reborn idle wife

Chapter 222 Nangong Fan Counterattacks

Chapter 222 Nangong Fan Counterattacks

After these years of ups and downs, the sixth prince is no longer the kind and generous boy he was at the beginning. Dong Li secretly looked at his expression, feeling uneasy. This person will not slowly become their disaster, right?
After analyzing the matter, it was finally confirmed. Master Mo took Bishu to allocate food immediately, saving people is like putting out a fire. The sooner the food is delivered, the sooner the lives of many people will be saved. As for who to send to contact the prince, To imply the great role of Prince Liaodong, these are naturally arranged by the person in charge of this area.

In the capital city which was at the center of the turmoil, all the ministers who had been pointed and scolded by Emperor Jinxuan for several days in a row were all trembling, lest if one was not careful, His Majesty, who was displeased, would take his anger out on himself. While carefully dealing with the person above, he increased his efforts to search for food. Officials are also human beings, and they also need to eat. I don’t know how long this disaster will last. Who will cry?

Because of these reasons, the price of food in the capital has skyrocketed. Those sallow and emaciated refugees have long been isolated from the outside by the officers and soldiers who are waiting in battle. The capital is absolutely not allowed to have any troubles. If there is a chaotic party among the refugees, they want to take this opportunity It is impossible to prevent troubles. What is the most common thing in the capital?Officials, they are all high-ranking and powerful, and anyone who is attacked by refugees will cause a big mess.

Therefore, poor people with no power, power and background can only be ruthlessly stopped outside, facing the officers and soldiers in bright armor and holding weapons, waiting desperately for the emperor's arrangement.

Under such a big situation, the Zhenbeihou Mansion is no longer the same as it was a few days ago. It is stared at by several adult princes, always trying to pull it into its own camp. Now the world is in chaos, and the Zhenbeihou Mansion can call the shots. The two of them are not there, even if they are recruited, can they still ask a group of old and weak women and children to hold weapons to help them strengthen their prestige?It's better to find a way to solve the problem of the victims, so as to gain the trust of the father.

Nangong Fan moved his wrist, and glanced coldly at the bodyguard lying on the ground, who didn't know whether he was dead or alive. Lu Shi was holding a thick cloak in his hand and wanted to put it on him, but he waved it away. Impatiently: "What's the matter? Why did you come here? Didn't you tell you to stay at home?"

Lu Shi looked at him aggrievedly, secretly cursing those vixens who stole her husband's soul, why did her husband talk to her like this before? "Don't worry, Xianggong, everything has been arranged properly. My aunt taught people to keep an eye on her. Ever since I heard that Xianggong was under house arrest, I have been in a state of anxiety. If I don't see it with my own eyes, how can I rest assured?"

"Have you seen it now?" Nangong Fan didn't feel much about this naughty yellow-faced woman, how could it compare to the few young, beautiful and gentle concubines he later had? "If you have nothing to do, go back quickly. You have nothing to do here. Go back and look after the people at home. No one is allowed to go out and run around for me. If someone dares to disobey the order, ask someone to take it down. I will deal with it when I go back."

Lu's heart was unwilling, but he didn't dare to refute his words. The old lady Nangong Fanlian dared to deal with her, let alone her?Immediately, he agreed silently, and left with his maid.

"Who's at the old lady's place?" After getting rid of the days of being under house arrest, Nangong Fan almost wanted to laugh up to the sky, she was really old and confused, did she think that only a few people could put him under house arrest?She deserves to be controlled by him in reverse now. Although Aunt Cui's brain is not very bright, she is still relatively easy to use at critical times!
Originally, Nangong Fan had already been watched by the old lady. He didn't have many capable people in Zhenbeihou's mansion, but he couldn't leave here for a while. He didn't expect that the heavens would help him. At this time, he actually got the news that the world is in turmoil and refugees are everywhere. Heroes emerge in troubled times. This is the time when the real protagonist should make his debut. Fazi organized the staff to control the old lady in one fell swoop, and completely controlled the entire Zhenbeihou Mansion in his hands.

Mrs. Cui had this idea long ago. Since Zhenbei Hou and his son were not here, it should be his son who holds the power. Didn't the Hou Ye also order it like this when he left?I hate that the old woman and the Huang's slut collude together to suppress her son unceremoniously, and even put him under house arrest. Isn't it just for the rights of the Zhenbeihou Mansion?

That being the case, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to get angry and directly take down the power!
Therefore, the Cui family contacted her natal family. The Cui family, who had long been dissatisfied with the neutral attitude of the Zhenbeihou Mansion, had no reason to let go of this opportunity. The Zhenbeihou Mansion was replaced by Nangongfan in power. Played for the First Prince?Therefore, without hesitation, the most elite team was dispatched and entered the Zhenbei Hou Mansion under the support of Aunt Cui. Because the Lord Hou and the sons were not there, they also took away a large number of elite personnel, the guards of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion There are some shortcomings. In addition, the Cui family came back here are all elites. The strength of the two was inferior, but they succeeded. The old lady and the Huang family were put under house arrest by these people. The aunt took over the power of housekeeper without hesitation.

"Eldest Prince" Nangong Fan certainly understands why the Cui family is helping so much, it's nothing more than for their precious eldest prince, wanting to get the support of Zhenbeihou Mansion? "Hmph, it's beautiful to think about, but it's okay, I'll let you be proud for a while, after I clean up the crown prince, I'll clean up you properly."

