Chapter 528
As the base camp of the Scourge in the Plaguelands, Naxxramas is filled with all kinds of undead.Skeletons, zombies, abominations, ghouls, etc., the sight of a skeleton in such an environment simply does not attract anyone's attention.

At the moment when the natural disaster army in Naxxramas came out, a skeleton seemed to be wandering aimlessly in Naxxus. If someone followed this skeleton, they would find a strange thing, that is The actions of this skeleton seem to have no purpose, but he has been walking along unnoticed corners and remote paths, so that no one will pay attention to the unobtrusive skeleton.

"Leo is so weak that he actually asked me Milduran to do this kind of thing. Doesn't he know that if he does something wrong, he will die? Although I have become a skeleton now, skeletons also have human rights."

Skeleton murmured in his heart as he marched towards his destination. It was really exciting to go to Naxxramas to play an undercover game with the strength of Milduran. This kind of trembling days is about to pass, the premise is that he can do one thing.

Carefully avoiding other undead natural disasters along the way, the entrance to the lair of the frost dragon was finally in sight, and Milduran heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he was only one step away from the end of his mission.

Sapphiron led the Frost Dragon Legion to fight, but the leader of the Frost Dragon Legion was more careful. He left ten Frost Dragons in the lair, in order to prevent Naxus from having brains. The undead ran in, and now these frost dragons became Milduran's biggest obstacle.

Hiding in the corner and looking at the figure of the frost dragon appearing in the lair, the hatred in Milduran's heart, he would not dare to do anything wrong with the frost dragon around, this is not a question of whether he can beat the opponent, but Once the Frost Dragon is attacked, Kel'Thuzad will definitely be alarmed, and Milduran doesn't think he can bear the wrath of the Grand Lich.

Sapphiron, the skeleton dragon, doesn't know how to bring more younger brothers when he goes out to fight. He doesn't understand the reason why dragons are more powerful, which really makes me despise.

Milduran was very depressed. The mission was about to be completed, but he was stuck in the final stage because of the few frost dragons left behind by Sapphiron. Now he really wanted to rush up and shout at the ears of those frost dragons. You are dragons, not watchdogs, what's the point of staying here, hurry up and get out and fight.It's a pity that this scene is just an imagination, if I really want to ask him to do it, I don't dare to lend him ten guts.

Milduran, who was blocked by the lair of the frost dragon, found a wave coming from the depths of his soul. He knew that this was Leo sending him a message, telling him to activate the teleportation array quickly.

After turning into a skeleton, Milduran is a warrior, but as a former high elf, a high elf of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Milduran's attainments in magic are not low.His achievements in magic are indeed far behind that of a great mage like Astaro Romans, but making a teleportation array is not a problem.

The fluctuations in the depths of his soul let Milduran know that Leo would not give him too much time, and there was a huge frost dragon blocking the way, a ruffian skeleton, who was very self-aware and knew that it was impossible for him to break through, so he decided on one thing——Since If you, Leo, want to come here in a hurry, I will send you here. As for how the Frost Dragon will solve it, that is your problem.

Milduran retreated to a small path away from the entrance of the frost dragon's lair and took out something. This was the teleportation circle he secretly made when he stayed in Naxxramas. Since other preparations had been completed, he only had to Just need to activate the magic circle.

Don't wonder why Milduran hid the teleportation circle here. The lair of the frost dragon is usually full of bone dragons with a cold aura, so Milduran didn't have the guts to break in and put a teleportation circle.

"Naxamas, the sky city of the Scourge, hehe..."

Leo looked at the huge beast-like black shadow in the sky with a smug smile on his face. Leaving Milduran in Naxxramas at the beginning was just a trick he habitually left behind. At that time, Leo There is still fear of the behemoth Naxxramas, because he doesn't know if this terrifying city in the sky will threaten Stromgarde.

And at that time, there was no good way to deal with Mildulan Leo, no matter whether it was blood elves or humans in the Kingdom of Arathor, they didn't like undead like Milduran, so they left him in the blood elves' house. I'm afraid that this guy will be killed in a few days, let alone bring him back to Stromgarde. Leo and Milduran don't have a deep relationship, and he won't cause trouble for himself with love. Things that second-hand people will do.

Being in a troubled world, you can't have too much sympathy. Too much sympathy will not only harm yourself but also the people around you. So Milduran was marked in the depths of his soul by Dragonacus with a secret method. After being loyal to Leo's brand, he was thrown to Naxxramas and started a great and arduous undercover work.In this process, Milduran's personal opinions can be included, but must be preserved.

A chess piece that was placed casually at the beginning has now played a big role. Milduran, a small pawn, will affect the entire battle against the Scourge. Neither Leo nor anyone else expected such a thing to happen.

