Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1194 Methods

Chapter 1194 Methods
If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer in front of your eyes.

The Warsong clan refused to obey Thrall's orders. The commanders of these red-skinned orcs intended to demonstrate to Thrall in this way and challenge Thrall's authority as the great chief. It was really foolish.

The battlefield is a place where life and death are fought, and life will disappear anytime and anywhere. If you play your temper on the battlefield and don't obey orders, you will not only suffer from others, but you will also fall into death.Fortunately, Thrall made a timely decision and chose to lead the orc warriors who were willing to follow him and obey the orders of his great chief to withdraw from the battlefield. This was not dragged down by the Warsong clan, and it was regarded as leaving some vitality for the orcs .

Leo stood in the distance, looking at the red-skinned orcs who continued to stay on the ruins of the Twilight Fortress entangled with Halfus Dragon Breaker and the proto-dragon, the corners of his mouth curled into a sarcasm.

Those guys from the Warsong Clan think they are very powerful, and think that their bravery is beyond the reach of outsiders?
Stupid, a group of idiots with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, who can't understand the situation clearly, what kind of heroes are they?
"If you want to die yourself, I can't stop you."

After muttering something in a low voice, Leo summoned Nefarian and other dracolich. For a while, the sky above the alliance army was covered by the dracolich. A cold and gloomy shadow cast down.

The appearance of the dracolich army did not cause a commotion, because at this time the soldiers were running for their lives under the command of the legion. In order to prevent the cultists of the Twilight's Hammer from having a chance to sneak attack, the alliance's camp was a distance away from the Twilight Fortress. A long way.

Before the war started, this distance made the Alliance not have to worry about being attacked, because once the Twilight Cultists took any action, the scouts placed in the dark would have enough time to pass on the news so that the army could respond.At this moment when he was fleeing for his life, this long distance became the object of everyone's curse.

You said that the people who chose the camp before had nothing to do with that place, don’t you know that it would be very inconvenient for people to escape?

At this moment, the cursing soldiers seem to have forgotten that they were full of confidence before the war, and even threw their bold words before attacking the Twilight Fortress to Java.

"Nefarian, come here."

Leo waved to Nefarian, and after the leader of the dracolich army approached, he whispered a few words in Nefarian's ear. After Leo finished speaking, Nefarian flapped his wings and flew into the sky, Leading a group of dracolich to open any door, their departure reduced the number of dracolich in the sky by more than half.

Scarlett naturally saw the actions of the dracolich. She didn't know Leo's specific plan, but she knew that Leo must have some countermeasures.Out of confidence in Leo, the female paladins are not worried about the current situation. Even though they are running away, even though they are about to face the ancient gods who escaped from the prison of the Titans, Scarlett still firmly believes that victory will eventually come. is theirs.

Just because Scarlett didn't ask doesn't mean that other people don't ask. Varian didn't suppress the doubt in his heart, and asked, "What can you do to deal with C'Thun, Leo?"

"A solution?" Leo simply shook his head, "I don't have any!"

you have not?
Only the undead believe you. If you have no choice, where will those giant dragons that seem to be mechanical puppets just now go?
Varian was not fooled by Leo, so he didn't believe that Leo had no way to deal with it. If there was no way to deal with C'Thun, how could the expression on Leo's face be so relaxed.

"I really have no choice. After all, C'Thun is an ancient god. What can I, a little demigod warlock, do with him?" Leo spread his hands, seeing the leaders of many races including Kael'thas. Contemptuous of his poor acting skills, Leo had no choice but to retreat. He honestly explained, "We can't deal with C'Thun, but it doesn't mean that other people can't do anything about it. The majestic ancient god was born. If we don't take good care of this thousand-eyed lord It's too much to say to celebrate."

After finishing speaking, Leo nodded seemingly unintentionally: "If my guess is correct, visitors from other worlds from the Dark Portal will thank C'Thun very warmly."

Hearing Lei Ao's words, everyone's faces showed a clear look.

Who will be the visitor from the world of Draenor?

Who else could it be except the demons of the Burning Legion? Pasonia just brought back the news that Kil'jaeden the Deceiver led countless demon brothers to Draenor and sealed the broken world with a secret method.

Kil'jaeden sealed the world of Draenor in order to prevent the news of his arrival from spreading, so that races such as humans and elves were prepared.

If there was no Pasonia, Leo and the others would have been caught off guard by Kil'jaeden, but the reality is that there is no such thing, so Pasonia, who has the space secret scroll, broke through Kil'jaeden's blockade and sent the news brought back to this world.