"Young master, what should we do next?" The guard sent by the head of the Cui family to protect Nangong Fan stepped forward and asked for instructions: "Do you want to see that old lady?"

"Please take care of me, she is my grandmother after all." Nangong Fan said with no displeasure on his face: "Anyway, the current military power is in the hands of my father and younger brother, but my grandmother and mother still have It’s very useful, if something goes wrong, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"Subordinates understand!" Isn't it just taking these people as hostages to threaten the Marquis of Zhenbei? Everyone understands such a simple truth. The guard lowered his head and concealed the disdain in his eyes. Even his own father can make such calculations. He really deserves it. It's from the Cui family.

Nangong Fan doesn't care what others think of him, history is written by the victors, winners and losers, if you want to succeed, you can't stick to small details, he left the Zhenbeihou mansion without taking anyone, first He went to look at the dark crowd of refugees outside the city gate, sighed a few words, and then cautiously went to the place where Chen Yu was, looking back from time to time along the way, for fear of being followed.

Not long after arriving at Chen Yu's place, Nan Gongzheng, who got the news, went there in person: "What? I heard that you have something important to tell Gu Gu?"

Nan Gongzheng has been annoyed recently. His father didn't know what was wrong, but he suddenly started to pick his nose and eyes at him. He couldn't stand what he did, and repeatedly reprimanded and made things difficult for him. If it wasn't for the queen's mother's protection in every possible way, I'm afraid I would have eaten it long ago. He lost money several times, and this catastrophe caused him to be scolded in front of Emperor Jinxuan, as if it was his fault that he was in this state. The news came that Zhenbei Hou's useless eldest son had escaped from the old lady's imprisonment. He also said that he had something important to tell him, which was related to the disaster victims. He actually came here in person, even Nangong Fan was surprised.

"His Royal Highness!" Nangong Fan bowed to him with respect on the surface but cursed in his heart: "I have a method here, which will not only help His Royal Highness solve the problems of the victims, but also allow you to gain great prestige among the people of the world. , I just don’t know if His Highness the Crown Prince is willing to trust this humble official.”

Nangong Zheng was taken aback, and carefully looked at Nangong Fan's expression. The latter looked serious, and it didn't look like he was joking at all, so he couldn't help becoming serious: "Do you know what you are talking about? If you are talking nonsense Lie to Yu Gu, do you know what will happen?" Although the crown prince is not the king, he is the heir apparent, and the crime of deceiving the king can be barely counted.

"I don't dare to speak nonsense." Nangong Fan scoffed at Nan Gongzheng's words in his heart, but his face was extremely serious and respectful: "I want to ask His Royal Highness to set an example and open porridge sheds outside the gate of the capital to help the victims."

that's it?Nangong Zheng couldn't hide his disappointment, thinking that he really had some good idea. "Gu has thought about this a long time ago, but do you know how many victims there are outside? The food in Gu's mansion is just a drop in the bucket. I'm afraid there will be scrambles at that time, and more people will die because of it. The crime is serious. .”

"Weichen still hasn't finished talking." Nangong Fan said calmly, with a somewhat confident look on Zhuge Liang's mind: "Does Your Highness know about Liaodong?"

Liaodong?Nan Gongzheng frowned slightly, isn't that place a desolate and remote place?It is said that it is not far from the dividing line with Wala, and there are often wars, and it is very chaotic. By the way, it seems that Nangong Xiao was ordered to escort his father-in-law and his family to Liaodong: "What is there to talk about in the bitter cold border? "

"Your Highness's words are ridiculous!" Nangong Fan shook his head, not caring about Nangong Zheng's eyes that seemed to be eating people all of a sudden, and smiled confidently: "Everyone thinks that Liaodong is a place of bitter cold, but they don't know where it is. In fact, it is a granary, and Liaodong is enough to solve the problems of most victims.”

Nan Gongzheng couldn't believe it: "You mean Liaodong? What else is there in that place besides the wilderness and wild beasts? Are you okay?"

You are the only one who is wrong!Nangong Fan muttered to himself, but his face was solemn: "Your Highness, I dare not speak nonsense. Although Liaodong is located in a remote place and the environment is not particularly good, there is one thing, the land there is extremely fertile and very suitable for growing crops. , as long as you tell the victims that going to Liaodong will give them a way out, those victims will definitely leave the capital and rush to Liaodong."

The present Liaodong has not yet been developed, it is just the Great Northern Wilderness. Even if the victims of the disaster got there and discovered the fertility of the land, it would be useless to have no seeds. Even if there were seeds, what should they eat while waiting for the harvest?Nangong Fan knew in his heart that those people would still be dead even if they arrived in Liaodong, but as long as they didn't die here in the capital or let people see them dead, even if all those people were buried in the Great Northern Wilderness, what did it matter to him?

Once a general succeeds, his goal is far higher and farther than that of a mere general, so he will naturally bury more bones to pave the way.

"Your Highness can even give them some seeds. There are many pheasants and hares in the wild forests of Liaodong, and there are also a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms. As long as they have hands and feet, they will not starve to death. Isn't this a great merit? ? At that time, you will not only gain praise from the people, but even the emperor will look at you with admiration."

 Thanks to Land Snake, Moon Fairy for their pink votes, and Xinyi Hongchen for their evaluation votes!

(End of this chapter)

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