Chapter 1119: The Moon Clan

An army is advancing at high speed in the Alterac Mountains. The composition of this army is very strange. At least no one has ever seen such a race in this world.

Draenei, this race did not appear in this world before, or in other words, did not appear in this world on such a large scale.

Velen, as the leader of the Draenei, felt extremely heavy at this time. When Leo led the human Chimeroc brigade to find the foothold of the Draenei, things developed just as he had expected before. The alien races in their homeland were extremely unfriendly, even though the draenei had allied with them in the world of Draenor.

"Prophet Velen, as long as we capture this orc town, there will be no other forces between the Draenei and the territory of the Kingdom of Arathor, and then we will be able to communicate with each other from afar." Leo pointed at the magic floating in front of him Map, said to Velen next to him, "Without the obstacles of the orcs, I believe that with the financial resources of the alliance, the Draenei will soon be able to help the Draenei repair the Exodar spacecraft. Now that the portal of darkness has been opened, we only need to open the portal of darkness Get through the Prophet Velen and your people to get back to Draenor."

Leo said it very well, but Velen is not a fool. The human beings obviously mean that they don’t want the Draenei to stay in this world. As an ally, it’s okay for humans to help the Draenei, but you want to stay It won’t work in this world. After the spaceship is repaired and the Portal of Darkness is taken, the Draenei will have to go back to Draenor.

And getting help from humans is not free, it requires payment, and this payment is to help humans capture the town called Hammerfall.

There is no doubt about the wisdom of Velen who can lead a race. Although he doesn't know where Hammerfell is or the situation in this world, this does not prevent him from judging things.It can be clearly seen from the magic map that Hammerfell can hang alone on the territory of the Kingdom of Arathor. With Leo's strength, he can easily take down a town, but why didn't he do it?

If it weren't for a fool, they would have guessed that there must be something tricky in it. Humans didn't have the strength to capture this town, but they couldn't do it because of other reasons, or it was inconvenient to do it.Humans have scruples, they can't move, so they let the draenei move, and attack Hammerfall under the guise of the draenei.


That's right, it's a sham.

Regardless of the fact that the entire team has more than [-] people, all the soldiers in the team have horns and hooves. The real draenei are only the first ten or so, and the rest are a Velen who Leo found. Race.

The Moon Clan is a mutated half-goat demon. They can walk like humans, have goat-like horns on their heads, and step on separated iron hooves. This kind of demon is very cunning and always maintains a team. Its sociality and strong body are not The most difficult thing for them to deal with, the most difficult thing for this race to deal with is that they also mastered the methods of using various weapons of war.Perhaps their individual strength is not strong, but after they gather a certain number, even big demons who are several levels higher than them will have a headache.

Individual strength is not strong, but it can make up for it through collective strength, master the use of war weapons, and absolutely obey the commander's orders. Isn't such a race a born soldier embryo?
Of course, these are not the reasons why Leo chose the Moon Clan to attack Hammerfell. The biggest reason for letting the Moon Clan participate in this attack is that when they put on their armor, they look different from the real draenei. Not too big.As long as they don't give the Horde's commander time when attacking Hammerfell, and just cover up and kill them as soon as they reach their destination, how can anyone have the mood to identify whether they are authentic Draenei in the battlefield of life and death?
Even if someone finds it strange, there are more than a dozen authentic draenei powerhouses who are not leading the team. I believe that with these people, even if the defenders of Hammerfall have any doubts, they will disappear because of them.

With the draenei, Leo's purpose is very simple, so simple that even those who don't know the situation can figure it out after a little bit of brainstorming. He just wants the draenei to cover his operation.

Hammerfall Town is located in the highlands of Arathor, in the same area as Stromgarde, the royal city of Arathor Kingdom. Song Taizu said it well: how can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch, and how can you tolerate tribal people under the eyes of Stromgarde? nail?
It is imperative to get rid of the town of Hammerfall and pull out the nail that the tribe has inserted in the Kingdom of Arathor. However, Hammerfall is a special place after all. You can't touch this place, even if you want to touch it, you have to find a fig leaf that can be justified.

As Leo told Jaina, the Alliance does not start wars, at least on the surface.

The war between the two camps, the Horde and the Alliance, will definitely weaken the strength of the entire world. Internal strife in the presence of powerful enemies outside will make many races and forces resentful. Such offending things will not be done unless Leo is stupid. .

