Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1003 Arrangement of Chromie

Chapter 1003 Arrangement of Chromie
It is difficult for others to get into the Well of Eternity from the layers of guards guarded by a large number of demons in the Burning Legion, but it is not a problem for Leo at all.

What is Leo's occupation?

Enslave demons, warlocks who wield the power of darkness!

If a demigod magician like him intentionally mingled among the demons, few people would be able to see him through, because he had a demonic aura about him.

Of course, it would be wishful thinking to think that he could swagger into the army of demons just because he has a demonic aura on his body. Some necessary cover-ups are very necessary, such as summoning a few demons to cover himself.

Due to underestimating the resistance of this world, the Burning Legion was not prepared to deal with the attack of powerful enemies. The army they sent was very single, and the demon guards accounted for more than [-]% of the army. Although Mannoroth the Destroyer was in charge personally, That was just to express the solemnity of this matter, because the demon god Sargeras was determined to win the Well of Eternity.

Since more than [-]% of the demon guards who came to this world accounted for more than [-]% of them, they would naturally be very powerful when defending the Well of Eternity.

In the eyes of demons, there is nothing in this world that can threaten them.

You mean those creatures called elves?

Didn't you see that the elf queen and nobles were not hostile to them?
Underestimating the enemy, this is the biggest mistake the Burning Legion made.

Because of underestimating the enemy, the demon guards guarding the courtyard of the palace were negligent. In the end, the portal through which the Burning Legion sent the army was successfully closed by Illidan; Under the cover of the demigod succubus Ilsa, she successfully mixed into the demon army.

Don't wonder why Leo can get in. The Burning Legion has destroyed countless worlds and races. This is true, but it doesn't mean that they killed all the creatures they saw. In fact, there are many Creatures joined the Burning Legion because they wanted to gain powerful power or for other reasons, and became part of the demons. Perotharn, whom Leo met in the palace courtyard, was one of them.

In this way, the military strength of the Burning Legion has expanded, its strength has expanded, and its composition has also become more complicated. It is not surprising to see one or two races that they do not know occasionally.

It is for this reason that when Leo, who deliberately exudes a demonic aura, walks in front of his own demon guards swaggering, the latter are not at all alert. After Taragaman and Ilsa also dispelled doubts.

Taragaman and Ilsa are demons like the soldiers of the Burning Legion. How can the demon guard suspect that these two guys are anti-bones?

In the knowledge of demons at this time, the profession of Warlock has not yet appeared, nor has there been a situation where demons are enslaved by other races, let alone someone who is so courageous as to break into their camp openly.

As for Mannoroth following Leo, the demonic aura emanating from this destroyer was so strong that the demon guards along the road couldn't look directly at it. In their opinion, this guy without armor must be a leader The powerful demons are not something they can provoke.

Leo walked indifferently, even though there were countless demons around, even if he would be besieged by countless demons as long as someone yelled, he didn't feel nervous at all.

Although there are many demon guards, they are nothing in his eyes, a group of minions, things that can be wiped out with a wave of hands, no matter how many there are, what is there to fear?

Extraordinary strength!
Strong strength brings enough self-confidence, which is the basis for Leo's defiance of the demon army.

As the distance from the Well of Eternity kept getting closer, the energy pressure became heavier and heavier, and the pressure Leo was under became stronger and stronger, even with his mental strength, he felt a little tired.Even him, and Taragarman and Ilsa were even worse.

Leo frowned. According to the current increase in coercion, I am afraid that after he walked to the Well of Eternity, all his mental power could only be used to counter the pressure brought by the Well of Eternity, and he would be unable to do anything else. , Even the power to protect oneself will not be there.

In a place where demons are rampant, losing the power to protect oneself is a joke with one's own life. Leo was not bored to that point, he stopped in his tracks.

How should we deal with it?

While thinking about it, a group of demon guards passed by in front of Leo. The demon guards in heavy armor and holding a big sword looked at Leo curiously and didn't say anything.

Looking at these demon guards, Leo suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he tried to think hard, trying to grasp something.

Suddenly, Lei Ao's expression was startled, and a ball of light burst out in his eyes.

Look at those demon guards, their strength is extremely weak in Leo's eyes. It can be said that Leo can kill a large number of people by pressing down with one finger, but why these demon guards have no effect on their actions near the Well of Eternity , Can't they feel the coercion of the Well of Eternity?
In other words, the coercion of the Well of Eternity is only aimed at Leo and his subordinates, because they should not appear in this era.

