Chapter 219
Since Mrs. Zhang dared to take the risk and murder her father-in-law just for the money, how could she not think of a surefire plan to ensure that the money would fall into her pocket at that time? Therefore, poisoning Old Liu was only the first step. Definitely have other plans.

But it's a pity that now that she's dead, not only can't follow-up arrangements be implemented, but also can't enjoy the money that she tried so hard to obtain.

"This is the most important thing." Mrs. Liu said with a serious expression, "We learned from Mrs. Zhang that someone found her and bought her with money. Old Liu will die suddenly when he is with the uncle. That is They designed it to drag Mo's family into trouble. That person promised that after the incident, just go to Mo's house to make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better. As long as Mrs. Zhang does it, he will not only help settle the rest of the Liu family son, and will pay another sum of money to Mrs. Zhang."

Sure enough, there is someone else's shadow behind him!Nangong Xiao clenched his fists. It wasn't long before they arrived, but they were already being missed. One after another, they were plotting against them everywhere.Who is watching them secretly?What do you want to do?
This question is difficult to explain, Mrs. Zhang is just a mallet, and she is not very clever in her mind. Such a big matter is related to human life. She believed him without knowing the other party's background, and finally took her life in a daze. on.

But the current situation is a tragedy for them. It is obvious that someone is deliberately targeting them secretly, but they can't catch any traces, so they can only defend passively.

A few ghosts went back to sleep in their dolls. Daytime is a dangerous time, especially on sunny days, so they usually hide and sleep in the daytime. Who said ghosts can't sleep?If you have nothing to do, you will sleep.

Maybe it was destined by God that they would not be able to live a peaceful life these days. At dawn, the women who were on duty at night rushed to report back, and found that Aunt Su who lived not far away had an accident.

Su Shi is very beautiful. Compared with Dongli, she is not in the same class. Although they are both beauties, Su Shi gives people a fairy-like feeling. A heart of stone will also be attracted by his melting eyes, not to mention men, women will be attracted involuntarily.After arriving in Liaodong, she was repeatedly shocked as a celestial being, and those who had seen her all regarded her as a celestial being.

But just last night, when everything was in a mess, Mrs. Su suddenly disappeared. The women who watched the night didn't notice at first. Ask one by one if others are in the house?
At dawn, when Su Shi's maid got up to serve her master, she realized that Su Shi was not in her room, the quilt was thrown aside in a mess, but there was no sign of him.

Early in the morning, where can I go?The maids searched in the yard first, but they couldn't find anyone, and the nearby maids also said that they had never seen them. Finally, they heard that Mrs. Zhang, who came to make trouble yesterday, was suddenly hanged to death at night, and a group of people suddenly became frightened. Fearing that something might happen, they stepped up their efforts to find someone, and at the same time hurriedly reported the news. After hearing the news, the wives who watched the night rushed to help find someone. After all, they found nothing .

Nangong Xiao suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Su Shi was his concubine in name, but his real identity was unusual. If something really happened to him, how would he explain to that person?Immediately, I couldn't care about anything else, the entire Mo family was mobilized, even if they dug three feet into the ground, they had to find out the Su family. If they were alive, they would see people and if they died, they would see corpses. Suddenly disappeared?

When Dongli woke up, there were only Caiwei and Qingran serving her, which felt a little strange. Before when she woke up in the morning, Nangong Xiao would lie on the side and look at her eagerly, like a loyal big dog. He actually gave up this hobby today, could it be that something big happened?

Caiwei brought over the clothes that had been warmed with hot water. The breath of winter had already arrived. The place was extremely cold in the morning and evening, and the clothes felt damp and cold on her body: "My son has something to go out first, before leaving I told you to bring the bird's nest squatting in the small kitchen when Madam gets up, and take your medicine later, and Miss Wang will come over this morning to take your pulse, and Master Shizi will come back to have dinner with you after he finishes his work."

"I'm not a child, and I need him to tell me anything." Dongli yawned lazily. After she became pregnant, she slept until she woke up naturally every day, and no one would disturb her rest. The days of the past few days It was really comfortable. As for the reaction people said, the nausea and vomiting didn't happen.

Qing Ran was dexterous, and neatly tied her a simple bun. She didn't wear any complicated jewelry anymore. She picked out a gold ring for bundling her hair from the jewelry box, and shaped it into a winding rose flower shape as a whole. The branches and leaves meander around the hair, and at the joint is a budding rose flower, which looks beautiful and clean.

