Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1117 Information

Chapter 1117 Information
With the advent of an era, countless people must work hard and pay for it.The age of mortals is just a general term, just like the term mortal race, it does not contain a single race, but a general term for multiple races such as humans, elves, and dwarves.

There are so many races, and when the age of mortals begins, there will be a priority. As a human, Leo certainly hopes that the prelude to the great era will be opened by humans and dominated by humans.

Dominating the age of mortals is not wishful thinking of Leo. Humans now have this strength—in the mortal race, humans have the strength second only to elves, and the number of strong men is not necessarily less than elves. Most importantly, Humans have the guardian lineage of the law god Aegwynn and the full-fledged Leo.

There is a word called doing one's part, since human beings have this ability, they still have to be humble and give it up to others. Isn't it too fake?

The reason why Leo rides Malygos to swagger through the city, instead of hiding the news for later use, is to show his strength, let the race understand his strength, and let other races know how terrifying the human race is. They weigh carefully when they want to do something.

In this world where power is paramount, only the strong and only the strong can be awe-inspiring, no matter whether it is respect or awe, as long as other races understand the strength of human beings and know that human beings are not what they can match, human beings want to dominate the mortal age. The resistance will not be so great.

Shocking news always spread very quickly, and it took less than half a day for Leo to arrive at the Darclone Fortress, and everyone who should know knew it.The leaders of the alliance were both surprised and delighted. They were shocked by Leo's strength and delighted by Leo's strength, while the leaders of the tribe were completely opposite.

Rexxar has not been in a good mood since the failure of the Dark Portal plan. He paid a very high price to open the Dark Portal. As a result, instead of bringing losses to the Alliance and weakening the strength of the Alliance as he wished, he was instead The alliance took advantage of its strength, causing the orcs themselves a lot of losses—Saurfang paid a high price for taking Udgart Castle, and even the elite Kor'kron troops were fighting against the Vrykul More than 200 people died.

He wanted to fight the Yin Alliance, but he was the one who got hurt in the end, Rexxar always had a suffocation in his chest, which made him extremely uncomfortable.Ever since he met Leo, Rexxar has never been smooth sailing. That human warlock has become a shadow in his heart. If he doesn't get rid of Leo, this shadow will always affect him, making him unable to make further progress forever.

But, how easy is it to get rid of Leo?

Head to head?

Rexxar is self-aware, he will go to Leo's one-on-one fight to die.

gang fight?

I'm afraid it wasn't he who beat up Leo, but Leo's subordinates beat him up.

Leo has the backing of Arathor and the Alliance, and his personal strength is very strong. Even Rexxar, who is open or dark, is no match for him. How easy is it to get rid of him?
Originally, there was a gap in strength between the two sides, and now there is news that Leo has subdued the blue dragon king Malygos. Rexxar only felt that his eyes were covered with gold stars, and his mind was buzzing. The dizziness made him unable to think. , The brain is in a blank state for a long time.

Rexxar didn't understand, why Leo's strength became stronger so fast, and the increase was so unreasonable.

This is not going to work, Leo is getting stronger faster than me, the longer the time drags on, the bigger the gap between me and him, if I don't take action now, I will be powerless even if I want to kill him in the future.

After careful consideration, Rexxar finally made up his mind, and he found Thrall.

"You want to go back to Draenor?"

Thrall was very surprised by Rexxar's proposal. Although he expected that Rexxar would take action after receiving the news from Dakron Fortress, what Thrall didn't expect was that his old friend would think Go to Draenor.

If a large force goes to Draenor, there is no other way except Thrall, the Dark Gate. The Horde is not an alliance. Or smuggling, Thrall can still think of a way.

Rexxar's idea is very good. In this world, they can't find reinforcements against the alliance, so it may not be possible to go back to Draenor, the hometown of orcs.When the orcs invaded the human world through the Dark Portal back then, they didn't migrate as a whole, but left some of them in Draenor. If these orcs could be found and persuaded, the situation of the orcs would be improved a lot.

"Let me think about..."

Thrall didn't answer Rexxar immediately, but carefully considered the pros and cons.The orcs in the world of Draenor were not like the group of orcs under him. They hadn't shaken off the influence of the demon's blood, and they were still brutal and warlike. When they came into contact with these orcs, not to mention the attitude of the alliance, even the tribe itself would have opponents.

