Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1142 The second more chapterless fuck

Chapter 1142 The second change of unscrupulous

"I don't know." Kael'thas shook his head, he looked at Vochissel with a somewhat helpless look, "Denev refused to say, I can't force my subordinates for this matter. I'm sure There is only one thing, that guy is not from our elves."

The three words of elves reminded Leo, yes, Fuchsel is an elf, an elf whose body structure is different from that of a human, why did he ignore it?
If this is the case, doesn't it mean...doesn't it mean...Leo couldn't turn his head around, he looked at Fuchsel in a daze, and what responded to him was the female elf with a bit of joy in her shame and anger eyes.

The wonderful thing about the world is that you never know what will happen in the next second.

Fechsel's eyes told Leo the truth, and joy filled Leo's heart, making him want to do something.

Grabbing Kael'thas, Leo gave him a bear hug under the surprised eyes of the blood elf prince.

"Kyle, you're so cute, I fucking love you."

Kael'thas was stunned, even swearing, what kind of madness is Leo doing?

Suddenly, Kael'thas thought of a possibility, he looked at Fuchsel, then at Leo, and then he realized.

Trying to break away from Leo, Kael'thas gritted his teeth and said, "Leo, you're such an idiot."

Well, if you say you are weak, you are weak. Anyway, I am happy and don't care about you.

Leo smiled, his figure disappeared from Kael'thas, and he teleported to Fuchsel's side.At this time, no matter how dull the other people are, they can see the problem, and the expressions of everyone become very exciting.

In private reviews, Leo's private life is very chaotic, and he has had ambiguous rumors with many beautiful women.In fact, this is nothing more than other people's prejudice against Leo, but was misled by preconceived ideas.When Leo was a low-level warlock, he dared to eat tofu from the Countess of Prestor in the Kingdom of Stormwind. How do you make other people think of him?

If Leo knew that he had been deceived by the news that Prestor released in order to get people to deal with him, I don't know what he would think, but he must feel very wronged.

In the past, people didn't pay much attention to these speculations. After all, it was Leo's private life, and no one else could care about it.Warlocks like Leo who study the power of darkness are just flirtatious, which is not a big deal in the eyes of others. It is better than other warlocks who always like to hide in the dark and do not know what to do.

As far as everyone's senses are concerned, the Warlock who has ambiguous rumors with several beautiful women is still a sunny type warlock, who is many times better than those gloomy and sneaky similar Leo.

However, no matter how much everyone acquiesces in your ambiguity, it is still under the table. Now that Leo's flirtatious account is exposed, and the person who hooked up with the Northern Expedition commander of the blood elves, the matter is complicated.

Leo, as the marshal of Arathor and the future prince of the kingdom, actually got married with another woman first, and even had a child. How would Scarlett react?
At this moment, Jaina, Fording and others became worried. If Scarlett and Leo's relationship were to be surprised because of this incident, it would cause immeasurable damage to them personally, to the Kingdom of Arathor, and even to the entire human race. Impact.

What will Scarlett do?
Leo, who kept rubbing his hands and giggling at Fuchsel, ignored this question, but the others did not, and everyone looked at Scarlett.

Originally, other people thought that Scarlett would show her anger no matter how restrained she was in such a situation, but the female paladin's expression at this time was completely incomprehensible.Not only was Scarlett not angry, but she felt relieved.

The situation is very strange.

Not only Jaina and Fording were puzzled, but Kael'thas and others also didn't understand.Shouldn't Scarlett be angry? Shouldn't Scarlett be angry? Why did she act like she was happy to see this happen?
Is it a posturing or something else?
It's not that other people think so, but Scarlett's reaction makes them have to think so.

The weirdness of the atmosphere finally made Leo realize what mistake he had made. In a moment of excitement, he forgot to take care of Scarlett's feelings in the first place. How does the female paladin feel?
Seeing Scarlett's relieved expression, Leo was dumbfounded, wouldn't that silly girl be overwhelmed for a while?I said, don't scare me, scaring people will scare people to death.

Fuchsel moved his steps, walked towards Scarlett, and quietly pinched Leo when he passed by Leo.

When Leo regained his strength and looked at the two women while rubbing the pinched red area, he saw Scarlett and Fuchsel walking towards the distance arm in arm.

so harmonious?

Someone blinked, bewildered.

"You're lucky, kid."

Kael'thas left angrily, but he didn't expect Leo to have a relationship with Fuchsel, the blood elf prince was very helpless about this.Of course, it cannot be said to be helpless, no matter how Leo and Scarlett will resolve this matter, Leo and the blood elves will be closer with Fuchsel's relationship.

