Chapter 285
Nangong Min began to have a pregnancy reaction. What she ate and vomited these few days, her plump body shrunk severely, she lost a lot of weight, and her face became even thinner before she recovered. , making the eyes bigger and more pitiful.

The maids around her also saw the clues, and they were both contemptuous and worried in their hearts. The contempt was because she, a young lady of the big family, did not obey the rules and conceived before marriage. People discovered such a horrifying secret, what if the prince executed all the insiders in order to deceive others?
Nangong Min was lying on the bed dying, with a sallow complexion, as if she had suffered a serious illness. There was a spittoon in front of the bed, so that she could get up and vomit immediately if she felt uncomfortable. The window was opened, and the room was full of misery. The smell was dissipated, and the inside of the censer didn't care whether it would affect it or not. Stronger spices were added to suppress the sour and rotten smell in the room that seemed to be impossible to dissipate.

"Miss, let's have some bird's nest porridge. You didn't eat much tonight, and you vomited up again. It's not good to have an empty stomach." The maid with a double bun approached with a golden lacquer tray and asked in a low voice Nangong Min was like a living dead on the bed.

Nangong Min opened his eyes slightly, and before he could say anything, he felt another wave of nausea in his chest. He immediately got up and grabbed the head of the bed with one hand, and vomited out "wow".

The servant girl frowned slightly, stepped back in small steps, and immediately realized something was wrong, put down the tray in her hand and stepped forward to gently beat her on the back: "How can this be done? There is nothing in the stomach, If you continue to vomit like this, the child will be vomited out, miss, why don't you call the doctor to have a look?"

Nangong Min was also very worried. She vomited endlessly like this. She was really worried that the child would not be able to bear it. She thought that her father already knew what happened to her, so calling a doctor would be nothing. Just say it, and nodded after hearing the words: "You can arrange it, take the bird's nest away, I can't eat it!"

The doctor was quickly invited, and the Huang family had already arranged it. The doctor who diagnosed Nangong Min's pulse was the one who gave her the happy pulse before. If one person knew about such a scandal, he was worried that it would spread. If a doctor found out, it would be even more difficult to cover up. After reading it, he concluded that this was a normal reaction. However, Nangong Min suffered from hardships before and his health was not good enough, which is why he reacted so violently.

The old lady felt ashamed of her ancestors for having such a woman in her family. It is not Nangong Min's fault that she lost her virginity helplessly. She was also forced. From the point of view of traditional women who are required to learn, it is a great sin to lose their innocence. What is even more intolerable is that this woman who has lost her innocence plans to give birth to a wild species of unknown origin and be raised by her father and brother.There is no such thing in the old lady's concept, so this time it is rare to reach an agreement with her daughter-in-law Huang, and quickly find a suitable person to marry him off. If such a person stays in the palace, it will ruin the reputation of the palace. , I am afraid that in the future, he will encourage that bastard to rob the palace's family business.

After getting the old lady's instructions, Huang's heart was even more determined. In this way, even if the King of Liaodong was angry in the future, the old lady would naturally come forward to bear it. Besides, the King of Liaodong would be able to be ruthless and set up an outstanding daughter for a shameless daughter. son and grandson?Nangong Min lives in the palace with the child in her womb, what name will she use to explain it to the outside world?Do you want to lose the face of the palace?
At night, the doctor was called, Huang expressed apologies, and then specially arranged a room near Nangong Min's residence for the doctor to live in. Before Nangong Min left the palace, this was her exclusive doctor.

The three ghosts lingered at the window for a long time, exchanging opinions in whispers. The little ghost Wu Yuanhang said that he still didn't understand it well. The little ghost explained clearly, so he had to be vague, saying that Nangong Min was not a good woman, so he rushed back to report the letter. It was really Wu Yuanhang's eyes full of curiosity that made the two elders feel pressured!Why does this kid like to get to the bottom of it so much?If it weren't for being ghosts, these two would have been sweating and crying.

"Are you really pregnant?" After getting the news, Nangong Xiao said calmly, and then continued to write on the paper to give his son a proper name. Dongli actually wanted to remind him that he used the brush He held it upside down, and the ink had already dripped onto the back of his hand, but after thinking about it, he still didn't open the mouth.

"Your mother-in-law seems to be secretly looking for a husband-in-law for the second young lady." Liu Shi drifted away, making sure she was far away from Wu Yuanhang, and then she opened her mouth, forcing herself not to look at Ran Ju's resentment who was being held by Wu Yuanhang Those things are really hard for a child to say! "The old lady also knows about this, and she also agrees with your mother-in-law's idea. Find someone to blame this trouble as soon as possible. Is this called blame?"

Nangong Xiao grew up with Nangong Min since he was a child. How could he not understand this woman's temperament? If she stayed in the palace, she would still make up her mind to give birth to a child. The dowry can be regarded as a little bit of my wish for being an uncle, but if it is a boy, Nangong Minbao will definitely move his mind to plan the family business of the palace. It is not her son's turn to inherit the throne, and she will not let it go. At least she has to seek enough property and status to make up for the inferiority complex she has developed over the years, and the resentment of Cui Shi and Nangong Fan after their failure.

