Chapter 1122

Carlos Hellscream is a mad dog in Leo's eyes. This guy will bite whoever he catches, and he will bite anyone who doesn't like him, whether you are an alliance or a tribe, and he will bite to death.Leo, a guy with only muscles in his head, can't look down on him, because the final outcome of a mad dog that bites people is bound to be everyone shouting and beating, everyone betraying their relatives, becoming a bereaved dog, and finally dying miserably under the disgusting eyes of the world.

There is a good saying that existence is reasonable. Since characters like Carlos Hellscream exist in this world, they must have their uses.Such a brain-twitching thing is released to cheat teammates. It is a one-time trick. Even as smart as Thrall, there is nothing he can do about it.

Leo was thinking about Northrend while walking in Udgart Castle, which made him look absent-minded, and Scarlett, who was walking side by side with him, gave him a blank look.

This guy didn't know what he was thinking, obviously he asked me to come to the basement of the castle and said he wanted to show me something, but he himself looked distracted.

If it weren't for Sarah who was leading the way, Scarlett would have reminded Leo in her own way.When she and Leo are alone, Scarlett has a side that is unknown to outsiders.

"Master, here we are."

Sarah, who was walking in front, paused and stopped at the entrance of the basement. Scarlett found that the basement was very tightly guarded. There were actually ten dragon blood guards at the door. Anyone who wanted to enter the basement without disturbing them It's impossible.

The strict guards aroused Scarlett's curiosity, what was there in the basement that made Leo send his personal guards over.

Sarah's words brought Leo back from his thoughts, and he winked at the Dragon's Blood Guard, who immediately opened the door to the basement.

Looking in from the door of the basement, a group of tall female warriors holding spears and swords and wearing metal armor stood quietly in an orderly line. Although there were many of them, they didn't make a single sound.

This is a group of powerful fighters with strict discipline.

Scarlett looked at Leo in surprise. She didn't know where Leo found such female fighters. It would be fine if there were one, two, or a dozen or twenty female fighters, but the number of female fighters in the basement was obviously more than that. So little.Don't think that Scarlett doesn't know the strength of these female fighters if she hasn't tried their strength. With her experience, she only needs to take a closer look to understand that this is an elite team.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Leo pointed to the female soldiers who were coming out of the basement under Sarah's order, and said to Scarlett, "This is the personal guard I specially prepared for you, and they will protect you." I also feel relieved when you go to the battlefield, who made you, a silly girl, always be silly."

At the end, Leo shrugged his shoulders with the expression that you gave me a headache.Normally, Scarlett would definitely have to argue with him. She is not stupid but sticks to principles. If she doesn't stick to principles, what kind of paladin is she?But now Scarlett's attention was attracted by the group of female warriors, and she didn't care about Leo's words.

The Dark Rogge family was originally a group of human female warriors, but they chose to degenerate because they were corrupted by the power of hell, and became a member of the hell army.Rogge is all made up of women. They are agile, and they are best at archery. Of course, the melee combat capabilities of long spears, short swords and shields are not weak.

It can be said that the Rogue family is equivalent to a replica of the elves in another world. Unfortunately, the world called Sanctuary was used as a battlefield by the two forces of heaven and hell, and it failed to give the mortal race more freedom like this world. development environment.

To make Dark Rog, Leo used of course the female Vrykul found by Sarah in Udgart Castle as a template. Grid is much stronger, which makes them better than the original Rogues in melee combat. It would be great to have them as personal guards to protect Scarlett. After all, the Legion of Hell is female and conforms to human aesthetics. No one is more suitable than the dark Rogge family.

"The personal guard you prepared for me?"

Scarlett pointed at the dark Rogers. She didn't expect that Leo would quietly prepare a guard team composed entirely of women, and every woman in the guard team was an elite fighter. Forming such a force is not easy.

He put a lot of thought into me.

There is a feeling called sweetness spreading in the female paladin's heart.

The general attack on the Scourge is about to be launched, and Leo has to worry about Scarlett. The female paladin has an important identity and lacks strength, so she can easily become the target of the opponent's main attack. It is imperative to prepare a reliable guard force for her.

According to Leo's plan, the first shot to launch a general attack on the Scourge was not fired by the Alliance or the blood elves, but by the army of millions of demons driven by Mannoroth.

Across the northern part of the Keel Wilderness, passing through Lake Wintergrasp and entering the Sholazar Basin, the long journey made Kazak and Russelek very dissatisfied with Mannoroth. After getting rid of the duty of guarding the Dark Portal The back bite is waiting to be killed, if Mannoroth is not the top demon they can fight against, Kazak and Russelek's temperament would have turned against him long ago.

