Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1163 Defense System

Chapter 1163 Defense System
The magic bullet fired by the cannon shone brightly like a comet, dragged its long tail, and blasted towards Deathwing with lightning speed.

Are you going to hide or will you be hard-pressed?

Leo rubbed his chin, and looked at Deathwing with a playful look.

Deathwing chose Stromgarde as the target of the demonstration, and wanted to use the Kingdom of Arathor to stand out, which in itself made Leo very unhappy, not to mention that this world-destroying dragon chose to live in Leo and Si On the day of Jiali's wedding, she came here to smash the scene, obviously slapping Leo in the face, and wanted to show her power to the whole world by trampling to death Leo, a demigod who was in the limelight.

Deathwing wants to announce his arrival and tell the world how powerful he is. Leo doesn't think there's anything wrong with that, but he absolutely shouldn't choose Leo as a stepping stone.People don't attack me, I don't attack others, if people attack me, I will kill them.Even if Lao Tzu is a green onion, he has to be planted in the middle of the road. Whoever dares to provoke me, I will fuck his ancestor.

Stromgarde, managed by Leo painstakingly, is no longer the city that can be breached casually. After Leo spent a lot of money, manpower and material resources, the city defense was built by combining goblin and gnome technology, blood elves and human magic. Not everyone can deal with the system, even if the enemy is the city defense system of Stromgarde, a world-destroying dragon like Deathwing, it can also fight against it.

A volley of twenty giant cannons caused twenty comets with their tails to rise in the sky, looking like twenty brooms sweeping towards Deathwing in unison. Shoot, will Deathwing hide?
of course not!

Think about the purpose of Deathwing's visit to Stromgarde. The purpose of this world-destroying dragon is to attack Stromgarde, use the destruction of Stromgarde to announce his return to the rivers and lakes, and show his trembling power. Wing must use an absolutely domineering attitude to raze Stromgarde like a thunderbolt. Facing Stromgarde's counterattack, how can he hide?

You can't hide, you can only force it.

Deathwing is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch. The salvo of the cannon only makes him feel threatened, and it can't hurt him when he is prepared.I saw him roar, and the overwhelming flames dyed the entire sky red, as if the sky had been stabbed and was bleeding profusely.

The giant cannon fired magic bullets that met Deathwing's dragon flames. At the beginning, these shells could still charge forward against the flames, but as they got further behind, they became smaller and slower, until finally they disappeared.

A volley of twenty giant cannons is not as good as a single dragon flame from Deathwing?

Leo shook his head, the truth of the matter is not the case.The dragon flames sprayed out by Deathwing clearly contained the power of law, which showed that he didn't want to force the world-destroying dragon to move for real, as easy as it seemed on the surface. Very satisfied.

I spent so much money in vain, and I can finally see some effect. Giant cannons are not enough to deal with Deathwing, but there is only one Deathwing in the whole world. It would shatter him to pieces.

Deathwing's dragon flames didn't stop after the cannon salvo that broke Stromgarde, and burned all the way towards Stromgarde, dyeing the sky red with flames that wanted to burn everything down. People screamed in fright.

With Stromgarde's cracked magic shield, no one thought it would be able to block the blow.Those who screamed were civilians who had no power to protect themselves. Once the magic shield of the city was broken, they must be the first group to die under the dragon flame.

"Deathwing, you are so courageous. You dare to commit murder in front of this king. Can you find death?"

To Deathwing's ears, Leo's words were called arrogance, and that was called arrogance. Can a human being reprimand the great Deathwing?Mortals are becoming more and more ignorant and do not know the reason to fear the strong. This shows that the world must be purified, and the world must be judged by Twilight. Only creatures that can survive the trial of Twilight can have the right to survive. that power.

In fact, Leo took on the new identity quite quickly, and it only took him half a day to fully adapt to the newly released prince identity.

Empty words can't bluff a powerhouse like Deathwing, and bluffing has no effect on the world-destroying dragon who intends to take over Stromgarde. Naturally, it is impossible for Leo to pin his hopes on this. If Deathwing thinks that Leo It was a big mistake to scare him.

Amidst the muffled sound of rumbling heavy objects moving, strange stone towers three people high and five meters in diameter appeared on the walls of Stromgarde. After the strange towers appeared, the magic shield of Stromgarde flashed red. It's just that only a few people noticed this change when Deathwing's dragon flames approached.

Long Yan hit the magic shield of Stromgarde. Just when many people panicked and shouted that they were dead, the magic shield of Stromgarde that seemed to be defeated by a light punch miraculously survived. Deathwing's Long Yan couldn't do anything to it.

