reborn idle wife

Chapter 283 How to plan

Chapter 283 How to plan
Once Nangong Min's body shows its shape, this matter can no longer be covered up, not to mention how his family will be arranged, Nangong Min, an unmarried girl who is pregnant with a child, will be spit on To be sprayed to death, even the Cui family back then, had a noble concubine and sister to help cover up, and Emperor Jinxuan personally decreed the marriage, but it couldn't stop the secret ridicule of the insider, the dignified lady can only be a superior to others A concubine's room without a table.

Another typical example is Lin Rongrong. Her affairs were also covered up. There were only a few insiders, but in the end, if she hadn't met Dongli and the others by chance, there would probably be grass on Lin Rongrong's grave now. Knee deep.

The king of Liaodong was both distressed and angry. His daughter found herself in such a troubled world with difficulty. She didn't know what kind of suffering she had suffered and what kind of bullying. Finding her, causing her to fall into such a state, and angering Cui Shi and Nangong Fan for their lack of brains, causing some kind of rebellion, risking their lives and implicating their daughter.

Huang looked at him walking around the room with a sullen face, and didn't dare to say anything. She didn't intend to take care of this matter, whoever cared would make a mess.

Finally, the King of Liaodong stopped: "Where is Min'er?"

"I just arranged for the servant girl to take a bath and change clothes. Now I'm probably going to rest in the house after dinner." Huang immediately replied, "But I'm thinking about it. When I was in the capital, this girl followed Yue The relationship between Er, Linger and the others has already become very bad, and they were afraid of troubles, so they were not arranged in the girls' yard, but not far from the old lady's place, just in the Yinghua building."

The King of Liaodong nodded, and went there without stopping. Mrs. Huang hesitated for a moment, but she didn't follow. After thinking about it, she went to find the old lady.

Nangong Min thought that her father came over with a gloomy face because he was planning to settle accounts after the autumn. After all, she was also involved in the rebellion of her eldest brother and Aunt Cui. When she saw her father's face was ugly, and she even looked at her viciously, she immediately panicked When she got up, she knelt on the ground and wiped her tears without saying a word: "My daughter is unfilial. She failed to dissuade the aunt and the elder brother, and caused the whole family to suffer a catastrophe. If the father and the second elder brother were not capable, I am afraid that the whole family would be ruined." If there is no benefit, it is because the daughter is incompetent, please punish the father!"

The king of Liaodong was stunned for a moment. His unsightly face was naturally because of the child's troubles. He didn't expect his daughter to kneel down and beg for punishment. After listening for a while, he realized that he was worried that he would punish her for treason, and he was the first to show his innocence. Come on, the meaning in those words is that everyone understands, it is nothing more than that she is a weak woman who can't be the master of her brother and mother. Wan never thought that his daughter, who is always virtuous, gentle and soft-spoken, would have such a cold temper.

"You don't need to talk about it. Since that matter has passed, the smart ones shouldn't bring it up again." Liaodong King sighed in disappointment, and found a seat to sit down: "I ask you, you have been living outside these days, What kind of man have you ever been with?" At this point, I can't continue, what should I say?Could it be that my daughter is having an affair with a man?Calling him an outlet for what a father would say?Besides, I don't know if Nangong Min's incident was caused by being forced into distress. Didn't telling her daughter hurt her heart?He hesitated for a moment.

Nangong Min turned pale with fright when he heard the words, could it be that his father already knew about these things?No, it's impossible, no one knows about it except her, and if her father knew about it, he wouldn't ask her again. If he admits it, he won't be able to marry a good family in the future. The one who was engaged before After she heard that she was involved in rebellion and disappeared, she had already married someone else's daughter as quickly as possible. She still wanted to marry someone else. How could she cover her face with a veil and sob immediately from the stigma festival: "My daughter is from a wealthy family. Why doesn't she understand the truth that fame is higher than the sky? Even if she dies, her reputation will not be stained. My father said so. If people know what random guesses are made, I can teach my daughter how to live in the future. ?”

The King of Liaodong was speechless at once. If Mrs. Huang hadn't told him about Nangong Min's pregnancy, and the doctor had seen it, just seeing her daughter's behavior, he would have suspected that Mrs. Huang was maliciously deceiving him to slander her daughter's name. He shook his head in disappointment: "At this point, you are still full of lies. If I didn't really know something, why would I ask you about such a thing? If you really want to say anything like what you said No, how do you explain it to the child in your belly?"

Nangong Min originally planned to pretend to be wronged and called a few words wronged, but it would be even better if she could make Huang Shi be rejected by her father, but as soon as the word "child" came out, she was so dizzy that she could hardly stand upright. Holding the table to stabilize his figure, he looked at his father in disbelief, suspecting that his father was deliberately talking nonsense to deceive himself.

But when she touched the sadness, disappointment, and pity in her father's eyes, she understood that her father did not lie, what he said was true, that is to say, she was pregnant.Thinking of the abnormal condition of her body these days, and the sunflower water that she hadn't come for a long time, which she had neglected, she suddenly became dizzy, unable to support herself anymore, and collapsed limply.

The king of Liaodong hurriedly sent her to the bed, looked at his daughter's pale and thin face, and shook his head sadly.

