Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1110 Hot Potatoes

Chapter 1110 Hot Potatoes
The protection ability of any place where the digestive organs of any creature is located is not high, this is the case for humans, and so is the giant dragon.

The abdomen, a common weakness of human dragons and other creatures.

After waving the Death Scythe, all Leo had to do was to wait for the result.

In order to teach Dragonakos a lesson, the blue dragon king Malygos did not hesitate to expose his abdomen to Leo's attack. This kind of behavior can only be described in two words - looking for a beating.

The Death Scythe slashed out, and the scales all over Malygos' body stood up. Only then did the enraged Blue Dragon King realize that Dragonakos was not the only enemy he had to deal with, and there was another enemy on the ground that he feared. The opponent is watching.

That human made a move, the human who made me feel that my life was in danger made a move.

Malygos' heart trembled, for he found himself in danger by his own impulsiveness, and to his chagrin his enemy did not miss the opportunity to offer him.

It feels bad that I have given the opportunity to the other party, and I have put myself in a dangerous situation, at least Malygos.

The Blue Dragon King really wanted to concentrate on dealing with Leo's Death Scythe, but unfortunately things backfired. The moment Leo cut out the Death Scythe, his domain was completely swallowed by Goldfinger.

When the domain is broken, it is at most a little injury for others, but not for Malygos.

The Blue Dragon King's screams resounded throughout the space. Malygos, whose domain had been destroyed, was like a car run over by eighteen elephants.

Leo, who was waiting for the good news from the death scythe, discovered something new. The body of the blue dragon king Malygos was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye like a broken balloon.

I'm going, what is this for?
Seeing this, Leo was stunned. What kind of tricks was Malygos playing again? Could he be trying to avoid the death scythe by reducing the size?

Don't you know that my Death Scythe is mentally locked?
A dignified spellweaver, his understanding of magic is second to none. Malygos should not be so stupid.
Leo really couldn't figure out why Malygos did this until Goldfinger's prompt came.

"The energy absorption is complete, the target domain has been broken... the host has obtained the dominion over the Eye of Eternity..."

If Leo was drinking water, he would spit it out in one gulp, and if someone stood in front of him right now, this unlucky person would be sprayed in the face by Leo.

Breaking the domain of Malygos will gain the dominion of the Eye of Eternity. Is Goldfinger kidding me or playing with me?

After hearing the prompt, Leo's first reaction was that he was being tricked, but when he thought about it again, he denied the idea of ​​being tricked. Combined with Malygos' performance, Leo knew it was true, not Goldfinger was playing a prank.

I seem to have found something.

Lei Ao held his chin, looked at Malygos who was distracted by the broken domain, and was cut in the abdomen by the death scythe. After sensing the rapid weakening of the blue dragon king's aura, Leo realized something.

If Leo's guess is correct, he should have found the secret of the power of the Spellweaver, no, to be precise, the secret of the power of the guardian dragon.

When Titan left this world, he selected five giant dragons to protect the world. In order to make these five selected dragons have enough abilities, Titan endowed them with special powers. This is why the five series of dragon kings are so powerful. The reason for other dragons.

With the ability bestowed by the Titans, coupled with its own superior strength, the guardian dragon has always been an insurmountable existence, at least for the creatures of this world, the guardian dragon is invincible.

There is the most critical point here, that is, the Guardian Dragon becomes invincible after the Titan empowers it. If there is no special ability bestowed by the Titan, can the Dragon King still be so high?

The answer is not to be said by mouth, but to be proved by facts, as it is now.

When the domain is broken, it should be shattered and disappeared under normal circumstances. However, the dominance of the Eye of Eternity has fallen into Leo's hands. This means that Leo's previous deduction is correct, and the Eye of Eternity is the domain of Malygos. The fact that Leo's deduction is correct also proves that this domain is not owned by Malygos itself, it is bestowed by the Titan to the Blue Dragon King.

The size of the Blue Dragon King is surprisingly large. According to Leo's visual inspection, this guy is twice the size of Sindragosa who is the Queen of the Blue Dragon. For giant dragons, the bigger the body, the stronger the strength Well, there is such a difference between one king and one queen, which is not normal at all. After Malygos's domain was broken, his size shrank to only two circles larger than Sindragosa, so it was considered normal.

Possessing the power bestowed by the Titans, Malygos was so strong before, but without the special abilities bestowed by the Titans, how could he be so fierce?

Leo's heart moved, Izual and the blood god clone came back again, Sunderland, Sindragosa, and Sinai Salaya's attacks were also launched at the same time, and the target was Malygos.

If the Blue Dragon King is still as strong as before, this round of attack will at most cause him a little trouble, if...