Cheers sounded in Stromgarde, and the people who thought they would die under the dragon flames wept with joy, but they didn't hear the slight noise from the strange stone towers that suddenly appeared on the city wall under the cover of their cheers. The crackling sound can be heard by experienced people. This is clearly the sound that the stone will only make when it cracks at high temperature.

Even if the flame immunity reached 90.00%, wouldn't the tower of flames be able to withstand the dragon flames of Deathwing?

Leo was a little lucky, fortunately, in order to strengthen the defense of Stromgarde, he installed a tower of flame belonging to the world of Sanctuary on the defense of Stromgarde, otherwise Stromgarde's magic shield would not be able to stop Deathwing's dragon flames at all.

Long Yan failed to break through the magic shield of Stromgarde that already had countless cracks, and Deathwing's eyes flashed with surprise. This human city has brought him many surprises.But no matter how much you mortals struggle, it will be futile in front of the great Deathwing, because I, Deathwing, possess absolute power.


Countless bolts of lightning blasted out of Stromgarde with piercing electric currents, and the bright white beams as dense as a torrential rain aimed at Deathwing.

This is another defensive device from the world of Sanctuary that Leo deployed in Stromgarde - the Lightning Spiral.

Whether it is the current Lightning Spiral or the previous Tower of Flame, they are all magical products from the world of Sanctuary. Their existence can not only help Stromgarde attack the invading enemies, but also allow Stromgarde's magic shield to use their ability to resist spells. Injury-free ability to resist the attack of intruders.

The Flame Tower can counteract 90.00% of the fire damage, and the Lightning Spiral can completely absorb the attack of the electric spell and transform it into its own energy to counter the enemy.

With the lightning spiral attack, Stromgarde gave Deathwing a new surprise. If one accident can't make Deathwing take it seriously, then after using new moves one after another in Stromgarde, Deathwing won't be able to pay attention to it.

At this time, Stromgarde is like a hedgehog. Anyone who wants to bite it will have to worry about being stabbed by the thorns. Others would have retreated in front of such a strong fortress, but Deathwing just didn't believe this evil. .

How could the majestic Deathwing, the world-destroying dragon feared by the world, be deterred by a mortal city?
The more fierce the resistance of Stromgarde, and the stronger the defenses of Stromgarde, the more Deathwing will take the city.

"Mortals, struggle, the world cries out for my pain, and you will perish in my wrath."

Flying over Stromgarde, Deathwing, who almost covered the sky of the entire city, ignored the attacks of many magic cannons and lightning spiral flame towers. Next door, there was only a loud bang, and the surface of the sea next to Stromgarde sank like a bouncy ball thrown to the ground.

Under the wings of Deathwing, huge waves with a height of tens of meters rose up on the sea surface. Amidst the roar of the waves, seawater weighing tens of thousands of tons crashed into Stromgarde.

Stromgarde's geographical location near the sea gives it a great advantage in development. Various resources are continuously transported by sea, allowing Stromgarde to achieve post-war reconstruction in a very short period of time and restore its former prosperity. .Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The geography near the sea makes Stromgarde far stronger than inland cities when it develops peacefully, but it adds uncertain factors to the war during wartime.

No, Deathwing made use of the sea.

"Seeing that the dragon flames can't break through the shield of Stromgarde, you use seawater to attack physically, Deathwing, your brain can turn quickly." Leo pouted, "With me in charge, you really think you can break through Stromgarde?"

Seeing that the huge waves were about to hit the magic shield of Stromgarde, the piercing cold swept across the port of Stromgarde, freezing the sea outside the port.The sea water has turned into ice, so how can there be any waves?

Deathwing saw a woman with fluttering blue hair standing in front of the frozen waves. Who was this blue-haired woman if not Sindragosa?
The appearance of the Blue Dragon Queen had been expected by Deathwing. Although he was hiding in Grim Batol, the Twilight's Hammer's intelligence system still allowed him to grasp the dynamics of the world.Just knowing it is one thing, actually seeing it is another.

He is not afraid of Sindragosa's Deathwing. What he is worried about is that since the blue dragon queen has appeared, can the blue dragon king Malygos who was also subdued by Leo still be able to stay?

"Nesharion, shameful traitor, despicable coward, I will kill you."

As Deathwing expected, after the blue dragon queen Sindragosa appeared, Malygos' voice came, and the blue dragon king really came.

Seeing his brother who had been betrayed and hurt by him, Deathwing was filled with murderous intent instead of guilt.

"You actually turned to humans, let me end your shameful life, Malygos."

 The unscrupulous person who escaped the fire actually asked me to post chapters for him, and the regular release of the starting point is going to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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