Chapter 516

The plague venom raining down from Naxxramas stopped.

Under the small tornado blown by the storm crow, Kel'Thuzad's trick of sprinkling venom didn't work. Seeing that it didn't work, the Grand Lich immediately stopped such behavior.

Speaking of which, the plague venom is not completely ineffective, at least it consumes a large part of the mage's mana in Tyr's Hand, and the venom floating down from the sky also extinguishes the fire on the ground that hinders the attack of the Scourge.

Seeing the fire extinguished, the undead sea of ​​the Scourge moved forward again, and Tyr's Hand was about to face another attack from the undead Scourge.

"Let the soldiers stay in the hands of Tyre, and don't go out to fight."

On the one hand, Leo let the skeleton tanks die down, and on the other hand, he asked Sargas to order the dwarven artillerymen to stop the attack, and even sent an order to the troops in front through Scarlett, telling them not to attack.

No one knows what kind of medicine is sold in Leo's gourd, but in view of his previous performance of destroying the rock-skinned gargoyle and solving the plague venom, Sargas believed him, and the sound of cannons did not sound. Naturally, there is no problem, her trust in Leo is far from comparable to others.

The position where Naxxramas stopped was above the entrance of Tyre's Hand. This huge city in the sky was too large. What was above the soldiers of Tyre's Hand was only a small part of it, and most of it Part of it was over the battlefield where the two sides fought before.

Leo visually measured the vertical distance between the place where the flames were burning and Naxxramas, and silently calculated in his heart. After a while, when the disaster army refilled the battlefield in front of Tyr's Hand, he moved up.

"Undead natural disasters that bring plague and death, nature is angry because of you." Leo said, stretching out his right hand and aiming at the marching natural disaster army, "Now, feel the anger of nature."

Following Leo's grasp, a loud noise that shook the world caused people to fall into a state of temporary deafness. The ground trembled violently at this moment, and many people fell to the ground unsteadily.


The scarlet red like the scorching sun dyed the whole world with another color. The boundless darkness after the night was covered was completely replaced at this moment. The child has entered the sweltering heat of June.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and Naxxramas, which was hit hard, shook violently.

Fording narrowed his eyes slightly, and he found that he had a feeling that he couldn't see through the young man Leo.

Just now, the moment Leo stretched out his hand to grasp it, a pillar of fire suddenly appeared on the ground. The diameter of this pillar of fire was a hundred meters. The feeling of being frightened came.

Naxxramas was just above the pillar of fire, and the pillar of fire that shot up into the sky slammed into the sky city of the Scourge. If Naxxramas had a strong enough magic shield, the soaring pillar The pillar of fire will definitely leave an unforgettable mark on it.

The taste of a volcanic eruption is very good. Are you satisfied with the way I greet you, Kel'Thuzad?
Satisfied with his results, Leo Kel'Thuzad wanted to use plague venom against him, but he immediately responded with a volcanic eruption.This is telling Kel'Thuzad, don't think you can do whatever you want with Naxxramas, and we are not easy to mess with.

Volcanic eruption is to use mana to open a volcano exit, and at this moment guide the power of the volcano to attack all targets within the range of the spell, burning the enemy to ashes.

This skill is not a Warlock ability, it is one of the equipment skills attached to the Cave Troll's belt.

Originally, it was impossible for Leo to create such a powerful volcanic eruption with his current strength. He could create a pillar of fire with a diameter of 20 meters at most. Where the fireball hit.At this time, although the raging fire had been doused by the plague venom, the extremely active fire elements on this land did not dissipate. It was through them that Leo created even the great lord of the Silver Hand, Tirion Fordring. It's a shocking blow.

Of course, besides the most important reason above, there are other factors in the success of this blow.

For example, the damage buff brought by the heart of wolf irrigation to Leo, this buff more than doubled the lethality of Leo's volcanic eruption.

It's a pity that I don't have enough strength to fully utilize Christ's inheritance, otherwise this sudden blow would be enough to break through Naxxramas' protection.

Thinking of the inheritance of the rune master Crystal that he inherited, Leo had both regret and excitement on his face.Christ's inheritance allowed Leo to have the law of blood that allowed him to step into the demigod without hindrance, and let him control the rune language, these two are not counted, Christ himself is a super fire control As a master, the skills she possessed are also among the inheritance.

Leo remembered that in the world of Sanctuary, the Christ family built a tower, which was later called the Forgotten Tower by the world, and the vast land where the Forgotten Tower was located was a black wasteland.Leo hadn't noticed why that land was called the Black Wasteland before, and how the Christ family could inherit the family in this land that was almost devastated by the fire. After inheriting the inheritance of the rune master Then he understood that the black wasteland was not originally called the black wasteland. The reason why it became like this was that the Crystal family was burned with a top-notch fire spell when they were fighting against the army of hell, and the one who made this blow was Later Countess of Blood.