Mannoroth can feel the dissatisfaction of his subordinates, but he is not worried about what kind of tricks these guys can play. He is the destroyer, the most powerful abyss lord in the world of Anellan, and he has recovered his full strength, isn't he? Kazak and Rutherlake have the courage to defy the object.

Besides, the days like this won't be too long. After Mannoroth helps the Horrors to control the crocodile people in the Sholazar Basin, they will attack the flesh and blood workshop of the Scourge from the avalanche.

Of course, things at Mannoroth are already on the right track, and there are no problems. Horrors are also very popular among the crocodile people. It will be a matter of time before they take control of the crocodile people in the Sholazar Basin. Leo is not worried about this. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so leisurely playing with the hell legion.

"The personal guards I prepared for you are not ordinary, are you interested in seeing their strength?"

Scarlett looked at Leo, and there was a smile in the eyes of the female paladin. She knew that Leo had already chosen an opponent, and she just wanted to see how the guards fought, so Scarlett nodded and agreed. down.

The so-called never-freezing Lake Wintergrasp is the largest body of water in Northrend. The strategic significance here is unique, because there is only a large mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles between Wintergrasp Lake and Icecrown Citadel where the Lich King is located.

The mountains stretching for hundreds of miles sound scary, but in fact, in this world with magic and all kinds of powerful creatures, it is not an insurmountable moat. If the alliance has enough determination, the ability of the alliance is enough to send the army from Wintergrasp to Icecrown The fortress, directly attacking the Lich King's lair, but the huge financial resources required to do so made the leaders of the alliance unable to make up their minds.

Wintergrasp Lake is not only an important strategic location, it can form a certain deterrent to the Scourge, and the production of this place is also extremely rich, because it is rich in elemental materials.

How could Leo ignore such an important place?

At present, the Horde and the Alliance have not yet discovered the importance of this place, and the Tribal Expeditionary Army led by Saurfang is also unable to extend its hand to Lake Wintergrasp. It is the best time to seize this strategic location.

Due to Leo's promotion, the situation in Northrend in the Northern Faction has already changed beyond recognition. The Silver Crusade, which was supposed to take root on the Storm Cliff, has not yet selected a stronghold. Although Leo mentioned this to Scarlett, The Storm Cliff was also recommended, and Scarlett had also discussed it with Fording and others, but in view of the harsh natural environment of the Storm Cliff, they haven't really made a decision yet.

Since the Silver Crusaders don't like the Stormy Cliffs, it's better to change to another place. Leo thinks that Wintergrasp Lake is a good place.The Silver Crusaders built their stronghold in Lake Wintergrasp, which not only gave the Silver Crusaders a foothold in Northrend, but also threatened the Scourge, and even occupied this treasure land rich in elemental materials for the alliance.

Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it?
The above is about official matters, but in private, Leo has other thoughts.

There is a Titan ruins on the boundary of Wintergrasp Lake. It is said that there was once a Titan's tomb, and there are treasures left by the Titans in the tomb.

Of course, the reason why the legend is called a legend is because it only stays on the words such as said, heard, etc., and no one has confirmed it, or someone has confirmed it and has not publicized it.

Others had doubts about the legend, or simply didn't believe it, but Leo didn't.

Others failed to confirm the legend of the Wintergrasp Titan's treasure because they couldn't find the right place. Wintergrasp Lake is so large and the natural environment is extremely harsh. In addition, the elemental creatures born in Wintergrasp Lake want to It is extremely difficult to enter the Titan ruins, let alone find treasures in the Titan ruins.

It is extremely difficult for others, but it is not a problem for Leo, because he already knows the approximate range of the legendary Titan treasure in Wintergrasp.

With a large number of subordinates, after delineating the approximate range, the treasure hiding place of Titan is no secret to Leo at all.

Arcavon's treasury is also a titan ruin, and the guardians inside are also the creations of titans. Before contacting Ulduar, it is an excellent practice place. After passing the difficulty of Arcavon's treasury, you can fight against the Titans in Ulduar. Creation combat power has a bottom in mind.

I don't know what the members of the Hell Legion-the Dark Rogue family will look like against the guards left by the Titans.

Leo is looking forward to this scene. When the creation of the Titan civilization collides with the members of the Hell Legion, who will have the upper hand?

Reaching out to pull Scarlett, Leo smiled and said to the female paladin, "Since you agree, let's go. Trust me, I will give you a big surprise."

The collision of the two civilizations must be an interesting thing. I hope the Dark Rogs will not let me down, otherwise I will be embarrassed in front of Scarlett.

(End of this chapter)

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