Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1001 Perosan

Chapter 1001 Perosan
A high elf appeared in a group of demons, the effect was really outstanding, and it didn't matter if it was inconspicuous.

Seeing this same family, the three elf mages were stunned for a moment, with disbelief in their eyes. They clearly sensed the aura that only belonged to those creatures named demons in this same family.

As a noble elf, as a servant chosen by Queen Azshara, as a member of the high elves, with such a high status and enviable glory, now someone has abandoned all these and chose to become those who look A member of the ugly demon, the three elf mages couldn't believe it.

The unbelievable look was followed by anger, incomparable anger.

"Perosan, you traitor!"

The three elf mages were furious, wind blades, fireballs, ice arrows, and three lines of magic poured towards Perotharn. The light of magic wanted to drown the high elves who had joined the Burning Legion.

In dealing with traitors, any race is extremely strict, no, it should not be said to be strict, but harsh.

Perosan dared to betray the high elves, and the elf mages who were part of the high elves would naturally not let him go.

The oncoming spells are gorgeous and dangerous, and there are deadly murderous intentions hidden under the beautiful appearance.

Looking at the three former companions, Perosan sneered again and again, his face full of disdain.If it was before he joined the Burning Legion, he would still be at a loss in the face of the joint attack of the three elf magisters, but now... everything is different!
Why should I abandon my identity as a high elf and seek refuge with the demons of the Burning Legion?

Do you really think I'm a fool? How could I do that without great benefits?
Now, let you see my power, the power I got after becoming a demon!
Arrogance requires capital.

Obviously, Perozahn has the capital to be arrogant, otherwise he would not stand up in a big way.

Just when the magic was about to hit him, he raised his hand and shot several green energy, this is evil energy!

Under the obstruction of the evil energy, the magic of the three elf mages was easily broken. Seeing this scene, the three of Xin Ashes were greatly surprised. In their memory, Perosarn did not have this ability. When did this guy become So strong?
Surprised, the movements of the three elf mages slowed down, but Perotharn did not. The green evil energy did not disappear after defeating the magic of the three elf mages, but quickly They rushed to where Leo and the others were. After the three elf mages recovered from the shock, they realized that it was too late for them to deal with the impact of the evil energy.

After being hit by the evil energy, the three elf mages suddenly became dizzy and felt pain in their bodies.

The erosion of evil energy caused their bodies to be corrupted, their minds could not be concentrated, their magic power could not be mobilized, and the life essence in their bodies began to drain.

The magician couldn't cast it, it was a disaster.

The three elf mages were horrified. They knew that they had underestimated Perotharn. After turning to those creatures called demons, the traitor's strength had grown by leaps and bounds. With their strength, they were far from Perotharn's opponents.

It looks like I'm going to die here today.

A look of despair flashed in the eyes of the three elf mages. Surrounded by a group of demons, they couldn't even mobilize half the magic power, and couldn't cast half the magic power. They died without life.

Let the life essence of the target attacked by fel energy be lost, the mental power will be confused, and it will be impossible to cast magic. This is the power Perotharn gained after joining the Burning Legion, and it is also his confidence.

Almost all the strong ones among the high elves were mages. With this kind of ability, how could Perotharn be afraid of them?
What about the traitor?
As long as the strength is strong enough, the betrayer can also get comfortable!

This is the logic of Perosarn. In order to pursue power, he can betray his own race and join the devil. In order to have more powerful power, he will not hesitate to face the pursuit of his own race. Now, he has what he wants, he has In addition to being several times stronger than before, he can easily kill the strong men in the clan who he looked up to before. With such a great benefit, why can't he betray, why can't he join the Burning Legion?
The three elf mages couldn't cast spells, but Perothane didn't show the slightest complacency because he found that there was one person missing from the opposite side.

Illidan Stormrage, a pink and tender high elf promising young man, was ready to sneak when Perotharn showed up with a group of captain-level demon guards. When the magic of the three magisters of Sahin Ashes was blocked, Illidan took the opportunity to sneak.

It would be nothing if Illidan disappeared from the field of vision - after all, this place is already surrounded, as long as the demon guards are alert, Illidan's desire to sneak away is undoubtedly a dream.Then, what happened to Leo and Mannoroth made Perosan dare not ignore it.

When the evil energy came in front of Leo, he didn't even move his eyelids. Xio said that this small amount of energy couldn't hurt him, even if it could hurt him, he didn't bother to move, standing behind him Mannoroth is no show.

