Necromancer in another world

Chapter 541 Leo is a mallet

Chapter 541 Leo is a mallet
There is not only one way to reach the peak of power. The same is extremely strong. Some people are fighters and some are mages. They are also powerful fighters. Some people are proficient in defense and resistance, while others only study how to attack. Inflicts maximum damage to the enemy in the shortest possible time.

It is precisely the three thousand ways, all of which can be proved.

Due to the different characteristics and personal preferences of each race, even the same combat class will have different classifications. For example, warlocks who embark on the path of shadows are divided into three major categories: curse, demon, and destruction.

The high elves of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas are obsessed with magic research. The warlocks they call dark mages will naturally have a preference for destruction due to the influence of the family atmosphere, but humans are different. They are more interested in enslaving demons. Conducting research on the impenetrable curse spells, Dark Spirit Binder Jacoin himself is a master of demonology with amazing research on demonology.

Leo rubbed his chin and didn't answer Jacoin's words. He had to think about this matter.

When the Summoner Legion was first established, Leo asked the blood elves for help because they couldn't find an instructor. Liadrin sent many blood elf warlocks from Silvermoon City to go to Stromgarde to assist the Kingdom of Arathor in training soldiers. The strength has become stronger, and the Summoner Legion has also been established. When it was about to develop rapidly, the Warlock Guild came to the door. This clearly wanted to get a share of it.

This world is not the earth. Although there is no such thing as a teacher for one day and a father for life, people attach great importance to the relationship between master and apprentice. The attitude of the teacher can often affect the major choices of students on the road of life.

If the soldiers of the Summoner Legion were all trained by the blood elves, then these people would undoubtedly favor the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and they would be more willing to get closer to the blood elves than the Warlock Guild.The large number of blood-loving elf warlocks will undoubtedly have a great impact on the current Warlock Guild, and there may even be a force that can challenge the authority of the Warlock Guild.

It's not that the members of the Warlock Guild didn't understand this truth, but in their view, the Summoner Legion of the Kingdom of Arathor was a joke, and it was impossible for a large number of spellcasters to appear.Unexpectedly, things did not develop as they expected. The Kingdom of Arathor really established the Summoner Legion. In just one year, there have been more than 500 warlocks in this legion, of which mid-level warlocks accounted for [-]%. One-tenth, there are more than a dozen high-level warlocks.

The Warlock Guild was not shocked by such an achievement. Many people thought it was an exaggerated bragging of the Kingdom of Arathor, and it was impossible to achieve such an achievement in a year.After the battle of Tyr's Hand against Kel'Thuzad's Scourge army, the people who held Arathor's bragging idea had to admit the fact even if they didn't want to-the Summoner Legion really did what they thought was a fantasy thing.

At this time, the members of the Warlock Guild couldn't sit still. How did the Arathor Kingdom cultivate a large number of Warlocks in a short period of time?If this method is mastered by oneself, how far will the Warlock Guild develop?
Thinking of making the Warlock Guild enter a leap-forward development, even some strong warlocks who hadn't shown up for many years couldn't help putting down their spell experiments and gathered together to discuss. After learning about the situation in the Kingdom of Arathor, they finally chose Gacoin who had contact with Leo.

On the surface, it seems that the purpose of the Warlock Guild is to curb the proliferation of blood elves warlocks in the human race, and to prevent their impact on the Warlock Guild, but in fact they want to obtain a large number of successful warlocks from Arathor.As long as this method is obtained by them, with the power of the Warlock Union, they will develop a power hundreds of times more terrifying than the Summoner Legion.

While thinking, Leo kept communicating with Sinasaraya and Gothik, which of the Black Dragon Queen, the Soul Harvester, and the Crypt Lord had a low IQ?With their help, Leo quickly understood the purpose of Gacoin's visit.

I thought it was just a dispute between genres, but I didn't expect that there was such a dark thing in it. Fortunately, I have enough brains.

Lei Ao secretly wiped off his cold sweat. If he really regards this as a dispute between genres, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

The intentions of the Warlock Guild are very sinister. When the Kingdom of Arathor asked them for help, these guys ignored them. Now that we have made achievements, they want to take advantage of the cake. How can there be such a good thing in the world?
Leo cast a glance at Jacoin, and he couldn't help being amused when he saw that the old god of the dark spiritbinder was not afraid of your disapproval.

These old guys, relying on their profound attainments in magic and the strength of the Warlock Guild, they look like they are going to eat me, you are too underestimating people.

If there is no magic book I got recently, I would really consider it by relying on a few people such as Gothick and Les Frostwhisper, because if the Kingdom of Arathor wants to make the Summoner Legion go further and become stronger, it only needs a few people. It is impossible for a strong person to impart knowledge and those lonely blood elf warlocks.

But what am I afraid of now?
The magic knowledge I have in my hands doesn't need to be less than you.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but thank Kel'Thuzad. The Grand Lich is indeed a Grand Lich, but the founder of the Cult of the Damned is different. The collection left by this master in Naxxramas is not a small number. They are Kel'Thuzad collected the magic notes over the years and the experience of many powerful people. It can be said that [-]% of the magic books obtained by the Scourge over the years have entered Kel'Thuzad's pocket.And these things have become Leo's property after Kel'Thuzad fled in a hurry and Naxxramas was controlled by Leo.

