Necromancer in another world

Chapter 550 Bait Fishing

Chapter 550 Bait Fishing
Leo is a bold guy, and the term dangerous person is more appropriate for him. Liadlin has no doubts about this. There is a bad feeling inside.

He wouldn't want to hit that guy's attention, would he?
Liadlin found that her tenacious nerves tended to be destroyed by the opponent's boldness. No, boldness was not enough to describe Leo. Only the word madness was appropriate enough.

Here comes the question: So what if you guess what Leo thinks, can Liadrin still object?Could the blood elves' Sun Moxibustion Legion forcefully withdraw from the battle regardless of Arathor's army?
Don't forget, who is the current owner of Naxxramas? It's not Liadrin, it's not Rommath, and it's not Frelin. The owner of the huge sky city above everyone's heads is Leo.

If Leo disagrees with the Japanese moxibustion army wanting to use the teleportation circle to return to Naxxramas, is it possible?

Don't say such stupid things as taking action to snatch it, it's really cheap to fight with Arathor's army. The demons of the Burning Legion, not to mention the Sun Moxibustion Legion, may not be their opponents, because there are too many strong men under Leo's command... etc. Wait, Leo behaved so strangely in this battle, changed his usual practice of dispatching his men to deal with the enemy, could it be that he had premeditated it?
Besides, it’s useless even if the Japanese Moxibustion Legion can win. Naxxramas is different from other cities that only need to be occupied. Naxxramas can be counted without the power of Menethil, the core hub that controls the city. Every inch of space is filled with blood elves, and it is impossible to control it.

Liadrin rubbed the center of her brows vigorously, the blood elf countess felt very bitter.It is said that the present report comes quickly, but Leo's report is too fast.

As early as before going to the world of Draenor, the blood elves kept taking advantage of Leo, and when Leo seemed to be eager to get the staff of disintegration and made continuous concessions, Liadrin had already noticed it——Leo's It's not easy to take advantage of it, and in the world of Draenor, the blood elves will pay the price for the advantage they took before.

As for what price to pay, Liadlin raised her eyes to look at the battlefield, isn't it the time now?
"Salin, speed up the transmission speed of the Japanese moxibustion army."

Knowing that the blood elves could not back down in this battle, Liadrin immediately gave an order to Serin Fireheart who stayed in Naxxramas in charge of the Sun Moxibustion Legion. Since the war is inevitable, they might as well be more active to show the blood elves It is an attitude of full support for allies.

Leo was not at all surprised by Liadrin's decision, although he seemed to have suffered from the blood elves before, but it was not the case.

Don't just look at the surface of many things and use your brain more. With Naxxramas in hand and the space teleportation circle built in it, the blood elves are like stretching their necks into Leo's hands He got stuck, and Kael'thas had to ask Leo, who held Naxxramas, to help him if he wanted to maintain control over the entire group.With the help of the newly acquired Leo, the city of the sky, the blood elves can help him. Even if the blood elves are unwilling, they have to jump down with their eyes open, just like now.

Liadlin wants the Japanese moxibustion army to fight the demon army here so that Leo can spare his energy to deal with the abyss commander?
Of course she didn't want to, but what could Liadrin do? As long as Leo kept Naxxramas here, the blood elves could only do their best.As a hard-core royalist, Liadrin must consider the interests of Prince Kael'thas, and she cannot let the prince lose control of Silvermoon City.

Besides, if the powerful Abyss Commander is really killed, it will be of great help to the prince's current situation. After all, Kael'thas is still working for Illidan, and the demons of the Burning Legion have fallen out with Illidan long ago.

Amaron was quite shocked. The huge figure in the distance put too much pressure on her. Amaron really didn't think that such a huge figure could be resisted by manpower. Even with tens of thousands of troops in hand, it was not enough to contend. The opponent's strong human army can only escape as far as it meets the abyss commander. This is Amaron's idea.

It's not that Amaron is cowardly. How could an outstanding commander who can command an army to fight against them calmly under the siege of the Forsaken army is a cowardly person, but Amaron has never encountered such a huge manpower before. An invincible monster, that's why she gave birth to the reaction of most people after seeing the abyss commander-flee!
Fortunately, although she had this idea, she did not put it into action. After the initial shock, Amaron suppressed the fear in her heart and continued to command the army to fight against the demon army. Her performance made Leo very happy. satisfy.Leo didn't ask Amaron to keep the state of Taishan collapsed and her face unchanged, as long as she could do her duty, it was enough.Amaron is afraid of the abyss commander, but every combat order she issued is accurate. Arathor's army is still fighting in an orderly manner when fighting against the demon army. What else is Leo dissatisfied with?

