Chapter 217
It's just a little maid of status, even if she has ulterior motives, she has no chance of getting close to the mistress, and besides, harming Dongli's child is of no benefit to this maid at all.

"Although she doesn't have any chance to get close to Madam, don't you still have you?" Nangong Xiao was extremely angry about this, and he took so much trouble and turned several corners, the purpose of which was to murder his own flesh and blood. This person's intentions are so sinister: " These musk-containing spices, she burned for incense, and then served you close to you every day, and over time, you will naturally be infected with this smell, and then serve Madam." Speaking of this, The handsome eyebrows stood upside down suddenly, and the deep eyes seemed to be flashed by lightning: "Even if the weight is not heavy, but the Madam's fetal image is not stable, a little bit of smell every day is enough for her to bear it. In the final analysis, but It's because you two big girls are not careful enough, and this little girl is not greedy enough, so tell me yourself, what should I do?"

"Your maidservant is guilty, please punish me." Cai Wei and Qing Ranna said in unison, following the sound, they slammed their heads respectfully on the ground.

The little maid was a little panicked. The two sisters of Cai Weiqingran were popular around the madam. As long as the madam was around, they didn't have much to do with each other. She was just a humble little maid. Going to reason, he kowtowed and begged for mercy: "My lord, please forgive me, I don't know that there is musk in it, my lord, please forgive me!"

"I'll forgive you, how should I express my anger?" Whenever Nangong Xiao thought about it, it was only because of this maid's greed that he hid the box of spices, which almost caused Dongli to lose his child, and his heart was full of anger. It was hard to suppress: "If Mr. Wang hadn't come in time, do you know what's going on with Madam? Or do you think your family's lives can be lost at all?"

"My lord, please forgive me!" The little girl knocked her forehead until blood flowed out after a while: "The box of spices was sent by Sister Qinglian, and I don't know about it at all!" Even if you want to punish Qinglian, She was just an innocent victim, and the little girl was not angry. Could it be that just because Qinglian belonged to his wife, she could not be implicated in any way, but someone else should bear the responsibility?
"Don't worry, whoever should be is whoever should be, and none of them can run away." Nangong Xiao snorted: "Why hasn't Qinglian come yet? Where is the person who went to bring someone? Where did they go?"

"Go back to the master." A young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came in outside, wearing a black dress, he looked like a Lianjiazi: "The girl is missing, and the brothers are leading someone to look for it."

"What?" Nangong Xiao was furious. In such a short time, the maid disappeared?What is the purpose of raising so many people by myself? Just eat idle food, and it will be useless at critical times? "If you dig three feet into the ground, you must find out this maid with ulterior motives, and you will be charged with absconding in fear of crime!"

Now the situation is obvious, it was Qinglian's deliberate design to send the spice with musk to the two big maids, deliberately saying that it was for his wife, naturally Caiwei and Qingran would never allow her The box of spices is bound to be disposed of by Dongli. Whether they use it themselves or hand it over to the subordinates, the result is the same.

If they use it by themselves, that's naturally the best. They wear musk on their bodies and serve Dongli close to each other every day. How can there be no accidents?Even if they were vigilant and didn't leave the spices behind, and they definitely didn't ask the two first-class maids to condescend to destroy the things in person, they would naturally hand them over to the people below.

Most of the little maids who serve the first-class maids are locals with little experience. Since they came to Mo's house to work, after seeing the beautiful looks and gorgeous clothes of these men and women from the capital, there is no one who is not envious , I suddenly got such a box of exquisite and rare spices, how could I be willing to destroy it like this?Nine times out of ten, I will save it for myself, to help myself become more charming.

And the people who can be told by Cai Weiqing to do such a job must be close to them. In this way, it is inevitable that the scent will be transmitted along with their contact, and will be sent to Dongli indirectly , also achieved the purpose of harming the unborn child.

As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. Qinglian behaves like her name on weekdays, like a lonely and proud lotus flower. It feels like a quiet and gentle girl, who knows that she is so scheming and ruthless.

Before Nangong Xiao asked her to settle accounts, this prudish woman actually ran away first. It can be seen that she worked hard in the past to make good friends with those rough envoys and maids, and it was not fruitless. The news was reported, and the commotion over Dongli's side was not small, and she was always paying attention there, so naturally she ran away immediately when she found something was wrong.

As soon as Nangong Xiao gave an order, everyone in the whole family began to search for Qinglian's whereabouts. There are many people and strength, and it didn't take long for them to gain something.

However, in the face of this harvest, everyone's mood is not very good, how should I explain this to Shi Ziye?

Although it is difficult, but what should be faced is still to be faced. The chief guard bit the bullet and saw Nangong Xiao, his lips and tongue were dry: "Master, the man has been found."

