Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1131 It's Time

Chapter 1131 It's Time
As the saying goes, people have no long-term worries, but they must have near-term worries.Land resources are limited, and it is inevitable to enter the ocean to develop new territories and obtain new resources. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. It is much easier to prepare early than to think of a solution when the situation is imminent.

When Deathwing's plan to destroy the world is launched, there will be no peace on land and sea. At that time, everyone will have to enter the underwater world in addition to fighting on land. Since Leo already knew what would happen, would he be a fool if he didn't arrange it in advance?

It is very similar to the world before Leo traveled. In this world, the land area is much smaller than the ocean, and there are countless coveted resources in the ocean. However, due to the dangers of the underwater world, no race can exploit it on a large scale. The same is true for being as strong as the elves.

How could Kael'thas refuse Leo's plan to enter the underwater world?

You must know that a large part of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas established by the blood elves is an island. The Quel'Thalas Islands in Silvermoon City are really not small. The blood elves have lived there for thousands of years. The resources are well known, and it is precisely because of the abundance of seabed resources that Kael'thas agreed so happily.

To achieve these things can not be accomplished overnight, entering the seabed is not a trivial matter, which requires too much manpower and materials involved, and the first large-scale development of the seabed can only succeed but not fail, otherwise no matter whether Arathor or Quill Salas will hurt his vitality, and he must use all his strength to deal with it.

Leo and Kael'thas are both smart people. They know the priorities of the matter. It is really inappropriate to make extravagant incidents when dealing with the Scourge is about to enter a critical stage. The two just reached a certain agreement and did not put it into action immediately. .This is the weakest moment since the Scourge appeared in this world. If they don't take the opportunity to destroy them, is it possible to give the Lich King a chance to breathe?
If there is no trip to Wintergrasp, Leo will not feel that time is tight, but not now, who knows what the observer Algalon will do after the big Rubik's Cube uploads data, how can he get out if he doesn't speed up the process and get the Scourge To deal with observers?
After Kael'thas and Jaina left, Leo gave an attack command to Mannoroth who was in the Sholazar Basin: "Mannoroth, put down what you are doing, and let Kazak and Russelek escape from the avalanche. attack the Scourge's Fleshmill."

It's time to deal the Scourge the mortal blow.

Before Mannoroth drove millions of demons into the Sholazar Basin, the overlords of this land were the Wolverines and the Crocodiles. Since we are talking about the past, it must be the past tense. Now the most powerful in the Sholazar Basin The power is none other than Mannoroth, an outsider.

Under the threat of millions of demons, both the wolverines and the crocodiles felt the crisis of survival. The two races that were originally fighting stopped fighting each other, and carefully followed the actions of the demons.

Fortunately, although Mannoroth didn't take these two races seriously, with Leo's order, the Destroyer still had to restrain his subordinates so that they would not embarrass the Wolverines and Crocodiles.

Leo wants to subdue the crocodile people in the Sholazar Basin, and has already sent the Horror Claws there. How could it be possible for Mannoroth to do something bad?

As for the Wolverines, the enemies of the Crocodiles, how could they make the Crocodiles who originally lived in the Sholazar Basin feel the crisis if they were not left behind? How could the Crocodiles have a chance to gain their favor as the terror pincers of outsiders without a crisis?

It is the nature of demons to destroy and kill. They were finally liberated from the Dark Portal. Before they could enjoy the killing, Mannoroth forcibly urged them to leave. I can't stand it anymore.Kazak and Russelek are like ferocious beasts that have been trapped in a cage and starved for several days. Once they are released, their destructive power will be astonishingly terrifying.

Now, Leo let Mannoroth's cage be opened, and the beasts locked inside were released, and the disaster of the Scourge came.

The army of demons crossed the avalanche land like a tide, and looking down from a high altitude, they could only see black spots all over the mountains and plains, like swarms of passing insects, devouring all life and destroying everything they saw.Wherever the demon army passed by, there were only ruins and flames left behind.

Under the fiery flames of the demons, Avalanche has become a misnomer, because there is no snow here, and all the snow has been evaporated.

Flesh Mill is the Scourge's gateway to the west of Icecrown Glacier. Don't think it's a small place just because it's called a mill. In fact, this place is no smaller than a city. Considering the Scourge's layout here, it's time to capture This place is no easier than taking a large fortress.

Calculated according to the normal situation, it takes days for an army to capture the Flesh Mill. Such a long time is enough for the Scourge to respond, but is it normal for the demon army attacking the Flesh Mill now?
The large and powerful army of demons easily tore through the defense line of the Scourge. The resistance of the undead Scourge was so insignificant in front of millions of demons. From the beginning of the battle to the complete destruction of the Flesh Mill, it was less than half an hour.If such a short period of time was placed in the past, there might be one or two natural disaster troops dispatched by the Lich King to the Flesh Mill to help resist the demons, but the reality is that there is no such thing.

