reborn idle wife

Chapter 224 Design Out of the City

Chapter 224 Design Out of the City
Through the joint efforts of Nangong Fan and the people from Liaodong hiding in the dark, a large number of people began to rush to Liaodong with their families. With the dream of surviving in their hearts, they marched towards that strange place step by step. So, since the Liaodong side had already
A decision was made, and a lot of help was provided along the way, at least to ensure that those people would not starve to death on the way.

The departure of so many people dragging their families with them immediately alarmed the towns along the way. The local officials were overjoyed to learn that these people did not want to rebel, but were going to the remote and desolate Liaodong region. These people are the factors of instability , left them early

This place can also restore stability as soon as possible, and the door of convenience has been opened to allow these people to leave smoothly.

Naturally, the same is true in the capital. Those queuing up to leave attracted many people to go out to watch. This good deed was preempted by Zhenbeihou's family, and these refugees were about to leave. , the big households who have lifted the crisis are also generous

Donate money, donate a lot of food for those people, although it is nothing compared to those people, but if you can save one, is it one?
This morning, the situation has changed again. I don’t know why, there are many more soldiers at the gate of the city. Everyone who goes out has to be interrogated. Gloomy, it is said that there were thieves in Zhenbeihou's mansion, who stole

What a big deal, it's only early in the morning that there is such a big noise.

Nangong Fan was in a state of panic, he had already guarded against it, and yet something like this happened. After the old lady and Mrs. Huang were put under house arrest, they were equivalent to toothless tigers, so there was nothing to worry about, let alone him He even specially asked so many people to watch, who knows

Dao actually has someone with such a great ability to steal people out under his nose.

Now that the major event has not been accomplished, this old woman has already discovered her inadequacy. As long as she spreads the news, everything will be over, so no matter what, she must find him!
A peasant woman dressed in dusty coarse cloth and a flowered kerchief on her head walked quickly through the chaotic street, and looked back vigilantly at the basket on her arm that contained a few vegetables that were not fresh. Behind him, he stepped into the narrow alley

At the top of the door, three long and two short buttons rang the red-painted door that had long been eroded by the years.

After a while, the door was opened with a small gap. The person inside took a look through the small gap, and opened a hole that only allowed one person to pass sideways. The peasant woman looked back again, and then stepped in. The door was immediately shut tightly.

As soon as she entered the door, the peasant woman tore off the floral veil on her head, revealing her smooth hair, touched her withered face, and turned her head: "The wind outside is very loud, if you want to leave, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

"That's no way, we can't stay." The guy who opened the door for her was a young man in his early twenties. , after a while I'm afraid they will be house-to-house

House-to-house searches were made. "

"No way?" The one who was dressed as a peasant woman was none other than Nangong Yue, the third lady of the Zhenbeihou Mansion. She didn't know what she had done on her face. She looked yellow and lacked nutrition, but if you looked closely, you could tell Wrinkles come, a weather-beaten look: "Although he
Being able to borrow the staff of the Cui family, after all, I dare not be too arrogant, this is at the feet of the emperor! "

Nangong Fan didn't lead the soldiers, and he didn't get the order from above. How dare he lead people to hunt them down in the capital city? He is not afraid that things will be leaked and people will know that the eldest son of Zhenbei Hou's mansion is so heartless and unrighteous. , Not filial or kind?

"I can't save my life right now, what else can I care about?" The servant Nangong Xiao sent was named Shunzi, and it was because he was clever and inconspicuous that Nangong Xiao took a fancy to him. Doing this important thing, this kid lives up to the expectations

Hope, it took several days of hard work to finally get online with Nangong Yue smoothly. Several people cooperated to take the old lady out in disguise as a servant. Let Shunzi smear on his face,

It was a surprise to turn an old man in his 60s into a young lady, and his white hair was also painted black.

Shunzi turned the old lady into Nangong Yue that day, and then disguised the real third lady as a maid with heavy make-up, and then acted like the third lady was crying and being helped away by the maid. almost every day
It was staged, and those gatekeepers got used to watching, so they didn't go forward to check at all, and successfully asked the two people to leave the heavily guarded small Buddhist hall, and were escorted by the old steward and sneaked away through the back door.

The remaining man is a real big man, and he is capable. He can't get away with someone, and it's not easy for him to run away. Mrs. Huang and Fourth Miss Nangong Ling brought them out

Come on, of course, it was purely accidental that he and Nangong Ling met. The little girl ran to visit her aunt for some reason, and just happened to meet. Although this girl is not very old, she has a lot of eyes. Nangong Yue's straight temper is more clever, although
It was the first time we met, and without any prior rehearsal, we succeeded in a tacit cooperation.

It's just that Shunzi felt that this girl only cared about escaping by herself, but didn't care about other relatives at all. Even if her biological mother died early, there were still some brothers and sisters there, and she didn't even ask .

Nangong Ling didn't know Shunzi's opinion, and probably wouldn't care if she knew it. The only one in Zhenbeihou's mansion who was sincere to her was the second brother and second sister-in-law. The remaining three sisters were also good to her. The rest, Even if I don't dare to open my eyes because of the old lady's face
She bullied her boldly, and ridiculed her secretly. She told people with good intentions that maybe they would betray her. She would not be such a fool.

