Chapter 279
A large and luxurious carriage was on the main road specially sent by the King of Liaodong to strengthen and widen. The big trees on both sides had already grown green leaves, and cheerful birds were jumping and chirping on the trees.

"Master, are you serious?" Dressed in a long red dress sprinkled with lilac flowers to wrap her slim and slim body, the woman thoughtfully offered a cup of warm tea, and the pearls on her earlobes followed her The movement flickered with a faint light: "When you arrive in Liaodong, it is the territory of the king of Liaodong. When you were in the capital, there were those people who didn't open their eyes and disrespected you. When you arrive in Liaodong, you don't know who those people are. Attitude!"

The man in his 30s is well maintained, with a fair and gentle face, and he looks like a very attractive middle-aged man: "It's not that serious. Although Zhenbeihou is not in the capital all the year round, between me and me I don't have much friendship, but it's still a small part of him who won't look down on others, and I can trust his character. Besides, don't you have a good relationship with Shizi and Shizi's wife?"

This woman is Lin Rongrong who once escorted the old lady and Huang's family to Liaodong thousands of miles away. Hearing this, she smiled slightly: "It's an exaggeration to say that we have a good relationship. In fact, they saved my life at the beginning. It was mine. As for the savior, it coincided with the meeting, and now the family members of the king of Liaodong have been seized, so I sent them to Liaodong, which can be regarded as a good relationship."

Uncle Mei touched the beard on his lips: "Isn't that enough? We don't need to ask others to do things, but we just plan to settle there and deal with them. We don't need to be too familiar with them. As for You said in the capital, the emperor hardly shows up now, and all the things are done by the sixth prince, and it will probably not be long before he will become a great treasure. Once the emperor and the courtiers, it will not be long before there will be an uproar in the court, the capital It's just a center, although idle people like us won't be implicated, it's better to leave and avoid it."

Lin Rongrong listened half-understood, and didn't think too deeply about it. She was not interested in these things as a woman: "Whatever you say, do whatever you want, and I'll follow you."

Uncle Mei seemed to be extremely satisfied with her reaction, stroked his beard and laughed, as if he had infected his master's cheerful mood, and the coachman driving the carriage couldn't help but open his mouth and laugh.

The roads in Liaodong have been built very well. If you want to get rich, build the roads first. After the roads are repaired, it will not only facilitate the exchange of traders from the north and the south, but also make it easier for the Zhenbei Army to manage the entire Liaodong into an iron bucket. If there is anything wrong there, the army will immediately can be opened.

Not long after walking, the beautiful uncle with his eyes closed suddenly sat up straight, and asked curiously, "Strange, did you hear anything?"

Lin Rongrong listened carefully, but she was also a little uncertain: "It seems to be the cry of a baby? There is no one in the wilderness, where is the child?" Could it be the mountain spirits and wild monsters?
Uncle Mei asked the coachman to stop the carriage, lifted the curtain and poked his head out, this time he heard it more clearly, it was indeed the cry of a baby, it was nearby.

Seeing that his master was going to get out of the car to see what happened, the coachman quickly boldly stopped him and said, "My lord, don't go, who's children in this wilderness will appear here? I heard from the old man that there are mountain spirits in this mountain." Wild monsters, they like to turn into old people and children to trick passers-by, and then they will eat people!"

"Nonsense!" Uncle Mei sneered, but he gave up the idea of ​​going over to check it out himself. He clapped his hands, and a man in unremarkable gray clothes came out from the nearby forest immediately: "What is your order?"

"Go and see, where are the children crying?" As a prince, how could there be no guards when he went out, but these people followed secretly, all of them disappeared in the woods and followed the prince's carriage quietly, ready to go at any time. Waiting for the master to call.

The man took the order, and Lin Rongrong also got out of the carriage. Looking at the dense forest around, she felt a little trembling in her heart, and touched her arm: "Is there any wild beast in this place? I heard that there are wild animals in Liaodong." There are big worms in the forest, they often come out to attack people, should we be more careful?"

"On both sides of the road, those beasts usually don't come out." The prince got out of the car and moved his body, admiring: "The king of Liaodong actually repaired the road. It's so far-sighted. It's much more convenient this way. Even if you want to The dispatch of troops to counter the rebellion has also accelerated a lot, and it is worthy of being the God of War."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the virtuous Lin Rongrong has already taken out the prepared bench from the car for the prince to sit on. The small table is filled with preserved fruits, snacks and tea, and with the surrounding green trees, it looks like she is on vacation.

"Princess, don't be busy. I planned to bring a maid out to serve you. You have to do it yourself." The prince looked at his wife, shook his head slightly, and said with a little pampering: "Seeing that you are sweating from work, hurry up." Sit down and rest for a while."

"If you have hands and feet, why do you have to be served by others?" Lin Rongrong herself used to be a young lady who grew up with countless people serving her. After some hard times, after a long time, I actually enjoy the fruits of my own labor. After marrying King An Le as a sequel, I am no longer used to being surrounded by so many maids, not to mention that many of these people are planning to borrow She was so convenient that she successfully climbed into King An Le's bed. Although she was just an idle prince, she was still a prince, and there were still a lot of rare people.

