Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1108 The Powerful Law Weaver

Chapter 1108 The Powerful Law Weaver

A big black hand slapped out.

The hand of death!

It is not Leo's style to just defend and not counterattack. Using the dark shield and other self-protection spells to buy time for himself, Leo gathers all his strength, and the hand of death is his counterattack.

This blow came in a timely manner. If Malygos took a step slower, he would have sprayed Leo with a deep breath. With the broken bone armor now, it would definitely not be able to block the Blue Dragon King's attack, and the hand of death might not be able to.

The dull impact, the collision between the law of death and the mysterious energy of Malygos, the space is like smashed glass, cracking into countless pieces, and falling down piece by piece, revealing a strange place isolated by the barrier. space.

Why is it called a different space?

Because no matter how you look at it, Leo can't connect it with the endless void.

After the world's space barrier is broken, shouldn't the space gap directly connect to the universe, that is, the endless void?

The question flashed in Leo's mind, not because he didn't want to think about it, or because he didn't want to pursue it, but because he didn't have the time or the energy to get to the bottom of it, because Malygos's deep breath doesn't only have arcane energy .

The blue dragon has a separate name—magic dragon. Among the five dragons of the five departments, the blue dragon is the best at using magic. It is said that the magic of the other dragons is also taught by the blue dragon, and the blue dragon is the most preferred in each department of magic. The most good at is ice magic.

The strongest member of the entire blue dragon family is none other than the blue dragon king Malygos. The frost power exerted by the blue dragon king has reached the limit that this world can bear, and its lethality is definitely not a joke. If Lei Ao couldn't take it, and the possibility of him being frozen into a popsicle could not be ruled out.

Even the gods did not dare to say that they would be able to take the deep breath of the Blue Dragon King when facing Malygos. Can Leo succeed?
The key to success or failure lies in the hands of death.

ping ping ping...

Like solid ice being struck by an iron tool, one after another, it is crisp and pleasant to the ear.Of course, this is the feeling of the bystanders. The onlookers are never too serious. As the party involved, Lei Ao has a completely different feeling.

The hand of death is frozen!

It turns out that when the power of frost is strong enough, even the power of law can be frozen!

He has learned a lot, and Leo has gained a lot of knowledge. The blue dragon king Malygos is worthy of being the king of magic, and the spell weaver is strong. He is the first existence that Leo has encountered that can completely freeze the law of death.

Frost is spreading, freezing the hand of death is not enough, the purpose of the Blue Dragon King is to kill Leo, how can he withdraw his strength because of freezing a hand of death?

Want to freeze me into an ice sculpture, how can a deep breath be enough?
Leo's eyes were fixed, he was not fighting alone.

The golden light illuminated the entire space. Holding a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other, Izual spread his wings to block Leo.Compared with the previous image, Izual has a very different image. He is wearing golden armor, and each piece of armor is engraved with beautiful patterns. These patterns not only endow the armor with beauty, but also enhance the image of Izual. It strengthens the strength of Izual, because these patterns are not engraved with good-looking but can help the wearer gather the power of light, so that Izual can exert more and stronger power.

With this set of bright armor, Izual's strength can reach [-]% of his own, which is not a small increase.


There is no time for Izual to make too many preparations, the hand of death has been completely frozen, Malygos's deep breath is about to hit him, he swung one arm, and the power of Menethil slammed with a deep blue light. With a bang, it hit the hand of death.

Ping pong!

This smash was very hard, the attack of Deep Blue Wrath was not a joke, the ice that froze the hand of death shattered immediately, the external attack combined with the internal impact of the law of death broke through the blockage of frost, and the big hand surrounded by black air was revived again .

The ice layer shattered, the hand of death revived again, and Leo's crisis was immediately lifted. Malygos' deep breath was blocked by Izual and the hand of death, and Leo was able to calmly replenish himself with a new bone armor.

As a spellcaster, no matter how strong his physical fitness is, he will not feel safe without magic protection. With the bone armor, Leo feels at ease now.

"Welcome to the judgment of the light, Blue Dragon!"

While Leo was replenishing his bone armor, Izual struck.

The sword of heaven slashed down, and the fist of heaven struck head-on. The golden light dazzled Malygos' eyes, and the blue dragon king narrowed his eyes slightly. Leo's death hand was captured when his eyesight was shrinking. in front of him.

Do you want to hurt me with this trick?

Malygos expressed disdain for this, the hand of death weakened by deep breathing could not enter the blue dragon king's eyes, Malygos flapped his wings, and the mysterious storm blew loudly, the hand of death had not yet touched the blue dragon king. The power of the Dragon King's physical law was exhausted.

"The power of light? Hmph!"

After dealing with Leo's death hand, Izual's attack arrived just in time, and Malygos blocked it effortlessly with the blue dragon shield.

