reckless detective

Chapter 172 Biting the Ear

Chapter 172 Biting the Ear (17)

Wu Cuo read the letter again, this time he read it word by word, and it took him 20 minutes.

"Except for a few typos, I can't see anything else."

"What I'm showing you is a typo!" Yan Ruyu excitedly said, "Hmph, this guy is really smart!"

"What do you mean?"

Three letters, each with exactly two typos, a total of six, don't you think the distribution is a bit too even?
And the six typos were all caused by the pinyin input method. Look at this one, it should be 'report to the relevant department many times', but it was written as 'report to the department concerned many times', which is too obvious on purpose... "

"Deliberately?...Deliberately..." Minghui seemed to understand something. He opened the word document on the computer and entered 'youg' with the pinyin input method. Among the phrases that appeared, the first one was 有, and the second It is related, the third is past, the fourth is ghost, and the fifth is feeling.

Minghui suddenly realized, "I understand! 'Yougan' is relatively uncommon, and it appears at the end of the phrases given by the input method. Even if it is a mistake, it seems to be out of its turn!"

Wu Cuo also used the computer to search for a wrong phrase, nodded and said: "That's right, hey, when we type, it is not easy to make mistakes in common phrases, especially it is less likely to mistake common phrases for uncommon phrases."

"Looking at his writing again, the sentence is smooth throughout the reading, and the post is also written with eloquence and ups and downs. He should be a well-educated person and should not make mistakes such as typos. What's more, he is delivering letters to government units. Don't you check?

There is only one possibility, he made a mistake on purpose!That's why I said he was smart. "

"But...a few typos...what's the use to us?"

"You don't need a few, one is enough."

Yan Ruyu reached out and clicked on one of the letters.

"This is... Dongyuan?"

"Yes, this sentence was supposed to say 'mobilize manpower to rescue the ancient house of the Republic of China', but it was written as 'Dongyuan manpower'.

Dongyuan, don't you think it looks like the name of the community?
The murderer should have used the same input method to spell his own address, so the word 'Dongyuan' in the address was determined to be a phrase by the input method.

Therefore, when the murderer deliberately made a typo, he chose the word 'Dongyuan'. "

Wu Cuo suddenly realized, "You mean...but..."

Wu Cuo opened the map software from the computer, "However, even if the place where the murderer lives has the word Dongyuan, there are no less than 30 residential areas with Dongyuan in the name in the entire Jingbei City, and the population covered is at least..."

"Among these communities, only two are equipped with [-]M broadband!"

"[-]M broadband?"

Whenever this kind of brain-burning moment comes, Wu Cuo can't wait to grow another head.

Yan Ruyu smiled pickily, and patted the head of Jin Jinduo who was facing the computer screen and meditating.

"I said, Team Leader Wu, take a little time to care about your team members."


Even though the two had known each other since childhood, Wu Cuo still couldn't get used to Yan Ruyu's leaping thinking.

"Little Jinzi, let me ask you, which neighborhood do you live in?"

"Splendid New City."

"Why did you choose there?"

"[-]M broadband, hurry up."

"No other reason?"

"Any other reason is needed?"

Yan Ruyu patted Jin Ziduo's head again, very satisfied.

"See, Xiao Jinzi is the epitome of a technical man, and the guy we are looking for...he is the criminal partner Yuan Zhijie wants to recruit. He has certain computer skills and knows how to use overseas servers...combining these two points..."

"Combining these two points, the person we are looking for is a hacker! ...Yuan Zhijie contacted him to ask him to help hack into the bank's security system!"

"So," Yan Ruyu patted Jin Jinduo's head again, "To study the behavior of technical men, starting with Xiao Jinzi is the fastest way. The person we are looking for will most likely live in Mingzhu Dongyuan or Jiaheyuan East In these two communities equipped with [-]M broadband.”

"It's not over yet," Wu put on his gloves by mistake, took out one of the letters from the evidence bag, and looked carefully at the edge of the letter under the desk lamp, "Why do I feel... this thing looks like..."

Xiaobai directly leaned forward and sniffed it, "Hey, takeaway, it should be rice bowl with mushroom and chicken flavor."

There was a dark spot on the edge of the letter, like a mimeograph from a dirty hand after a meal.

Wu Cuo clicked his tongue, "Congratulations, Xiaobai has another function as a police dog."

Yan Ruyu lit a cigarette and began to draw conclusions.

"A technical geek who lives in seclusion and doesn't like sports. He is probably a fat man. Not only is he fat, but he also looks unkempt. It shouldn't be hard to find such a person in a high-end community, right?"

Mingzhu Dongyuan, the first community in Beijing to connect to [-]M broadband, is an old-fashioned high-end residence.

Wu Cuo described the physical characteristics of the person they were looking for to the community security, and the two security guards said in unison: "You are looking for him!"


The younger security guard said: "Sloppy fat man, there is indeed such a man in our community, a second-hand Alto has been driven for many years, and he always wears a worn-out t-shirt with holes..."

It is naturally inappropriate to describe the owner of the community in this way. The older security guard coughed, and he quickly shut up.

The older security guard said: "This owner should be engaged in computer technology... Hey, I don't understand those things either.

The reason why I know is because there was a water leak upstairs that flooded the ceiling of his house. The property management staff went to help coordinate the compensation and accidentally glanced into the study.

Hey, there are several huge computer screens. It looks like the inside of The Matrix, and the electronic equipment in his house is also the most advanced. The TV is so looks like a wall...yes Yes, there are also sweeping robots, how many years ago, we didn't know there was such a thing as sweeping robots, people have already used them.

Don't tell me, different people have different hobbies, some people like famous cars and watches, some people like beautiful women, some people like these high-tech things..."

The security guard took out the posture of putting on a dragon's gate, and Wu Cuo hurriedly interrupted: "Information, we need the owner's information!"

"Look at my mouth, just wait a moment." The security guard hurried to check the owner's information.

"Ma Donglei, born in 77, 40 this year, when the bank robbery happened 19 years ago, he was 21 years old... Was this Ma Donglei... involved in the case back then?" Wu Cuo and Yan Ruyu looked at each other, and they thought of being together went.

"We need to adjust the community surveillance to determine whether he is at home. At the same time, our people may need to squat downstairs at Ma Donglei's house."

"No problem, officer... um... did Ma Donglei commit a crime?" the security guard asked.

Wu patted the security guard on the shoulder by mistake, "Don't talk nonsense, it is illegal to spread rumors if it is serious."

(End of this chapter)

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