The battle is going on, the distance to the legion portal is getting closer, and the huge figure of the profound commander has been fully revealed from the horizon, but this guy did not rush up as Leo expected, but Just stay in the distance and send the demon army to fight Leo and the others.

Looking at that huge figure from afar through the demon army, Leo, how can you tell Leo to fight him if the other party doesn't come over?The demon army sent by the abyss commander is obviously much more powerful than the fear demon, because it is a densely packed army of hellfire.

The high-level demon hellfire, just the hundreds of troops summoned by the previous terrorist tactician has already given people a lot of pressure, the abyss commander is lucky, he actually sent over tens of thousands of hellfire troops with a distance of 20 meters, yes Leo just felt a sudden pain in his forehead.

If you really want to be rushed up by these tens of thousands of hellfires, you can't stop them with the War Fortress and the ethereal mecha. If you are killed by the hellfires and enter the army, it will be difficult for ordinary soldiers to resist these big guys with green flames on their bodies. They just arrived in Draenor It is not what Leo wants to see if the elite troops suffer heavy losses in the world. He must do something to stop those hellfires.

A giant mammoth and a snowman with horns crashed into the demon army. The size and strength of the two giant robots made them rampage in the demon army, disrupting the formation of the demon army a lot. The pressure is off again.

Gormok and Icehowl!

Even though she knew that such a situation would happen, Liadlin couldn't help being amazed. I don't know what kind of god is standing behind him. Leo, who has the ability to resurrect others for his own use, is not afraid of fighting at all. If he can kill the enemy, he will become stronger and stronger. No one wants to provoke Leo like this.

Liadrin knows why Leo has the ambition to kill the Abyss Commander. Since Gormok and Icehowl have been resurrected by him, there is no reason for the stronger Crypt Lord Anub'arak to remain a corpse. It is no wonder that Leo is full of confidence as a powerful subordinate of the legendary peak.

The commander of the abyss cannot be a demigod powerhouse. No matter how high the comprehensive level of this huge demon's strength is, it will not be higher than Anub'arak. In addition to Leo's original many subordinates, everyone joined forces to kill the abyss Commander has a very high chance of success.

Thinking of this, Liadrin's heart skipped a beat. The number of demons of the level of Abyssal Commander in the world of Draenor is very limited. If one dies, it will be a huge loss to the Burning Legion, which will directly affect their ability to survive in Draenor. world strategy.Now that Illidan has established itself, it is very difficult for the Burning Legion to send a powerful demon of the level of the abyss commander to this world.

"Liadlin, it's no problem for the Japanese Moxibustion Legion and Arathor's soldiers to join hands to block the enemies on the other three sides. If that big monster comes up later, I hope you and Rommath will use all their strength to help me. I want to kill it." The big guy."

After summoning Gormok and Icehowl, Leo knew that Liadrin must have thought that he had resurrected Anub'arak, and the Crypt Lord was lurking somewhere at this time, waiting to attack the Abyss Commander, and Leo didn't hide it. own purpose.

"it is good."

Liadrin answered very simply. Anyway, Leo, the abyss commander, would be the one who contributed the most to killing the abyss commander. She and Rommath would only need to support the battle at that time, and the moxibustion army had Serin who could take over her command. Don't worry about what goes wrong.

"Then I'll start drawing monsters."

Leo laughed evilly. If Commander Abyss doesn't come, it's because he's not interested in human and blood elf troops. In this case, find something to interest him.

Two knights in heavy armor emerged from behind Leo—Korok the Orc Knight and Faltola the Blood Elf Knight.After the two death knights appeared, Thassarian and Liresa also teleported down from Naxxramas. Three death knights, one human, one orc, and one elf, gathered together.

"Thassarian, I want to kill that big guy, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to want to come over."

Leo looked at Thassarian, who had a hint of doubt in his eyes and then showed a relieved expression. Seeing Faltola and Korok appearing behind Leo, he already understood Leo's purpose.

The three of us are the bait, and the fish to be caught is the big guy.

After understanding what Leo wanted him to do, Thassarian didn't refuse. In fact, Thassarian couldn't refuse because of Liresa's relationship. As a sister-in-law...uh, as a warrior, he Don't be intimidated by the strength of the enemy.

In the battlefield where humans, blood elves, and demons were fighting, a ghoul troop suddenly appeared. These ghouls were led by three knights in heavy armor and killed them towards the legion portal. Rune-lit weapons slay demons that try to stop them.

Rune Sword!
These three guys are death knights!

Death knights of the Scourge!
"Damn traitor!"

There was an angry roar from the end of the horizon, and the huge body of the Abyss Commander began to approach the Legion Portal.

(End of this chapter)

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