Seeing that Thrall is still hesitating, Rexxar is in a hurry. The strength of the alliance is getting stronger and stronger. With the hatred between orcs and humans, is there any possibility of reconciliation between the two sides?If you don't act now, do you really have to wait until the human knife is on your neck before regretting it?
Rexxar has made up his mind, no matter what Thrall's answer is, he will go to Draenor, his character is not a person who just sits and waits to die.

Watching the enemy getting stronger and stronger, and the gap between himself and the opponent getting bigger and bigger, such a person is definitely not Rexxar.

Thrall knows Rexxar's character well, he knows that he can't stop Rexxar, since it's vain to say it, it's better to let him go to Draenor according to his wishes, anyway, use Rexxar's strength to protect himself There will be no problem, if he can succeed, it will be of great help to the orcs.

"I believe in your mind, and I believe that you will find the help we need. I am waiting for your good news, my friend."

Hearing Thrall answer Rexxar was relieved, even though he had already made up his mind to do it even if Thrall wanted to stop him, it would be a good thing if he could get Thrall's support.

"Don't worry, I will."

Rexxar nodded solemnly, indicating that he understood what Thrall meant, that he would not randomly find an ally when he arrived in Draenor, and those orcs who were still under the control of the blood of the devil were not what he was looking for.

Watching Rexxar leave, Thrall felt tired for no reason. Under his leadership, the living environment of the orcs finally improved somewhat, but he did not expect it to deteriorate to such a degree in just two or three years, forcing Rexxar had to go to the world of Draenor to find the people who stayed in his hometown. Is it really so difficult for the orcs to reproduce in this world?

There is no obvious boundary between whether something is difficult or not. The difference in strength will change the perception of the individual. Those who have enough strength will feel that it is nothing, and those who are not strong enough will be completely opposite.

Thrall was worried about his own race, but Leo didn't have this worry at all. He was watching Varian and the others with great interest in Fortress Dakron. He sent a message from Stromgarde just half an hour ago. It was this intelligence that distracted everyone's attention from his subjugation of Malygos.

"Arathor's scouts found something interesting in the Alterac Mountains, what do you think...?"

Leo observed the expressions of other people while talking. After speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, motioning others to express their thoughts.

After demonstrating his absolute dominance, Leo's status in the alliance has risen to a new height. A strong man who can subdue the dragon king, a strong man who can subdue the blue dragon king Malygos, is worth all. people respect.This kind of respect has already been shown. For example, this meeting let Leo become the host under the acquiescence of everyone.

"If the information in this intelligence is correct, the strange thing that appeared in the Alterac Mountains is the race called Draenei. It's really surprising that the Draenei broke into our world. I thought I'd never see you again. There are no more people of this race.”

Varian was the first to speak, and his words conveyed the feeling of everyone, that is a coincidence, too coincidental, the endless void leads to countless worlds, and the draenei just came to this world where they are.

what is this?

Or is someone secretly manipulating it?

If it's the former, it's okay, if it's the latter, you have to take certain measures.

"Judging from the level of detail in the information, there should be nothing wrong. The draenei who were defeated in the Netherstorm came to our world. They appeared in the Alterac Mountains. Regarding the details of these people, I I think King Magni and Prince Caderos can help us contact the Stormpike dwarves and ask them to help us."

Leo said and looked at the two dwarf leaders, and the latter two agreed, patted their chests, and asked the Stormpike dwarves to help pay attention, it's simple.

"The place where the draenei appeared is very good." Aegwynn pointed to the map hanging on the wall. There is a conspicuous mark somewhere in the Alterac Mountains. This is where the draenei are located. "Look Look here, and note how far it is from Hammerfell."

From the map, it can be seen that there is only one word to describe the distance between the draenei settlement and Hammerfall - close.

From Hammerfall to the depths of the Alterac Mountains, it takes only five days to reach the Draenei spaceship. As long as the scouts from Hammerfall probe a little further, they can find it.

What does Aegwynn mean by that?
Leo glanced at Aegwynn, and he found that this guardian was not a merciful person, at least Aegwynn was not lacking in cruelty when dealing with races from different camps.

Everyone here is not an idiot, how could they not understand what Aegwynn meant, even Scarlett showed a dazed look, and it is even more impossible for others to be confused.

"Hammerfall is the territory of the Alliance, but it is now occupied by the Horde. The reason why Arathor has not taken it back is because this place is very special. Once the Alliance army captures it by force, it will inevitably lead to an all-out war with the orcs and even the Horde." Aegwynn He paused at this point, "Then, if a non-alliance force captures Hammerfell Town, what if the Alliance army appears in time to capture Hammerfell Town from this force?"

(End of this chapter)

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