"Huh? Where's the person?" Nangong Xiao looked suspiciously at the empty back of the chief guard, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "What happened?"

As expected of the son of the world, but with a keen mind, the chief guard smiled bitterly: "I found it after searching, but the person is already dead, and looking at it, at least he has been dead for more than twelve hours."

That is to say, Qinglian has been dead for more than a day. If Nangong Xiao hadn't ordered people to search carefully after the incident happened today, he probably wouldn't have found a maid who had died silently.

Nangong Xiao took a deep breath slowly, and his heart began to become chaotic. This kind of behavior can be said to be a suicide in fear of crime, but that is because the person has been dead for a long time. This reason does not make sense. Qinglian is not a god. If you know how to pinch, how can you be sure that Dongli will have an attack today?Besides, since she dared to do such a thing, she could still keep her cool afterwards, so she was a scheming person, how could she end herself in such a haste?

"Where did you find him?" Nangong Xiao's mood slowly calmed down, and he immediately ordered people to block the news. Don't startle the madam. It's not easy to be tossed about. If you get a little more frightened, is this child so Strong is really hard to say.

Qinglian was salvaged from the lake. Among the guards who searched, one of the guards accidentally saw a scarlet cloth floating on the lake. How did your clothes float in the lake? Who was so careless?
When Qinglian was fished up, her body was already swollen by the lake water. At this time, the lake water was very cold, and her body was as cold as ice. The scarlet clothes scattered in the water looked like a blooming red flower. , Her body was originally supported by a rock, but it may not be tied too firmly. After the rope was soaked in the lake water, it became loose, and the dress on Qinglian's body floated up, which was discovered.

The obvious question is that Qinglian was murdered by others, but who did it?She is a maid, who can form such hatred with someone, causing the other party to kill someone?More importantly, where was the person who dared to kill was hiding?Will he take another risk?If Qinglian was not killed because she offended someone, there is another possibility, that is to kill her to silence her.

Although both Hongxing and Qinglian were sent by the Huang family, the relationship between the two of them is not very close, and recently they have become like enemies. Every time Hongxing sees her, it is inevitable Cynicism, even if Qinglian didn't go back to the two of them's room to sleep for several days, probably Hongxing wouldn't ask.

If Qinglian was murdered and silenced, then the problem is a bit serious. She has been keeping her own life in the Mo family these days, and the only thing she has done is the Musk incident. If there is anything worthy of her being silenced, that is This matter is over, but this undoubtedly proves that Qinglian did not murder Dongli because of jealousy or any woman's thoughts. Behind her, someone must be arranging and planning something.

"Take the corpse out and find a place to bury it." Nangong Xiao looked at the woman who was soaked in the lake water and felt his stomach churning: "Tell Mr. Zuo, come here at night, I have something to see him .”

Probably those people thought that the dead would be safe because they could not speak, but they didn't know that some people in this world could communicate with ghosts and gods, so would the dead be reliable?In fact, the dead are more honest than the living, and they will not deceive others with lies: "The few people left behind are to be watched, pay attention to their words and deeds, and they are absolutely not allowed to leave halfway. If you want to leave, you have to wait until tomorrow." In the morning, as long as they don't make noise, you just need to serve them with delicious food and drink."

Although they didn't understand what the Master was going to do, the guards respectfully followed Nangong Xiao's instructions. They had better not get involved in the master's affairs.

As for the remaining maids, although they also made mistakes, they were not deliberately murdering the mistress, but were calculated by others, and they were given a lighter punishment. The two first-class maids were each punished for two months. , but she was framed out and beaten ten times. It doesn't sound like a lot, but the person who beat her didn't hold back much. After the beating, at least ten days and a half months later, she wouldn't even think about getting out of bed. .

Dongli was half lying on the bed, holding a needlework in his hand and didn't know what he was busy with. Nangong Xiao went in and snatched it, and said angrily: "I told you to rest for a while, but you are lucky. You are busy here, and you hurt your eyes carefully." Hurry up, close your eyes and rest, and when the medicine arrives, take the medicine obediently, you can't feel bitter, you know?" He scratched her nose, and the words were extremely intimate.

"Are you finished?" Dongli was caught by him, a little embarrassing: "I just want to make you a dress, and I won't have the energy when the month is heavy. Seeing that it's winter, it's cold here .”

"As for the maids, I'll just live and wear them. I'll wait for you to take care of yourself." Nangong Xiao said, placing a hand gently on Dongli's lower abdomen, feeling the pulsation of her abdomen. , a little surprised, there is already a little life in it, and after ten months, when the fruit is ripe, there will be a soft little guy called his father.

(End of this chapter)

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