After Lin Rongrong married King Anle, she lived a very leisurely life. King Anle had already had an heir, who was left by his original concubine. The nose is raised and the eyes are raised, the relationship between the family is still harmonious, and Wang Anle is born to be impatient with the rich and powerful. He will take his little wife to play around when he has time, and has no interest at all with his grown son. The conflict in the world is very pleasant.

"My lord, it's a child!" The guard who went into the forest to check the situation came back soon, clumsily holding a fat baby in red clothes in his arms, the baby was crying loudly in the guard's arms, chubby Arms and legs kept tossing, which made the guard who was hugging a limp and stiff body even more afraid to move rashly, lest he would hurt the child with such a little strength.

"Hurry up and let me see!" After Lin Rongrong's own child was lost, it was difficult to conceive again, so she also suffered from a problem. When she saw someone's cute child, she couldn't move. The milk doll was so cute, he couldn't help stretching out his hand with a smile on his face, and carried the baby from the guard's arms very skillfully, the guard wiped his sweat quietly, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Probably because he has been crying for a long time, the little guy’s voice has become hoarse. A pair of dark eyes on his pretty face stared at Lin Rongrong in front of him. He didn’t know him, but he seemed very kind, and gradually stopped. There was a sound of crying, sobbing and choking, her little face was flushed from holding back, it was so pitiful.

"Looking at the child's clothes, he doesn't look like a child from a poor family." Wang An Le frowned. This child looks as beautiful as the one in the painting, how could he be discarded in the forest?
Lin Rongrong gently shook the child in her arms: "Hey, there is still a jade lock on this neck, why does it look dusty? How can it be possible to wear such a piece of inferior jade when you can wear such a good material for clothes? "

The little guy finally stopped crying, and looked at the person in front of him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and made two ahhhs from time to time, which made Lin Rongrong bow her head and kiss the couple, the tender and tender feeling is so good!

Anle Wang pulled out the jade lock piece on Xiao Baozi's neck very lightly. It looked very inconspicuous, and it was not worth anything at first glance. It was wearing a red rope, and a jade lock piece was tied on the top. Pearls, round and lovely, are much more valuable than those dusty jade locks.

"Why do I think this child looks familiar?" Lin Rongrong hugged the child and followed King An Le into the carriage. The carriage started again, but the speed slowed down because of the addition of a small child, looking at the peaceful little one in her arms. Dude, Lin Rongrong felt a little strange now.

"Familiar?" King An Le didn't think anything of it, this child is extremely beautiful, and he will definitely be a disaster when he grows up: "If a boy grows up like this, he won't break the heart of many girls in the future, don't become a vagabond That's good, such a monstrous face is too easy to provoke love."

evildoer?Merry?A flash of inspiration flashed in Lin Rongrong's mind. These terms seemed to have been used to describe a certain man, and then she looked carefully at the appearance of the little bun in her arms: "My lord, this child, this child looks like Nangong, the son of the Prince of Liaodong. Xiao is very similar! Really, especially these eyes, they are all raised from the corners, they are almost exactly the same!"

King Anle was stunned for a moment. He hadn't seen Nangong Xiao very much, so he couldn't tell, but the kid was dressed luxuriously, so he should be a child of a rich family. Isn't the richest and most powerful person in Liaodong the King of Liaodong?
"No, if it's really a child of the Liaodong royal family, how could a little doll appear in the forest?" At least there should be guards and maids around, right?

There should be a family not far ahead, and things will probably be resolved when we arrive at the Liaodong Prince's Mansion.

A few fast horses headed toward the carriage and rumbled away. The coachman took a look, retracted his head, and muttered to himself: "What's the matter? The Zhenbei Army is running around outside? Could it be that the Wala people are restless again? That's not good, you should persuade the prince to leave here, if you fight again, it will be very dangerous!"

Not long after, a few fast horses were thrown over again. This time, even King An Le felt that something was wrong. Is the Zhenbei Army okay to do?Wave after wave ran around outside, calling out to the coachman: "When I see someone stop me and ask, what happened?"

The coachman agreed, but it happened that not long after, a little girl with a medicine basket on her back came to meet her. It seemed that she was planning to go into the forest to collect medicinal materials. This child would not pose any threat. The coachman jumped out of the carriage and said, "Little girl, you Do you know what those Zhenbei troops are running around?"

"What's running around? They're on a mission!" The little girl was unhappy, rolling her eyes and choking.

Uh, the coachman touched his nose in embarrassment: "Then may I ask, what happened, even the Zhenbei Army was dispatched?"

That's about the same, the little girl was satisfied, and then she showed mercy: "You know the king of Liaodong, right? It's that great benevolent man, his grandson, our future little prince of Liaodong was snatched away by bad guys who don't know where. The military master is always looking for someone!"

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(End of this chapter)

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