Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1192 The Upheaval of Draenor

Chapter 1192 The Upheaval of Draenor
When did Goldfinger become so generous, so generous?
Not only has he given me the perfect law of destruction, but he has also given me the perfect law of death. Is he so generous?
In Leo's heart, Goldfinger is an iron cock, the kind that doesn't pull out a hair.Now the iron rooster has plucked its feathers, and it is the iron cock who plucks its own hair. Don’t you think it’s strange, unreasonable, or flustered?
Looks like there's going to be big trouble.

Leo was sure that it was no trivial matter that made Goldfinger, an iron cock, take the initiative to pluck his feathers.

That guy mentioned the crisis just now, what crisis needs him to pay so much now?Could it be that the dark titan Sargeras is coming soon?

Thinking of this, Leo frowned.

The battle with the Twilight's Hammer is not over yet. The four guardian dragons including Malygos are in a period of weakness because they charged the Dragon Soul and activated this powerful artifact. If Sargeras were here When the time comes, things will really change.

From the bottom of his heart, Leo really didn't want things to turn out as he guessed, but judging from the current situation, apart from this, there might be no other things that would allow Goldfinger to pluck hairs on his own initiative.

"Stop that ogre!"

"Don't let him run away!"

Leo was thinking hard about the countermeasures to deal with the possible arrival of Sargeras, when a loud roar woke him up.Looking in the direction of the voice, Leo saw Cho'gall.

At this time, the strongest ogre magician known as the enemy of all dragons shone with a layer of light, and the unique magic power fluctuations of space spells were spreading.

Cho'gall is on the run!

Seeing this situation, how could Leo not understand what Kogall was going to do? It was clear that the two-headed ogre saw that Deathwing was dead, and he didn't dare to stay here any longer after losing the trump card against the coalition encirclement. Oil the soles of your feet and slip away.

If it was an ordinary teleportation spell, the dragon fighting Cho'gall would have its own way to interrupt it, but the teleportation spell that Cho'gall could use to escape would be ordinary?
If you think about it for a while, you will know that it is impossible.

The dragons couldn't interrupt Kogall's spell, and what made them even more angry was that they couldn't hurt Kogall after the strange teleportation spell was cast, as if there was an invisible powerful force protecting the two heads. Ogre mage.

Watching the enemy run away calmly, the dragons couldn't accept it.They were attacking desperately, biting frantically, but the strength protecting Cho'gall was too strong, and all the dragon's attacks were useless.

Can't let this guy get away.

Leo was about to make a move, but Kael'thas was one step ahead of him.

As a mage, although the blood elf prince looked down on ogres, it did not hinder his interest in fighting Kogall. If the dragon had not besieged Kogall before, and Kael'thas relied on his status not to participate in the siege, the two would have fought against each other long ago. up.Seeing that the dragon Nacho'gall had nothing to do now, Kael'thas made a move.

The demigod mage is worthy of being a demigod mage. Three arcane missiles from Kael'thas knocked Kogall down. Looking at Kael'thas, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

The two-headed ogre hated Kael'thas.

The blood elf prince didn't care what Kogall thought. Seeing that the arcane missiles couldn't damage Kogall, and couldn't interrupt Kogall's teleportation, he raised his hands and was about to cast other spells when a space suddenly appeared in the void door, and then a figure staggered out of the space door.


Kael'thas was extremely vigilant, and he gave up attacking Ko'gall when the space gate appeared, and instead cast a protective spell on himself.

Seeing the person rushing out of the space door, Leo's expression changed. His figure was on the spot, and he rushed to support the person who rushed out of the space door before she fell down.

"What's the matter, Passonia?"

Leo has never seen Pasonia so embarrassed, he really can't figure it out, given that Pasonia can even track Deathwing, and she doesn't let the world-destroying dragon discover her concealment skills, who can tell her She is so embarrassed.

Fortunately for Leo, although the image of Pasonia was a bit embarrassed, she was not injured.

The appearance of Pasonia attracted the attention of many people. The actual person in charge of the SI[-] Department of the Storm Kingdom, and all the leaders present did not know each other. Seeing that she looked embarrassed, everyone became curious.

Who can see through Pasonia's stealth?

As the king of the Stormwind Kingdom, Varian was very puzzled when he saw the appearance of his military chief. He only heard him ask, "Pasonia, what happened to you?"

Varian clearly remembered that after completing the tracking of Deathwing and sending the specific news of Deathwing's troubles in Orgrimmar back to Stormwind, Passonia went to the world of Draenor.Because in the ring of the earth that helped the orcs, not only the Tauren appeared, but also a race called the Broken, and the Broken came from the world of Draenor.

