Necromancer in another world

Chapter 518 Anub'arak

Chapter 518 Anub'arak

As the leader of the Crypt Demon, Anubrekan is actually inferior to this big purple beetle in size. In the Crypt Demon race whose strength is determined by size, the occurrence of this situation clearly represents one thing—the big purple beetle. Scarabs are stronger than Anub'brakan!

There is only one crypt demon in the Scourge Legion that is stronger than Anubrekhan, and that is the crypt lord Anub'arak, an extremely strong man who is also at the pinnacle of legends like the archlich Kel'Thuzad.Perhaps in terms of strength, Kel'Thuzad is not as good as Anub'arak.

Leo's face was cloudy. The crypt lord Anub'arak came here from Northrend. What does his arrival represent?
"Abu Barak, you actually attacked me!"

Anubrekan shook his body, the thorn that pushed it out of the ground was forcibly broken, and the Crypt Demon Commander secretly wiped a cold sweat in anger, if it weren't for the body's defense that was greatly strengthened just now A single blow could seriously injure him.

"Ambush you?" Anub'arak laughed disdainfully, as if Anub'brakhan had said some funny joke, "Who else can you blame for your stupidity?"

Facing Anub'arak's ridicule, Anub'arakan couldn't stay calm anymore. He shook his body angrily, and the sharp metal barbs on the carapace attacked Anub'arak with a sharp piercing sound.

"Weak attack."

Anub'arak seemed very disdainful of Anub'arak's barbed attack. The Crypt Lord commented on it as weak and weak. Under Anub'''''''''''''arak's angry eyes, Anub''arak did not dodge or evade. Resisted these metal barbs.

Metal barbs are one of Anub'arak's ways to injure the enemy. With the strength of the Crypt Demon, even a legendary powerhouse would not dare to make such an attack. It is Anub'arak who underestimates the enemy and is too arrogant. Yet?

No, of course not.

The reason why Anub'arak is so is because of its strength, which has far stronger strength than Anub'brakhan.

The metal barbs hit Anub'arak with a crisp sound, and the half-finger-thick ice layer on the surface of the main body of the crypt leader blocked all the metal barbs shot by Anub'arakan.

After receiving this blow, the ice layer on Anub'arak's body surface didn't even have a single crack, which was truly a terrifying defensive ability. Ordinary legendary experts could only run away when they encountered him.

Leo in the distance rubbed his chin, and there was no anxiety on his face.If Anub'arak could see Leo's expression, he would definitely raise his vigilance, but the reality is that there is no such thing, and it is doomed that the crypt lord will suffer the most.

Unscathed, he resisted Anub'brakhan's blow. Anub'arak showed even more disdain. He slowly pushed towards Anub'arakan, and taunted him mercilessly: "That's all you can do. ? Idiot, there is a price to pay for betraying the Scourge."

Faced with Anub'arak's approaching crypt demon leader, he didn't realize that he was at a disadvantage. Instead of fleeing, he launched a fierce attack on the crypt lord.

Abu Barak was laughing secretly at his opponent's self-control, and was about to give Anubrekhan a ruthless blow when he pounced on him. Suddenly, a big hand made of roots stretched out from the clinker ground, and this big hand was as ruthless as a huge thorn. It ruthlessly hit Anub'arak's abdomen, hitting the weakest part of the crypt leader's body surface.

Anub'arak was almost knocked to the ground with a fierce blow from Gensu's big hand. If the crypt lord hadn't reacted quickly, a sudden chill from his body forced the attacker back, and he would definitely have made a big fool of himself.However, after dealing with Anub'arak, the master of roots, he had no energy to deal with Anub'arakan's attack. The crypt demon leader who rushed at high speed used his body to have a close contact with Anub'arak.

Scattered ice particles drifted out amidst the huge impact sound, and a small piece of the ice layer on Anub'arak's body was shattered by the impact.

Seeing this, Leo nodded secretly. Although the ice defense on Anub'arak's body was strong, it was not too strong. It was said that it couldn't defend against the strong attack of the strong.

"Who is it? Come out to me!"

Of course, Anub'arak, who suffered a loss, was not reconciled. He yelled to find the guy who attacked him. With its strength, it could indeed do it. The ground where it passed instantly turned into hard frozen soil.

A human creature made of roots crawled out from the ground. It twisted its body trying to force out the cold air that invaded its body. It looked very painful.

"It's you, Looseb?"

There was a cry of surprise, and Farina the Black Widow and Noth the Plaguebringer led a group of Scourge mages to the battlefield. The two saw the corpse-eating vines that were forced out of the ground by Anub'arak's biting cold. Afterwards, I was very surprised.They saw with their own eyes how Loatheb fell during the battle at the Temple of the Sun. After the death of this powerful mud monster, not only did his bones disappear, but even the energy core that made up his life was taken away, but now it is Appearing in front of me alive, what is going on?