The Draenei appeared in the Alterac Mountains, and the place where the Exodar landed was so close to Hammerfell. For Leo and the Alliance, this was the best opportunity God gave to fight the Draenei. The banner captured the town of Hammerfall, and then Arathor's army took it back. If the orcs wanted to find trouble, the Alliance would have something to say.

Looking at the little black dot that appeared at the end of the horizon, Leo knew that Hammerfell was in sight.

"Ready to fight!"

Before Leo could finish his sentence, with a swish, tens of thousands of the Moon Clan raised their weapons in unison—a long-handled scythe as tall as a person.

Long before Leo and the others arrived in Hammerfall, the tribal scouts scattered around the town sent back the news that an unidentified army was approaching. At this time, Hammerfall was in a busy state. The army was mobilizing. The defense equipment was equipped with weapons one after another. Once someone attacked the city and guarded the town of Hammerfall, the tribal soldiers would deal the most violent blow to the opponent immediately.

Leo is not surprised that the tribe is ready for war. It is undoubtedly very difficult for an army of tens of thousands of people to hide their whereabouts. Hammerfall Town located in the Arathor Highlands is not an ordinary town. The defenders here are in a state of war all year round. , the vigilance is very high, the price paid by the army to hide it from their eyes and ears is too high, not to mention that Leo has no intention of hiding it at all.

Hiding his whereabouts and sneaking down Hammerfell?
This is not what Leo wants, because it will not achieve the effect he wants.

Marching with great fanfare, showing the attack of chariots and horses, let the defenders of Hammerfall see who is attacking the town, and let everyone in them see an army with horns and hooves attacking They, this is Leo's purpose.

How can the soldiers of the Horde get the news back to Orgrimmar without seeing the draenei?
If they didn't pass the news back to Orgrimmar, how would Thrall know that it was the draenei who attacked Hammerfell?
Orcs have been in this world for many years. Many young orcs have no concept of their original hometown of Draenor, but the older generation of orcs still have reflections. Draenei in the world of Draenor.

I'd love to see the faces of the orcs when they learn that it's their old friends from Draenor, the draenei, who are attacking Hammerfell.

Leo pouted his chin with a smirk.

The news of the draenei appearing in this world will inevitably arouse Thrall's suspicion. It takes some time for the orcs to react after receiving the news. This period of time is long enough for Arathor to do many things, such as taking down the hammer ownership of the town.

Velen looked at the town of Hammerfell in a daze. It was one thing to hear what Aktien said, but it was another thing to actually see it. The draenei prophet discovered a problem, that is, the skin color of the orcs. The orcs in the town were not the red-skinned orcs Velen thought they were, they were green-skinned.

In other words, the orcs in Hammerfell are not the bloodthirsty orcs affected by demon blood as Velen thought.

Why didn't Aktion make it clear!

Velen frowned. A small negligence can sometimes be fatal. The orcs in Hammerfell have obviously got rid of the influence of the demon blood. It is not necessarily impossible for the draenei to discuss cooperation with them.

As a leader, Velen must first consider the interests of the race. All past hatred for the reproduction and development of the race can be let go. It is not inconceivable to cooperate with the orcs who have got rid of the influence of the blood of the devil.

However, this possibility has been broken, because under Leo's half coercion and half lure, the Draenei intervened in the dispute between humans and orcs, and now they can only follow humans to the dark.

calculated by humans.

Velen felt very uncomfortable, but what happened now, he had no other choice.

"It's here, I think we don't need to talk nonsense with them, just launch an attack directly."

Leo shrugged and looked at Velen.

Leo of the Moon Clan can command with a single thought, but the Draenei can't. These goats only obey the orders of their prophet, Velen.In Leo's plan, the draenei who were at the forefront of the team had to charge first. Only in this way could the tribal defenders in Hammerfall feel that the team was a draenei army.

They didn't even give us the minimum opportunity to communicate. It seems that, as I guessed, this town is not simple.

Velen sighed secretly. As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Given the current situation of the Draenei, he can only hold on to the ally of the Kingdom of Arathor.

"Draenei warriors, in the name of the Holy Light, attack!"

With Velen's order, the dozen or so strong draenei walking at the front of the team wanted to rush forward, followed closely by the Moon Clan holding their sickles high.

(End of this chapter)

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