Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1153 Vicious and Poisonous

Chapter 1153 Vicious and Poisonous
For Leo who has Goldfinger, the rune magic sword Frostmourne that others see as terrifying is a delicious meal, which makes people move their index fingers and can't help but want to eat it .

The magical power of Frostmourne entered the body, and other people would have turned pale with fright, but Leo was no one else, he had a big foodie in his body, and he didn't even have time to be happy about it, so how could he be afraid?
"I found a different kind of energy, do you want to absorb it?"

As Leo expected, Goldfinger's reaction was always the fastest after discovering absorbable energy, and this time was no exception.

Why don't you suck?

Leo chose yes, and after the energy of Frostmourne flowed into his body, it disappeared without a trace.Even Leo doesn't know how big Goldfinger's appetite is. The energy in Frostmourne can make this guy full?Leo is not optimistic about this.

In fact, just as Leo thought, the energy of Frostmourne was a piece of cake in front of Goldfinger, a big eater. The latter caught Frostmourne and sucked it violently, and the Rune Demon Sword was completely depressed.

Some people are happy and some are sad, this statement couldn't be more correct, Frostmourne is tragic, Leo laughed.

"When you discover the law of death, do you want to absorb it? After absorbing it, you will complete the law of death mastered by the host."

Needless to say?

Absorption of course.

The law of death is the strongest law, the strongest power that Leo has mastered. He has been troubled by the incompleteness of the law of death. Now that he has the opportunity to complete the law of death, how can Leo let it go?

"Discovered the complete law of ice, do you want to absorb it?"

Leo shook his head, the complete law of ice looks good, but in Leo's current vision, it is already dispensable, if he absorbs the law of ice himself, he will have energy in the future, and the treachery of Goldfinger will definitely The law of ice will be completed first and the law of death will be put behind. This is not what Leo wants to see.

It's not that Frostmourne's complete Ice Law Leo should be discarded. It's shameful to waste it. Leo doesn't need the complete Ice Law. There are always people who can use it, such as Sindragosa.Although Sindragosa received the inheritance of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, her original ice spells have not been forgotten, and the complete law of ice has helped Sindragosa a lot.

The law of death was taken by Leo himself, and the law of ice was given to Sindragosa by Leo. The power contained in Frostmourne should have disappeared, but Leo found that this was not the case, and there was another mysterious force. The power lingered in this rune magic sword, and the golden hand pointed out that it did not touch this power unexpectedly.

Daqi Lei, today's incident is outrageous, is there still energy that Goldfinger can't eat?

"I didn't expect you to have a time when you were full."

Leo laughed and began to tease Goldfinger, but Goldfinger ignored it, and gave a message instead: Does the discovery of new runes improve the ability of the rune master?
It turns out that the inside of Frostmourne is the rune energy, and Goldfinger doesn't absorb it in order to keep it for the rune master to upgrade.

Speaking of which, Leo is also very curious. Frostmourne is a rune magic sword. What is the meaning of the runes engraved on its sword? Can we infer the maker of this magic sword from these runes?
In the previous battles, Leo saw the runes on Frostmourne light up more than once. At this time, Arthas could obtain power from Frostmourne to improve his own combat power. If Goldfinger Leo is welcome to be able to interpret the meaning of these runes after upgrading the rune master.

"The rune master is improving..."

Leo has always been very patient about improving his ability. In fact, he can't do it without patience. The golden finger Leo who does his own way can't do anything about it. Besides, the law of death has improved Leo and he must check for new information about power.

Here, Leo calmly waited for Goldfinger to improve his strength, but Alsace's side turned the sky upside down.

After losing Frostmourne, the power in Arthas's body had no proper way to vent out. It wasn't that Arthas didn't want to fight to relieve the pressure in his body, but because he didn't have the rune magic sword in his hand. The power cannot be controlled, after all, those powers do not belong to Alsace.

It is better to be able to control the power by oneself. If one forcibly obtains power that does not belong to oneself, one will end up being found the opportunity to use these powers against oneself like Alsace.

What happened to Alsace made Leo feel dark, he would never let such a thing happen to him.

With Alsace's current state, if the leaders of the coalition forces were not afraid, he would have been killed long ago.

The strength in his body exceeded his body's ability to withstand it. It was inevitable that Alsace would explode and die due to the power of Frostmourne. Varian and the others knew this, and so did Alsace. Wouldn't it be too unjust to be dragged by him to die together with someone on his back?

Even if he wanted to die, he couldn't fulfill Alsace's wish and be dragged to death by him.

