reborn idle wife

Chapter 236 The Secret of the Copper Hairpin

Chapter 236 The Secret of the Copper Hairpin

Nangong Xiao rushed in panting, seeing the tense situation in the room, he suddenly had a headache, wishing to give himself a slap in the face, why did he forget that his old mother and his wife would pinch each other when they got together?In such a short period of time, the atmosphere between the two of them has become so weird.

Chu Liangchen stood up Shi Shiran, patted his clothes casually, and nodded to Zhenbei Hou who appeared behind Nangong Xiao: "Master Hou, are you here all right?"

"Lord Lao Guoshi misses you." Zhenbeihou had already heard the news of Chu Liangchen's appearance from his son, and he was not surprised to see him, but turned to Huang with an unfriendly expression: "I already know about the capital city." , now that you are here, you should live in peace and contentment. This is the Mo family, so you can't do anything wrong. Dongli is still pregnant, and you don't want to take good care of her. You will make trouble when you come, and you don't even ask the two maids. Come and scold your daughter-in-law for what you have done, I really don’t know how you managed to be a family in the Zhenbei Hou Mansion for so many years!"

Huang's joy at seeing her husband at first disappeared with his words, and the arrogance and resentment Dongli was familiar with appeared on her face again, standing there without saying a word, being blown into the cold air through the open door. Leng Feng, her figure looked a little desolate.

For some reason, Dongli suddenly felt very sympathetic to her. Huang is actually a poor person, probably. Her father-in-law probably never really liked his wife in his life. When he saw her, he felt disgusted and angry. He didn't speak nicely, even if Mrs. Huang flattered him in a low voice, she couldn't get a gentle expression like when she was facing Mrs. Cui.

What do women want?I want lots and lots of love to surround me. If I can’t get it, I want to get lots and lots of rights to control myself and others. I will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, and ensure that my children and grandchildren will not worry about making a living.

The Huang family is probably like this. She doesn't get the attention of her husband, so she wants to control the power of the Zhenbeihou Mansion, but she has never really obtained this power, either the old lady, or the Zhenbeihou, She would not allow her to take power alone, and later handed over the matter to Dongli, then she would only have money left, and could only seek money, so she deducted Nangong Min's dowry, and reduced it in small ways. For extra expenses, hold the spare money tightly in your hands, trembling, lest you will lose everything in the next moment.

"Mother just came here and doesn't understand the reason. Father, don't be angry." Dong Li stood up slowly with one hand on his waist, and Cai Wei and Qing Ran hurriedly supported her from left to right. Go forward: "Grandmother and mother came from afar, but Dongli failed to go out to greet her. It shouldn't be, even if mother is angry, it should be. Besides, mother didn't do anything to her daughter-in-law because of such a thing."

The daughter-in-law actually speaks for his wife?Zhenbeihou was a little surprised, these two people were incompatible in the past, but now that his wife had spoken, in front of so many people, he didn't want to embarrass his wife too much, so he went down the steps: "What's the matter, the family will be fine if they say it, okay, I heard that Dongli is in danger again today? Is he in good health?"

"Father, don't worry, my daughter-in-law is fine." Dong Li supported his waist and said with a smile, his long-opened face was filled with the brilliance of motherhood: "Besides, Mrs. Wang is here. His medical skills and conduct, can father still worried?"

The old doctor Wang is naturally very appropriate, otherwise Nangong Xiao would not have tried every means to lure people over, Zhenbeihou nodded: "It's fine, I will leave you a few proper people by your side, specially Protect you, this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen again in the future."

For the father-in-law's kindness, Dongli naturally accepted it with a smile, and it is indeed safer to have a few masters around him to protect him anytime and anywhere: "The daughter-in-law will thank you father."

Zhenbeihou smiled in satisfaction, and glanced at his wife again, with a somewhat indifferent expression: "My daughter-in-law almost had a problem today, and she was just a little bit close to losing the child. You still come here to make trouble, and you can't come here so far away?" If you don't feel tired, go back to your room to rest quickly, and don't come out if you have nothing to do."

Mrs. Huang stared blankly at him, her eye circles were a little red, and finally couldn't help but lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, and said in a sad tone of despair, "I know, I will never go out to hinder others in the future." Eyes, I won’t bother Master Hou when he sees them, just treat me as if I’m not there.” After speaking, he turned around and walked out, crying uncontrollably, with no place to express his grievances.

Mrs. Xu and Mr. Mo stood outside and did not come in, but they could hear clearly what was said inside. Seeing Mrs. Huang coming out with red eyes, Mrs. Xu sighed secretly, whispered something to Mr. Mo and chased after him. Going out, isn't it largely because of herself that Huang doesn't like Dongli?Some things should have been resolved a long time ago, but because of the hostility and disdain between them all these years, they have been dragged down like this.

Chu Liangchen clicked his tongue: "As expected of the Marquis of Zhenbei, he is unequivocal when he trains his wife, admiration!"

