Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1139 Weakness or Trap?

Chapter 1139 Weakness or Trap?

With the east wind blowing and the drums beating, no one is afraid of anyone in this world.

Didn't the Scourge take advantage of the alliance's desire to reduce casualties and delay the time? Didn't the Scourge rely on the undead troops in Icecrown City to hold back the advance of the coalition? It's a pity that you met me.

Seeing the red wave composed of countless fallen demons drowning groups of undead natural disasters, Leo sneered again and again. The reason why the coalition forces are progressing slowly is because they are afraid of too many casualties. The undead Xiaoqiang went to serve as cannon fodder, and the calculation of the Scourge Corps would not work.

Want more than consumed?
Although your Scourge army has many people, one dies and one is missing, and my army of fallen demons can come back to life immediately after death. Can you beat me in terms of energy consumption?

"Sarah, well done."

Leo is very satisfied with Sarah's performance. Using the Fallen is indeed the best way to deal with the Scourge. These little red demons are suitable as cannon fodder that can be reused at this time.

"Thank you for your compliment, Master."

I could hear his satisfaction from Leo's tone, and Sarah was very happy because it was an affirmation of her ability.

The reason why the coalition forces were blocked by the Scourge Legion was because the leaders of the alliance did not want their own casualties to be too large. Now that the Sinking Demon army has killed them, with this kind of excellent cannon fodder, the biggest obstacle will no longer exist.An hour after the fallen demon army appeared, the progress of the coalition forces was comparable to the results of the previous ten days, and the fastest vanguard had already penetrated into the depths of the furnace of souls.

At this rate, the Soul Furnace can be taken today.

The development of the battle made Varian, Jean and others very happy, and the ordinary soldiers were also extremely excited. It became much easier to fight with the Fallen Demon at the forefront.

The army of fallen demons that can be resurrected infinitely seems to be an unsolvable existence against the sky, but is this really the case?

How could a small demon race be so heaven-defying, and how could a group of small demons have no weaknesses?

Kael'thas didn't believe it. After the initial surprise, the blood elf prince quickly discovered the weakness of the Fallen Demon army. He pointed to the Fallen Demon wizard and asked Leo, "Ordinary little devils can be resurrected infinitely." , what about those wizards? If they die, can they be resurrected?"

Leo smiled and didn't answer.

As expected of Kael'thas, Kael'thas found out the weakness of the Fallen Demon army so quickly.As Kael'thas suspected, ordinary fallen demons can be resurrected infinitely by fallen witches, but fallen witches cannot. Once they die, other wizards cannot resurrect them.

This is the weakness of the Fallen Demon army. As long as you know this point, the Fallen Demon army is not difficult to deal with. For example, if Kael'thas wants to deal with the Fallen Demon army, he only needs to kill a large number of Fallen Demon wizards with magic, and the Fallen Demon army will not be difficult. Another threat.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the fallen magician cannot be resurrected. The situation will be completely different if there is Bixu Boxu.

Bixu Boxu, who can resurrect the fallen magic wizard, was born to make up for the weakness of the fallen devil. Bixu is indispensable if the army of the fallen devil does not have a fatal weakness.

Leo has Bixu Boxu's inheritance in his hand. The reason why he didn't get Bixu Boxu out is because he has never thought about it, let alone looking for when the candidate. Who made Bixu Boxu's personal ability not protrude.

The army of fallen demons did not show up before, and Leo didn't care about the selection of Bishu Boxu, but now it's different, Kael'thas is not the only one with keen eyesight, and the natural disaster powerhouse hiding in the dark is not a fool , the weakness of the fallen demon army will be found out by them soon.

There are only two powerful heroes of the Fallen Demon race in the Legion of Hell, one is Bi Xu Boxu from the law department, and the other is Lakanishu from the physics department. Without them, the combat power of the Fallen Demon army with them is completely different.

While thinking, the names of the two people flashed across Leo's mind, his eyes lit up, and there it is!

When Kael'thas noticed that Leo's figure disappeared for twenty or thirty breaths, when the latter reappeared, he had a secret smile on his face.

What did this guy do again?
The blood elf prince became somewhat curious, and Leo's mysterious appearance made him very interested in exploring.Kael'thas, who focused his attention on Leo, didn't notice that two figures appeared silently in Arathor's army.

"Damn living people, dare to fight against the Scourge. Do you think you can defeat us with these weak demons? Hahahaha... I will let you know how ridiculous I am."

Seeing that the coalition forces had entered the core area of ​​the Soul Furnace, and the natural disaster powerhouse responsible for the defense of the Soul Furnace had no choice but to show up, the father of a thousand souls, Bron Yam, finally stood up. A strong natural disaster standing in the open.

Bronyam is not a fool. If he was a fool, the Lich King would not have entrusted him with the task of guarding the furnace of souls. The reason why he dared to stand in the open was not because of impulsiveness, but because he really had a plan to deal with the army of fallen demons. Method.

The worrying thing still happened. Kael'thas could see the weakness of the Fallen Demon's army, and Bronyam, who is a strong natural disaster man, could also see it—as long as a large number of Fallen Demon wizards were killed, the enemies from the Fallen Demon would Threats will decrease geometrically.

