Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1127 Rune Upgrade

Chapter 1127 Rune Upgrade
"Kill Coralon the Fire Keeper..."

"Kill the Ice Keeper Tulawan..."

Goldfinger still didn't give any rewards, Leo's attitude to this was: Well, I'm used to it.

Three of the four guards of Arcavon's treasury had been killed, but Goldfinger refused to give the final reward. Could it be that all four should be killed?It's not difficult to kill Storm Watcher Emmalon, but Leo also pointed out that he helped him gain central control over the Titan ruins in Wintergrasp Lake, so it was naturally impossible to do so.

The central control system of the Titan Ruins in Wintergrasp Lake is very sci-fi. Standing in front of it, Leo felt as if he was facing a big Rubik's Cube. From the big Rubik's Cube, which was six stories high, Leo felt that it was huge enough to reach the height of the sun. The energy of the well, if it hadn't been learned from Emma Long that this is the city's central control system, Leo would have thought it was a dormant energy source.

Leo made a questioning gesture to Emaaron, how to gain control of this titan ruin can only ask the Storm Watcher.

In order to save his own life, Emmaron dared not neglect at all, his life is now in Leo's hands, the storm watcher who was afraid of death said quickly: "Master, you only need to put the magic power into it, and leave the rest to I'll do."

The manipulation to obtain central control is very complicated. Emalon thinks that even if he tells Leoreo, he will not be able to understand. The technology of the Titans is far beyond this world. It will take another 1 years for the mortal race to understand the technology of the Titans. Neither may work.

You can't understand even if I tell you, why waste my tongue?
That's what Emalon the Stormkeeper thinks.

Leo frowned slightly, and Leo sensed the thoughts of the Storm Watcher from the imprint he left in the depths of Emalron's soul. Even as a prisoner, this Titan's creation did not really value Leo and Scarlett, the Storm Watcher has never been able to face up to the mortal race, he still has a superior mentality.

He has already fallen into such a situation and he still hasn't figured out the situation. Emmaelon really thinks that his life is safe and he can show his glamor and nobility again?
Seeing that Emaron went to the side of the console to fiddle with something after he finished speaking, Leo couldn't help but shook his head. His new servant really didn't have any sense of servanthood at all. Understand what attitude a servant should have.

Thinking in his heart, the movement was not slow. When Emma Long was busy, Leo Yiyan input magic power into the control center, and the big Rubik's Cube activated by external force slowly became active.

"The control system is starting..."

I don't know why, hearing this emotionless mechanical sound, Leo had a bad feeling in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

Is Emmalon playing tricks?
A strong demigod like Leo has a certain sense of danger. His intuition tells him that bad things will happen if he activates the authority of the center. Judging from the feedback information, the Storm Watcher didn't have any bad intentions.

If the source of danger doesn't come from Emmalon, where will it come from?
Leo secretly guarded while thinking quickly.

Emaaron is the guardian of the city created by the Titans to guard Wintergrasp. From what Emaaron said earlier, Leo deduced that the Titan city in Wintergrasp was not buried deep underground due to natural changes. Otherwise, Emmallon would not say that the city will reappear on the surface after taking control of the center.

This city was sunk into the ground before the Titans left. To recreate it on the surface now is tantamount to going against the will of the Titans... Wait!
Leo was startled, he knew where the danger came from.

"Emallon, stop!"

Hearing Leo's eager shout, the Storm Watcher turned his head and asked in a daze, "What?"

Leo was really pissed off by Emalon. If you say he speaks, he can speak. Why are his hands still moving? Could it be that this guy didn't hear what he said?
"I told you to stop."

Now is not the time to talk nonsense, Leo just needs Emalon to stop at this time, as for the future, there will be opportunities to deal with this disobedient guy.

"Stop what are you doing? I'll be fine soon."

Emmaron was not obedient, and his hands were still moving on the console. In his opinion, Leo was just adding to the chaos, and mortals who didn't understand the Titan civilization just stood aside obediently and waited to gain control of the center.

you wanna die!
A cold light flashed in Leo's eyes, Emmaelon repeatedly disobeyed his wishes, such a servant could not be kept.

Not strong, not obedient, no master would like such a servant, not to mention that Emalon's disobedience would bring danger to himself as his master.Immediately, Leo detonated the imprint left in the deepest part of Emmalon's soul, and the Storm Watcher screamed, fell down on the console and did not move.

Soul branding is not something that needs to be superficial. If you really think it is a decoration placed deep in your soul, then you just wait for your soul to fly away.

