Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1182 News from Neptulon

Chapter 1182 News from Neptulon

The port of Stromgarde was full of people, and countless people gathered at the port to watch the churning waves in the sea and guess what happened there.

This is what Leo and Scarlet saw when they returned to Stromgarde.

What happened to the port? Could it be that the Naga wanted to harm Stromgarde?If that's the case, why didn't the crocodile people in the sea give any warning?

Leo came to the port with doubts. As soon as he approached, a touch of dark blue appeared in the churning sea water, and he went towards Leo at lightning speed.

Seeing this change, the expressions of the soldiers maintaining order in the port changed drastically. Someone dared to attack Prince Arathor in Stromgarde. Is this okay?

"Protect Your Highness the Prince!"

The soldiers shouted and rushed towards Leo, but their movements were too slow, the speed of the dark blue was extremely fast, and they had already arrived in front of Leo before the soldiers could move.The latter was calm and composed, and with a slight reach of his right hand, he grabbed the dark blue in his hand.

With Leo's strength, there are only a few people in the whole world who can succeed in surprise attacks several times, and this must be when Leo is unprepared.

Caught by Leo, the dark blue turned into a cloud of water mist, constantly changing in a way that only Leo could understand, as if it was sending him some information.

Surprise flickered from Leo's eyes, and he waved to the surrounding soldiers, signaling them not to panic.

"I'm fine, don't panic." Leo walked towards the palace of Stromgarde. "The ships can go to sea normally. You maintain the order in the port. I don't want any troubles to arise."

The soldiers replied respectfully: "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Leo's departure brought the matter to a halt. Today this matter may become a new topic in Stromgarde, but for the vast majority of people, it is better to finish the work at hand and earn the wages before they are free. , filling their poor stomachs is the first priority.

In the palace of Stromgarde, Scarlett is talking with Varian Jean and other alliance leaders. This is why she did not go to the port with Leo. How can so many alliance leaders arrive without being received?
Seeing Lei Ao's return, Scarlett asked everyone's doubts: "What happened?"

The dark blue that shot out from the sea has long since disappeared, but all the information it brought was stored in Leo's mind. Hearing Scarlett's question, Leo didn't make a fool of himself. The shortest words came out: "In the deep sea world, the water element and the Naga went to war. The tide hunter Neptulon chose us in this war, and the Naga became the new partner of the Old God. Naga The followers of Putulon are fighting against Azshara's subordinates, it seems that Naga wants to replace the water element and become the new overlord of the deep sea."

Isn't Neptulon, the lord of the water element, a subordinate of the ancient god? Didn't he obey the orders of the ancient god? As the water elemental lord among the four elemental lords, the tide hunter will betray the ancient god. An and the others thought it sounded like a fairy tale.

There was no need for Leo to joke with them with such important news, so after the initial shock, everyone chose to believe it.

"It's great, so we don't have to worry about the threat from the sea for the time being, and we can concentrate on dealing with Deathwing and Twilight's Hammer before the water elemental and Naga decide the outcome."

Varian and Jin were very excited. The capitals of the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Kingdom of Kyrgyzstan are both near the sea. If Naga can spare them, they must leave enough strength in the capital. In this way, the forces that the two countries can mobilize will be greatly restricted.In fact, it's not just the Kingdom of Stormwind and Gilneas, isn't it the same for Arathor?

Although no one here is clear about the madness of Neptulon, the tide hunter, who turned his back on the ancient gods and chose to form an alliance with the mortal race, but everyone knows how important Neptulon's alliance with them is. How much did Tidehunter and his water elements help them in this formation.

Kael'thas, who came to Stromgarde from Wyrmrest Temple together with Varian and others, was very excited to hear the news. The war between the Naga and the water elementals will not end in a short time. Worrying about the threat from the underwater world gave him and Leo plenty of time for their submarine plan.

No one understands the strength of their own race better than the Highborne who used to be Azshara's servants, and no one knows how terrifying Azshara, the Light of Light, is better than the Highborne who were Azshara's servants. Elsas would rather not fight this woman for the rest of his life.

As the queen of the elves, the first mortal influenced by the moon god Elune, Azshara can still live happily until today after blatantly abandoning her belief in Elune, as long as she thinks about it a little. understand her strength.

"It is indeed great news."

The alliance with Neptulon is beneficial to everyone, no matter humans, blood elves, dwarves, or gnomes, they are all land creatures, and everyone feels terrified to be an enemy of the sea.Leo knew that it wouldn't be long before the stone mother, Therazane, would also turn her back on the ancient gods and choose to stand in the same camp as the mortal race, but it was not yet time to speak out.

