reborn idle wife

Chapter 281 Nangong Min

Chapter 281 Nangong Min

Before he could finish speaking, the new house was suddenly kicked open, and then the husband and wife were stunned to see the bride wearing a bright red wedding dress and rushing out murderously with a sword in her hand.

Is this the case of a horse?Dongli and Nangong Xiao looked at each other, seeing Zuo Zhan chasing him out from behind, his expression became more and more exciting. Could it be that the bride developed a marriage phobia and was planning to regret the marriage when things came to an end?

Ru Chu pulled them behind him without any hesitation, and pointed the sword vigilantly at the void: "Come out, those who hide and hide lose their sense of propriety, they will be looked down upon!"

Ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, spreading round and round, like ripples spreading on a calm water surface, two figures appeared in front of them, a man and a woman, they looked extremely matched, stood together and fell apart. Also pleasing to the eye.

"Why are you two together?" Looking at the two people in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes as calmly as before, looking at them in disbelief, let alone Dong Li, thinking that he was dreaming, Aren't these two opposites?When can they coexist peacefully?

Nie Rulan didn't seem to see their ghost-like eyes. She looked at the white and fat baby in Nangong Xiao's arms with a complicated expression, and sighed faintly. For things that have long since passed away?You don't have to let others see the joke.

"What's so strange? As the saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend. We are both hunted by ghosts and fairies in the underworld. Of course, we should help each other." Nie Rulan didn't care. The man in the robe has a stinky face, and he doesn't look good when facing the crowd, and he is also noncommittal after hearing Nie Rulan's explanation of their relationship.

Ruchu was a little suspicious, Nie Rulan seemed to really think about it, did she really plan to give up?Could it be to confuse the public and plan to make a comeback while they relax their vigilance?
"I'm here to bless you today. After all, sisters, there's no need to worry about who was right and who was wrong. Sister, I wish you happiness!" Nie Rulan showed a relieved smile, looking at those people who didn't care at all. Ken looked a little ashamed with a confident look: "I still don't understand, do I really like Chu Liangchen, or did I deliberately snatch it because of excessive admiration and jealousy for my sister? It was one of my goals, but you all gave up the past suddenly, and I realized how lonely I would be alone, so, no matter what happened in the past, let’s write it off from now on, and from now on, we will be strangers when we meet again. "

"It's the best, I hope you can remember it." Holding the sword in her hand, Ru Chu raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly. Today she is a bride, and she is amazingly beautiful under all her costumes. Even Nie Rulan felt her heart tremble when she saw it. Secretly smiled wryly, no wonder Chu Liangchen chose her at the beginning, no matter in terms of talent or appearance, he was inferior to her, even if he refused to be convinced for so many years, the result would not change.

"Now that you've finished speaking, let's go!" The man in the golden robe next to him urged impatiently, they were fleeing, and this woman was troublesome, to come to her deadly enemy to congratulate her on her wedding, what a miserable life I'm getting impatient, doesn't she know how terrible the consequences will be if caught by the subordinates of the underworld based on the lives accumulated in her hands over the years? "If you don't leave, they are catching up."

It was probably to prove that what he said was true. Before he finished speaking, there was more violent turbulence in the air. Black and white figures could be vaguely seen approaching quickly, and even the weapons they were holding could be seen. It was clear, Nie Rulan cursed, and without hesitation, she plunged headlong into the air together with the man in the golden robe, and disappeared immediately.

Only then did Ru Chu heave a sigh of relief, the sword in his hand disappeared in a flash, Dong Li didn't wait for her to speak, he came up and dragged her into the house involuntarily: "You are the bride, so if someone sees you, just charge like that!" It will be a big joke if it comes out, go back to the house and sit down, Zuo Zhan goes out to greet the guests!"

Zuo Zhan rubbed his nose, and Nangong Xiao patted him on the shoulder sympathetically: "Okay, let's hurry up and greet the guests. Seeing how much face you have, Nie Rulan has come to give you blessings in person."

In fact, he didn't care about it at all, Zuo Zhan wanted to say that, but he finally held back, looked at the new house a little unwillingly, and went to deal with the group of elders in front of him full of resentment.

The lively wedding banquet has just begun, and the wide street in front of the Liaodong Prince's Mansion has long been crowded with congratulatory people. The table is filled with various delicacies like flowing water, and people laugh and eat with open stomachs. There are naughty children rushing from one table to another, picking out the snacks that the children like to eat, have you heard the voices of adults scolding the children?

The two groom officials, Zuo Zhan and Mo Youran, both wore bright red wedding gowns. Because the two families were close to each other, the running water mat in front of the door was connected in a row without distinguishing each other. The two groom officials came out together to toast everyone Looking at the two handsome and handsome men, many girls and daughters-in-law secretly blushed.