Dong Li pinched his face in front of the bright mirror, pouted his lips: "No, if you continue to raise me like this, I will become a pig in a short time, no, I have to find a way to lose weight." become."

"My wife, don't think about tricks." Caiwei took a pair of special soft shoes and carefully put them on for her: "I don't even look at what's going on now, I'm still losing weight, don't tell me Shizi, even the old lady would not allow you to mess around like this. You should just give up on it!"

"Sister, can I come in?" The master and servant said with a smile, and suddenly a soft and familiar voice came from outside.

"Is it Sister Su? Come in quickly!" Dongli didn't notice the strange glances exchanged between the two maids around him, and he said happily when he heard Su Shi's voice, "Come in and sit down, it's getting a bit cold outside."

Su opened the curtain and walked in, her face was a bit haggard, not as radiant as before, and the clothes on her body were also wrinkled, as if it was the same one from yesterday.Her hair was simply coiled up, without even a hairpin, and she was bald. There was even a strand of hair that had not been coiled and fell out.

"What's wrong with you?" Su's image is the most important thing. Every time before going out, the time just spent on dressing up makes people crazy. Today, he came out in such a slovenly manner, which scared Dongli Jump: "It looks ugly, is there something uncomfortable? It's just right, Yueniang will come over in a while, and let's take a look together."

Su touched her face, her face was a little gloomy: "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night. Sister, I came here to ask you something." He said hesitantly and looked at the person beside Dongli. Caiwei Qingran was a little hesitant.

What she meant was obviously to ask Dongli to send out the people around her. The two maids understood very well, but they refused to just go out like this. Knowing people, knowing face but not knowing heart, who knows if this woman will suddenly have any bad thoughts, Madam's current situation is special, and she can't afford a little mistake.

Caiwei smiled: "Why is Aunt Su not even serving tea when she comes here? These little girls are getting lazy more and more. I'll go and have a look and bring Madam's bird's nest by the way." She said to Qing Ran winked, lifted the curtain and went out by herself.

Qing Ran very consciously ran to the side to tidy up the bed, regardless of the fact that they had already tidied up the bed once, the quilt was folded squarely and there was no need to toss about it, so she naturally opened the quilt and folded it again, Dongli looked at the black lines all over his face.

"Forget it, just say what you have to say. These two maids are not outsiders." It is absolutely impossible for them to ask themselves to be with Su Shi alone. The matter was frightening, and now they will never allow me to make any trouble, don't worry, these two are not talkative."

"Sister," Su Shi suddenly knelt down in front of her, startled Dong Li, and immediately stood up: "What are you doing?"

In fact, Qing Ran has been paying attention to this side all the time, and immediately ran over to support Dongli: "What is Aunt Su doing? If you have something to say, don't be frightened. If you have anything to do, you can go directly to the prince. Lord, why do you come to Madam?" One by one, they don't know what they are thinking about, why is it so difficult for Madam to raise a child?

"Sister, I know that my sister is capable, please help me, save him!" Said this is a very real bang bang kowtow, and the white forehead was blue and purple in the blink of an eye: "Please help me, sister!" save him!"

Dongli was confused. Although she didn't know what happened in her mind, Su's kowtow made her feel extremely flustered: "Get up and talk first, and speak well if you have something to say. I will listen to what you say like this." I don't know, if I can help, I will help you." There is still a word left, as long as what you want to do is not harmful to us, if what Su wants to do is too dangerous, she can Not the Virgin, able to sacrifice herself for others.

"Thank you, sister! Thank you, sister!" Su Shi couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard the words, and hurriedly got up, not bothering to wipe her forehead: "My sister has nothing to do, I can only come to ask my sister, and I know that my sister is inconvenient now. However, my younger sister is willing to be a cow and a horse in the future to repay my elder sister!"

"It's not necessary to be a cow or a horse. I want to hear what's going on." Nangong Xiao opened the curtain and came in with a sullen face, followed by Caiwei. The girl was walking quickly with bird's nest porridge in her hand Go to Dongli: "Eat it while it's hot, it's not too hot anymore, the temperature is just right, you should take medicine after a while."

The girl had gone out to report to Nangong Xiao, Dongli gave her an approving glance, Caiwei blinked and smiled mischievously.

 Fourth watch, I'm exhausted, thank you for your support!Recommend a friend a book "The Lord's First Formation" ISBN 2265110
  If you had a territory, what would you do?
  Planting flowers and fields to support the people, making money and enclosing land to deceive cute things, how pleasant life is!

  man?Yes, there are men. Let me think about this question slowly

(End of this chapter)

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