Chapter 241
Nangong Cheng was almost out of breath when he heard the words. He has seen shameless people, but he has never seen such shameless people. It's all right to beat back what he did. At this time, he still refuses to admit it. His mother, the queen, was as deep-minded and cruel as her methods, and it was her own negligence, so they succeeded.

"Do I think highly of myself?" He almost wanted to beat Nangong Zheng's handsome face into a pig's head: "You are trying to buy people's hearts by helping the disaster. Do you think that the father will be happy when he sees it? I just sit on the sidelines and watch it." It’s enough to play, there is no need to exchange food to frame you, it’s ridiculous that you use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, framed me, but you still want to carry such a dirty trick on me, bah!"

However, Nangong Zheng became a little suspicious. Nangong Cheng's words were not pleasant, but they made sense. When he heard Nangong Fan's words, he set up a porridge shed to help the victims, but was praised by those people. Isn't that just buying people's hearts?Father is always cautious, what would he think?Do you feel that you are taking the opportunity to gain popularity?
Nangong didn't need to take action at all. If he did something like that, his father would definitely be suspicious. He could hit him without any effort, and he didn't have to add superfluous things to remove the package of food, and make himself imprisoned. But if he didn't do it, who would it be?The two most favorable contenders for the throne competed to fall, and the ones who benefited were their own brothers, could it be them?
"You really didn't do it?" Nangong Zheng started thinking, "But Nangong Fan said that he found evidence that it was the Cui family who did it. Are you going to say that the Cui family's loyalty is actually not you?"

"It was really made by the Cui family?" Nan Gongcheng was still a little confused, he was still at home happy about the prince's affairs, but an inexplicable decree brought him here, he is still confused now: "Impossible, The members of the Cui family are all helping to guard the city gate, who has the time to worry about food? Nangong Fan, shouldn’t Nangong Fan be busy tracking down the whereabouts of those people in Zhenbeihou Mansion? There is still time to take care of others of?"

The two brothers expressed their doubts face to face, compared with each other, and immediately found something wrong.

First of all, Nangong Fan borrowed the strength of the Cui family to control the Zhenbeihou Mansion in one fell swoop, but by mistake, the most important old lady and Huang's family were rescued by someone, and the Cui family's power was almost fully mobilized to help him. He went to find someone, thinking that it was nothing more than helping Nangong Fan to truly control the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, so that the First Prince could add an army to his hands.

Then Nangong Fan suggested to the prince to help the disaster, and spread the news to encourage those victims to go to Liaodong. Liaodong is currently where Nangong Xiao is staying. .

Immediately afterwards, the food was poisoned, and the victims suffered a lot of casualties. As the initiator, the prince could not escape the blame, and was sent by Emperor Jinxuan to take him into the prison.

Then Nangong Fan came to visit the crown prince, and said that the matter was in fact caused by the eldest prince to instigate the Cui family to do it. The two princes had deep grievances, and the crown prince would naturally not believe it. What's more, if he fell, the one who would benefit the most would be the eldest prince, so he fell. The ill-fated prince was determined to take revenge, so he handed over the jade pendant to Cen Ruxue, and entrusted her to the queen, who would send people to contact those people outside to find evidence of the eldest prince and carry out revenge.

I don't know if Cen Ruxue handed in the jade pendant, but it was very soon that the eldest prince was unlucky and was imprisoned, but it was obvious that he didn't know anything about food at all, that is, He said that this matter was not actually done by him, and that the people of the Cui family have been busy looking for the old lady and Mrs. Huang, and had no time to remove the package of food, which also confirmed that what Nangong Fan said in the prison was true lie.

Nangong Zheng's heart skipped a beat. If Nangong Fan had been lying all along, wouldn't he have fallen into a situation he had set up from the very beginning?Later, Liaodong and food were actually designed by him a long time ago!If he really found out the Cui family's criminal evidence, it would be enough to prove his innocence, and he should have been released if the eldest prince was imprisoned, but the result was not.

Nangong Cheng also wanted to understand that Nangong Fan definitely played a big role in this, but would Nangong Fan get any benefit from opposing the two princes?

"You two idiots, who dare to believe anyone, deserve to be treated as pawns." The two of them stared at each other, but they heard a seductive voice ringing in their ears, and they sent the letter in shock. Ah, I don't know when there was an extra woman in black in the cell they were in.

The two princes were imprisoned in the same cell, not because there were no other cells, there were so many empty ones, but because there was no better cell than this one, this cell was spacious, ventilated, dry and sunny The light came in from the window, the prince and the others couldn't afford to offend, and the eldest prince couldn't afford to offend either. They might as well live in a room for the two of them. The jailers temporarily added a wooden bed inside with brand new bedding.

That's why two people can scold each other there without any cover.