After crushing the flesh and blood workshop, the demon army was not satisfied. Under the command of Mannoroth, the demon army, led by Kazak and Raselek, headed towards the direction of Icecrown Citadel, and the Scourge was standing in front of them. Another stronghold - Kopresa.

Less than half a day after he gave the order, the demon army attacked Copresa. If the Scourge hadn't stationed heavy troops in Copresa to protect the Gate of Terror, the demon army would not stop advancing.

Is there a meat grinder around Kopresa's Gate of Terror?
Leo, who got the first-hand news from Mannoroth, is not surprised. The number of demons has reached millions. It sounds really scary, but the Scourge is not vegetarian.What is the advantage of the sea of ​​undead—quantity, overwhelming quantity, desperate quantity, and having more people than the Scourge is simply looking for unpleasantness.

The impact of the demons is strong, but the Scourge has more cannon fodder. Once the demon army is entangled, the two sides will enter a war of attrition, and the demon army without backup will inevitably lose.But what Leo wanted was for Mannoroth to use Kazak and the others to attract the main force of the Scourge to stay in Icecrown Glacier, and he didn't expect the demons to take down Icecrown Fortress.The Scourge and the demons fought fiercely at Copressa, the better. Only then would the main force of the Scourge in Icecrown move westward, and the alliance's army would encounter less resistance when attacking from the east.

Leo silently calculated in his heart that millions of demons were fighting against the undead of the Scourge. The latter wanted to consume the demons with the sea of ​​undead. It was impossible to achieve it every one or two months. Gosa and other powerhouses have lost the group killing weapons such as the Frost Dragon Legion. It is not easy to defeat the demon army led by Kazak and Russelek.And one or two months is enough time for the alliance to prepare all the arrangements.

Waiting is the most frustrating thing. Fortunately, Leo is not idle. When Scarlett is busy with the affairs of the Silver Crusade, Leo is also busy mobilizing supplies to expand his army of rune machines.Another thing happened while waiting in Wintergrasp Lake, that is, the Scarlet Vanguard came to vote.

General Abedis found the Scarlet Vanguard, and with his help, Bridget saw through the plot of the Dreadlord and successfully killed him.Later, Abedis persuaded Bridget to lead the Scarlet Vanguard to join the Silver Crusade, and the Scarlet Crusade was completely incorporated.

Leo did not intervene in the whole process of incorporating the Scarlet Vanguard. He only let Abides be in charge of guiding it. As for how to arrange the Scarlet Vanguard and let it smoothly integrate into the Silver Crusade, it was completely arranged by Scarlett and Fording. .

"It's so boring."

Leo watched the Rubik's Cube keep making rune robots, with two words written on his face - boring, the same process made him yawn continuously.

The Scourge Legion and the demon army are still strangling together at the Gate of Terror in Kopresa. If there is no accident, it will take at least ten days for the two forces to decide the winner. The offensive has already shown signs of decline. If it weren't for Mannoroth sitting in the rear, Kazak and Russelek would have probably led their men to retreat.

After a month and a half of fighting with millions of demons, only less than 60 were left. The price paid by the Scourge was tens or hundreds of times that of the demons. It was a pity for Leo that the flames of the demons were too powerful, and the blazing flames burned All the corpses on the battlefield, seeing so many corpses being wasted made Leo feel distressed.

It was also the flames of the devil that burned the corpses, so that the Scourge could not get any supplements, and the sea of ​​undead could not support wars with battles. Every death of a Scourge warrior would result in one less Scourge, so that the Scourge also experienced a large-scale attrition. Icecrown Glacier The main force of natural disasters has lost [-]% in the confrontation with the demon army.Among the lost undead, low-level undead such as skeletons accounted for the vast majority, but there were also high-level undead. Leo, who had been paying attention to the battle situation, saw that the Scourge was getting weaker and weaker, so he couldn't help urging Varian and others to speed up their troops. mobilize.

"Master, Kazak and Ruthelake can't attack Kopresa, do you want me to take action?"

Seeing that the demon army was about to be defeated, Mannoroth asked Leo for a fight. He believed that as long as he took action, the Scourge would never be able to defend Kopresa.

"The army of the Acquired Alliance will attack Icecrown Glacier from the east. Before that, I need you to attract more Scourge troops."

"Master, it's easy." Mannoroth grinned, "Just destroy Kopressa's Gate of Terror."

(End of this chapter)

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