If at that time, chaos in the inner house is absolutely inevitable, I think my grandmother and mother also understand this point, and they don't want another Cui family and Nangong Fan to make this decision.

Dongli also guessed roughly that she was considered an outsider, so she couldn't say anything, so she kept silent, but Nangong Xiao didn't take it seriously: "You should also secretly see if there is a suitable candidate, after all, it's a brother and sister match, she Encountering such a thing is pitiful enough for a woman, I hope she can have someone to rely on for the rest of her life."

Dong Li was very reluctant. A sister-in-law would not do her best to find her husband's family. If she finds the right one, she should. As soon as she said this, she wanted to push back: "Isn't that good? Grandma and mother are walking, where is it my turn to make decisions? Besides, I have never experienced this, and I don't know what kind of person is suitable for Min girl! "

"You don't need any great people." Nangong Xiao didn't understand the real reason for his wife's refusal. She thought she was worried that she couldn't find a suitable candidate: "As long as you have a good character and a better temper, Miss Min these years I am used to my temper, so I need to find someone who can tolerate her temper, and her appearance should not be too ugly, otherwise the girl will not be able to pass the test, and her body must not have any defects or diseases. That's all, our family doesn't care about property."

Dongli didn't want to take on this matter even more when he heard it. Is this simple?What is good character and good temper?Just like what Nangong Xiao said, it is hard to find a person who is healthy, clean, good-tempered, good-natured, and good-looking. Even if he finds him, would he be willing to marry a woman who is pregnant with a child?If there is, it is probably for the power and property of the palace, and the character is not good.

Liu almost laughed out loud, whose daughter wouldn't like such a condition?There are some good girls who are willing to marry, who would be willing to wrong themselves to accept a woman who has a bad temper and is pregnant with a child? The only one who can make a move is probably the deep background of the palace: "My son is really joking, such a condition , isn’t that the standard for your daughter-in-law to choose a husband back then? Do you really want to find someone who is similar to you for your sister? That would be difficult!”

Nangong Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the conditions he just mentioned, good character, good looks, clean and healthy, and willing to live a good life, isn't that what Dongli asked of her husband?There is also one thing missing, that you can't take concubines, and immediately put on a smiling face and smiled at the unhappy daughter-in-law: "I'm not going along with it, but it's definitely hard to find someone like me, but I like you like a girl." of!"

Dongli curled her mouth, and finally couldn't help stretching out her hands to pinch the flesh on both sides of her husband's cheeks fiercely. If such a condition was easy to find, she would have been married a long time ago, would she marry into a deep house compound to suffer anger?

"Take it easy! Be careful that your hands are sore!" Nangong Xiao's cheeks were pulled to the sides, and his speech was a little slurred, but he was still smiling: "I said something wrong for my husband, just find someone who is passable by ordinary people. Already!"

"I won't do it!" Dongli let go of his hand bitterly, puffing his cheeks like a puffy little frog: "The elders have to worry about this kind of thing, so I don't want to intervene recklessly! If you want to help My younger sister is in her early years, go find it yourself! Anyway, no matter whether you find a candidate, grandma or mother will have no objection!"

Nangong Xiao covered his cheeks and watched his wife walk away angrily, and smiled wryly, why did he accidentally make his wife angry again?

Ran Ju floated down, looked at him with head down and feet up, her black hair covered her face, and she looked very gloomy: "You idiot, it is enough for the elders to come forward for such a matter, why do you want your wife to be involved?" ? Just make the elders think that she stretches her hand too far, and make your sister feel that she has no good intentions, what else can you get?"

Nangong Xiao is speechless, okay, he was wrong, he said it without thinking clearly, is it okay if he is wrong? "Wait, daughter-in-law, can't I take the blame for you? Don't make me sleep on the floor at night!"

"Hey!" The three ghosts, including Wu Yuanhang, couldn't help laughing out loud. Dongli glared at him with an annoyed look, and flew away in a panic.

Nangong Xiao came over with a salivating face, pulled his wife's clothes and swayed coquettishly: "I didn't do it on purpose, so please forgive me! Or I'll kneel down and plead guilty for you?"

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to sleep on the floor." Dongli looked at the handsome man in front of him, secretly grinding his back molars, seeing the surprised expression on the man's face, he came up to him and wanted to hug him, kicked him Go up: "Go up and sleep in my study tonight!"

 New book "Rebirth of a Noble Girl": Shen Zhonghua, who died after being changed by the sky, was reborn with a mysterious small space. At this time, the hypocritical relatives have not shown their sinister faces, and the heartless lover is still a handsome and handsome son. , but this time, she will no longer be fooled by superficial phenomena, and she must pay back what is owed to her!
  The family, the marriage contract, and the heartless people are all kicked out. This time, she has to choose the life she wants and find her own happiness!
  This article is updated steadily, and everyone is welcome to jump into the pit and provide valuable opinions!

(End of this chapter)

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