reckless detective

Chapter 167 Biting the Ear

Chapter 167 Biting the Ear (12)

Wu Cuo was not in a hurry to enter the backyard, but went around to the main entrance of the front yard first.

The fire was mainly concentrated in the backyard, and the houses where bats gathered in the yard were also affected. The traces of the front yard were relatively well preserved.

Wu Cuo squatted at the gate, carefully observing the shape of the dust on the door.

Except for the place scratched by myself and Yan Ruyu when they entered the door, no new traces were found.

He entered the door and walked into the west wing.

There was obviously a trace of dragging on the floor of the West Wing. The trace stretched from the door to the window, about 50 centimeters wide, and wiped away the original footprints on the ground.

This is a new trace!
Wu Cuo remembered very clearly that when he and Yan Ruyu walked out of the west wing room after checking the windows, there was absolutely no such trace on the ground.

Someone dragged something from here?
No, the traces show a texture of sweeping left and right, more like they are left to eliminate footprints!

It's the murderer!
The murderer entered the haunted house through the window, killed Yuan Zhijie and then jumped out of the window, not forgetting to erase his own footprints when leaving.

Wu Cuo immediately went to observe the window, his eyes widened, and he looked at it centimeter by centimeter.

If there is a speck of scratch on the dust somewhere, it will attract his attention.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Wu Cuo's eyes were staring dry, but he didn't find anything of value.

Go out of the west wing and come to the door of the main room.

The bat feces on the ground were roasted by the fire, making the smell even more unpleasant, and the small wind brought a smell that made people sick.

Bat feces have become natural footprint molds, and firefighters and soldiers wear uniform firefighting boots with the same patterns on the soles.

The aisle connecting the front and back yards was full of such shoe prints, which were very clear. The footprints left by Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo had been covered and could not be seen at all.

If the murderer wanted to enter the backyard to kill Yuan Zhijie, he would definitely pass through here. Can you find any traces on this messy passage?
Wu Cuo made up his mind and bent over to carefully observe the footprints on the bat droppings.

The moment he bent down, he held his breath.

Therefore, he has a deeper understanding of what "spicy eyes" are.

"Old Wu, use this!"

Yan Ruyu threw him a set of protective clothing—the protective clothing used by forensic doctors when dissecting highly decomposed corpses. It looks a bit like an astronaut's space suit, with a closed hood that can block odors to a certain extent.

"Damn, talent, you still carry this with you?!"

"Keep one set in the car for emergencies."

With the protective clothing, Wu Cuo almost knelt on the ground and screened the footprints on the ground inch by inch.


At the end of the screening, Wu Cuo was covered in protective clothing and covered in sweat.

The wound on the lower back was flooded with sweat, and the pain was unbearable.

As soon as it hurts, I sweat more.

He fell into a vicious circle, and his whole body was dripping with water, as if he had taken a shower.

The physical pain was bearable, but what was unbearable was that as the investigation continued, the road with clear footprints became shorter and shorter, and the hope of finding useful traces became increasingly slim.

For trace inspection criminal police, this is the real torment.


Just when the inspection was about to come to an end, a barely noticeable trace caught Wu Cuo's attention.

On the edge of the fire boot print, there is a horseshoe-shaped mark the size of a little finger.

The imprint is too small, and half of it was stepped on by the fire boots. If Wu Cuo hadn't screened it inch by inch, it would have been impossible to find it.

Although small, the imprint was very deep, about half a centimeter deeper than the fire boots.

"High-heeled shoes! Old Yan! It's a fucking high-heeled shoe! The murderer is a woman!" Wu Cuo yelled loudly.

This discovery was not easy to come by, Wu Cuo had mixed feelings in his heart, and the only way to express his emotions was by shouting.

Yan Ruyu came out of the tunnel in disgrace, and took a few breaths of fresh air.

"I really underestimated the power of the fire. The walls and the floor are hot, and the whole thing is cooked in a steamer."

"What are you doing in there? Hurry up and have a look, there is a big discovery!"

"I heard, high-heeled shoe prints, right?" Yan Ruyu walked towards the place where Wu Cuo was, while using her hands as a fan, she kept fanning her head.

"It's so fucking weird!" Wu Cuo said.

"Yeah, that's weird!" Yan Ruyu also said: "Don't this woman know that she is not very good at martial arts, her strength is not very good, and she is wearing high heels when she comes to kill people. What kind of trouble is this?"

Wu Cuo shrugged, saying that he didn't understand women very well.

The next on-site inspection took half a day, and finally Xiaobai and Minghui also joined the on-site inspection, but nothing was gained.

The murderer was a woman, a woman in high heels.

This is the only clue the police have so far.

At noon the next day, Yan Ruyu suddenly said, "This won't work, we're on the edge of a dead end."

Wu Cuo Xiaobai Minghui stopped, and Yan Ruyu continued: "This site is no longer worth digging. It's time to change our thinking. Have you found Yuan Zhijie's residence? I think we can start from there."

Xiaobai shook his head, "This person's whereabouts are very secretive, and he deliberately concealed his identity, so he didn't find a place to live."

Minghui frowned while thinking, "I have an idea."

"Tell me." Wu Cuo gave her an encouraging look.

"The timing of these two murders was too coincidental. Three students came to explore the haunted house late at night, and they happened to meet the murderer here. Is this a coincidence? As for the team leader and Brother Yan, as soon as you stepped down the tunnel, the murderer arrived at the back." , twice in a row, this is no coincidence!"

"I see!" Xiaobai said, "Yuan Zhijie and his accomplices should live nearby! Even if they don't live here, there must be a hideout. They seem to...seem to be monitoring this place. People, they're all going to kill."

"A deserted empty house nearby! Search!" Wu Cuo was the first to rush out.

Minghui played an important role in case analysis for the first time, and suddenly became full of energy.

Half an hour later, the three of them received location information from Xiaobai.

Found Yuan Zhijie's residence!
dirty!His place is so dirty!

The bed was nailed with several wooden strips, and the legs of the bed were crooked.

The greasy quilt fell to the floor, and the pillows were thrown messily by the door.

Seven or eight instant noodle boxes were piled up in the corner, and the unfinished instant noodle soup inside was moldy and hairy.

The old altar sauerkraut flavor, really sour!
"This is Yuan Zhijie's residence? Are you sure?" Wu Cuo couldn't believe that a gangster who once stole gold bars from the Bank of China would live in such a place.

"I found the ID card under the mattress."

Xiaobai handed Wu Cuo an ID card.

The name on the ID card was Yuan Xiaohu, but the photo belonged to Yuan Zhijie.

Yuan Xiaohu, so this is his new identity.

Yan Ruyu, who had been looking around silently, pointed to the quilt and pillow on the ground and said to Xiaobai, "You threw this on the ground?"

Xiaobai shook his head, "No, it was like this when I came in."

"No matter how sloppy a person is, there's no need to throw the pillow and quilt on the ground, right? Someone got here before us and turned it upside down. The question is, what is she looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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