But, how does Bronyam kill the fallen magician in large numbers?
"Soul Eater, kill them."

Without letting everyone spend too much brain cells, Bronyam took out his trump card, which is the Soul Eater created by the Scourge using the resentful souls of countless dead souls in the soul furnace, which is full of hatred for all living beings.

A spirit body entangled and condensed by countless resentful souls appears with a face full of hatred. This face full of resentment and hatred is shocking. If you have good eyesight, you can still see the face The resentful souls looming in the heart are biting each other.

Such a strong resentment, how many lives would have to die, and what kind of torture would these creatures have to suffer before they die in order to have such an astonishing resentment?

Leo looked at the Soul Eater, and couldn't help feeling a little pity for the wraith created by the Scourge. You said it was not good for you to appear in front of someone, but you showed your face in front of me. Should I abuse you? abuse you?

Soul Eater didn't know what Leo was thinking. Out of hatred for life, he was manipulated by Bronyam to let out a silent roar. At the same time, a blue beam of light shot out from Soul Eater, and the target was It is the army of fallen demons.

All the fallen demons who were swept by the blue beam of light fell to the ground without even uttering a scream, and they had already lost their lives.There are many fallen devil wizards among these dead fallen devils, and the reduction in the number of wizards has slowed down the resurrection of the fallen devils a lot.

Seeing that the dead Sorcerer Sorcerer did not come back to life, Bronyam laughed triumphantly. His judgment was indeed right. The little red devils could be revived infinitely, but the Sorcerer with the Bone Banner could not.As long as the Sinister Demon Sorcerer is killed, the troubling Sinking Demon army will no longer be as ferocious as before, and will no longer be able to pose a major threat to the Scourge.

Kael'thas turned his head to look at Leo, as if he wanted to see something on the latter's face, but to the disappointment of the blood elf prince, Leo didn't appear annoyed or anxious, but looked at Soul Eater very calmly. He began to study the blue beam of light emitted by the attacker: "Use the resentful soul in the body to create a beam of light full of resentment, and use the resentment to corrode the vitality of the living beings and turn them into dead people. This kind of attack method is too primitive."

Well, from Leo's point of view, there are only five words in the evaluation of Soul Eater's use of soul resentment power - not on the table.The Soul Eater's use of soul power is too poor, the same amount of resentment, if Lei Ao used it, would be enough to knock down [-]% of the fallen demons present, but the Soul Eater didn't even wipe out one percent.

The use of power is not at the same level at all, this is the gap between you and me.

Leo shook his head, the Howling Soul that was cited as an ultimate move by the Soul Eater made him curl his lips.

What is Leo thinking? Didn't he see that the Scourge had seen the weakness of those little red demons?Kael'thas was a little puzzled, his intuition told him that Leo was so calm that there must be a way to deal with it.

Could it be that those demon wizards can still be resurrected?
As soon as Kael'thas had this idea in his mind, he saw the magical light sprinkled on the corpse of the fallen magician, and the dead fallen magician was resurrected!

Can it really be resurrected?
Kael'thas' eyes were a little dignified. If those demonic wizards could be resurrected, wouldn't the army of fallen demons have no weaknesses, as long as they couldn't be killed at the same time, they couldn't be killed.

Such an army is terrible.

The blood elf prince didn't notice that while he was marveling at the Fallen Sorcerer's resurrection, Leo was looking at a figure standing among Arathor's army.

The resurrection of the Fallen Sorcerer wiped out Bronyam's pride in an instant. He didn't expect that the weakness he discovered was not a weakness at all, and the other party already had a way to deal with it.

Since it is not a weakness, but pretending to be a weakness, why did the other party do this?
Bronyam was terrified, he thought, this is a trap, this is a trap that the other party came out to catch him, and it's pity that he stepped into it stupidly.

Since the other party caught him out, wouldn't the next step be to deal with him?
Bronyam thought that he was about to hide again, when a familiar mental force locked him in, and the feeling of being targeted by natural enemies made his soul tremble.

"Ge...Ge..." Bronyam said the other person's name with difficulty, "Gorthick!"

Bronyam is known as the father of a thousand souls, while Gothick is a soul reaper, and what the latter harvests is souls. Bronyam, the father of a thousand souls, is crushed to death, unless Gothick himself is careless , otherwise Bronham would have no chance of standing up.

"Long time no see, Bronyam."

Just listening to the sound, you would think that Gothick is not too hostile to Bronham, but if you look at his actions, you will find that the opposite is true.

Gothick cast spells one after another, and groups of wailing souls floated out of Bronyam's body. The breath of the father of thousands of souls was weakening at an astonishing speed. It fell from legend to epic in a breath.

"Gorthick, I'll fight you!"

Bronyam yelled in despair. He was about to self-destruct when a human warrior in ice-blue armor rushed forward.

Bronyam was shocked. He was completely desperate.

With a slash of the warrior's great sword, Bronyam was killed before he blew himself up.

(End of this chapter)

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