"Master Guoshi laughed at you." Zhenbei Hou had a fever on his face, and coughed to cover up his embarrassment: "I already knew the news from the capital. It's unfortunate that my family has such a rebellious son. I can't say it." It’s time to exterminate relatives, and Jiangshan Sheji will never allow these ambitious people to destroy it.”

Chu Liangchen sneered, Jiangshan Sheji, who really cares about who is sitting on the throne of Jiangshan, as long as the people live well, will it be over?All of them dress themselves up in righteous and dignified coats, as if they are all good people who worry about the country and the people. In fact, how many of them didn't step on the bones to get to the top?
Is it the country that the Marquis of Zhenbei is loyal to, or the people from the Nangong family on the throne of the country?
Dong Li felt uncomfortable when he heard about these major political events. Maybe women are not interested in them by nature: "Girls said they are going to burn the kang, I'll go over and see what's going on. If you have anything to say, just talk here. Tell people to watch outside and don't let people listen to it. That hairpin." After a pause, they were discussing military and state affairs. Compared with others, their own affairs seemed insignificant. After thinking about it, they didn't go on: "Since that thing is poisonous and very weird, it's better not to touch it lightly, and put it away. Since Hongxing is dead, it seems that this clue has been broken again."

Let's try summoning souls tonight, maybe we can get some useful news from Hongxing.

"What country, who cares?" Chu Liangchen didn't care at all about Zhenbeihou's suddenly ugly face, holding the hairpin under a veil: "I'll go with you, let's continue to discuss the black hands behind this scene, I Can I have a discussion with you? If I help you find out who murdered you, how about being my apprentice after your son is born?"

However, he followed Dongli to the Nuan Pavilion indifferently, still guessing the meaning of the poem on the paper, babbling a little silly.

The earth dragon has already been burned inside the Nuan Pavilion, and the snowflakes outside have already fallen big and fluttering, and the space between the sky and the earth is a vast white, but the room is warm and harmonious. After staying for a long time, it is impossible to wear big hair Clothes, they would feel sweaty, and as soon as they entered the door, a maid came up to help take off the cloak outside. Chu Liangchen continued to study the hairpin and paper scroll with a frown. As for what the father and son would discuss, but Is not interested at all.

The former omnipotent national teacher is dead, and now he is just Chu Liangchen, an idler who doesn't have that much ability to worry about the world's major affairs.

"I can't feel the breath of ghosts." Seeing that the maids were busy tidying up the warm pavilion, Dong Li moved his body slightly, adjusted a more comfortable posture, and hugged the clothes he had sewed in his arms Hugging the pillow, he narrowed his eyes lazily: "Hong Xing looks like a ghost, but I don't feel the breath of a ghost."

"I didn't feel it either." Chu Liangchen was not surprised, "Besides, the one in your stomach is not simple. If it is a ghost or something, how can it escape your perception? It is definitely not a ghost. I think it should be It's a man-made disaster." He carefully opened the scroll and looked at the poem, frowning tightly: "A poem full of boudoir grievances, why would Qinglian hide such a poem in her hairpin? It's so secretive, It means that this thing is no small matter, what kind of secret is hidden in it?"

Unable to understand, Dong Li stretched out his hand and picked up an apple from the plate next to it. Caiwei saw it and immediately came over to take it. First, he warmed it slightly with hot water to make sure it wasn't so cold, and then took the handle of the knife The skin was peeled off, cut into small pieces and inserted into toothpicks.

The service attitude should not be too good, Dongli picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, thinking to himself, the apple peel is rich in nutrition, it is rare that there is no pesticide residue at this time, it is a pity that the pretty maid brushed it a few times The knife was cut clean.

"This, it should be a kind of illusion." Chu Liangchen suddenly said: "The poison on this hairpin probably has some special effect. Hongxing was poisoned after touching this thing, but she didn't die, but It was because her thoughts and mind were slowly eroded by this poison, and she would automatically imagine something in her mind, which scared her out of her wits. In this way, there is no need for anyone to specifically target her. As long as someone touches this hairpin, it will be controlled, and then slowly used by the black hands behind the scenes."

A hairpin is still not very expensive copper hairpin that can be seen everywhere, even if it is plated with gold, it is not very valuable, so it is difficult to find out its origin.

"Does that mean that Qinglian is not a problem at all, but she did not know how to get this hairpin, and she was confused by this poison, so she did such a thing?" Dong Li Slowly biting the apple, asking questions, Qinglian and Hongxing are both maidservants, and they didn't even know them when they were in Zhenbeihou's mansion, so why do they have to put themselves to death?Even if it is for the sake of favor, it is not justified. In name, she is not only the wife of the eldest son, but also has the title of a princess. Who would be so desperate to seek death.

 The homepage recommendation started on Sunday, and I have been so busy recently that I have no time to code words. I am desperately going to explode


(End of this chapter)

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