Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1156 Difficulties and hardships Yuru Yucheng

Chapter 1156 Difficulties and hardships Yuru Yucheng
Ner'zhul's death represents the complete destruction of the Scourge. Without Arthas and Ner'zhul, the undead Scourge is no longer a twisted force, but a mess. Even if no one pays attention to them, the undead Will slowly die out, not to mention the existence of the Forsaken.

Sylvanas and the Forsaken under her command have not fully vented their anger towards the Scourge, and their hatred for the Scourge has not subsided. They will not let any Scourge go. Pursued and suppressed, the remnants of the Scourge won't last long.

The alliance army began to retreat. The Icecrown Glacier looked like snow after the ice was removed. The temperature was unbearably cold. The soldiers of the alliance army were all focused on attacking the Icecrown Fortress without thinking too much. Now that the task has been completed, the ice The throne also fell, and the severe cold became the biggest problem for the soldiers.If the troops are not withdrawn quickly, there will inevitably be a large number of non-combat attrition in the coalition forces. No one wants to see such a situation happen.

The Alliance's army was completely withdrawn from Icecrown Glacier. On the contrary, Sylvanas' Forsaken army continued to march into this snow-covered land.

The Forsaken couldn't feel the cold, and the cold weather here didn't affect them. Cirvanas grandiosely occupied the entire Icecrown Glacier in the name of wiping out the remnants of the natural disaster and leaving no undead natural disaster behind.

Cirvanas' actions naturally aroused the doubts of many people. In many people's eyes, there is not much difference between the Forsaken and the Scourge of the Undead. They are both undead and should not exist in this world.Just when this matter was about to cause a storm, it quickly calmed down because Leo and Kael'thas came forward.

With these two demigods coming forward, even if other people have different opinions, they can only be bored, and besides, Cirvanas' actions are indeed solving everyone's troubles—won't you go Suppressing the remnants of the Scourge Legion and not allowing others to do it?
"We should now focus on the Storm Cliffs. Some races living there have become unusually active. We have reason to believe that there has been a mutation that we don't know about, and this mutation is likely to be related to being killed by the Titans. related to Yogg-Saron, the Old God imprisoned in Ulduar."

This was what Leo said when the Alliance army was withdrawing from Icecrown Glacier. No one dared to take the Old God Yogg-Saron lightly. After all, everyone knew that the Old God could destroy the world. Existence, if there is a problem in the prison where Yogg-Saron is held, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

The storm cliffs in the northeast of the Crystalsong Forest in the north of Zul'Drak are a series of mountains covered with ice and snow all year round. Under the ice and snow in this area, there is a mysterious area, which is the city created by the Titans and now occupied by storm giants— — Ulduar.

Ulduar is the largest of the three large laboratories built by the Titans in this world. Its appearance is due to the purpose of the Titans to create the most perfect creatures, but the evolution of creatures takes a lot of time and the Titans will not stay in one world. Too long, so the titans left watchers in Ulduar, in order to keep them informed of the evolution of the artifacts.

What the Titans didn't expect was that when they visited the world for the second time, the world was already ruled by the Old Gods, and the laboratory was also invaded by the Old Gods, so the battle between the Titans and the Old Gods broke out.

After defeating the Old Gods, the Titans have merged with the world, and unless the world is completely destroyed, the Old Gods cannot be eliminated. In order to continue Ulduar's experiment, and to cultivate the most perfect Creatures, the Titans had to seal the ancient gods, among which C'Thun was sealed in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Yogg-Saron was imprisoned in Ulduar.

In order to manage and monitor the world, so that no accidents will happen in the laboratory, the Titans created six guardians, whose task is to manage and guard Ulduar.

The Titans sealed the entire huge laboratory as a prison, and Loken among the six guardians was the highest manager, responsible for all affairs of Ulduar.In addition, Titan's main laboratory on each planet will set up an automatic defense mechanism, that is, when the top manager of the place dies, the laboratory will send a signal to Titan's Pantheon.

At this time, the Pantheon will send Algalon to inspect the planet. According to the situation on the planet, Algalon will make two decisions: one is that the planet has no special major problems, and the top manager died accidentally. The planet is still evolving according to Titan's will; second, the entire planet has serious problems and deviates from Titan's plan, and the planet must be reshaped, that is, all life on the entire planet must be destroyed and then restarted.