After solving the disobedient Emma Longleo's sense of crisis did not disappear, but became more and more intense. He turned his head and looked around regardless of Scarlett's strange gaze beside him.

"System activation..."

The big Rubik's Cube is becoming more and more active, but the mechanical sound of the promotion is getting colder and colder to Leo.

"Kill Emalon the Storm Watcher..."

Goldfinger's rising sound came again, but this time it was different from the previous three times.

"...The host has obtained the knowledge of Titan runes, and the ability of the rune master is being upgraded..."

Goldfinger finally gave out the reward, which also confirmed Leo's previous guess that the final reward can only be obtained by killing all the four guards in the treasury.

Speaking of runes, Leo remembered that the four guardians, Emaron and Arkavon, were rune giants made by the Titans, but Leo didn't expect to get the Titans' runes after killing them four. literature knowledge.

Rune master ability upgrade?
Could it be that the knowledge of runes in the world of Sanctuary can also learn from the strengths of the Titan runes?
Normally, this news would definitely make Leo like it for a while, but now it is different, Leo is not in the mood to pay attention to other things when he is not sure about the source of the crisis and what will happen.

"The system is activated successfully..." the big Rubik's Cube spoke again, and what it brought was not good news, "Please enter the command..."

Still need instructions?

Emalon didn't say anything about it, the guy who did more than fail.

Leo didn't have any psychological burden on killing the Storm Watcher. That fellow Emmaelon was such an idiot that he didn't even tell him such an important matter. Did this guy want to keep his hand or let Leo know his intentions through this? importance?Well, no matter what Amalron's calculations are, Leo will not allow a subordinate who plays tricks in front of him to exist, especially if this subordinate is not very capable, Leo can't tolerate him even more.

If you don't have the ability to say nothing, you still have so many eyes, you take it as an official.

"Please enter the command..."

The sound of the big Rubik's Cube has not changed at all, but it sounds more and more dangerous to Leo's ears. What makes Leo depressed is that he doesn't know how to prevent the danger from happening.

"Please enter the command..."

Leo found that he had never found the sound of machinery so annoying, and he was so angry that he really wanted to smash the big Rubik's Cube.

This broken machine left by the Titan... oh, no, if it is the machine left by the Titan, why can I understand its prompts?
Leo was startled, but just when he felt strange, he heard Goldfinger sniggering.

It was that guy who did it!
Of course, the machines made by Titans use the language of Titans. Others would definitely not be able to hear what the Rubik’s Cube was talking about. This point was confirmed by Leo from Scarlett’s puzzled gaze and blank expression beside him. , the reason why Leo can understand what the big Rubik's Cube said, the golden finger played a vital role in it.

Noticing Goldfinger's actions, Leo quickly asked, "Don't just sit around and have fun, is there a solution?"

"There is no way." Goldfinger rejected Leo simply, "It's actually a good thing for you, and there is nothing to worry about."

After finishing speaking, Goldfinger fell silent, no matter how much Leo shouted, he would not stand up again.

Damn dive party!

The guy said it was a good thing for me, but why do I feel uneasy?
Leo didn't doubt Goldfinger, that guy would not harm him, but what was the reason for this feeling that something big was about to happen?
"The input command is incorrect...the detection program starts..."

The words of the Big Rubik's Cube have finally changed. What is this detection system?
"An unknown creature was detected...the guardian was confirmed that the city was invaded by an unknown creature, the defense system was activated...the defense system was damaged..."

Following the words of the Rubik's Cube, the whole city trembled, and Leo clearly felt that their positions were gradually rising.

Can the city float to the surface without obtaining the central control of the city?

Leo felt that things were not that simple, and the next words of the Big Rubik's Cube confirmed his conjecture.

"Data uploading... The observer has received the data... The system has entered sleep mode..."

When the Big Rubik's Cube said that the data was uploaded, the city shook violently. When it said that the upload was successful, the remains of the Titans buried under Wintergrasp Lake for tens of thousands of years appeared on the surface again. After entering the surface, the Big Rubik's Cube gradually stopped. After turning and entering the sleep mode, the vibration of the whole city also stopped.

Leo knew that the Titan ruins in Wintergrasp Lake had calmed down, but his complexion didn't look good, on the contrary, it became much uglier.If he heard correctly, the Big Rubik's Cube mentioned the Observer, and this guy also uploaded data to the Observer.

What data did Rubik's Cube upload?Who was it uploaded to?
There was a glimmer of haze in Leo's eyes. What he was most worried about now was alarming that existence—Observer Algalon.

(End of this chapter)

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