Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1101 Infighting

Chapter 1101 Infighting
If a person is usually supported by you with good food and drink, but at the critical moment when he needs to stand up, this guy loses the chain, how would you feel?

disappointment?anger?or something else?
Galdala didn't expect the Ice Bear God and the others to lose so quickly, and he didn't even expect the Ice Bear God and the others to fail.

You must know that those are four gods, the real four gods, how could they lose when facing a group of mortals?How could they lose?

At this moment, Galdala has the heart to eat people.

The majestic four gods, not to mention defeating the mortals who attacked Gudak, and killing the opponent thousands of miles away, it is unlikely that they will not last for a quarter of an hour.Are these four animal gods too cowardly, or are their opponents too powerful?
Galadar can still calm down, but Sladelan and Morabi can't. The faces of the latter two high priests of Drakalai turned pale with fright. Even the gods can't stop each other, how can they do it?
It seems that Gudak really can't hold it anymore. Could it be that the kingdom of Zul'Drak, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is about to be destroyed?

Thinking of the kingdom's demise, how could Sladelan and Morabi stay there? Don't look at them having acquired the ability that belongs to the gods through some mysterious means, and their strength is enough to overlook most of the creatures in this world. In fact, they knew in their hearts that their own strength was not enough. Even the four real gods including the God of Ice Bear were killed by the opponent. How could the two fakes who temporarily borrowed the power of the gods be other people's opponents?
Sladelan and Morabi couldn't figure it out. The Kingdom of Zul'Drak hadn't had time to deal with the undead plague from the Scourge recently. How could it have provoked such a powerful enemy? Could it be that they really responded to the sentence—misfortunes never come singly ?
"Galdara, what now?"

Morabi's temper was quite impatient, and seeing that Sladelan had no intention of speaking, he couldn't help asking Galdala. Among the three of them, Galdala had the most wisdom and the most ideas. The fact that Rabbi has no way does not mean that Galdala has no way.

"What are you panicking about?"

Seeing that Morabi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Galdala couldn't help yelling that the Frost King had disappeared for some reason. Their three high-ranking priests were the backbone of the Frost Troll. If they are confident enough, the Drakkari frost trolls guarding Gudak will not riot. If the three of them panic, the trolls' morale will be exhausted immediately.

To be honest, Galdala was also very irritable in his heart, but he knew that he must not show the irritability in his heart, not even a little bit, especially now that Morabi and Sladelan were flustered.

They are not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. They are both high priests of Drakalai. Not only can Sladran and Morabi not help Galdala, but they want him to comfort him. What is this? ?

If it wasn't for the glimmer of hope in his heart, if it wasn't for the last resort to suppress the bottom of the box, Galdala would have thrown up his sleeves and left.

"What are you panicking about? What are you saying we are panicking about?" Sladelan's tone was very bad. After turning into a giant snake, he always hissed and snaked unconsciously when he spoke. Even, "The invaders have already attacked the city wall, but our soldiers have no fighting spirit. Why do you think we are panicking?"

You Galdala is a high priest, that's right, aren't me and Morabi?
I usually see that you have a good brain, and it is very convenient and effective to use your method to do things. This is why I am polite to you. You really regard yourself as a person. Do you really think that you can surpass me and Morabi?You also think too highly of yourself, Galdara.

Although Sladelan didn't say this directly, his expression and eyes have already revealed this meaning. He has long been dissatisfied with Galdala's domineering style. Everyone is a high-level priest, and no one No one is nobler than anyone else, why do you Galdala ride on my head.

What's the situation now, Sladelan has lost his temper with me, is he stupid?
Galdala never expected that at this critical moment of life and death, Sladelan, who has always been obedient to himself, would actually show his dissatisfaction with him. You must know that even when the kingdom was stable, Sladelan would not dare to confront him face to face. Confrontation, he will only complain secretly.

Although Morabi has a quick temper, he is not stupid. When he noticed the weird atmosphere between Sladelan and Galdala, he moved a little.

This move reveals Moraby's position, because it is through these two steps that he and Sladelan stand together.

Galdala's usual dominance and the consequences of oppressing the other two high-ranking priests were revealed at this moment. As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Galdala's dominance forced the other two high-ranking priests to The high-level priests—Sladelan and Morabi came together, and the high-level priests of Drakalai, who were originally a three-legged force, became a confrontation between two forces.