The woman who suddenly appeared in the cell had a seductive face, and her figure was even more alluring, like a ripe peach, with alluring charms all over her body. She just tapped her feet and sat down. On Nangongzheng's bed, a pair of white feet were actually bare, and he didn't feel cold even in a thin gauze dress in winter.

However, Nangong Cheng felt that this stunner had a kind face, and suddenly remembered the beauty in red that she saw in the palace a long time ago. She followed Chu Liangchen, and her red dress was like a rose in full bloom in a summer afternoon. She was so beautiful. It was unforgettable at first sight, but it is a pity that I have never seen it again since then. The beauty in front of me is somewhat similar to that beautiful woman, so I can't help but hesitate: "You, are you the same as Chu Liangchen? Old acquaintance?"

Needless to say, this woman is Nie Rulan. After hearing Nangong Cheng's words, she was a little surprised and said with a smile: "You have some knowledge, so let me ask you, how do you know that I know Chu Liangchen?" Woolen cloth?"

Seeing that they actually knew each other, Nangong Zheng couldn't help worrying secretly, this woman can appear here without anyone noticing, she is definitely not an ordinary person, if she is here to help Nangong Cheng, what else can I sing?

"I've seen a beauty next to Chu Liangchen," Nan Gongcheng said with a dazed expression as he recalled the peerless elegance of the past, "Your eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to hers, maybe it has something to do with it? By Chu Liangchen's side, I think you are probably the same, besides, you all appear like this."

Before he finished speaking, Nie Rulan, who was still smiling, suddenly burst out with an extremely fierce aura, and her beautiful face became a little distorted: "You say I am similar to her? That bitch, she is also worthy!" Because it was too much. Excited, her clothes and hair all flew up, a strong air flow swept through the cell, the two men were oppressed by the air flow, their backs were pressed against the wall and they couldn't move, their chests seemed to be pressed by some heavy object It's hard to breathe.

"I hate that bitch the most in my life! How dare you mention it!" Nie Rulan's eyes glowed with a strange red light, and she no longer looked like a human being.

"Gu never said that!" Nan Gongzheng felt wronged, but he didn't say anything, how did he end up like this?
"Are you that prince?" Nie Rulan suddenly withdrew her aura, and the cell suddenly became quiet. If she hadn't kept her back against the wall, the quilt on the bed was rolled up messily, she would have thought that what happened just now was just an illusion .

Nan Gongzheng hurriedly gasped: "Guzheng, I don't know this one." He hesitated for a while, as if he didn't know how to address Gao, and finally chose a less error-prone title: "This girl, do you know Gu? "

"I don't know you, but I know your princess." Nie Rulan narrowed her eyes: "Your princess is a good woman."

Nangong Zheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. This mysterious woman had a good impression of Lin Susu. Does that mean that she was actually entrusted by Lin Susu to help him?
"It's not impossible to save your life for her sake." Facing Nangong Zheng's surprised eyes, Nie Rulan shook her head regretfully: "It's just a pity that my good impression of her is not good enough. I’m really sorry that I sacrificed you for my own sake.”

Hearing her words, the crown prince and the eldest prince cried out in their hearts that it was not good. Nangong Cheng rushed to the prison door without hesitation, and shouted loudly: "Come on! Help! Come on!"

"It's really noisy!" Nie Rulan scolded lightly in disdain, and stretched out her white palms. The two brothers suddenly felt their bodies levitate uncontrollably, and slowly floated in front of Nie Rulan. They shouted for help louder, but no matter how loudly they shouted, no one came over after all.

"Give your souls to me. Only by teaching them can they be used to their full potential." A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Nie Rulan's mouth, and with a move of both hands, the two people floating in the air floated towards her. A white jade hand fell on top of one person's head.

"You can go at ease. As for the throne, someone will take your place." Nie Rulan unceremoniously activated the secret method to extract the power in the souls of the two people, and smiled softer: "Otherwise, that person will waste the money." Wouldn't it be disappointing if you pulled you down one by one with such great strength and got nothing?"

that person?Isn't the person who pulled them off the horse Nangong Fan?At this moment, the two brothers finally understood Nangong Fan's plan. This person was actually coveting the most honorable position. No wonder he spent a lot of trouble dealing with their two most promising princes. Clear the way.

"As for that bitch, I can feel that she is still alive." Nie Rulan's face was stern, and her blood-red eyes looked at Nangong Cheng who was gradually losing consciousness: "You like her, don't you? Don't worry, she will go there soon. Accompanying you, this is my compensation for taking your soul!"

She let go of her hands, and the two of them immediately fell to the ground straight, their breathing and pulse were still there, but it was impossible to wake up again, unless they also met a traveler.

 Thank you Feitianruxue for the pink ticket!I got up late, will update soon

(End of this chapter)

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