Chapter 260
When the messenger arrived, Dong Li couldn't help looking over. Chu Liangchen took a small bamboo tube from the black eagle's claws, and then called a maid to bring fresh meat to the black eagle. Once again, a bit of astonishment appeared on his face.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his strange expression, Dongli couldn't help secretly worrying whether the trip to the capital was particularly unsatisfactory. Otherwise, why would Chu Liangchen have such an expression?

As a result, Chu Liangchen sighed and showed a strange smile: "Successful, although the process is a bit special, at least the task was successfully completed."

Dong Li breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "So, they will be back soon?" At that time, Nie Rulan and Song Lianxin can go to the side to cool off.

"It's a pity." As a result, Chu Liangchen said with a bitter face, very depressed: "They probably won't be able to come back in a short time."

Dongli was stunned, Chu Liangchen had already handed over the letter, she quickly took it over and read it carefully, after reading it, she also showed a depressed expression similar to that of Chu Liangchen, the two looked at each other, and sighed in unison .

Nangong Fan is dead, but the death of the culprit does not mean that the matter is over. Sometimes it has to be said that small people can also affect the overall situation.

Nangong Fan was led down the secret passage by Cen Ruxue, leaving a few subordinates to guard the Queen Mother and Emperor Jinxuan, waiting left and right for no one to come. When they sent someone to look for them, they found that the two had long since disappeared. People suddenly panicked, thinking that they had been abandoned, anger and panic, they forced the Queen Mother and Emperor Jinxuan out with knives, boldly yelled under the watchful eyes of a group of guards: "Let us leave safely, we will Let them go, otherwise, at worst, we will die!"

The guards didn't dare to make their own claims, but they didn't dare to press too hard for fear of hurting the empress dowager with an unsteady hand. They followed closely behind a few people. These people were extraordinarily cunning, and their bodies were almost completely concealed. Behind Emperor Jinxuan and the Empress Dowager, the archers couldn't see the opportunity to shoot arrows. A large group of people slowly walked to the Empress Dowager's bedroom, which is not far from the Empress Dowager's bedroom, but there is no one controlling it. The Empress is considered lucky. Yes, Nangong Fan may think that a woman who has lost her son is useless long ago. It is enough to have Emperor Jinxuan in hand to save her life at critical times. The more people there are, the more likely problems will occur.

The empress came out of the palace door in a dignified and noble dress. She was dressed in a queen's formal attire, and her head was full of jewels and emeralds. It could be seen that her face was carefully made up, and she looked graceful and luxurious.

"You let the queen mother go, and I will be your hostage." The queen put her fingers with gold-carved fingertips lightly in front of her body, and said calmly, "You want to take the hostages away. If you don’t go up, it will drag you down instead, and I will take the place of the queen mother as your hostage voluntarily.”

The queen's words made sense, the queen mother is not young, and she is already panting for such a distance, as if she can't walk, how can she persist until she leaves safely with them?Several people made a decision after a little thought. Among them, one of the hostages put a knife on the Queen Mother's neck, forcing her to slowly move closer to the Queen. As for why the Queen didn't say that she would replace the Emperor, no one is a fool. It is the biggest trump card for whether they can save their lives, and they will not change it when anyone comes.

Walking up to the queen, the man pushed the queen away, and immediately put the knife in his hand on the queen's neck. The queen didn't show any panic on her face, and followed them towards the gate of the palace with steady steps. , It doesn't look like a hostage being held hostage, but it looks like he is about to accept the greetings of the concubines in the harem, with a straight back and a luxurious arrogance.

"Prepare us a horse, one for each of us!" The man carrying Emperor Jinxuan hides behind and yells again: "Don't play tricks, if you dare to do anything, I'll cut off one of his fingers first!"

The guards hesitated for a while, and the man immediately raised his knife to the palm of Emperor Jinxuan without hesitation and chopped it off, but it wasn't a matter of one finger, if he really cut off a hand, he would not be able to keep it.

The queen mother, who had been protected by the guards, screamed when she saw this, and almost fainted.

It was too late to say that, just when the thief left the knife from Emperor Jinxuan's neck and dropped it to the palm of his hand, the queen who was held by the neck suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed it away from the neck without hesitation. Regardless of her palm, she was instantly cut a deep gash by the sharp knife. Taking advantage of the moment when the villain who held her back was stunned, she had successfully rushed out and used all her strength to give Emperor Jinxuan After hitting it, the thief's knife that had been slashing at Emperor Jinxuan's palm fell on the Queen's back in an instant. The luxurious clothes were cut through by the knife, and bright red blood gushed out immediately.

The guards were not vegetarian either. Although the Queen's move was extremely unexpected, someone rushed up to rescue Emperor Jinxuan, and other people rushed forward, and the traitors who had lost their hostages were quickly captured alive.

Emperor Jinxuan never expected that the queen who had been neglected by him for so many years would risk his life and death to save him. He was a little stupid for a while. At this time, Zuo Zhan and his party were late, so Ruchu immediately rushed to help the queen carefully. Get up, let her lean on him carefully, and after poking around for a while, her heart turns cold, she raised her head and shook her head at Zuo Zhan: "It hurts to the core, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"Nonsense!" Before Zuo Zhan could speak, Emperor Jinxuan suddenly became furious, pointed at Ru Chu's nose and said angrily, "Aren't you a warlock? How can you not save a mortal? Impossible, as long as you save Zitong, I, I promise you everything!"

