Chapter 1185
After nearly two months of preparations, the Alliance and the Horde finally made preparations in the wetlands. At the same time, the target of their expedition - the Twilight's Hammer was also set up, and a fierce battle was about to begin.

Being conquered jointly by the two camps of the Alliance and the Horde, Ko'gall, who sits in the Twilight Fortress, is not under too much pressure. Don't look at the aggressive and terrifying momentum of the Alliance and the Horde. However, in fact, the two camps are on guard against each other and hostile to each other.

As the defensive side, the believers of the Twilight's Hammer have the faith to fight to the death under the fanatical religious belief, but as the offensive side, the Alliance and the Horde cannot work together, and the Twilight Bastion has an extremely favorable geography advantage, Cho'gall is confident in defending the sect's stronghold.

Be wary of each other, each with their own ghosts, such two armies also want to capture the Twilight Fortress, it is really a dream.

Cho'gall taunted his enemies so much that he thought that a group of younger brothers under him could make the Alliance and the Horde return without success.Out of such thoughts, Cho'gall did not leave his throne in the Twilight Fortress, but only sent his subordinate Halfus Dragonbreaker to direct the defense.

Unfortunately, as if to look good for Cho'gall, the Twilight's Hammer took a slap in the face as soon as the battle started.It was not Leo who knocked down this stick, but the dragon army.

When a huge black shadow appeared in the sky, thousands of dragons flew to the Twilight Highlands from afar, the shadow cast in the sky suddenly made the Twilight Fortress lose its light, just like the mood of the Twilight Cultists In general, almost fell into despair.

In addition to the Alliance and the Horde, even the dragon army came to join in the fun, and thousands of dragons were dispatched at one time. Who would have expected it before?
What happened to the dragon army, why did they invest so many troops at once?
Halfus couldn't calm down, although his title was Dragon Breaker, but thousands of dragons came at a time, it wasn't Halfus who broke the dragon, but the dragon broke him.

Damn it, what benefit did the Dragon Legion get to be so desperate? According to their virtue, shouldn't they let the mortal race die, and they hide behind to pick up cheap ones?

Halfus cursed secretly in his heart, he knew that things were going badly, the dragon army's sudden force killed the Twilight's Hammer by surprise, and the dream of easily coping with this war could only stay in the dream stage.

"Go and tell King Cho'gall that I need help here, those damned dragons have spoiled our good deeds."

Halfus growled loudly, and under his orders a Twilight cultist hurried into the fortress to report the bad news to Cho'gall.

The giant dragons did not rush to attack after they entered the battlefield. They just hovered in the sky, showing the Twilight Cultists the unique power of the dragon family. On the ground, shivering all over in a five-body throwing position.

A group of useless things, such a small dragon might scare you, waste!
Halfus was very angry at the behavior of his opponents. Before the enemy officially started to attack, many people on his own side got down. What's the matter?It would be angry if someone sat in Halves' position.

"Wow, the dragon power of the dragon army seems to be very effective."

Some people are happy while others are sad. Halfus is angry, but Leo, his enemy, is very happy. The suppressing effect of the Dragon Legion's dragon power is very obvious, not to mention those who can't stand the dragon power and lose their combat power. The light cultists, even those cultists who can still move, have trembling legs, and their fighting spirit is greatly reduced.

Twilight believers have fanatical religious beliefs. The existence of beliefs can give them a strong motivation, and it can also make them fearless for their beliefs, and it can even make them do crazy things for the Twilight's Hammer.Strictly speaking, in Leo's view, religious fanatics are lunatics.

Fighting against a group of lunatics who believe in death, even if you can win, it will only be a miserable victory.

Leo didn't want to sacrifice too much for a Twilight's Hammer, so he had to think carefully about how to deal with the Twilight's Hammer.

Faith is a double-edged sword. Since it is a double-edged sword, while giving benefits to the Twilight's Hammer, it will also bring danger to this cult that is about to destroy the world.

What does the Twilight's Hammer pull people into the religion?
The means of deception add great power.

Looking forward, that will naturally take advantage of the panic in people's hearts about the annihilation of the world, fabricate a utopia that can save them, and let a large number of ignorant people be dragged into the boat by them.And in the process of deceiving, show their strength appropriately, and kill them quickly when they see through their evil nature and try to resist, so that everyone can see their strength.

How would the Twilight Cultists react if they were made to understand that the utopia the Twilight's Hammer imagined for them does not exist and that the Twilight's Hammer's power is utterly inadequate?
I'm afraid that most believers will collapse in faith.

The purpose of the Dragon Legion to cast Dragon Might is to cause panic among the followers of Twilight's Hammer and let them know how powerful the enemy they are facing is. .

In war, of course, attacking the heart is the first priority.

