Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1106 The Eye of Eternity

Chapter 1106 The Eye of Eternity
The Eye of Eternity, this is the domain of the blue dragon king Malygos. Since Deathwing's betrayal, Malygos has buried his head in the sand like an ostrich—he has been hiding in the Eye of Eternity all day, Even if the outside world is turned upside down, don't take half a step.

Speaking of which, Malygos has to bear a lot of responsibility for the blue dragon army to fall into the current situation.

If the blue dragon king can cheer up, if Malygos is not so self-pity after being betrayed by Neltharion, how can the blue dragon clan wither their talents like they are now, just relying on the magical power of the blue dragons to control the entire world Nor will it become the existence of the tail of the crane in the guardian dragon.

Naturally, it is not so easy to enter the Eye of Eternity. Malygos’s domain is not easy to enter. The blue dragon will not let irrelevant people disturb their king. Any outsider who tries to approach the Eye of Eternity will be punished Dragon ruthless expulsion.

If it weren't for the presence of Sindragosa, Leo would still have to struggle a lot to enter the Eye of Eternity.

"Let's go in like this? Don't need to find some help?"

Standing at the entrance of the Eye of Eternity, Sindragosa hesitated and stopped. The power of the blue dragon king Malygos is very clear to her. As the queen of the blue dragon, she is responsible for controlling the magical power of this world. The title of the Spellweaver, his strength made Sindragosa also worry about it-although Leo's strength is strong, he may not be able to defeat Malygos.

Sindragosa admits that Leo's strength is extraordinary, and even the weaker gods are not his opponents, but what he has to face is the great spell weaver, and the outcome is unpredictable.

It would be a lie to say that Leo was not worried.The guardian dragons are different from other dragons. They are the five giant dragons endowed by the Titan with the ability to protect the world. Their strength is not the same as that of other giant dragons. You'll find out how wrong you were when you took on the Dragonlord.

Although he was not absolutely sure of defeating Malygos, Leo still wouldn't back down.Some things cannot be avoided. No matter how worried you are, you always have to face it and solve it.

In fact, when the news about Yogg-Saron came out, Leo had the intention of taking a moment to weigh the titans' strength.Varian Scarlett and the others thought that the most powerful enemy in the prison that imprisoned Yogg-Saron was the Lord of Thousand Throats, but they didn't know that Ulduar's real focus was not Yogg-Saron.

Others don’t know the true face of Ulduar, but Leo knows that sometimes it’s not a good thing when everyone is drunk and I’m alone. It’s because of knowing Ulduar’s real secret that Leo is anxious, and Leo is better than others. A lot of troubles.

The strength of the Dragon King can be roughly inferred from the fight with Malygos, and Leo can also use this as a standard to determine the combat power of the Titan Creation. After having an intuitive understanding of the peak combat power of this world, the next plan can be Make sure nothing goes wrong.

If, Leo meant that if, if he could defeat Malygos in the Eye of Eternity without anyone else—such as Alexa— not realizing it, and take it for his own use, Leo would be able to move. The space is bigger, and there is one more card that can be played, and this card is still a trump card that can determine the outcome.

Benefits often coexist with risks. If you want to obtain huge benefits, don't be afraid to bear the corresponding risks.

With enough awareness, Leo will certainly not hesitate or even change his mind when he gets to the ground, and Sindragosa's question is really superfluous.

"If Malygos will not listen to persuasion, I don't mind persuading him by force."

Receiving Leo's answer, Sindragosa knew that he had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything else, only listening to her quickly chanting the spell, and the real entrance of the Eternal Eye appeared.

The domain of the blue dragon king Malygos is like a maelstrom in the void. The maelstrom is composed of nothing else but magic elements. All the magic elements of wind, fire, water, and soil can be seen here. They are the spell weavers. Proof of being able to control all types of magic.

This maelstrom of magic alone is daunting, because it is telling everyone: cherish life and stay away from the eyes of eternity.

Magic spells are needed to open the entrance of the Eye of Eternity, which prevents the possibility of someone sneaking in. No one can enter the Blue Dragon King's domain without disturbing the Blue Dragon Legion.

Leo followed Sindragosa into the Eye of Eternity, and Sienigosa was left outside. The blue dragon never understood why the proud queen was so respectful to the black-haired human.

The inside of the Eye of Eternity is very special. If you have to use one word to describe it, Leo thinks that madness is the most suitable. The magic elements here are surging like crazy. Any creature that is not strong enough to step here will be torn to pieces in an instant. And this minimum standard of not being strong enough is a legend.


That's right, to enter the Eye of Eternity without being injured, one must have at least legendary strength.

It’s not that you are a legendary strong man, you don’t even have the qualifications to enter my house, even if you force your way in, it’s a dead letter. This high threshold alone reflects the level of the Dragon King.