The face of the sixth prince suddenly became ugly. He came all the way to rescue his father, but the father didn't even look at him. He was still angry at the woman who killed his mother. He turned his back and quietly He clenched his fist.

Faced with Emperor Jinxuan's angry accusations, Ruchu did not show anger or other emotions. The queen exchanged her own life for the safety of Emperor Jinxuan. She admired this feeling very much. For the sake of the queen, Emperor Jinxuan For now, let's not worry about some out-of-control emotions: "Your majesty, don't you want to come and have a few words with the empress? Her time is running out, and she is doing this to save you."

Emperor Jinxuan, who was still full of anger just now, lost his temper in the blink of an eye, bent his back, and carefully hugged the queen into his arms: "Zitong, Zitong! Can you hear my words?"

Ruchu stood up, glanced at Zuo Zhan, and the two of them moved away silently. Emperor Jinxuan didn't like his queen very much in his life, otherwise he wouldn't have indulged Concubine Cui Gui with a domineering temper, even The queen didn't take it seriously either, and now he was finally willing to look back at his wife, but the time left for him by God was running out.

"Do human beings only know how to cherish after losing it?" Ru Chu looked at Zuo Zhan, tilted his head, and said seriously.

Zuo Zhan's response was to hold Ru Chu's hand: "Let's go, Nie Rulan has left the capital, and I don't need you to stay behind. Nangong Fan doesn't know where he is hiding, but he has nothing to fear after leaving Nie Rulan. It's nothing to do with us, let's go together."

Ruchu looked at him seriously, very carefully, and finally showed a beautiful smile on his face, and nodded heavily: "Okay, let's leave!"

Just when the two people left quietly, Emperor Jinxuan hugged his queen, helplessly and panicked as he watched his hands being stained red with the queen's blood: "Where is the imperial physician? Why hasn't the imperial physician come yet? Zitong You hold on, nothing will happen, you are the queen, and you will be the queen mother in the future, how can you leave now?"

The queen's consciousness has long been a little fuzzy. These days, she first lost her beloved son, and then was imprisoned by Nangong Fan. Hearing Emperor Jinxuan's voice, he moved his lips with all his strength: "Your Majesty."

"Zitong, I'm here, just tell me if you have anything to say, don't sleep!" Emperor Jinxuan felt that his clothes were soaked in blood, and his hands began to tremble: "I'm here, Zitong. Carefully stroking the queen's face with his hands, it turned out that his hands were already full of blood, which made the queen's face bloody, and some hurriedly wiped it with their sleeves.

"Your Majesty, I am very happy that my concubine can help you with something." The queen's voice was like a mosquito humming, and you couldn't hear it unless you listened carefully, and her eyes had already begun to lose sight: "Your majesty, my concubine I have been with you all my life, and it is time to accompany my son, he has come to pick me up."

"Zitong, cheer up!" Emperor Jinxuan felt that the empress' aura was getting weaker and weaker, and he was shocked: "The imperial doctor hasn't come yet? A bunch of waste, I want to punish their nine clans!"

After all, the queen's breathing stopped slowly, and the body held in Emperor Jinxuan's arms gradually became cold, but Emperor Jinxuan was still shouting for the imperial doctor, rubbing the queen's face with his hands, trying to warm her up again stand up.

The queen mother on the side sighed: "Emperor, you can't be resurrected after death. The queen put your life in it for the sake of the emperor. You should cheer up and don't make her go uneasy." As she said that, her eyes turned red. , she originally disliked the queen, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is probably so wonderful in the world, bumpy, but at this time, she always feels uncomfortable: "She is a mother, and she misses her own son, so don't worry about it. Let her go with peace of mind."

Emperor Jinxuan sat on the cold ground with a numb expression, holding the queen who had already lost her breath. It took less than three months before and after Nangong Fan forced the palace to rebel. He is dead, and now even the queen is dead, except for the aged queen mother, he is left alone. Those sons are not looking forward to their death to make room for themselves. He is the emperor, aloof and rich all over the world. Why do you feel so cold in your heart?
"My majesty's condolences!" Zhenbei Hou and Lin Zhiguo followed their duties as courtiers and persuaded Emperor Jinxuan: "The queen's body is full of blood, and she still needs to wash and change her clothes. The emperor is the king of a country, please put the world first!"

Emperor Jinxuan rolled his eyes, but his face was still expressionless, and he didn't know if he listened to what the two of them said.

The sixth prince gritted his teeth, stepped forward and knelt down: "Father, the queen mother has already passed away, if you know how sad father is, it will be so hard, I hope father will take the dragon's body as the most important thing!" Kowtowed his head heavily while crying , the voice made people feel pain for him, and a big bruise appeared on his forehead: "Father, Jiangshan Sheji still needs you!"

"My Majesty, please mourn!" A large group of guards all knelt down, and Emperor Jinxuan in the middle blinked and burst into tears.

 I'm sorry everyone, I made a mistake in the scheduled release last night, I will correct it immediately after I find it

(End of this chapter)

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