reborn idle wife

Chapter 271 Double Happiness

Chapter 271 Double Happiness
Dong Li held a small wave drum in his hand and shook it gently in front of his son. On the bright red surface of the drum was a fat baby holding a big carp, and a small silver bell jingled on one side, and the little guy was obedient. Staying in his mother's arms and blinking his eyes, the little guy who is only over a month old can only see things within 20 to 30 centimeters around him, but this kid looks very energetic, as if he can see everything Seeing the same, from time to time, he would show a cute smile to his father who was sitting on the other side.

What he likes the most is looking at his dear mother. Every time Dongli looks at his son intently, the little guy will stare at his mother's face with dignity. Will be dancing and giggling.

"My brother is so happy and stupid. In addition, he has been dealing with the common people under him for a long time, and he has long forgotten the tricks of the literati. This is normal." Dongli put his son in the cradle, and looked Smiling at his small face, he gently shook the little cradle: "Isn't that the case with farmers? If you fancy a girl, go home and tell your parents, and then you will come to propose marriage. My brother is also, probably forgot something long ago." It’s called giving and receiving in private.”

People in this day and age place great importance on marriage. The orders of parents and the words of matchmakers are not just for fun. It is a big deal between a man and a woman to give and receive privately. It is very immoral. Fortunately, in In Liaodong, they are the highest level, no one will show contempt for their behavior, but Xu, who has followed these etiquette all his life, probably cannot accept it for a while.

The little guy in the cradle tried his best to stretch out his hand to grab a strand of hair hanging from his mother. As a result, he was weaker and weaker. He lost his strength when his arms were raised halfway, and his two fat arms were placed on his head. On both sides, the posture seemed to be surrendering, the eyes widened in surprise, and the sound of "ahhh" came out of the mouth, and the small appearance was extremely cute.

Nangong Xiao couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch his son's chubby face, but his wife rolled her eyes and opened her palm, saying, "Don't make trouble here, why don't you help prepare something, I don't think my mother can stand it." After a while, this marriage is sure to be settled, we also need to have a good wedding and everyone is lively, except for the birth of our son, there seems to be nothing good going on these days."

It's good to have a happy event, it's lively, Nangong Xiao squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh: "This is a good thing, I think we should have a double happiness, Zuo Zhan and Ru Chu can be regarded as hit-and-miss Well, simply, let's settle the lifelong matter together with Youran! Didn't you see that kid was going crazy seeing our couple so sweetly jealous."

Double happiness?Dongli thought for a while, and it seemed to be a good idea: "You can figure it out, but after you let your mother let go of that matter, don't make the decision on your own and make things more rigid. The marriage of bad people will be thunderous." split."

Nangong Xiao didn't care whether his wife's words were nice or not, anyway, they were like this, they were used to it, and kissed his wife resoundingly: "Don't worry about what I'm doing, just wait for the wedding to watch the excitement." As he said that, he ran out excitedly, went to Zuo Zhan, and discussed the matter first. As soon as Xu let go, he immediately started to make arrangements.

Master Mo was lying on the bed with his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep, but Mrs. Xu was still tossing and turning in her thoughts, and finally sat up and pushed Master Mo next to her: "Oh, master, how can you still fall asleep? ? You men don't care about anything? That's your own son!"

Master Mo sat up helplessly, it was already very deep, he was very sleepy, yawned, and looked at his wife helplessly: "I said what are you thinking, it is a good thing that my son wants to start a family Ah, even though this happened a little suddenly, you don’t have to worry about it like this, we are familiar with Yueniang’s child, so what are you worried about?” As he said that, he wanted to lie down again: “Sleep, sleep, what’s the matter? Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"How can I sleep if I don't finish talking?" Mrs. Xu was very depressed, seeing that Mr. Mo had already lay down again, she had to lie down too, staring at the curtain: "What do you think this child is thinking? She is going to marry Yueniang all of a sudden, I am not saying that Yueniang is not good, we all look at this child, he looks good and has a good temper, but in this capacity "Wang Yueniang shows up to see a doctor, when she meets a male patient This is not the behavior that a good girl should have. If she is still like this after becoming the daughter-in-law of their Mo family, then the Mo family will lose face in the future.

After all, it's not just that Wang Yueniang's family background is not considered outstanding, and she still shows her face outside all day long. Although the Mo family has already retired, as the saying goes, a thin camel is bigger than a horse, and the family of scholars and officials for generations The family background of the family is a well-known leader of the Qingliu school, but Wang Yueniang's family is very weak. The most promising old doctor Wang is just the head of the imperial hospital. This status gap is really too big.

Master Mo sighed. If he doesn’t explain things clearly tonight, he won’t be able to sleep. He rubbed his eyes and sat up helplessly: “I know what you’re thinking, but right now you’re in Liaodong. Is there a more suitable candidate than Yueniang? Family background or something, our family has already left the court, and we should not continue to use those family identities as an issue. Yueniang is a good child, good-tempered and able to take care of others. If Youran marries her, she will be blessed."

Mrs. Xu was very dissatisfied with her husband saying this about her son, and immediately put on a straight face: "What are you talking about? My son is a famous Wenqu star, and his reputation is spread all over the south of the Yangtze River. At best, Wang Yueniang is the granddaughter of an imperial physician. Being able to marry us Youran is something she is highly regarded for, besides, which girl doesn't care about her own reputation like her? I'm worried that she will implicate our son after she gets married. "

Master Mo yawned uncontrollably, and looked at his aggrieved wife extremely speechless: "You don't even think about the current situation of our family. Try hard, is it possible to ask him to marry a village girl in the future? Is that better than Yueniang?"

