reckless detective

Chapter 488 Favor

Chapter 488 Favor (5)

"Hello? Dad?"

The old man's side was a bit noisy, and there was a faint electronic sound of the bus stop announcement, which was as expected.

"What's the matter?" The old man spoke very fast, obviously he couldn't do what he wanted in the bus.

"Can you come to my house? It's urgent."


"It's my fault. When I came back yesterday, I couldn't control my emotions. I got angry at Du Ruo. I even... beat her twice. Now she insists on divorcing me. Come and persuade me... I was wrong... ..."

"What?!" The father-in-law raised his voice an octave, "Divorce?! Let me tell you, no!"

Wei Wuxian sneered.

The old man is really good enough, he doesn't care about his daughter being beaten, but he cares about not letting go of his cash cow.

"I also said that it is not easy for us to get married, but Du Ruo can't listen to what I say now. I really have no choice but to ask you to help."

"You can really..." The old man's voice trembled with anger, "wait at home, watch her, don't tell her to run away, I'll go back and persuade one will make me worry... "

"Yes, I am waiting for you at home."

The father-in-law arrived after an hour, and with his pissing nature, he would never be willing to pay for a taxi as long as he was not on fire.It must have taken a bus to the neighborhood first, and then walked several hundred meters.

"Dad? Are you here?"

Qin Shouru at the door had already changed his clothes and washed off the blood on his face and hands.But the strong smell of blood in the room still made the old man suspicious.

"What are you doing?" he asked, "Where is my daughter?"


The old man took a few steps, and reached out to push the bedroom door.

The moment he saw the horror in the bedroom, a hemp rope was quickly wrapped around his neck.

tighten up.

The old man clasped the hemp rope desperately with both hands, but he couldn't exert any strength.

Wei Wuxian exerted all his strength, he and the old man back to back, bent over, grasping the rope tightly with both hands, almost lifting the old man on his back, this is the easiest way to use his strength.

"See...your precious daughter...this is what happens when you bully me...I tell you, the next one is your precious son...Your family, don't even try to escape today..."

There was a gurgling sound from the old man's throat, and his face had already turned crimson purple.

Wei Wuxian didn't know if he could still hear his own words, but he just wanted to say it, and he couldn't spit it out.

Seeing the father-in-law who was not breathing and collapsed on the ground, Wei Wuxian no longer felt much.

Next, it's time for the triple kill.

Wei Wuxian hesitated for a while about whom to choose.

He decided to leave his brother-in-law at the end, and let the mother-in-law be, since none of them can escape anyway.

At this moment, the brother-in-law should still be sleeping. He knew it too well. The couple always played games at night. After eating in the morning and sleeping until mid-afternoon, no one could wake them up.

Now is a good time to find the mother-in-law, Wei Wuxian dialed her number.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" The old lady's tone was normal, which made Wei Wuxian hesitate.

She... It seems that she is not wrong, it is all the old man's fault... Then should I kill her?
Wei Wuxian glanced at the old man's pupils that had spread into a cloudy shape.

kill!There is no turning back!He made a quick decision. "Mom, can you come here?"

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't I forget to take the things I bought for you yesterday? I'm going to be busy recently, and I may not have time to deliver them to you. I just called Dad... Maybe the phone is dead, and Dad's phone can't be reached. I just should come and get it..."

"What?" the old lady tentatively asked.

"Let me take a cosmetics and health products I bought for you...Du Ruo bought them, I don't understand them...If you have nothing to do, come and get them, take them back and use them as soon as possible no……"

"That's all right, I'll go over right now...Look, I said that the child is still sensible, and I told your dad not to get angry with you last night."

"Yes, yes, please tell me more good things for me in the future."

"That's right, can Mom not know, you are a good boy."

An hour and a half later, the old lady also entered the door.

Because the window was open, the old lady didn't notice the smell of blood.

But she noticed small flying insects—the small flying insects born in the trash can, probably because they were stimulated by the smell of blood, flew all over the house.

Wei Wuxian had told Du Ruo a long time ago that she should throw away some garbage frequently, so that the house would not be full of sour smell and small flying insects every time.But Du Ruo is not only bossy, but also extremely lazy. She would rather have a dirty house than take care of the mountains of rubbish.

When you are in a good mood, you can remember to call a housekeeper.

"Hey, what's the smell? Why is your house so dirty? You don't clean up the house? My daughter doesn't clean up either? You can't..."

Before Wei Wuxian could reply, the old lady said again: "Didn't you say you have something for me? Where are the things?"

Wei Wuxian pointed to the bedroom: "It's over there, you can get it yourself."

The old lady's eyes were not very good, so when she opened the door, she thought that the bed was covered with red sheets, and that her daughter was lying there sleeping.

In order to save face, she glanced around the room, looking for "something", but she shouted: "Wake up! Where are you like this? What time is it? You look more and more like your brother..."

Suddenly, the old lady felt something fell on her neck, and her neck was cold, and then she felt a huge force gushing out from her neck.

The old lady fell down on the bed all of a sudden, and only then did she feel that there was a red sheet somewhere, it was full of blood!Her daughter was already dead.

On the edge of the bed in the room, her husband was lying on his back, with bruises on the side of his neck.

The old lady finally understood what had happened, but it was too late, she had no time to express anything, even before the feeling of fear spread to every cell in her body, she died.

Wei Wuxian is very satisfied with his killing this time. In this family, only the old lady has a little bit of humanity, and she deserves a happy death.

Wei Wuxian felt that he was not sorry for her.

Next, it will be difficult for the brother-in-law and his wife.

These two people are almost inseparable, except for playing games all day long, they always go out together.

Wei Wuxian looked at his hands, there was blood on his hands, both the blood of the enemy and his own—the blood from the hemp rope that rubbed his hands when he strangled the father-in-law to death.

Because of the excitement and excessive force, his hands trembled slightly.Wei Wuxian reassessed it three times, and finally determined that he did not have the ability to kill the couple at the same time.

We have to let them come here one by one, what should we do?
It's not difficult, the trick of doing what you like has already been tried on the mother-in-law, and now I just need to continue the routine.

(End of this chapter)

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