"How is it? Is this true?" Just as the old lady heard what Huang said, she rushed over holding her daughter-in-law's hand, asked hurriedly, and glanced at the pale Nangong Min on the bed with complicated eyes. , sighed: "Sin!"

The king of Liaodong stood silently, no doubt acknowledging the authenticity of this matter. The old lady paused on the ground with her cane: "Let's find a way to hide the matter first, and the identity of Min girl, I am afraid that the capital has already passed away." I got the news that she is a prisoner of the imperial court, what are you going to do?"

Hand it over?That is impossible. The King of Liaodong is reluctant to sacrifice his own flesh and blood like this, but if he stays there, he will definitely attract countless people's bad words and slanders, and finally attract the suspicion of the monarch and his ministers. Impossible, once found out, it would be deceitful, and she simply admitted the crime of Min girl, I have a gold medal for avoiding death, which can save her life."

This is the only way to go. The old lady nodded and sighed: "But what should Min girl do? Should the child stay or go? I don't know who the child's father is. It still works.”

"I'm afraid it won't work?" Huang said, ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of the Liaodong King, "It's so chaotic outside, and a girl named Min has been wandering outside for such a long time, and I don't know how much I have been in contact with. I am willing to take responsibility, but if this character is not good, can Min girl be tortured for the rest of her life?"

This is also true. The King of Liaodong was walking back and forth in the room irritably, and Mrs. Huang made an idea over there: "In my opinion, this child cannot be kept. If the child is abolished, relying on the power and status of our family, we will give it to you again." It's not difficult for Min girl to find someone else, the big deal is to give a lot of dowry, it's better than marrying someone who doesn't know his roots and temperament, right? Bullying a weak woman is not a good thing after all."

Nangong Min was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and she seemed to have not woken up. In fact, she heard all the discussions of several people. She had to say that Huang's words made sense. If others said so, Nangong Min would definitely Yes, but who is Mrs. Huang?Cui's lifelong enemy, Nangong Min is the person she hates the most, and Nangong Min will never follow through on what she said.

Not long after she left Zhenbeihou's Mansion, she was robbed of gold and silver, and because of her beauty, she was ruined by a few hooligans who took advantage of the chaos and robbed her everywhere. Afterwards, she was sold into a brothel and tortured by various methods I had no choice but to pick up the guests against my will, and I don’t know how many men I have dealt with. Later, I took advantage of the chaos in the brothel when the army besieged the city. I escaped, and I went to Liaodong after suffering a lot of life and death along the way. Whose child is it? , she herself doesn't know.

Brothels naturally have their own methods. Generally, women who enter that place will not have any more children. Nangong Min doesn't know whether it is luck or something, but he escaped unharmed and became pregnant, although this may not be a good thing However, she felt that Aunt Cui was dead, Nangong Fan was also dead, Cui's family was murdered, her father didn't care about her, Huang could wish for her to die, she had no relatives, and she was in this stomach The only family member who is still counting on the child to grow up to be an adult so that she can take care of her until the end of her life. Huang's words seem to have killed this life?She can't think about it!
So he didn't care about pretending to pass out, and got up with his hands covering his stomach: "Whoever dares to touch my child, I will fight her hard!" He stared at Huang Shi fiercely, as if he wanted to pounce on her and bite her to relieve his hatred Same.

All three of them looked at her in shock. This child's stay would only make her situation worse. Could it be that Nangong Min couldn't understand?Still want to leave the child?

The King of Liaodong rubbed his temples with a headache: "Do you know who the father of the child is? Even if I tied him up, I got him to take responsibility for you."

Nangong Min was dumbfounded. She had almost forgotten what those men looked like, let alone who knew which man left the seeds?

Seeing her appearance, a few people understood. The old lady tapped the ground with her cane angrily: "Are you confused or what? Keeping this child will be your lifelong shame, and you will be ridiculed and looked down upon in the future." , who will marry you from a good family?"

However, Nangong Min became determined after eating the weight, and made it clear that I just want to keep the child, and if you want to get rid of him, you must kill me too.

The king of Liaodong was so angry that he flicked his sleeves and left, thinking that who would care about her mess!If she wants to keep it, she can keep it, at worst, the palace will support her for the rest of her life!

But Mrs. Huang is not willing. Nangong Min is a copy of Mrs. Cui, full of bad intentions, won't she make herself uncomfortable for the rest of her life if she stays in the palace?Besides, bring a wild species of unknown origin to live in the palace to enjoy the blessings?What I think is beautiful!When both her and the prince's legs are gone, won't this woman be even more arrogant if no one controls her seriously?Maybe she would even push that bastard to compete with her baby for the baby's position, just like Cui Shi and Nangong Fan planned for the position of the son.

No, such a thorn in the side must be kicked out, what are you afraid of with a child, since she is shameless herself, what are others worried about?There are so many poor families who can't marry a daughter-in-law. As long as they give more dowry money and find those who have a decent appearance and temper to marry them off, even the prince will not say anything.

 Ask for support for the new book! "The Rebirth of a Noble Girl": See the joyful grievances and vengeance of strange women in the world after their rebirth, and look for a good relationship
(End of this chapter)

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