Leo winked at Sinai Salaya, and the Black Dragon Queen obediently entered Leo's private space. This scene happened to be seen by the two people who rushed over.

That dark-haired woman is the pet of this warlock named Leo?
Demetia was very surprised. She and Tyran, who had just woken up from a coma, came from the rear in a hurry after learning that the Scourge army was attacking the Hand of Tyre. out.

The scarlet sage Demetia and Tailan, the son of Fording, came just in time.

Leo nodded to the two men who were still injured. In his opinion, the leaders of the two Scarlet Crusades were the ones he could win over. Scarlett would not be able to gather more Scarlet Crusaders with Marlan alone. .

"The two of you have also seen that we are fighting fiercely against the undead natural disasters, and I won't explain further because time is running out."

What Leo mentioned without much explanation refers to the scene where Sinasaraia was included in his private space. In fact, Demetia and Tailan were not prepared to ask whether other people have any pets. Can this pet be transformed into Dolls have no obligation to explain to them.

"Is there anything we can do to help?"

Demetia supported the weak Tailan, and the Scarlet Sage's posture was very low. She and Tailan already knew that Scarlett had the will to integrate the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade and she had already put it into action. Mal Lan and her troops have been subdued by the queen of the Kingdom of Arathor, and they all regard Scarlett as the second Lord of Ashes. Smart as Demetia thinks that this may be to let the Scarlet Crusade out of paranoid fanaticism A good chance to get back on track.

Having such thoughts is not something Demetria takes for granted. Although she has only been in contact with Scarlett for a short period of time, Demetiya can fully feel the firmness and inner light of the female paladin of the Lothar family. As a sage, she thinks that she will not misjudge people, and there is no doubt that Scarlett can lead the Scarlet Crusade back to the right path.

Scarlett has already been recognized in her heart, so she will naturally not show arrogance to Leo, the future Prince of Arathor Demetia, not to mention that he saved himself and Tyran.

"I'm going to do something later, it may be a little dangerous, so I need you and Tai Lan to help take care of this place. After all, we have many wounded soldiers who need treatment, and no one is in charge of the dispatch."

Leo pointed to the wounded soldiers who were taken to the rear to be treated by the priest. Some of these wounded soldiers were physically disabled, and some were poisoned. The places where the wounded were placed were different, and no one managed them. Chaos is bound to ensue.

"Tyran and I are happy to contribute to the resistance against the undead Scourge."

Demetiya also knew her own situation. She was injured and Tailan was panting even when she walked. If she wanted to go into battle and kill the enemy, she would die. It would be more effective to help manage the placement of the wounded in the rear. With the combination of the two Identity does these things without the slightest problem.

"I can rest assured that."

Leo returned to Demetia with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Tyran next to her. The current king of Maddenhold not only had a pale face but also lost his gaze. The blow was great.

"Tyran Fordring, the son of the High Lord of the Silver Hand, the king of Maddenhold, one of the commanders of the Scarlet Crusade..." Leo counted Tyran's titles in detail, and Tyran's attention was caught Attracted to him, if someone observes carefully, they will find that Tyran's gaze is actually focused on a crystal that looks like an ornament on Leo's body, "But in my opinion, you are a paladin, or a belief that has been Shaken paladin, this is not good."

"Human legions have always been led by paladins, because paladins who master the power of the holy light and have firm beliefs will bring hope and light to people. Even cowardly people will become brave and fearless under the leadership of paladins." , but look at you," Leo said, poking Tyran's chest fiercely with his fingers, the weak paladin almost fell down, even so Tyran's eyes did not leave the crystal, the crystal on Leo's body seemed to have The infinite suction sucked Tai Lan's mind in, "The soldiers in front are using their lives to resist Kel'Thuzad's natural disaster army. They are not paladins, and they are not as noble as you, but they will fight bloody battles for their beliefs. , but you stayed behind and suffered for a sinner who turned his back on the Holy Light, I didn't see the firmness of a paladin in you, I only saw a coward who refused to face reality."

"But Isenlien is my mentor."

Facing Leo's domineering questioning, Tyranono whispered, as if he was defending something, and he seemed to be fighting against something.

"Be sober."

Leo waved his hand and gave Tailan a loud slap across the face. This slap directly stunned Tailan. Demetiya, who didn't expect Leo to be like this, opened his mouth and almost cried out.

"You will only shame your father. As a junior, Scarlett is much better than you."

Leo snorted coldly, the magic light from the teleportation appeared on his body, and he disappeared from the spot.

"The steadfastness of a paladin...Scarlett is stronger than me..."

Tai Lan murmured, his slack eyes slowly became solidified.

It's a good thing for a paladin whose faith has been shaken to regain his firmness, but Demetia didn't seem very happy. For some reason, the Scarlet Sage always felt that something was wrong. Leo seemed to have done something to Tyran.

(End of this chapter)

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