If the collection of books here in Kel'Thuzad is all-encompassing and has no main direction, then the collection that Les Shuangyu took out from the School of Spirituality is dedicated to curses and enslavement. With the destruction preferred by blood elf warlocks, the three major departments of warlocks are just complete.Although the collection of enslavement spells in the Scholomance School is not just for demons, there are also many for undead and other creatures.

With this capital, Leo didn't value the magic knowledge controlled by the Warlock Guild so much.

"Senior Jacoin, the help of the Warlock Guild is something that the Kingdom of Arathor can only wish for. I think His Majesty Scarlett will be very happy to hear the news. But you also know that Her Majesty the Queen is now integrating the Silver Crusade, and Nak There are still many remnants of natural disasters in Samas that need to be cleaned up, and the establishment of a branch of the Warlock Guild here may be delayed for a while."

When he was about to travel far away, Leo would not directly reject Gacoin. The high-end power held by organizations such as the Warlock Guild would not be inferior to any first-class force. Wisdom, so Leo used the dragging formula.

Find a reason to delay this matter first, and then deal with it when the strength grows. At that time, it is up to the Warlock Guild to do what it wants.

"I also know your difficulties. The paranoid fanatics of the Scarlet Crusade are indeed a problem. Leo, how about this? The Warlock Guild will first send someone to establish a branch in Stromgarde, and then enter Nak after the integration of the Silver Crusade is complete. Samas."

Gacoin had a friendly smile on his face and spoke in a tone of consideration for Leo, but his intentions were very sinister.

Once the members of the Warlock Guild enter Stromgarde, the news that the Warlock Guild will establish a branch in Arathor will inevitably spread, leaving an impression on the entire Arathor that Queen Scarlett has agreed to their request. Will put them in Stromgarde.

And there is another advantage of being stationed in Stromgarde. The Warlock Guild can investigate the situation of the Summoner Legion nearby. Leo himself is a warlock, so he still doesn't know the function of the Eye of Kilrogg?
It is a delusion to want to obtain the opportunity to spy on the secrets of the Summoner Legion while creating established facts.

Leo was ruthless in his heart but smiled on his face. He said to Jacoin: "It would be great if this is the case. We welcome the Warlock Guild to enter Stromgarde. However, the current situation of Stromgarde is special. Her Majesty the Queen has hired Thanks to the gnome masters to improve the defense of Stromgarde, many places in the city need to be modified, and I can’t choose a suitable address for the time being. I don’t know if the Warlock Guild can be wronged. I asked the Summoner Legion to move a part of the garrison and turn it into a Warlock Guild. .”

Jacoin's calm eyes flashed for an instant. Their main purpose of entering Stromgarde was to find out how Arathor could train a large number of warlocks in a short period of time. According to Leo, the Warlock Guild is not related to summon Is the Legion of the Raiders adjoining?This will bring great convenience for them to achieve their goals.

"No problem." How could Jacoin not agree to such a good thing, this kid didn't see his purpose at all, and even offered help for his actions, Leo was a stick, "We won't give Stromgarde troublesome."

"That would be great. Without further ado, Viri, give Master Jacoin a ride, and return to Stromgarde to convey my order, so that the Summoner Legion can vacate the station, so that the mentors of the Warlock Guild can settle in."

Leo had a happy smile on his face, as if the presence of the Warlock Guild was a big advantage for him, and his eager expression fell into the eyes of Jacoin, which became the kind that young people often have when they do things. Radical, to put it nicely, this kind of radical is full of passion and drive, but to be honest, it is frizzy and unstable.

As expected, he was a young man, but his consideration of things was not thorough enough.

Under the guidance of Viri, Gacoin walked out, feeling that Leo was young after all, he suddenly shuddered, no, didn’t he already know from Leo’s past that this young man is not a simple role? , Why do you still have contempt for him, and believe him easily without thinking about what he said?

The puzzled Jacoin stopped in his tracks, and Viri's voice came to his ears: "Master Jacoin, the teleportation array is just ahead, please go first."

Viri stood beside the road, bowed slightly, and motioned to Gacoin.

Leo is not simple, I should have followed his way, is it a soul spell?
Gacoin stepped into the teleportation array, but there was a wave of waves in his heart under his appearance.Is the talent of the naturally awakened person really so terrifying? In a short period of time, his soul magic has reached the point where it can affect my will!
"Finally he was found out."

After Jacoin's figure disappeared into the teleportation array, Gothick came out from a dark corner, and the Soul Reaper's forehead was covered with sweat.

"Enough is enough. The Warlock Guild can't enter Naxxramas now, and they won't have another chance in the future."

Leo wasn't too worried. It would be a bit embarrassing for Jacoin to set up a branch in Naxxramas at this time if he insisted on a tough attitude. However, they have already missed this unique opportunity, and they want to get their hands on the city in the sky in the future. Yes, don't even think about it.

"Tell Viri that all the Summoner Legion will be stationed in Naxxramas. All the original residences of the Summoner Legion will be destroyed by magic, and a nine-story mage tower will be built on the original site as the residence of the Warlock Guild. People have withdrawn. Everything is gone, I see how they will pry into the secrets of the Summoner Legion."

Leo rubbed the ring of forbidden evil words, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes. Anyone who wants to plot against me must be prepared to be retaliated by me. Seniors of the Warlock Guild, are you prepared for this?
(End of this chapter)

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