Under Perothane's shocked gaze, Mannoroth stretched out his hand, and with a puff, he scattered the evil energy that was shooting at Leo, and he didn't even look straight at the evil energy that was shooting at Mannoroth himself. The evil energy hit him.

Mannoroth the Destroyer, and Mannoroth the Destroyer who has recovered his strength, let alone one Perotharn, even ten or hundreds of Perotharn, he doesn't pay attention to it. Hurt him, joke!
Who are these two aliens with round ears?
Why doesn't my fel power work on them?

The power he was proud of was like a child's toy in the eyes of the other party. Coupled with the never-before-seen human images of Leo and Mannoroth, Perothane's heart was pounding.

Fear comes from the unknown. Perotharn doesn't know what race Leo and Mannoroth belong to. He has never seen such a creature with round ears before, and he is afraid.

Leo curled his lips in disdain. He could feel Perotharn's fear, and he didn't have the slightest liking for this high elf who betrayed his race and joined the Burning Legion.

A traitor is always an existence that people don't like.

"It's really reckless to use evil energy to deal with me." Leo tilted his head and gave Mannoroth a look, "Kill these unsightly guys."

Entering the torrent of time, Leo's purpose is to help the Bronze Dragon restore the time axis. To do this, the history must not be deviated, at least in major events, it must not be different from the known history.

In the history of the local plane, Illidan successfully destroyed the three magic hubs that maintained the portal of the Burning Legion, closed the portal for the Burning Legion to transport troops, and cut off the reinforcements of the demons. An invasion made an indelible contribution.

Now because of Leo's appearance, Illidan, who would not have been discovered by the demon guards, has been surrounded. Seeing that the operation to destroy the magic hub is about to fail, can Leo allow it?
Of course not!

Otherwise, history will be rewritten. Leo's entry into the torrent of time not only failed to help the Bronze Dragon's gang, but also caused them trouble, which completely violated his original intention of cooperating with the Bronze Dragon. This is absolutely impossible.

To get history back on track, Illidan must be able to successfully destroy the magic hub, and then the demons in front of him must be eliminated.

As long as the historical events are not rewritten, as for the details... hehe, don't pay too much attention to it.

After receiving Leo's order, Mannoroth didn't dare to hesitate. Even though these demons were part of the Burning Legion and were once his subordinates, in the heart of the Destroyer, these cannon fodder had no place at all. Leo said that killing him would not There will be half a split.

Of course, in order not to expose his identity immediately, Mannoroth was very particular about his actions.

The bloody double-headed war spear can no longer be used. Once this iconic weapon is used, his identity will immediately be suspected. Besides, killing these demon guards is not worth his use of weapons.

Under the fearful eyes of Perothane, Mannoroth took a step forward and slapped his hands, and the overwhelming flames swept across the entire courtyard.

Under the burning flames, the demon guards who besieged everyone were burned to nothing, and even Perosarn was not spared.

"The host killed Perosan..."

The voice in his head made Leo slightly startled. He didn't expect to enter the torrent of time and kill the enemy to get upgrade energy.

After the surprise, there was ecstasy, and Leo's spirit suddenly became excited.

How many major events are there in the eternal time torrent, how many powerful enemies are there, how many powerful enemies are there for him to kill without changing the history... Leo can no longer be calm when he thinks of these.

If it was a hard job to enter the eternal time torrent to help the bronze dragon restore the time axis, now this hard job has taken a 180-degree turn and has become a fat job.

"I didn't expect this to be a good place to earn upgrade energy, hahaha..."

Leo couldn't help laughing out loud, the cheating device of Goldfinger is too powerful, he really is a pig's foot, all kinds of blessings in disguise, this time he must make enough money in the torrent of time.

Satisfied, Leo couldn't help but think of the law of death that he needs to fill with infinite energy. He was worried that there were too few opponents to quickly improve his understanding of the law of death. With the flood of time, wouldn't this problem be solved?

Thinking of the excitement, Leo couldn't help rubbing his hands, he really liked this unexpected surprise.

Leo, who was in ecstasy, didn't notice that there was a pair of murderous eyes staring at him in an unnoticed corner.

"Hateful human being, a villain who destroys history. I was only one step too late, and he caused trouble again. It seems that my decision is correct. This human named Leo must be eliminated, and the sooner the better."

 I suddenly thought of a fun idea, so the following manuscripts cannot be used, crying to death...

(End of this chapter)

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