This kind of change can't be seen normally, but it caused Galdala a headache at this terrible moment.

In fact, Galdala failed to understand that it was precisely because Gudak could no longer see the hope of holding on, and precisely because the kingdom of Zul'Drak was on the brink of destruction, Sladran would burst out the dissatisfaction and resentment accumulated in the usual .

If you don't show Galdara a little bit now, let him know that he is very dissatisfied with him, and let him know that he is no worse than him, there will be no chance when Gudak is breached.

Some people will burst out with great power in an attempt to turn the tide in despair, while others will break the cans and make the final madness in despair. Obviously, Sladeland chose the latter.

The great enemy is now, and the capital of the country is about to be destroyed, but the three high-ranking priests who are the backbone are fighting in the nest. Seeing this scene, the Frost Drakkari troll suddenly panicked.

Sindragosa and the others beheaded the Ice Bear God and other four gods, which had already damaged the morale of the frost trolls. The trolls had expected their priests to lead them to fight against powerful enemies. De Lan, instead of standing up, Morabi confronted his own people. How could the actions of the three senior priests not chill the Frost Troll?
Frost trolls without a leader are a mess. Most of the trolls are ashamed. They don't need the soldiers of the coalition to attack, they throw down their weapons and turn around and run away. The few trolls who want to fight can't save the overall situation. Being polite, he occupied Gudak's city wall in the shortest possible time, and quickly attacked the city from this point, constantly expanding the territory he occupied.

When Galdala came back to his senses, the troll priest found sadly that one-third of Gudak's territory had been lost.

How can a city be defended without reinforcements outside and fighting spirit inside?What to guard?

Two idiots!

Galdala glanced at Sladelan and Morabi with his venomous eyes, then turned his head and ignored these two guys. In his heart, Galdala no longer regarded them as companions, and even These two guys are on the kill list.

When the kingdom was in crisis, instead of working together, they fought against each other. Sladelan and Morabi—should!die!

Emotions made Galdala want to kill Sladelan and Morabi, but reason told him that now is not the time to deal with these two guys, and what he should do is to keep Gudak and the royal city of the Kingdom of Zuldrak thing.

Don't think that killing us to worship the gods can destroy Zul'Drak, invaders, I will let you know the power of the troll kingdom that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Feeling ruthless in his heart, Galdala recited the incantation, and a seemingly invisible force reverberated in Gudak, as if the altars in the whole city had made an appointment, they began to flicker at the same time and at the same frequency. The light was very weak at first, so weak that it was hard to detect, and then gradually increased, so strong that it was hard to open the eyes.

"Do you think the mighty Drakkari trolls pin their hopes on others?"

"Do you think the Kingdom of Zul'Drak can only rely on those gods?"

"How do you think the great troll can be passed down for thousands of years?"

Galdala's shout reached the ears of everyone on the battlefield, and as the light from the altar in Gudak became more and more dazzling, the feeling of restlessness became more and more obvious.

Lei Ao rested his chin, seemingly casually, but in fact, his mental power had already covered the entire Gudak, and every move in Gudak could not escape his perception.

Through the information fed back by his mental force, Leo discovered that Galdala was initiating a mysterious ritual. Let’s not mention what this ritual is for now. Just saying that he made such a big movement, its effect must be insignificant.

It seems that this is the ability of the Drakkari Frost Troll to press the bottom of the box. Let me see what these thin bamboo poles can do.

Yigao is bold, and Leo is powerful. He is not too worried about the anomalies in Gudak. Even if Galdara uses his trump card, Leo has enough confidence to suppress him by force. This is the confidence of a strong man.

"Do you think there is nothing you can do to kill the great Drakkari troll, the god we worship?"

Galdala's nonsense continued, well, in Leo's view, it's a fake trick to just talk without practicing. Instead of talking endlessly, the troll priest should take some practical actions.

"Behold, the gods you have slain cry out for vengeance. Every drop of blood you let the gods shed will be absorbed by the altar of Gudak, and it will turn into vengeance under the guidance of me, Galdara. The sharp blade of the sword will kill you all."

"Now, pray, pray that you can live a little longer, cry, tremble before Gudak..."

Absorb divine blood to turn into a blade of vengeance?

Leo scratched his face, he looked at Galdala with weird eyes, and that half-smile expression made people feel that he was not looking at a troll high priest, but at a fool, a joke clown .

(End of this chapter)

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