What made Leo complain was that the inner entrance of the Eye of Eternity actually opened in the void. If the creatures entering this place could not fly, they would fall directly into the void. Where the blue dragon king Malygos lives, are there still dragons who can't fly?

There is a platform in the center of the Eye of Eternity, where Malygos, the blue dragon king, rests, and where the Turbulent Needle, an artifact that manipulates magical elements, resides.The reason why the magic elements inside the Eye of Eternity are so violent is because the Needle of Turbulence is pulling.

The Needle of Turbulence is an artifact, wherever it is, it is the magic center of the world, if it comes out of the Eye of Eternity, the magic elements of the whole world will be affected by it.

Looking at the turbulent needle, Leo's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Syndra, is that you?"

A thunderous sound exploded in Leo's ears, and the magic elements of the entire Eye of Eternity became more violent because of this sound.

Blue Dragon King Malygos!
Leo shivered, and moved his eyes away from the Needle of Turbulence. He followed the sound and looked solemnly in his eyes.

On the side of the Eye of Eternity, a giant blue dragon that is more than twice the size of Sindragosa is flying towards the entrance of the Eye of Eternity. Lygos has no one else.

This is the real giant dragon. Compared with Malygos, the giant dragons I have seen before are like children. If the real body of the Dragon King looks like this, not to mention the special abilities possessed by the Dragon King, only the physical body It is enough to crush everything.

Seeing the appearance of Malygos, Sindragosa became excited, but this excitement was not the feeling of reuniting lovers who had been separated for many years, but an emotion called resentment.

Can Sindragosa not hate?
When she died alone, when she needed Malygos most, the Blue Dragon King was mad.Not to mention this, what makes Sindragosa even more uneasy is that when she was resurrected by Arthas with the power of Frostmourne and became a puppet of the Lich King, for such a long period of time, Malygos did not Take some action.

With Malygos' abilities, can the Lich King stop him from what he wants to do?
Just kidding.

What kind of couple are they who are capable but don’t come to save themselves?In Sindragosa's heart, the love for Malygos has long been replaced by hatred, as much as the love was before, now the hatred is as deep as it is.

Although she hated Malygos in her heart, Sindragosa hid it well when she saw the Blue Dragon King, because she knew what kind of existence she was facing and wanted to persuade Malygos Abandoning his move to reclaim magical abilities from mortals cannot fall out with him.

It's a pity that Sindragosa's restraint was in vain after all. After Malygos approached, the Blue Dragon Queen was shocked to find that the situation of the Blue Dragon King was extremely bad. His aura was chaotic and crazy, and his state was extremely unstable. The color of struggle flashed from time to time.

Anyone who saw Malygos' appearance knew that he was in a very dangerous situation. C'Thun's corruption of the Blue Dragon King was far more serious than Sindragosa expected. The power of the Old God was about to overwhelm him. Complete control, the current Malygos is not so much the Blue Dragon King as it is C'Thun's puppet.

"Quick... I'm going to lose my mind completely... I need your help... I... I'm going to lose my mind..."

Malygos' face was distorted, and the appearance of Sindragosa made his emotions fluctuate greatly. C'Thun seized this opportunity to break through the spiritual defense line that the Blue Dragon King insisted on.

"Ah... I'm going crazy, help me!"

Before Sindragosa could react, Malygos' painful yells filled the entire Eye of Eternity, and his spiritual defense completely collapsed.

"'s too late!" Malygos' voice changed, as if another existence was speaking through Malygos' body, "Small mortal, I remember you, my hatred will devour you, and your soul will be tortured forever."

The Blue Dragon King stared at Leo, as if Leo had a sworn hatred with him, if he didn't know that it was the ancient god C'Thun who corrupted Malygos, Leo would be really confused, Can't figure out the situation.

Leo shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips, with an expression of complete indifference, but secretly he had already gathered his strength and waited intently.

I didn't expect the situation to become so bad. It seems that C'Thun lost an eye after suffering a big loss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. In order to get revenge on Leo as soon as possible, he spent a lot of time on corrupting Malygos. A lot of strength.

"You guys hold grudges, Ke'thun."

"You know me?" Malygos raised his voice. There was no one else in the Eye of Eternity except Leo and Sindragosa. C'Thun did not hide his identity. In his eyes, Leo and Sind Lagosa is a dead person, and a dead person will not reveal his secrets, "Don't worry, I will make you die a painful death, and your meaningless life will be destroyed by my hands."

"Blinds are not taxed, do you have that ability?" Leo's fingers fluttered, and several powerful atmosphere appeared in the eyes of eternal. "I guarantee you, I will make you worse than last time."

(End of this chapter)

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