It was with this kind of mind in mind that the offensive of Varian and others was not as good as before. They were afraid that they could only play five points out of their best efforts.

The situation became so strangely stalemate, Leo was silent in the newly obtained message of the law of death, and the others focused their attention on Alsace, so that no one noticed that a crisis was quietly approaching.

"The ability of the rune master has been upgraded, and a new rune has been obtained..." Goldfinger reminded, as if to remind Leo, and added at the end, "The host can interpret the rune information on Frostmourne. "

The former sentence was expected by Leo, but the latter sentence made him attach great importance to it.Goldfinger never wastes energy on useless things. Now that he has added a sentence, the information that can be interpreted by the runes on Frostmourne must be extremely important. The ability of the text master can interpret the runes carved on the sword of Frostmourne.


After all, the ability of the rune master has only been improved not long ago, and Leo struggled to read it, and could only understand the general meaning.Frostmourne seems to be a key, and Leo still doesn't know what the key is for.

Seems like another big problem.

Leo's intuition told him that if he deciphered the true meaning of the runes on Frostmourne, something big would happen. As for whether this matter is good or bad, there is too little information for Leo to judge.

Leo was reading the runes on Frostmourne, when suddenly he felt his feet shaking, and a dangerous feeling came from his heart.

What is moving?
Leo hurriedly handed Frostmourne to Sarah. He had written down the runes on the sword, and he would think about it later. Frostmourne did not have the two laws of death and ice, and Sarah could easily Subduing it just made up for her weakness of not having a weapon.

How did the ground crack?
Looking underground, Leo found that the Frozen Throne had cracked countless cracks at some point, and these cracks were constantly increasing and getting bigger.Seeing this situation, Leo's face changed drastically, the Frozen Throne is a prelude to collapse.

It's not that Leo's tolerance is low, but that the current situation is indeed extremely severe.

The coalition forces killed the Frozen Throne and came to the Frozen Throne where Alsace was located. They were at a height of [-] meters from the ground. If the Frozen Throne collapsed, how many people would survive if they fell from such a high place? get down?

Those who decide to be strong like Leo and Kael'thas will naturally be fine, but don't forget that there are soldiers of various races such as humans, dwarves, dwarves, and blood elves behind them. Before the catastrophe, there was no self-protection power. If they were not rescued, all these soldiers would die in this disaster.

The hateful Scourge, the cunning Alsace, he has made up his mind that even if he fails, he will drag the entire coalition army to be buried with him, such a vicious heart, such a vicious plan.

Leo hated him, why didn't he expect Alsace to do such a thing?He has repeatedly reminded himself that this is the real world, not the world of the game, and he cannot use the stereotyped thinking in the game to consider what happened in the real world, but he still made mistakes in this.

The Frozen Throne is the territory of the Lich King. The Icecrown Fortress was built by the Scourge to protect the Frozen Throne. Now that the Scourge is about to be destroyed, they will leave the Icecrown Fortress to themselves with the spirit of the undead. Enemy?
It's a simple empathy, you will not leave your achievements to the enemy to enjoy, and it is only normal to destroy it when you perish.

Leo patted his forehead, looking rather annoyed, why did he ignore this matter?
"No wonder I always feel that there is a problem. No wonder I always feel that the battle in Icecrown Citadel is not right. So the problem lies here."

While speaking, thoughts flashed through Leo's mind. He would not just sit back and watch the coalition forces be destroyed. He was thinking of a solution quickly. After a few seconds, Leo's eyes lit up. He quickly closed his eyes and sank his mind into the Kingdom of God. middle.

"Alsace, I have to say, you are ruthless enough. If I hadn't gone to Dragonbone Wilderness, I really wouldn't have much to do with your move."

When it comes to Dragon Bone Wilderness, one cannot ignore Leo's harvest—dragon eggs, the ones with a large number of dragons, enough to expand Leo's dracolich army to fifty thousand dragon eggs.

That's right, you guessed it right, Leo's purpose of sinking his mind into his divine kingdom is to catalyze those dragon eggs, and create an army of [-] dracolich in a very short period of time. I believe that with so many The dracolich is enough to carry the soldiers of the coalition army, after all, the dracolich is not small.

Of course, the dracolich army alone may not be able to cover everything, but with the support of Flintage, who has mastered the Law of the Earth and can cast anti-gravity spells with Alsace, and other strong men in the coalition, it will be safe.

Arthas, your plan is doomed to failure before me.

(End of this chapter)

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