A woman in ragged clothes was standing on a lively street watching this scene. A well-meaning person walked by her. Seeing her appearance, she guessed that she might be a refugee who had just arrived in Liaodong. You can go to eat, but the woman is completely indifferent to this, she just stood at the door and looked at it for a while, this strange behavior undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people, the people directly under the Liaodong Palace obviously paid attention to her.

After standing for a while, the woman suddenly took a long breath, and walked towards the gate of the palace as if mustering up her courage. This move immediately attracted the attention of many people, and the guards who were guarding the gate to help maintain order immediately Stand up: "Excuse me, those who attend the wedding banquet, please sit outside."

"I'm here to see your lord." The woman's voice should be young, and she stretched out her hand to straighten her messy and shapeless hair, trying to make her image tidy, but obviously she failed , the tangled hair could not be combed at all, and half of the face was covered by the hair.

"My lord is very busy and I don't see any outsiders." The guard frowned. Is this woman okay?What is the identity of the prince, and can anyone see him if he wants to?

The woman seemed a little angry, and gave the guard a hard look: "You haven't reported yet, how do you know that the prince won't see me? Let me tell you, I'm the prince's biological daughter. You're embarrassing me now, be careful I tell father Wang Zhi You are guilty of disrespect!"

The guard was surprised when he heard the words, he didn't hear that the prince still has a daughter who didn't come, could it be the married lady who came?Thinking of this, the look in the woman's eyes immediately changed, and after hesitating for a moment: "Please wait here for a while, we will report to the lord right away, I don't know which lady you are?"

The woman folded her hands in front of her body, made a dignified gesture, and said proudly: "Listen, I am the second daughter of the prince. Now besides the eldest sister who is already married, I am the oldest."

Second Miss?The guards hurried in to report, and those who had the wedding banquet also saw the clues, it seemed that this ragged woman had a lot of background, the voice of talking and laughing also became lower, and they all whispered to each other and pointed at her.The two bridegroom officials who were toasting also exchanged a surprised look, and stood silently watching the changes.

Soon, King Liaodong came out in a brand-new purple brocade robe, and the woman standing at the door saw him, tears welling up in her eyes, and she took a few steps forward: "Father!"

"Min'er?" The Liaodong King couldn't believe it. Was this messed-up woman in front of him his daughter who always liked cleanliness and beautiful clothes?In the past, except for the best and top-notch things, she dismissed everything else. When was she in such a mess? "Is it really Min'er?"

"Father!" Nangong Min knelt on the ground full of bitterness, weeping uncontrollably. Her mother was dead, and her elder brother was also dead. She escaped before those people rushed into the house, but she was a weak woman, wearing brocade clothes Huafu was soon followed by people, not to mention all the gold and silver she was carrying was robbed, she also encountered a lot of bad luck, she could not believe that she was able to reach Liaodong alive.

The King of Liaodong confirmed that this was his daughter, and took two quick steps to pull her up from the ground. Seeing his daughter's appearance, all the disappointment and complaints about her in his heart were dispelled: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back, come here , go in with your father, take a shower and change clothes, your grandmother and mother are both here."

Mother?Nangong Min was taken aback when he heard the words, isn't Cui Shi dead?But he immediately realized that his father was talking about his aunt Huang, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad. Cui and Huang had fought for a lifetime, but the one who won in the end was the one who had no brains and skills and was often played by Cui. This is what Huang's bullying means.

A group of people entered the door, and the people watching the excitement outside suddenly became more lively. It was actually the prince's daughter who came to the door. Could it be the romantic debt left by the prince when he was young?Now that people have come to her door, I just don't know how the princess will feel!The troublemakers even began to bet on whether the princess would be a virtuous and magnanimous mistress and accommodate this woman, or would she show that her dignity was offended and resolutely not allow this unknown woman to enter the house?

Zuo Zhan frowned tightly. Nangong Min actually appeared in Liaodong at this time. You must know that she is still wanted by the court because of Nangongfan. , the already meager trust of the monarch and his ministers may soon go wrong.

It is impossible for the King of Liaodong not to think of it, but will he plan to hide this matter because he feels pity for this daughter?Looking at the bustling people around, I have to say that the timing of Nangong Min's appearance is really inopportune. It happened to be a feast of flowing water, and countless people crowded to join in the fun. Who knows how many of them are spies sent by the capital.

 This book is coming to an end soon, I hope everyone will continue to support Hualuo's "Rebirth of a Noble Girl": Shen Zhonghua, who died after being changed by the heavens, is reborn with a mysterious small space, and her hypocritical relatives have not been revealed at this time With a sinister face, the heartbroken lover is still a handsome young man, but this time, she will not be fooled by the superficial appearance, and she must pay back what is owed to her!
  The family, the marriage contract, and the heartless people are all kicked out. This time, she has to choose the life she wants and find her own happiness!
(End of this chapter)

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