Twilight believers are determined, so I will shake your will and see how many people can always hold on to the belief that they must die.

Leo looked at the Twilight Bastion and sneered again and again.

It is true that the defending side has a geographical advantage, but in the final analysis, the coalition forces as the attackers have the initiative. The coalition forces can freely choose how to attack and when to attack, while the Twilight's Hammer, as the defender, can only bear it passively. See tricks and split tricks.

According to the report from Halfers, Kogall did not pay enough attention to the attack of the coalition forces, but relying on the strong fortress, he did not change his thinking that his side would win, but only sent more believers in the fortress to advance to defend.

The strength of the reinforcements sent inside the Twilight Fortress is obviously higher than the group defending the outside. It is not surprising to think about it. In wars, the weak cannon fodder always takes the lead.

"The Twilight's Hammer has increased defense."

Krasus's voice rang in Leo's ears. The Red Dragon was not willing to obey Leo's orders. If it wasn't for Alexta's order, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to Leo.Now, because of what Leo said, the dragon army was caught off guard when they failed to kill the Twilight's Hammer, and instead gave the other party time to calmly dispatch reinforcements. Thinking that the next battle will become difficult, my clansmen may have With more casualties, Krasus didn't have a good tone for Leo.

When you have a prejudice against someone, it clouds your judgment and blocks your intelligence.

Krasus is in such a state now. Originally, his mind could fully see Leo's intention to destroy the fighting spirit of the Twilight Cultists, but because of his prejudice and hatred for Leo, he did not think calmly.

Leo curled his lips, this is Krasus who has been boasted a lot, except for his loud voice when he was furious, he didn't see anything special about him.

"Wouldn't it be better for the Twilight Cultists to increase their manpower? The more people they come, the worse the losses will be."

He replied to Krasus in a neutral manner. Leo didn't pay much attention to the red dragon. He had to rely on himself. Leo didn't regard the dragon army as the main force to attack Twilight's Hammer. Krasus If you don't show him a good face, Leo's attitude towards him will naturally not be very good.

Are dragons noble?
You want me to stick your cold butt with a hot face, you are so beautiful!

Leo ignored him, Krasus really wanted to go crazy, but when he thought of Queen Alexa telling him to obey Leo's arrangement when he left Wyrmrest Temple, Krasus could only choose to endure.

I want to see what kind of tricks you are going to play. If your plan will cause too much loss to my people, I will never listen to you.

Krasus secretly decided that if Leo's plan was unreasonable, he would take the opportunity to attack.You must know that not only the Red Dragon Legion came to the Twilight Fortress this time, not to mention the blue dragons, even the weakened green dragons and the mysterious bronze dragons sent many people here.

With the gathering of the four great dragons, Krasus did not believe that Leo would dare to be as arrogant as before.

Damn human, as long as you dare to give me a chance, I will force you to bow your head.

The red dragon felt ruthless, it was rare that the four series of dragons gathered together today, wouldn't it be too wasteful not to teach Leo a lesson, let him suffer and know how powerful the dragons are?

Krasus thought well, but Leo would not give him any chance.

Seeing that there were no more reinforcements stationed on the city wall in the Twilight Fortress, Leo felt that it was time to activate it. With a slight thought in his mind, somewhere not far from the Twilight Fortress, a purple demon hiding in the dark carved a picture on the ground. Started a magic circle.

The trump card that Leo prepared to deal with the Twilight Fortress - Archimonde the Polluter quietly appeared on the stage. Just as Leo thought, as the attacker, he has the initiative and can use various methods to his heart's content. The Twilight's Hammer is too passive as a defender.

Although there is a saying that the latter strikes the enemy, it is a pity that the premise for the latter to be able to restrain the enemy is that you must resist the attack of the first striker. Leo has no solution once he makes a move, and Kogall is completely unaware of the danger he is about to face. Yes. I don't know much about the opponent I need to face, so can the Twilight's Hammer have a chance to counter it?

The scene that broke the heart of the Twilight's Hammer disciples just happened without warning - the Twilight Fortress they built with countless painstaking efforts, their greatest strength against the Alliance and the Horde, will never be conquered in their eyes The strong fortress has collapsed.

The Twilight Fortress, which was built with the hardest stones and strengthened by dozens of spells, was stronger than a castle made of steel, just collapsed.

Just like a sand sculpture destroyed by the owner, it seems indestructible, but in fact it will collapse with a slight touch.

The Twilight Cultists watched in a daze as the fortress they were in cracked and collapsed, and they heard the terrified screams of their companions, and the faith in their hearts collapsed and disintegrated like the collapsed Twilight Fortress.The determination to fight to the death, the firm belief born in order to defend the sect's stronghold, disappeared in an instant.

"Kogall, I hope you will like this great gift I gave you." Leo waved, "Attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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