Does this count as historical exclusivity?
Leo rubbed his chin, no wonder since he stepped into the place where the demon army was, he felt that something was wrong, and the root cause was here.

But, is this really historical exclusivity?

Leo was very skeptical about this.

If the world really rejected him, why didn't he suppress him when he first entered the world, and had to wait until now?

Furthermore, if a historical period really excludes outsiders who do not belong to that era, then how does the Bronze Dragon restore the time axis, and how can it freely shuttle through each era in the eternal torrent of time?
You must know that most adult bronze dragons are far inferior to Leo, the demigod warlock.

Thinking of the Bronze Dragon, Leo's heart moved. He felt that he had grasped the most critical part of the problem. As for whether it was really what he thought, he would just have to ask.

Just to ask?
Yes, just ask to resolve doubts in mind.

The secret of time is extremely mysterious to other people. After entering the torrent of time, even if they have doubts, they cannot get the answer, but it is different for Leo.Don't forget that Dragonakos, known as the Devourer of All Things, devoured an endless dragon and obtained the secret of time from this hapless endless dragon.

In the sight of Chromie, who was peeping secretly, only Leo stopped in his tracks, standing still and thinking.

Seeing Leo standing still, Chromie couldn't help feeling anxious.

Did Leo discover something?
It shouldn't be possible. His time secret method was activated quietly, and Leo didn't understand the mystery of the time secret method, so it was impossible to discover it.

But if Leo hadn't discovered something, why did he stop?
Just in anxiety, Chromie found that Leo released his mental power and could not stop feeling everywhere.

Seeing Leo doing this, Chromie felt relieved.

It is impossible to find him with spiritual perception. The hidden secretary of the Bronze Dragon is not so easy to decipher. The reason why Leo perceives the surrounding situation is mostly a subconscious sense of crisis, which belongs to the instinctive reaction of the strong to danger.

Want to discover my time secret technique by instinct?
Are you kidding me?
Chromie sneered again and again, his gaze towards Leo was no longer cold, it didn't mean that he wanted to let Leo go, but that Leo was already a dead man in his eyes, and he could overcome a dying man. Romy can't do it yet.

The development of the matter was as expected by Chromie. Leo didn't find anything after perceiving it with all his strength. After scratching his face in doubt, he walked forward again.

Seeing that Leo seemed to be moving forward boldly, but in fact he was cautious and full of vigilance, Chromie smiled triumphantly.

This human being is really cunning. When he senses danger but fails to detect it, he pretends to be careless and unprepared, but actually observes everything around him secretly, trying to find the source of the danger through this method.If it were someone else, he would really be fooled, but it's a pity that he met me, Chromie, how could such a method work?
You can die in peace, human!
In this eternal torrent of time, die forever!
Seeing that Leo was getting closer and closer to the Well of Eternity, Chromie's face showed a bit of ferocity.

The Well of Eternity is a source of magical power and energy in a world. With the help of such tyrannical things to put pressure on Leo, let alone Leo is just a demigod, even if he becomes a god, he may not be able to withstand it.

The closer he was to the Well of Eternity, the stronger Leo's oppression was. Not only did this kid not leave when he sensed something was wrong, but he continued to move forward despite the pressure. In Chromi's view, this is not a matter of facing difficulties The attitude of a strong man who has the courage to challenge, but a greedy heart full of sin.

The reason why Leo approached the Well of Eternity under great pressure was because of his attempt, what he wanted to get from the Well of Eternity, this was Chromie's view of Leo.

Humans are indeed greedy and stupid creatures.

For weak humans, the Bronze Dragon has never looked directly at them. In the eyes of Chromie, the mortal race is a group of troublemakers. They will start a war because of their ridiculous ambitions, and they will do many incredible stupid things because of their greed. Come on, whenever these things happen, various time wormholes will appear, which will cause trouble for the bronze dragon to maintain the order of time.

No one likes guys who cause trouble for themselves, and the same is true for bronze dragons, especially for humans, because humans are a race that is much more noisy than night elves.

Time passed as Leo walked slowly. Seeing Leo walking slower and slower, the expression on his face gradually turned pale from the previous leisurely, and at the end his face was covered with beads of sweat. Chromie knew, The time has come!

(End of this chapter)

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