What happened to Fuchsel may have hurt Scarlett, but in the eyes of Kael'thas, the closer relationship with Leo was worth it.Kael'thas thought of Scarlett's strange expression at that time, and his intuition told him that if he really wanted to care about it, it might not make Scarlett's relationship with the blood elves alienated.

Without mentioning Kael'thas who left, he turned his gaze back to Leo. This kid followed Scarlett and Fuchsel with a flattering expression. Those who didn't know his identity would probably think he was a A little follower who pleases his master.


Scarlett and Fuchsel did not know what they exchanged. Although Leo wanted to eavesdrop, but Fuchsel used the sound-proof enchantment and watched him very closely, so that he did not dare to act rashly. Don't worry about it.It was so easy to wait until the exchange between the two women came to an end, seeing Fuchsel waving to him, someone hurriedly ran up.

Fuchsel waited until Leo approached with a smile, then he waved his hand and said, "Xiao Hundan, what should you do, don't follow us."

been played!

Leo had a gloomy look on his face, Fechsel clearly didn't want him to follow, there must be something to say between the two women, otherwise why did she drive Leo away?

Seeing Lei Ao hesitantly refusing to leave, Fuchsel glared at him bitterly: "Why, you don't want to?"


Leo was looking for an excuse, but at this moment Scarlett stepped on him suddenly, and then pulled Fuchsel away, Leo had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, you guys are ruthless, I can't afford to offend you."

The current Scarlett and Fuchsel Leo can't be offended, but this doesn't mean that Leo can't be offended by others.

Leo was guilty of Fuchsel's matter, that's why he behaved so submissively, Leo wouldn't do this to other people, especially his enemies.

Calling out the blue dragon king Malygos, Leo teleported to the former's head, and at the same time ordered: "Malygos, today your master and I have a great event, come with me to bully a child to celebrate. "

Bullying children?
Malygos looked at Leo stupidly. The Blue Dragon King had been with Leo for too short a time, and he hadn't figured out his master's temper. Compared with Pelishion and Hectors in understanding Leo's meaning There is a lot of difference, even if the latter two don't understand what Leo is referring to, they will fly to the sky first.

"An interesting guy came to the Obsidian Temple recently, let's go and play with him."

Neltharion, no, Deathwing's obsidian temple?
Leo spoke out the destination, and the Blue Dragon King moved his wings and flew high.

The Wyrmrest Temple located in the Dragonbone Wilderness has too many secrets. Among these secrets, the respective temples of the guardian dragons are the most mysterious. The guardian dragons always avoid talking about the situation of the temple, even to their companions. , the guardian dragons do not inquire about each other and do not enter other people's temples.

The blue dragon king Malygos suffered a great loss when the earth guard Neltharion betrayed him. Not only was he injured, but the blue dragon army under his command was almost wiped out. Hearing Leo talk about the Obsidian Temple, Ma Lygos' hatred for Deathwing was awakened.

The Obsidian Temple used to be an unwritten agreement between the guardian dragons, and Malygos had never entered it, but the situation is different now, Deathwing betrayed them, and Malygos' attitude is naturally different.

While Flying Blue Dragon King was thinking, Leo suddenly mentioned going to the Obsidian Temple. Could it be that he found a change in that place?

Is Deathwing back?

Malygos quickly denied this speculation. If Deathwing returned to the Obsidian Temple, Wyrmrest Temple, there would be no movement. Talk about bullying children.From this point of view, there is only one possibility, and that is that other black dragons have opened the obsidian temple that has been closed for many years.

who can that be?

If Nefarian didn't work under Leo, Malygos would definitely think he was the Black Dragon Prince, but who would it be if it wasn't Nefarian?

You must know that the Obsidian Temple used to be the site of Deathwing, and after the temple was closed, no one else could enter there without the method of opening taught by Deathwing.

Isn't it Nefarian? Could it be the Onyxia who wanted to imitate Sinasaraia but only learned to show off her cleverness?Or maybe Deathwing's other offspring?
Malygos shook his head. There is no need for him to worry about these things now, as long as he arrives at the Obsidian Temple, the answer will be there.

Thinking of this, Malygos speeded up.

Sartario, if there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, but if there is no way to hell, you just barge in. Do you think that no one will notice if you sneak into the Obsidian Temple?Don't you know that important places like the Obsidian Temple have always been watched by countless people?I will reluctantly accept those dragon eggs that Deathwing asked you to bring to the Obsidian Temple to hatch as a congratulatory gift.

Thinking of the congratulatory gift, Leo laughed foolishly again.

"I'm going to be a father soon, haha..."

 Sao Nian, you are so naive, please call me unscrupulous o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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