Chapter 1190
Was it his luck that Deathwing was right?
Leo doesn't think so, this world-destroying dragon is crazy, and his intelligence is still above the passing line, because being crazy doesn't mean being stupid.He prefers that Deathwing has been prepared. After all, it is not a secret that Alexa has the artifact of the dragon soul. Since Deathwing knows, of course he will always be on guard.

Against Deathwing, who had been prepared for a long time, it is not surprising that Thrall missed this blow.

But, how should Thrall deal with Deathwing after Thrall misses?
The hearts of Alexa and the others sank immediately. Using the Dragon Soul to deal with Deathwing was about suddenness, and the first strike had the highest success rate. Now that Thrall missed, he used the Dragon Soul to hit Deathwing's chance is cut in half.


Feeling discouraged, Alexa and the others thought of Leo, they didn't think so when they were in Wyrmrest Temple, but now recalling Leo's reaction at that time, they feel that he should have expected such a situation to happen a long time ago, Otherwise, he would not generously give up the right to use the first attack of the dragon soul.

Judging from Leo's behavior style, since he had expected this scene to happen, he would definitely be prepared to deal with it.

Thinking that Leo should have a countermeasure for the current situation, Alexa and the others immediately felt much better, and at the same time, they had some expectations.

Flintage got out from the ground next to Thrall, and the kobold geomancer reached out to the orc chief: "According to the agreement, Thrall, you should give me the dragon soul now."

Sighing unwillingly, Thrall handed over the dragon soul to Flintage, not because he didn't want to try again, but because the energy in his body is now empty, and he won't be able to recover for a while, let alone Use Dragon Soul.

By this time Thrall had also thought things over clearly, his guess was roughly the same as Alexa's. Leo must have expected this situation a long time ago, that's why he behaved so generously in Wyrmrest Temple.

But what's the point in thinking about it now?
Thrall has used up the right to use the Dragon Soul, and now it's not his stage, but Leo's.

The moment Flintag took over the Dragon Soul from Thrall, Leo knew that he had the initiative in the entire battle. Thrall's plan to protect the orcs with his achievements in severely injuring Deathwing fell to the ground. empty space.

"I'm sorry, but this time I won, Chief Thrall."

Sending a sentence to Thrall with mental fluctuations, Leo's face turned solemn. Before that, he could not be serious, because he was not the protagonist, he was just a soy sauce party on the battlefield.Now that he held the key to the entire battlefield, Leo couldn't help but be serious about it.

"Deathwing, I will teach you to be a good boy today, and let you know that some people cannot be provoked casually."

Leo shouted to Deathwing, while he was speaking, a big gray-black hand pressed down in the air, and the thick and intractable death breath covered Deathwing, making the world-destroying dragon reveal all his strength. There was a panic.

"Archimonde's hand of death, how much have you learned?"

Feeling very ashamed of himself showing cowardly death intentions in front of a mortal, he chose to cover up his gaffe by roaring, but it was good that he didn't yell indiscriminately, and something went wrong with this yelling.

"Are you calling me?"

A purple eredar demon appeared from the other side of the battlefield, and Deathwing yelled at the sight of his presence. He tried to escape, but it was too late.

Archimonde is worthy of being the supreme powerhouse who once turned the world upside down. He raised his hand and cast a finger of death that even Deathwing couldn't stop himself.

There was Leo's hand of death in the front, and Archimonde's finger of death in the back. Deathwing, who was pinched back and forth by the two powerful men, wanted to cry without tears.

However, this was not over yet. Sinai Saraya and Sindragosa, who hated Deathwing to the bone, immediately rushed down when they saw a chance to put Deathwing to death.

The addition of two dragon king-level powerhouses made Deathwing's situation even worse.

This kind of offensive Leo thinks it is not enough, he and three powerful subordinates join forces to give Deathwing some glory, but it is far from killing him.

There must be more pressure.

Leo was already prepared for this.

Vines like giant pythons quietly protruded from the ground, covering half of his body without Deathwing noticing, and by the time Deathwing noticed, these vines had already killed his body. Dead fixed in place.

It's naive to want to join the team with plant-based spells.

Deathwing didn't pay much attention to these vines.

What are plants most afraid of?
Of course it is fire.Deathwing now has a high-temperature flame that can vaporize metal and iron in his body, of course he won't pay attention to mere vines.

The reality is ruthless. In a battle, no opponent can be underestimated, nor can any of the opponent's slightest movements be ignored.

The next scene that happened to Deathwing once again confirmed the correctness of this sentence.

Just when Deathwing wanted to use the flame in his body to burn those vines, he was horrified to find that he couldn't use even a small flame.

Oops, that guy Leo killed the Balrog Ragnaros, even the current fire elemental lord Savras listened to him, with Savras' suppression, the fire elemental won't listen to me at all orders.

There is a huge flame in his body that burns the city and destroys the country, but he can't even move a trace of the flame. It is conceivable that Deathwing is annoyed.

Did that human warlock named Leo have calculated this step when he attacked and killed Ragnaros?

Such an idea came into Deathwing's mind, if things went as he expected, then Leo must have been thinking about how to deal with him.

The hateful human beings are planning to deal with me.

Leo didn't give Deathwing too much time. When he suppressed the flame power in Deathwing's body through Sufras, he sent Flintage the attack command.

The light of the Dragon Soul shines again, this time its user is changed from Thrall to Flintarg.

Deathwing is facing a lore situation at this time. If he concentrates all his strength on one point to defend against the bombardment of Dragon Soul as he did in response to Thrall's attack last time, then he cannot stop Leo's death hand and Archmon's attack. Germany's death is a finger.Even Sindragosa and Sinaisaraia could have ripped him apart after diverting the rest of the body's energy away, something Deathwing certainly didn't dare to do.

In this way, there is only one way left for him - give up the resistance to the dragon soul, and turn to defend against other more deadly and dangerous attacks.

After trying to understand this point, Deathwing ignored the blasting energy light beam, and the energy bombardment from the dragon soul successfully blasted Deathwing's chest.If Deathwing wasn't made of flesh and blood, this blow alone would have killed him.


Thrall let out a long sigh, Leo fulfilled what he said in Wyrmrest Temple, and his subordinate Flintarg succeeded in inflicting severe damage on Deathwing with the dragon soul.

(End of this chapter)

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