Xu was at a loss for words, thinking of the image of a shrew who would cry with her and sit on the ground patting her thighs, just like Wang's nanny's daughter-in-law back then, she shivered. It didn't take three days for her to go through the door, and she would be pissed off directly.

"Besides, You Ran said it in front of so many people, if you pretend to be deaf and dumb, what will the Wang family do?" ! "How can a girl named Yueniang face other people's eyes? She didn't do anything wrong."

Mrs. Xu opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything to refute the other party. I really can't blame her daughter for this matter. It was her stupid son who was yelling from the beginning to the end. Maybe Wang Yueniang didn't have that thought at all. Listen After hearing these words, he would still be very angry, and immediately began to get entangled, it was rare that his son finally fell in love with one, what if the girl is not happy with this?When will I be able to hug my grandson?
Just now I still felt that Wang Yueniang was not good enough for her son, but immediately began to worry that the woman would not like her son. Master Mo looked at his wife who had become more and more confusing these years. Could this be the climacteric syndrome that his daughter mentioned?
He really didn't have the strength and energy to continue talking nonsense to his wife, so Mr. Mo simply fell asleep and refused to get up no matter how much Mrs. Xu tossed about.

That night, not only was Mrs. Xu tossing and turning, but Mo Youran was tossing and turning on her bed guessing the reason for her mother's fury. Wang Yueniang was shyly looking forward to her future life, while the elders were full of melancholy discussing the girl's marriage. , Mo Youran made such a big fuss, how could they not know, but he is the eldest son of the Mo family, the elder brother of Mrs. Shizi, and his identity is there. Although his girl is good-looking, her identity is far behind what!

In the end, it was the old doctor Wang who made the decision. Now I am worried about what to do with those who have nothing. The Mo family has not shown any attitude yet. It is too early to say these things. Besides, the child Yueniang How wonderful, he felt that it was more than enough to match that kid Mo Youran, and he felt a little wronged!
Those of the younger generation dare not disrespect the words of the elders, but it is obvious that the son and daughter-in-law are a little speechless. I know that you always love your granddaughter, but this is too distorted to say it. Just who is that crazy girl like Yueniang? Can people with a little strength appreciate it?Especially running around outside regardless of the girl's reserved image, who would dare to want it after seeing it?
Not to mention that a group of people here were uneasy. Mrs. Xu, who had been restless all night, looked at her little grandson with two panda eyes in her eyes the next morning. The appearance shocked her daughter and son-in-law.

Dongli handed the child in his arms to Nangong Xiao to carry the water, and looked at his mother's haggard look worriedly: "What's the matter with you? Look at the dark circles under his eyes, did he not sleep all night? Go pick Wei Take an egg, peel it and roll it around for the old lady, it looks scary."

Mrs. Xu didn't bother to say these things: "Your brother is going to marry a girl from the Wang family, but you always tell your mother whether there is any possibility of things between the two of them? Don't say you don't know, I'm not too old to be confused. You instigated it inside."

Dongli suddenly smiled embarrassingly, Mrs. Xu is worthy of being her own mother, but she has sharp eyes: "Didn't I help to pierce a layer of window paper because I saw that the two of them were interested in each other? Besides, don't you want to Hurry up and hold a grandson?" They come to snatch their sons all day long, plus Huang's and the old lady, the little one is so hot that both parents are envious.

It is natural to want to hold a grandson. When Xu thinks about the chubby child, she can't help but look forward to it. It just so happens that Nangong Xiao came out holding the little bun after dealing with personal problems. The little guy stared at his mother with big eyes. , grinning joyfully with her toothless mouth stretched out her hand to her mother, the meaning was obvious, begging for a hug.

Dongli's heart almost melted into water, and he stretched out his hand to hug the little guy's limp body, and the little bun immediately wobbled back and forth like a puppy in his familiar embrace, Xu frowned: "You still feed the child yourself? It's not that you can't afford a wet nurse, only those poor families can feed the child by themselves."
Dongli, however, put the little bun on his chest indifferently, unbuttoned one side of his clothes, and said with a smile, "I am his mother, so it's only natural for me to feed him! Besides, colostrum is very good for children. I can't bear that he can't eat good food." His gaze focused on the child who was trying hard to nurse, and a gentle smile unfolded at the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, just do what you like, I won't say much." Looking at the cuteness of her little grandson, Xu has nothing to say, and she is willing to come: "Since you have said so , then let's start preparing for the marriage, and I'll ask someone to invite a matchmaker to come to the door in a while, and we will come to propose marriage seriously."

Nangong Xiao Wenyan immediately remembered what he had discussed with Zuo Zhan: "My lord mother-in-law, can we add one more thing to this matter? You see, Zuo Zhan is also a big boss. He and Ru Chu are walking between two people." It's not easy to get together, did we take this opportunity to do it together?"

That boy Zuo Zhan doesn't have any relatives anymore. The Zhenbeihou Mansion is just like his family, so it can be used as the man's family, but it will be easier as before. He doesn't have any relatives, but there is only Nie Rulan who is neither human nor ghost. Opponent: "Can the Mo family be the bride's natal family?"

Mrs. Xu laughed when she heard it, and clapped her hands: "Oh, this is a good thing! Okay, why not? It's a good thing about Double Happiness, let's make arrangements and have a good time!"

(End of this chapter)

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