Farina and North felt that the mud monster they saw could not be Loatheb, so they used a questioning tone.But they soon knew that their judgment was wrong, because the corpse-eating vine incarnation of Loatheb gave them an ugly smile, and he responded leisurely after forcing Anub'arak's biting cold out of his body. He said to the two natural disaster powerhouses: "Falina, North, I didn't expect us to meet again. You two guys are desperate to see you outside the Sun Temple. Seeing you again makes my heart itch."

Looseb said that his whole body sank quickly, as if what he was standing on was not a hard ground but a water surface that could sink people.

This guy is really Looseb!

Farina and North were taken aback. The two powerful natural disasters had never expected such a thing to happen. How could Yilooseb survive the tragedy at that time?
By the way, the energy core that is about to be taken away!
North and Farina thought of Loatheb's energy core. In their opinion, Loatheb's resurrection must have something to do with it, but they never thought that there would be a plant called corpse vine. Becomes the second Loatheb after devouring the Shadow of Loatheb.

"Sneaker, don't try to run."

Abu Barak, who was attacked by Loatheb, who seemed unwilling to fight him, was not happy anymore. As a crypt lord, his strength is far stronger than ordinary natural disaster powerhouses. To save face, what did that slime named Loatheb take him for?How can there be such a good thing if you want to leave after a sneak attack?
Facing Anub'brak'an's attack, Anub'arak once again hit a bone-piercing chill. He wanted to keep Loatheb so that the slime monster had to fight him.

"do not underestimate me!"

Seeing that Anub'arak wanted to keep Loatheb behind when he was fighting with him, he felt that the crypt demon commander who was despised by his opponent let out a roar, and the crypts hit each other with the sound of beating. Anub'arak's soft belly pushed the crypt lord up, and then exploded with a bang bang bang.

Anub'arak tried to use this attack to injure his opponent, but Anub'arak's protection far exceeded his expectations. This attack only caused more cracks to appear on the ice layer on Anub'arak's body. The actual damage of the lord is zero.

The layer of ice on Anub'arak's body was too much of a hindrance, and it would be impossible to hurt Anub'arak's body without breaking it.

Leo thought that the magic power on his body began to surge, and he said to Fording while preparing to cast a spell: "Lord Fording, I can still deal with the crypt lord Anub'arak, but if Kel'Thuzad appears, I have to rely on you." Already, we have only you here who are as strong as him."

Am I the only one who is as strong as Kel'Thuzad?Not necessarily.

Fording's eyes lingered on Sinesaraia and Dragonakos for a while, but he didn't object to Leo's words to let him deal with Kel'Thuzad.

In order to get back Kel'Thuzad's body after Kel'Thuzad's death, Alsace killed Gavinrad Doom, the deputy head of the Knights of the Silver Hand at that time, second only to Uther the Lightbringer, and then Arthas made him a phylactery and killed his father, King Terenas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.Although the deaths of these two people were all caused by Alsace, could such a thing happen without Kel'Thuzad?
The grievances between Kel'Thuzad and the Silver Hand are too deep. As the great lord of the Silver Hand, Fording will not refuse any chance to kill Kel'Thuzad.

Leo didn't mention Sapphiron, and Fording didn't ask how to deal with this powerful bone dragon that is not inferior to Kel'Thuzad. It's not that Fording was careless and Leo was careless. You will find the answer with Perision and Hectors hovering in the sky-even if the two green dragons with a body length of 700 meters can't beat Sapphiron and hold him back, it's not a problem.

As for the Frost Dragon Legion that has been hidden in Naxxramas, Fording is also worried about how to deal with them, but when he saw that Leo didn't seem to care about the Frost Dragon Legion, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart , this young man already has a way to deal with the attack of the frost dragon.

Before Leo's spell was completed, Anub'arak's roar sounded again. It turned out that the piercing cold that he was trying to keep Loatheb was blocked by a venom when it was about to hit the ground.Although the venom shot from the slanted thorns did not completely block Biting Chill, the power of Biting Chill was greatly weakened after passing through it, and it was no longer enough to threaten Looseb.

Anub'arak, who had been ruined by someone, looked in the direction of the venom, and saw a huge tarantula coming out of a big hole in the ground. That big hole was exactly where Anub'arakan was pushed out of the ground Caused.

"Maxner? Very good, it seems that you also betrayed the Scourge. Today I will let you traitors taste what the traitors will end up with."

Anub'arak said that his aura continued to rise. As a crypt lord, he was far more powerful than Anub'brakhan and Maxner. Even if the latter two joined forces, it would have the confidence to kill them. He traveled from Northrend to the Plaguelands through a teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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