The secret method was broken, and someone escaped from the world of Draenor. As the spellcaster, Kil'jaeden must have known that if this fraudster was not a fool, he would understand the truth of the price of war.

Since the news cannot be blocked, then don't give the human world time to prepare, and march into the human world as quickly as possible, and use the powerful force and the advantage of the surprise attack to defeat all the resistance forces in this world.

Leo believes that Kil'jaeden will definitely do that, because too many accidents have happened in this world, and even Mannoroth the Destroyer and Archimonde the Polluter are jealous of it, Kil'jaeden can not worry about it ?Can he give the races living in this world time to prepare for war, mobilize troops and supplies to resist him?

It's impossible!

Kil'jaeden, you must work hard. The Old God C'Thun is not easy to mess with. If you don't work hard, it will take a lot of effort for me to clean up this mess.

Lei Ao, who decided to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, smirked badly, his smile was so treacherous in the eyes of others.

Warlocks who study the power of darkness are indeed all cunning, especially a certain warlock demigod, who is even more cunning.

A group of allies judged someone so in their hearts.

But thanks to Leo's treachery, otherwise they would have to deal with both Kil'jaeden and C'Thun, and the chances of defending this world under internal and external troubles are extremely small.

Everyone was very anxious. If Leo's plan was successful, it would undoubtedly be beneficial to the entire world. But if it failed, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver would find that there was a great hidden worry in this world. If Kil'jaeden Avoiding the ancient god C'Thun, or even joining forces with C'Thun, the situation is extremely bad.

"So, we need help now." Leo spread his hands, "The night elves who claim to protect the entire world should not refuse to help us, I have to talk to Tyrande."

Do as soon as you think of it, this is Leo's advantage.While speaking, Leo had already contacted Tyrande with the magic communication stone.

In fact, if Leo didn't contact the High Priest of the Moon Temple, Tyrande would also take the initiative to contact her.Tyrande also got the news of the upheaval in Draenor. Who made Illidan Stormrage and Sithis escape from that world?
With Illidan's strength, he was indeed no match for Kil'jaeden, but if he added Citis, who was protected by the moon god Elune, the situation would be completely different.

Leo underestimated how much Elune valued Sithis, the little elf girl who allowed the moon god to bestow her former pet was the object of her constant attention, even though the world of Draenor was not Elune's territory, she still Can use his own strength to protect Hitis and Illidan to leave.No matter how you say it, the moon god Elune is a true god, and it is not a problem for her to save one or two people from the fraudsters after living for countless tens of thousands of years.

As soon as Leo was contacted, Tyrande spoke first: "Shahraz betrayed Illidan, she and her supporters summoned Kil'jaeden, and the world of Draenor has been controlled by the Burning Legion. If it weren't for Hitty Si and Illidan fled back under the protection of the moon god, and I don't know what's going on there yet."

It turned out that it was Shahraz's betrayal that led to Kil'jaeden's arrival, not Illidan Stormrage's return to the Burning Legion.

Leo was relieved, and Elune, the moon god, was really strong enough.

"High Priest Tyrande, we just got this news from Pasonia, and now I need your night elves' help."

Leo was not polite to Tyrande, he just came to ask the night elves for help, who made the night elves' spells the most natural and peaceful, and the least likely to show flaws.

"Please speak."

It was a matter of life and death for the entire world, so Tyrande naturally would not delay, and she knew that the demons of the Burning Legion would soon enter the world under the leadership of Kil'jaeden.Any time-wasting behavior at this time is shameful, and maybe you hesitate for a second or two and the survival of the entire world can be decided.

"The dracolich high priest under me knows it. I have sent them to the portal of darkness, hoping that the night elves can transfer the strong men in the group to the cursed land and help them establish a deceptive magic circle Of course, not only the night elves, but also powerful magicians will be sent from Violet Castle."

Leo said his request in one breath. Didn't the night elves revive several powerful demigods recently? Just let these revived demigods and a group of druids go to the portal of darkness. Human magic has strong fluctuations, and their natural magic is even more peaceful. With mental calculations or inadvertent, as long as they cover up well, there is a good chance of success in hiding it from Kilgar.

Tyrande knew about Leo's dracolich and the abilities of these dracolich, she pondered for a moment, and agreed after feeling that Leo's plan was very feasible: "I promise you, not only the clan The strong will go, and I will also lead the priests of the Moon God Temple there."

(End of this chapter)

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