How did the Broken and the Tauren hook up, when did these Broken, who possessed the ability of a shaman and could invoke the power of elements, come to the human world, and what was their purpose, Pasonia thought she had to find out Clear, so she went to the world of Draenor.

What Varian didn't expect was that his capable subordinate would appear at this time. Seeing Pasonia's distressed appearance, he really wanted to know the answer.

Varian was not the only one who wanted to find out the situation. Leo also looked at Pasonia anxiously, waiting for her answer.

After taking a few breaths, Pasonia, who was relieved, replied with her usual calmness, but the news she brought made people uneasy: "Great changes have taken place in the world of Draenor. Under the call of Lasi, he successfully landed in the world of Draenor."

Has Kil'jaeden the Deceiver successfully descended on the world of Draenor?

This news was like a bolt from the blue, and everyone including Leo was dumbfounded.

The world of Draenor is only separated from the world where humans live by a portal of darkness. Kil'jaeden has come to the world of Draenor, so is it still far from him entering the native world where humans live?
"Isn't Shahraz one of Illidan Stormrage's subordinates? Could it be that Illidan once again joined the Burning Legion?"

Leo was a little anxious. He remembered that the little girl Sithis was staying with Illidan now. If Illidan Stormrage joined the Burning Legion and summoned Kil'jaeden, then the little girl's safety would be at stake. Worrying.

Although the moon god protects Hitis and Elune is indeed powerful, don't overlook a big problem, that is, the world of Draenor is not the territory of the moon god Elune, and the brilliance of the moon god has not yet spread to Germany. Rano, how much protection you can get from Elune in Draenor Sitis is a big question.

Damn it, how could such a thing happen? Could this be the crisis Goldfinger was talking about?

After Archimonde the Defiler and Mannoroth the Destroyer were killed one after another, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver without the suppression of the Demon God Sargeras became the de facto controller of the Burning Legion. This red-skinned eredar demon came Draenor, the little brother he brought is definitely a scary number.

Ansu, this idiot, why didn't he report this situation to me?
Thinking of the situation in the world of Draenor, Leo's heart suddenly tightened. Ansu, the crow god, who was his eyeliner in the world of Draenor, didn't get any news from him. What's going on?

Did an accident happen to Ansu?

Leo can find out through telepathy that Ansu is alive and well, nothing happened.

Is that Ansu's rebellion?

This is even more impossible.Ansu belongs to Leo's summoned pet, all relying on Leo to exist, and his loyalty is beyond doubt.

Fortunately, Pasonia helped Leo answer this question: "After the arrival of Kil'jaeden, there was a massacre in the world of Draenor. When the demons of the Burning Legion came, Kil'jaeden blocked the world of Draenor with secret methods. No news from there can be spread at all. If I didn’t have a special space secret scroll, I wouldn’t be able to come back.”

It turned out to be the case.

Hearing Pasonia's explanation, Leo figured out the problem.

Although Ansu is a god, he is not enough to be seen as an animal god in front of Kil'jaeden. If he wants to break through Kil'jaeden's magic power blockade to deliver a message, Ansu's ability cannot do it.In addition, Lei Ao didn't take the initiative to contact Ansu these days, so of course he didn't find anything unusual.

However, counting the time since the last contact with Anzu, Leo deduced that the time when Kil'jaeden the Deceiver descended on the world of Draenor was within a few days.

It’s really a wave of unrest and another wave. I thought it solved the situation where the Twilight’s Hammer could take out his hand to touch the Naga in the underwater world. Who would have thought that Kil’jaeden would go to Draenor to stir up trouble again? , It really does not make people feel safe for a moment.

Leo curled his lips depressedly, suddenly, he thought of something, which made the expression on his face freeze.

Now that Kil'jaeden the Deceiver has come to the world of Draenor, isn't Leo's inference about the situation in the underwater world wrong?

Could it be said that the main culprits that triggered the active submarine volcanoes and caused the war between the Naga under Azshara and the water elements under Neptulon under the tide hunter were not Pazarene and Storm Fortress?

This should be impossible, after all, the scouts of the Land Alliance have searched every inch of the land, and not only once.A certain scout might make a mistake when looking for a certain area, but it can't be that the scouts of every race have made a mistake.

While thinking about it, Leo thought of a possibility that made him shudder—why must it be concluded that Pasaren and the demons sent through the portal in the Storm Fortress will summon Kil'jaeden the Deceiver? Could it be that what they summoned was Sargeras, the real master of the Burning Legion?

(End of this chapter)

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