry and cold, and will have to fight for their lives to fight against the Wala people?
Fortunately, with the support of Bishu, they have a complete supply of food and grass. In order to ensure the winter, Bishu has recently urged a large amount of cotton. Now the Mo family is hiring people to process the cotton and sew cotton-padded clothes and quilts, and they are going to send it to those people Soldiers guarding the frontier.Fortunately, Dongli was able to lead people directly through the dangerous and unpredictable jungle. Food and grass are a big deal, but they can't be given away blatantly. Although Emperor Jinxuan doesn't have much power in Liaodong, he will definitely arrange eyeliner here , It’s not good to be discovered by others, so they directly transported in small batches from the forest, and the food carts were directly hidden in the forest, and several people would run to deliver the food within two days. The Northern Army's rations hadn't bottomed out yet. Otherwise, if they kept running around like this, wouldn't the rations to support so many people break their legs?

The two were drinking tea and chatting there at the moment. As for the topic of conversation, it was nothing more than the son's marriage, whether the daughter and the young couple were really so harmonious, etc., etc., while they were talking, Huang called Nangong Xiao The two servant girls, Hong Xing and Qing Lian, walked in quickly: "My servant pays homage to Master and Madam!"

Seeing these two pretty maids, Xu Shi felt panicked. Huang is a real woman, but she couldn't see her daughter living a good life. They all left Liaodong, and that woman still didn't give up. Qian'er just stuffed two women in. Idiots don't know what the idea was!Because Nangong Xiao was bestowed by his mother himself, and because he would not be able to be filial to his mother for a long time after he left, he reluctantly brought the two maids here, but all the affairs around him were handed over to her. For Dongli, Caiwei, and Qingran, the two maids, Hongxingqinglian can't get along at all.

"Master, Ma'am, Shizi and Shizi's wife are back, and they brought back a lot of people." Hong Xing couldn't hide her thoughts, she would speak out in a hurry, as if she was afraid of saying it too late. It's the same as being snatched by others: "The servants heard that they are all mountain people, and they are going to move into our city to settle down."

"Are you back?" Mrs. Xu ignored what she said later, and asked about everything as a slave. Too much curiosity is not a good thing: "Is the kitchen ready? When the hot water is boiled, call that After a few soaks, you will be dirty when you come back from going out, the two of you go to the medicine store and tell Aunt Luo to go."

Hong Xing's eyes were a bit unwilling, but when Shi Zi came back, he sent them out to find Aunt Luo, that vixen. He made it clear that they would not give them a chance to get close to Shi Zi. Before she could say anything, Qinglian respectfully agreed: " Yes, the maidservant will go there now, the two elder sisters, Caiwei and Qingran, have ordered the maidservants to prepare hot water, and even added a lot of herbs to it, don't worry, Mrs. Madam."

Caiwei and Qingran came to Liaodong together, and now they have become Dongli's personal maids like Shui Mo. These two people are really as Luo Shi said, extremely smart, and now Shui Mo has gone out to learn methods from Luo Shi and started to manage Now that the business is over, the two of them will take over from Shui Mo and serve Dong Li closely. They really know how to advance and retreat, and their brains are also flexible. Dong Li is paying more and more attention to these two.

Hong Xing opened her mouth, and Qinglian had already said her words, so she naturally couldn't refute, so she couldn't help but retreated a little annoyed, seeing that there was no one around, she said in a nonchalant manner: "Qinglian My sister has changed a lot since she was away from his wife. It can be seen that her mind is alive in this place far away from the capital. She has already forgotten who is the serious master, right? Let me remind my sister that we must not forget what my wife ordered. , don’t forget why Madam stayed with us, to flatter that family with all your heart, and don’t get in trouble when the time comes.” As he spoke, he snorted, passed Qinglian and walked to the front by himself, Aunt Luo For such a vixen, it's enough for someone to invite her, so she doesn't want to look at the vixen's face.There is also that Aunt Su, who looks like a sick beauty every day, and she feels disgusting when she looks at her delicately!
Qinglian walked behind unhurriedly, until Hongxing had already walked back to her room, a sneer appeared on her gentle and gentle face, such a stupid woman, only a wife who is also not very clear-headed I think it's a good idea to leave her here, maybe something bad will happen at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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