"According to the news from Neptulon, not long ago, the water element under him discovered that the fire element somewhere on the seabed was extremely active, which seemed to be a sign of a submarine volcano eruption, so he sent people to check it out. I never thought that Naga would be ambushed They launched a full-scale invasion of the territory of the water element, which ignited the war between the two."

Leo explained the cause of the incident. As for why Neptulon chose to form an alliance with the mortal race, Neptulon did not say. Leo is still unclear about this issue, and he will ask later when he has a chance.

If Stonemother Therazane's betrayal was due to Deathwing destroying her domain, why did Neptulon betray the Old Gods?

Just because his men had a war with Naga, but the ancient god chose to form an alliance with Naga?
Leo finds it impossible.

The four elemental lords are the old subordinates of the Old God. If there is no special reason, it is impossible for them to betray the Old God. This is by no means a temporary idea of ​​Neptulon's head.

"There are also volcanoes under the sea?"

Magni's voice reached everyone's ears, and the dwarf king looked surprised, as if he had discovered something new.

Leo asked back: "Why can't there be volcanoes on the bottom of the sea?"

Yes, why can't there be volcanoes on the bottom of the sea?

Magni was stumped by this question. To be honest, he really never thought about whether there are volcanoes on the seabed.Don't think that there can be no volcanoes on the seabed because the sea is full of water, and there is no world law that stipulates that there should be no volcanoes on the seabed, and volcanoes on the seabed cannot erupt.

"I have never been to the deep sea world, let alone set up a sentry there. How do I know if there are volcanoes?"

Magni muttered unwillingly. The dwarf felt that his voice was so low that no one else could hear it except himself. He didn't even think about how low the voice could be with the dwarf's loud voice.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Magni's unintentional words reminded Leo and made him fall into deep thought.

"Could it be like this... well, it's really possible..."

Leo, who was deep in thought, was talking to himself. Seeing her like this, the other people in the hall stopped talking unconsciously. Leo recovered from his contemplation and saw that everyone's eyes fell on him. I didn't feel embarrassed.

Without explaining his strange behavior, Leo asked everyone in the hall: "King Magni reminded me just now that we sent a large number of sentries to investigate the location of Storm Fortress, did you find any results? "

During the great battle of the Netherstorm, Passalene the Calculator, who joined the Burning Legion, used the Storm Fortress to break through the space barrier, and rushed into this world together with the Fortress.A Passalen is nothing, the key is that there is still a demon legion portal in the Storm Fortress.

No one answered, but Leo already knew the answer—none.

The alliance's spies searched every inch of the land, including the tribal territory, but found nothing.

It stands to reason that with the size of the Storm Fortress, the appearance of this city-like fortress, no matter how desolate the land is, will attract the attention of many people, but there is no news about it, which makes people wonder.

"Why do we conclude that Passarene and Storm Fortress will definitely fall on land?" Leo broke the silence, "The ocean area of ​​this world is much larger than the land, so why wouldn't Storm Fortress fall into the endless sea? "

Inertial thinking is a strange thing. If you can't jump out of this vicious circle, a genius will be played around by an ordinary person.

As the saying goes, one leaf blinds the eyes, but Mount Tai cannot be seen.Everyone is used to wars on land, and the first thing they think of when they encounter problems is to solve them on land, which limits their thinking direction from the beginning.

As Leo asked, why does the Storm Fortress have to land on land, and why doesn't it fall into the endless sea?
Dropping a giant fortress on land, it is absolutely impossible to hide its movement from others. It is different when it falls into the sea. With the tolerance and vastness of the sea, the storm fortress falling into it is really unobtrusive.

If other fortress cities fell into the sea, they would definitely end up being submerged, but Storm Fortress was different, that city had a protective shield.Just imagine, if you can take root in the void storm, travel through the endless void, and ignore the turbulent flow of space, such a storm fortress can't stop mere sea water?
Just a joke.

"It will be hard to find the Storm Fortress if it falls into the endless sea."

Everyone was quite helpless, and they also agreed with Leo's guess. Every inch of land on the land was searched, but there was still no trace of the Storm Fortress. This giant fortress must have fallen into the endless sea.Although everyone intends to exterminate Pasareen and destroy the demon's legion portal, but the deep sea is not their territory, so they can only look at the ocean and sigh, in vain.

It's just that if it's hard to find, it's easier to handle, but I'm afraid it's not the case.

Leo secretly worried, hoping that the situation is not the worst one.

(End of this chapter)

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