The Christ family with such power is really frightening. What makes Leo regret is that they still failed to fight against the hell legion, and finally succumbed to the three demon gods of hell.What excites Leo is that after inheriting the Rune Master, he can get such a powerful inheritance of fire control. Warlocks are originally professions that control flames and shadows. The powerful inheritance of fire control can increase his ability so much that outsiders cannot imagination.

Originally it was just for the words of the runes, but in the end Goldfinger came to buy one get two free. It not only gave the law of blood but also gave it the extremely powerful inheritance of fire control. The beautiful Leo said that he made a lot of money.

After receiving a hard blow, Naxxramas, who was quietly parked above the battlefield, reacted.The huge city in the sky began to move back slowly. It seemed that Kel'Thuzad was frightened by Leo's counterattack. In order to prevent Naxxramas from being surprised, the archlich decided to retreat tactically.

When Naxxramas was shaken by the impact of the volcanic eruption, Kel'Thuzad knew that he had made the mistake of underestimating the enemy this time. It was precisely because he underestimated the opponent that he rushed forward with Naxxramas on his back. After his own mistake, he did not hesitate to make a choice to avoid the edge.

When encountering a powerful opponent, temporarily avoid the opponent's sharp edge, and wait until the opponent's momentum weakens before delivering the fatal blow. This is Kel'Thuzad's plan, and he has also put his ideas into action.

Seeing the oppressive and suffocating huge black shadow in the sky receding, Tyr's Hand erupted in loud cheers. The soldiers didn't care whether Kel'Thuzad retreated tactically or not. I only know that Naxxramas, the city in the air, retreated, retreated under their tenacious resistance, and being able to force the opponent to retreat in a confrontation with such an enemy, even if it was not him who shot, still made the soldiers uncontrollably excited. Even many military officers are like this.

Since the appearance of Naxxramas, this huge city in the sky has been like a boulder pressing on everyone's chest. Now this boulder has finally been removed, and everyone can enjoy the beauty of breathing freely.

Fortunately, the undead of the Scourge ignored the existence of morale. Otherwise, Kel'Thuzad's withdrawal of Naxxramas would definitely impose a negative state of morale drop on his side, reducing his combat power by several percent in vain.

"General Sargas, the shelling can continue."

Leo clapped his hands, and Sinasaraia and Dragonakos came behind him to protect him. Under their protection, Leo took out the luxurious golden recliner and lay on it, closing his eyes without waiting for everyone to ask questions. He has entered a state similar to meditation, and he is using it to restore mana.

The volcanic eruption just now was cool, but the price Leo paid was not small. Since the fire magic power that erupted far exceeded the limit that Leo could use, his mana consumption was several times more than expected. times, when the volcanic eruption ended, his remaining mana was less than [-]% of what it was at its peak.

"The inexhaustible plague of undead." Sargas cursed bitterly, and the dwarf general from Ironforge yelled at the cheering dwarf artillerymen, "What are you doing, didn't you see Has the natural disaster army launched an attack again? Hurry up and shoot me to smash these rubbish."

After being shouted by Sargas, the dwarf artillerymen realized that the Scourge army had launched another attack. They hurriedly stopped cheering and entered the fighting state.

Naxxramas retreated tactically to the distance, but the countless low-level undead in the Scourge army did not stop moving forward with the retreat of the base camp. On the contrary, under the intentional guidance of some people, these The low-level undead marched towards Tyre's hand in a more intensive march.

As expected, cannon fodder has no human rights. Kel'Thuzad clearly wanted to use these cannon fodder to lure the archmage in the Hand of Tyre who could threaten the safety of Nanaxamas to take action, using cheap cannon fodder to consume the other party's strength.

However, Kel'Thuzad made a wrong calculation. Not to mention that Leo is recovering mana now and the vines can't make a move, even if he hasn't entered a meditation-like state, he won't make a move. The powerful fire spell is enough to kill, but the powerful Fire magic often burns the undead to ashes, so that Leo can't get a single corpse.

Pasonia quietly pulled Scarlett, and brought the female knight back to God from Leona's shocking volcanic eruption. She whispered in Scarlett's ear, "Do you still remember when he first chose? path of?"

Scarlett was taken aback by the question, and then she understood what Passonia meant.

What path did Leo choose?

Warlock curses, demons, and destroys the road to destroy tyrants known for their violent and ferocious spells.

(End of this chapter)

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