Chapter 1177

The sound of trampling footsteps came from far to near, and Scarlett's figure came into Leo's sight.

Seeing the hurried appearance of the female paladin, Leo couldn't help wondering, what made her so anxious?
Before anyone arrived, Scarlett's voice came over: "Leo, I heard that Van Cleef's daughter is looking for you?"

The news spread quickly.

There are no secrets in the palace. It is not a secret that Leo met the envoy of the venture capital company, let alone in a secret room. The news did not surprise him.Besides, Leo would not have thought that there would be such a thing as Vanessa.

"Yes, there is such a little girl." Leo knew what Scarlett was worried about, and gave the female paladin a reassuring look, "Don't worry, I didn't make things difficult for her, she has left now."

In fact, Leo's age is about the same as Vanessa's, but the two sides are not at the same level in terms of thinking and vision. That's why Leo said to Vanessa's little girl.

Hearing what Leo said, Scarlett's expression immediately relaxed. She was worried that Leo would get rid of Van Cleef's daughter because of Vanessa's hatred. When Scarlett and Leo are both protagonists?
Although Leo and Scarlett were not at fault for that incident at the beginning, Vanessa didn't know that Leo was indeed the one who killed Van Cleef. With Leo's decisive personality, Vanessa who showed such obvious hostility Man, Leo probably wouldn't let her live.

Scarlett was in a hurry because she was worried that Leo would kill Vanessa, even if he let her go before, he would secretly send someone to intercept her.Fortunately, the situation that Scarlett was most worried about did not happen. Leo didn't seem to care about Vanessa, so naturally it was not a secret trick.

"Don't think of me as the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately." Leo looked helpless, Scarlett, a silly girl, don't think of him so darkly, "I killed Van Cleef at the beginning because he left Going astray, it doesn’t mean that I object to his actions against the atrocities of the nobles. The nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom defaulted on their wages, and sent someone to assassinate Van Cleef even if they reneged on their debts.

Scarlett looked at Leo, just watched, and didn't speak.From Leo's expression, she could see something, that is, Leo didn't intend to let the matter of the Defias Brotherhood go, but to pursue it again.

From the heart, Scarlett and Leo have the same idea.Back in the Wild West, she found that she had been duped by some nobles in the Stormwind Kingdom and became a gun in their hands. Scarlett had no intention of letting go.As a paladin whose duty is to protect the people and protect the good, under the deception of some nobles, Scarlett points her sword at the people who need to be protected, causing the innocent civilians to bleed, while some shameless and despicable nobles are behind the scenes Laughing, this is the shame of Scarlett's life.

If it weren't for the time when Stromgarde was breached, the situation in the Kingdom of Arathor deteriorated sharply, forcing Scarlett to leave the Kingdom of Stormwind for Arathor to participate in the war against the Forgotten. Scarlett stop?

Of course, in the case of the Defias Brotherhood, there is Leo who will not let go.It's just that Leo was not strong at that time, and he didn't have a noble background like Scarlett. He was just a chess piece, even if he wanted to do something, such as relying on Greg to pull out the storm Some big figures in the kingdom, he couldn't get there at that time.

Now, the identities of the two parties, Leo and Scarlett, are completely different. One is the queen of Arathor Kingdom, and the other is a demigod warlock. The man behind the scenes came out?
Originally, the identities of Scarlett and Leo were extremely sensitive. Now that the Kingdom of Arathor has risen and started to challenge the throne of the strongest human race in the Kingdom of Stormwind, their every move has attracted the attention of countless people, and the matter of the Defias Brotherhood belongs to With regard to the internal affairs of the Stormwind Kingdom, Leo and Scarlett's meddling will inevitably lead to a backlash from the Stormwind Kingdom.At that time, things will become extremely complicated. Even if Leo and Scarlet find out who is behind the whole incident, Stormwind Kingdom will try its best to protect it.

Scarlett would not do something that was not worth the loss, and Leo would not do it, so this matter has been put on hold.The appearance of Vanessa turned the situation around. She is the daughter of Van Cleef, and she is considered the sufferer of the whole incident. It is perfect for her to investigate the ins and outs of the incident.

Knowing that Scarlett understood her plan, Leo beckoned to her, and while using the female paladin to come to him, he said: "There are many doubts about Van Cleef, although we are inconvenient to come forward because of our status. , but it doesn’t mean that we can’t help Vanessa. In fact, we don’t need to do too much, as long as we provide her with valuable clues and let her investigate in the right direction, things will soon come to light. After all, that matter It's over with Greg's death, and those people wouldn't have guessed that someone would re-investigate."

Compared with the mastermind behind the scenes, Vanessa has calculated mentally but not intentionally, and with the secret help of Leo and Scarlett, if she can't complete the matter, Leo can only say that she is too incompetent.However, if Vanessa was to be recognized by the group of goblins from the Tribute Venture Capital Company, and dare to come to Stromgarde Palace to meet Leo, it is absolutely impossible for her to be so incompetent.

"I hope she can find out the whole thing."

Scarlett said and sat next to Leo. The matter of the Defias Brotherhood was that Scarlett received the first mission from the Cathedral of Holy Light. This incident made her extremely depressed for a period of time, now that she has the opportunity to make up for her previous mistakes, she will naturally not let it go.

Leo put his arms around Scarlett and said softly, "Okay, don't think so much. I think you are more interested in the situation of Orgrimmar than the Defias Brotherhood."

"Orgrimmar? What's going on there?"

Scarlett's reaction was just as Leo thought, she immediately shifted her attention after mentioning the situation in Orgrimmar, and Leo couldn't help feeling that this silly girl is really easy to deal with.

Although it took more than half of Kalimdor to travel from Auberdine on the Darkshore to Orgrimmar, the king city of the orcs, Deathwing arrived there in just half a day. Naturally, an orc battle followed. The war with the Destroyer Dragon.

The goal of using the human Stromgarde to stand out was not achieved, but was repelled by Leo. Deathwing knew that his trip to Orgrimmar could not fail, and he could not retreat. The world-destroying dragon showed shocking lethality.

The city that the orcs spent many years and countless painstaking efforts to build, announced that the city gate fell and the city wall was destroyed in just half a quarter of an hour.

If the orcs hadn't feared death and attacked Deathwing, this time would have to be much earlier.

Not any city has the terrifying city defense capabilities accumulated with countless gold coins like Stromgarde, let alone any city guarded by a strong man like Leo.

Thrall didn't have much to do against Deathwing in this battle. If the elemental gods in the world of Draenor hadn't fallen, he could still use the power of the four elemental gods to fight this world-destroying dragon. There is no if.Without the blessing of the gods, without the backing of the gods, and relying solely on Thrall's own strength of cultivation, he is indeed no match for Deathwing.

Fortunately, Thrall is not completely helpless. Just when Orgrimmar was in critical condition, a mysterious force came out, which stopped Deathwing's atrocities and prevented Orgrimmar from being razed to the ground. .

This sudden mysterious force is the ring of the earth.

What Leo wanted to tell Scarlett was about the Ring of the Earth.

It seems that the Ring of the Earth is determined to choose Thrall, but the Guardian of the Earth is the priesthood of this world, and everyone has the right to decide who belongs to him, so how can the Ring of the Earth be allowed to give and receive in private?
(End of this chapter)

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