If Algalon made the first judgment, then that's fine, but what about the second?
This is exactly what Leo is worried about. If Algalon, the Titan observer, feels that the world has serious problems after he arrives, which is not in line with the Titan's plan. Will his power be able to stop him?

In this regard, Leo has no idea.

It's not that Leo is not confident enough, it's that he doesn't have an accurate reference, and he can't estimate Algaron's strength. You must know that if it fails, the whole world will be destroyed, and all the creatures in the world will die. Such a big event Leo didn't dare to be careless.

We have to go to Ulduar to deploy defenses in advance, but the alliance's power is concentrated in Ulduar, what about Deathwing?Can Alexa and her Red Dragonflight hold the Twilight's Hammer?
It is not easy to survive in this world.

Leo secretly sighed, only when he comes to this precarious world can he understand the value of the world before crossing.

Enemies one after another, more and more powerful opponents, when will such days end, and when will peace come?
Leo couldn't answer. He felt like a small wooden boat struggling to survive in the storm of the sea. He didn't know whether the boat was destroyed or people died or he saw a rainbow after the storm.

"Fate is a thing that can be tossed, let me see, are you tossing me to death, or I will control you."

Standing on the top of the war fortress flying high in the sky, overlooking the mountains passing by his feet, Leo's eyes showed determination, and a sentence naturally appeared in his mind: hard work, hard work, and success.

"What are you thinking?"

Kael'thas' voice came from behind, and Leo didn't need to turn his head to know that the blood elf prince had come behind him with the flash technique.

"I'm just a little worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Before Leo finished speaking, Kael'thas interrupted him. The blood elf prince looked at Leo with piercing eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'm worried about Ulduar, the ancient god Yu Ge-Saron, are you still worried about the Titans?"

Leo met Kael'thas' eyes, and asked after a long time: "What do you think?"

Kael'thas imitated Leo's movements and spread his hands, turned and left. He didn't answer Leo's question, but both of them knew the answer.

Everyone is a sensible person, and some things don't need to be said.

"Ah, that's right." Walking far away, Kael'thas suddenly thought of something, "I have everything ready for the seabed development plan you mentioned earlier."

Needless to say, the development of the seabed is of great benefit to the Kingdom of Quel'Thala, which has a long coastline and many islands. If it can be done, the strength of the blood elves will not only be restored to the level before the invasion of natural disasters, but also take a big step forward. The development of Kael'thas is extremely concerned about this.

This is the real purpose of your coming to me.

Leo twitched his lips, Kael'thas can just speak up if he has something to say, why is he going around in circles?
"Since you are ready to develop the seabed, go ahead and act. My people can be in place at any time. I suggest that the first point should be placed in Quel'Thalas. Arathor's manpower is insufficient. Powerless." Leo added, "It's just a matter of borrowing the power of the goblin."

The blood elves of Sunsail Port were leased to the goblins, and under the development of the goblins, Sunsail Port has become a prosperous port. It may not be as good as a port like Booty Bay, but it is by no means comparable to an ordinary seaport.

It is not that Leo is so generous to put the first station of developing the seabed in the territory of Quel'Thalas, but as he said, the Kingdom of Arathor has insufficient manpower to carry out such a big plan. There are too many aspects involved.

Leo's generosity surprised Kael'thas. The blood elf prince thought about it carefully, and found that Arathor could not spare enough manpower to develop the seabed as Leo said, so he was relieved.

Of course, Kael'thas couldn't refuse a good thing. No matter whether Leo had other goals, as long as it was helpful to Quel'Thalas and the blood elves, it wouldn't be a problem to be sure.

"Since you said so, then I will let Silvermoon City start preparations. Although Fuchsel cannot go to the battlefield, it is still no problem to command remotely in Silvermoon City."

After saying this, Kael'thas really left, and Leo rolled his eyes at his back.

Letting Fuchsel take charge of the matter of entering the underwater world, isn't it just to remind me to pay more attention to this matter, since when did Kael'thas like to go around in circles?
Just as Leo was thinking, he saw Kael'thas walking towards someone after leaving him. This person was none other than Jaina.

Kael'thas and Jaina have been getting very close recently. Could it be that Kael'thas was influenced by this woman?
Leo rubbed his chin, and he mourned for Kael'thas. It's not good for you to say who you like, but why do you just like Jaina?But in the matter of feelings, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Leo said: I can't control it.

(End of this chapter)

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