What a strong shield!
Yizuer rolled his eyes at Leo, this deity is real, is he in a hurry or something, came here to single out Malygos, does he think his life is too comfortable?

Even if you want to trouble the Blue Dragon King, wouldn't it be good to bring Aegwynn? That human goddess of magic can kill even the demon god Sargeras. Why is it so hard to have her help deal with Malygos.

Leo has Leo's plan. He went to the Eye of Eternity to swipe Malygos alone, so he can eat alone?
As the saying goes, people can't get rich without windfall, and horses can't get fat without night grass. If you don't find some extra money that others don't know about, how can you get rich?

After glaring at Izual, Leo shouted in a low voice, "Don't babble, work quickly, our time is tight."

Yizuer is speechless, even if you are the deity, you can't bully people like this, did I say anything?Did I really say something?

"My lord, I solemnly tell you: you are an unscrupulous foreman!"

With a loud cry, Izual swung his sword to kill Malygos, and he complained about it. Izual could still tell what to do. The day of this avatar is not comfortable either.

I'm a foreman so what are you?
Coolie moving bricks?
Or was he an aspiring...coolie who thought that I would firmly believe that one day I could become a foreman while moving bricks?
Isn't an ambitious coolie still a coolie?
Leo curled his lips, responding to Izual's complaint like this.

Of course, an Izual is no match for Malygos, and with a blood god avatar, he can barely fight a few moves. Amidst Jie Jie's strange laughter, the blood-red avatar of the blood god rushed out of Leo's body.This guy was straightforward, twisted his body, and turned into a bloody sword, following Izual's sword of light and slashing towards Malygos.

It would have been scary for someone else to face the two false gods, but what Leo had to deal with was Malygos the weaver, and the two false gods hadn't been taken seriously by Malygos.

Needless to say, Leo's purpose for summoning two clones is to rely on the superiority of numbers to deal with the Blue Dragon King.

Malygos is so easy to deal with?

of course not.

Powerful mages are never afraid of siege, because powerful spells can perform range attacks.

Four groups of sparks were generated under the magic power of the Blue Dragon King. They were sparks of power. At the same time as the sparks of power appeared, the shields of the two blue dragons wrapped Izual and the blood god avatar, and the shields trapped them, making it difficult for them to get away.

Just when Izual and the blood god clone hit the shield, four sparks of power collided towards them.

The shield of the blue dragon traps the enemy, the sparks of power hit people, and Malygos' spells are completed in one go, making people overwhelmed.

When the Blue Dragon King was dealing with Izual and the clone of the blood god, Leo began to call Sindragosa and several other subordinates of himself. To his surprise, he had no contact with Sindragosa and the others Summon it to yourself.

"Don't waste your efforts, humans." Malygos was laughing at Leo. He used space transfer not only to get the battlefield away from the Eye of Eternity, but also to separate Leo from Sindragosa. Della and the others can help you, I have the final say on my field."

This is the second time Malygos has mentioned the domain, the last time the word was ignored by Leo, this time he didn't.

Could it be that the Eye of Eternity is not actually a closed space, it is actually Malygos' private domain?
Thinking about it carefully, it is really possible to expand the field with the strength of the Blue Dragon King.

That’s why I said why Sindragosa and the others couldn’t be seen after the space transfer, thinking that Malygos transferred them to another place.

"You really took great pains to deal with me. The thought of separating me from my subordinates is probably from Ke'suen." Leo shook his head, tsk-tsk loudly, "Take a loss, learn to be good, see The lesson I taught C'Thun last time was very profound."

Well, Ke'thun admitted that he was really miserable when he fought against Leo last time. The majestic ancient god actually suffered a big loss under the hands of mortals. kill.Now, Leo uncovered C'Thun's scar and taunted him, and the Lord of Thousand Eyes was furious.

Under the influence of C'Thun, Malygos also became berserk.


You read that right, the Blue Dragon King went berserk, and Leo is self-inflicted?
Malygos's rage was not ordinary rage. Not only was he still clear-headed, but the increase in strength was astonishing and terrifying—after the rage, the Blue Dragon King's combat power soared more than three times.

Originally, Malygos was very strong, but at this time there was another berserk, and his strength soared like a rocket, making people unable to survive?
The strength of the Dragon King is really terrifying.

At this moment, Leo is still emotional. Is he a thick-headed man or a well-thought-out man?
"I said, after that guy goes berserk, his control over the domain will be weakened. No matter how the power suddenly becomes stronger, it will have a certain impact on his spirit. You don't want to do something during this time?" Leo began Called Goldfinger who called him the host, "Isn't the energy that makes up the domain to your taste?"

"Discover unknown energy, do you want to absorb it?"

Hearing this, Leo smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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