Well, there is no such thing anymore, after being hit by Leo's death scythe, the power of the domain was broken again. This time, Malygos performed very poorly. He tried his best to block the attack of Izual and the blood god clone, but he was unable Block Sunderland and others from causing damage to him.

The blue dragon king was injured, and the injury was not serious. The thunder javelin of the wind prince Sunderland pierced its dragon claws, and Sindragosa's soul frost weakened his breath again. The flames burned his skin to pieces, and the appearance of the law-weaver, who was majestic and majestic just a moment ago, can only be described in four words: so miserable.

Leo watched this scene silently, and his speculation was confirmed. Without the dominance of the Eye of Eternity and the power bestowed by the Titan, Malygos, the blue dragon king, is no longer an insurmountable mountain.

The dragon king who has returned to the normal level of strength is still the dragon king, but when the normal dragon king faces the existence of Leo's monster level - no!enough!Look!

I didn't even play the card of Archimonde, and you're just like this. Sure enough, you answered the sentence: A phoenix that has shed its hair is not as good as a chicken.

Without the power bestowed by the Titans, the Aspects are not so scary.

"Ilsa!" Leo snapped his fingers and summoned the demigod succubus, "If you are interested, go up and try, if you are not interested, help me protect the law."

interested in?
No, never!

Ilsa's answer: no interest.No matter how you say it, Malygos is the dragon king standing at the top of the food chain in the whole world. Don't look at how embarrassed he is in the hands of Yizuer and others. In fact, this is the result of the siege of everyone. If he fights alone, it is not Malygos who is abused. Si is Izual and the others.

With Ilsa's current strength, confronting the Blue Dragon King is not a fight, but courting death.

Who wants to die?
Ilsa didn't know what other people thought, anyway, she wasn't interested at all.

Leo asked Ilsa to protect the law for himself, not just talking, but that he really had something to do.

Goldfinger snatched the dominance of the Eye of Eternity from Malygos and handed it over to Leo. It would be strange if Leo didn't study it.

Who is not curious about the power bestowed by the Titans?

It is precisely because of this that Malygos, the blue dragon king, possesses insurmountable power. If Leo says that he is not tempted, he is definitely lying, and even children will not believe such a lie.

His mind sank into the Eye of Eternity, and Leo suddenly found that his spiritual power seemed to have penetrated into a terrible devouring vortex, and the magical energy that was so violent that Leo's mental power could not be controlled was spinning around the turbulent needle. The power contained in magical energy is like a wild horse that has run free. Since there is joy of breaking free from restraint, there is also rage of losing restraint.

These energies cannot be allowed to get out of hand!
Leo secretly said that it is not good. The Needle of Turbulence affects the magic elements of the whole world. If the magic energy here is out of control, the whole world will not be in chaos?

Just imagine, the destructive magic is out of control, what is the situation?
Just thinking about it is scary.

Leo hurriedly calmed down, increased the input of mental power, and wanted to reintroduce this power enough to disturb or even destroy the world to the original track.

At this time, Sunderland, Prince of Wind, suddenly stopped attacking Malygos: "Master, you must not let the magical energy here get out of control. I can feel that this place called the Eye of Eternity is very difficult to suppress. The importance of the four elemental lords, if the destructive magic energy flows into the world, I am afraid that the age of elements will come again."

Age of Elements!

It's okay if Sunderland doesn't say anything, but when he mentions Leo, the pressure is great.

What is the Age of Elements?
That was before the Titans came to this world, when the whole world was ruled by the four elemental lords. The world in that era was not suitable for any species to survive except elemental creatures. If the elemental age came again because of Leo, I would die at that time How many people, how many species will be extinct, Leo's crime is too great.

I just wanted to control the Eye of Eternity, so why did I cause so much trouble?
There is no reason?
Leo was speechless, he now understood why Malygos was the king of magic, and also understood what the Titan's responsibility was for the Spellweaver to protect the world.

The blue dragon king Malygos, the Titans gave him the ability to control the magic elements of the entire world, not only for him to have the power to protect the world, but also for him to control the Eye of Eternity, making the age of elements a thing of the past forever.

As long as Malygos doesn't go crazy and the energy in the Eye of Eternity doesn't riot, the four elemental lords won't be able to descend into this world in person, and they can only stay obediently in the exiled different space.

Each of the four major elemental lords is easy to deal with. Leo is not confident that these four guys will be able to subdue them. Besides, even if he can surrender Leo, he can’t do it for the sake of four more subordinates. Once the age of elements comes, Can people live in this world?
The Eye of Eternity, a hot potato, Goldfinger has made me so miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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