"The third sister is back?" Nangong Ling was also wearing unremarkable coarse clothes. Seeing Nangong Yue coming in, he ran out quickly: "How is it outside? When can we go to Liaodong? I miss my brother and sister-in-law."

"Little girl, don't run out if you have nothing to do, make a mess!" Nangong touched her head more, and then worried: "What should we do? If it's really like what you said, he went all out to search, then we can't hide Living."

"We can only get out smoothly by taking advantage of the large number of refugees flocking to Liaodong now, and he can't check them one by one." Shunzi rubbed his chin to think about it. Apart from him, the old and the young, there were still people in the group. Most of them are women, who want to get out of fear smoothly.

I'm afraid it will be difficult. Also, the old lady and the lady and the two young ladies have left, and the remaining young masters will definitely be treated more strictly. It will be even more difficult to rescue them. I can't help but feel extremely overwhelmed: " I'll go and see again, we can't go together, pretend one by one

Dress up and sneak in among the refugees, and then go out with them, I will arrange a pick-up outside the city, as long as you leave the capital, it will be much smoother to leave. "

The old lady came out of the house, her gray hair was still black, which was convenient for her to hide when she fled: "I will go to the palace to see the queen mother, this scoundrel has already ignored the life and death of our Zhenbeihou mansion, let him stay It's no good either.

It will hurt others, so it's better to deal with it quickly. "

"Old lady, you must be steady!" Shunzi was taken aback, and extremely disapproved. Although the queen mother has a good relationship with the old lady, there is still Emperor Jinxuan, who has always been suspicious of Lord Hou. Now my mind is getting more and more unclear, say no

The masters whom he finally rescued came out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den, and were immediately detained by the palace. "Think about it, Lord Hou and Shizi are both in Liaodong now, and the Holy Majesty needs to keep a few protons in the capital to control Lord Hou, but now there is a storm of seizing the reserve.
It's getting worse and worse, the Eldest Young Master has become entangled with the Crown Prince and the Eldest Prince, and our family has long been feared by the Emperor. If you go back, won't it make it difficult for the Hou Ye and the Shi Zi Ye to feel at ease at the border? ? "

What he said was not detailed, but the old lady has become a fine person, how can she not understand the meaning hidden in that sentence, it is nothing more than saying that she will only be pinched by Emperor Jinxuan when she goes back now Threatened children and grandchildren, immediately hesitated, although adhering to the idea of ​​the old Houye
She is loyal to the country and the royal family, but she doesn't want her children and grandchildren to see anything wrong.

Mrs. Huang came out of the house: "Old lady, didn't Xiao Er say in the letter that his wife is pregnant? Look, these young people have no experience, and they just need your help, so you are reluctant." To watch the birth of my great-grandson? Daughter-in-law these days

What I think about day and night is to watch the birth of my grandson with my own eyes! "

Shunzi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at his wife gratefully. Unexpectedly, after this accident, his wife became a little smarter than before. Indeed, there is no old man who doesn't like children. The old lady definitely wants to see it with her own eyes. The little son was born, I want to be the first
The one who went to hug him, why didn't he think of this reason.

The balance in the old lady's heart has finally completely tilted towards her children and grandchildren. As long as she thinks of chubby and pink children, she can't help but feel soft-hearted. Forget it, the country is naturally guarded by many veterans. Don't worry about it, go back

Let's have grandchildren.Thinking of this, the expression on his face softened, and he nodded.

Shunzi was overjoyed immediately, so he didn't delay any longer, and immediately brought out the guy he was eating—the disguise technique, after the skills he had learned, plus the makeup technique taught by Mrs. The old lady turned into a pale and tired
The old woman seemed to be in her forties, but the old lady was too old to be as healthy as a normal middle-aged woman, so she was simply asked to pretend to be sick. Anyway, the old man walked a few steps away. Gasping for breath is very similar to being sick.

Mrs. Huang was dressed as a young daughter-in-law with freckles. She was not bad at first, but Shunzi was worried that if she made her look too young, it would cause evil thoughts to the officers and soldiers guarding the gate, and the victims would be helpless. Damn, there was a pretty girl who was spotted and robbed

Go, there is nowhere to reason, those people are very courageous, so they added a blue spot on the corner of Huang's left eye, and the exposed skin was painted with prepared paint, turning it into a wheat color With a slightly dark complexion, just like a normal farm daughter-in-law

like women.

As for the two young ladies, Nangong Ling is young and dressed as a little grandson who depends on the old grandmother. This child is smart and can take care of each other with the old lady. Nangong Yue is a bit straight-headed and prone to accidents. Shunzi asked After the comments, the three

The lady pretended to be a little daughter-in-law, and the two pretended to be husband and wife.

They couldn't go out of the city together. Shunzi took Nangong Yue first, and joined the flow of people going out of the city step by step. The old lady and Nangong Ling were not far from them, and they played a couple of old, weak, sick and disabled very well. The road is about to take a break, but it's annoying
The few people around them were very sympathetic and enthusiastically helped them to move forward together.

 There is one more to write when I get back from get off work

(End of this chapter)

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