Necromancer in another world

Chapter 556 The Hand of the Demigod

Chapter 556 The Hand of the Demigod
Judgment Armor, Ashkandi Sword, and flying purple hair, this female paladin is exactly Scarlett.

Danas and the others in the battle command room of the Fort of Honor were suffocated when Scarlett appeared, and all their calmness was thrown aside when they saw the Judgment Armor bathed in the golden holy light.

This female paladin is a descendant of Grand Duke Lothar!

The eyes of Danas and the others shone, and they saw the shadow of Grand Duke Lothar from Scarlett, the great paladin who led the alliance army to fight bravely.And the appearance of Scarlett also made them sure of one thing—these people were indeed from their hometown on the other side of the Dark Portal, and they had hoped to return home after years of expeditions in the broken world of Draenor.

Justinus was very surprised by the performance of Danas and the others. He didn't understand why these human beings would have such a big reaction after seeing the paladin who used the same power of holy light as himself in the magic image, but he knew What's more, the commander of the abyss who commanded the army of millions of demons at the Dark Portal is already in dire straits after being cut off by this paladin.

First, a leg was destroyed, and now a hand was cut off. No matter how strong the abyss demon's physique is, it will not retain much combat power. Such an injury is fatal when surrounded by powerful enemies.

Holy Light, to protect these humans, we must kill that damned demon.

The Draenei paladin stared nervously at the image reflected by the magic, because he knew that the battle had now entered the most critical juncture.

Unexpectedly, his left hand was cut off at the wrist, and the abyss commander fell to the ground with a howl of pain. When he fell to the ground, the demon intentionally exerted more force to push Scarlet to the ground with his terrifying weight. Crushed to death, but his abacus failed, after Scarlett cut off his wrist, Liadlin used a leap of faith to pull the female paladin to his side.

The heavy body of Commander Abyss hit the ground, causing a violent shock, and the ground was shaking, but the movement of all those participating in the battle was strong, which did not affect them at all.

Anub'arak sharpened his mouthparts and burrowed into the ground. The action of the crypt lord fell into the eyes of the abyss commander, which made the big demon very worried.Now that his entire body was on the ground, it would not be easy for him to stand up again. If he was attacked by Anub'arak again at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Commander Abyss, who knew the threat of the crypt lord, was about to stop him, but a figure with a sneer on his face made him extremely afraid. Commander Abyss, who was stared at by those black eyes, was like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake, and did not dare to move. move.

In the eyes of the abyss commander, the human beings who can be crushed to death like ants at will gave him a sense of trembling from the soul, as if he would be ruthlessly killed by the other party as long as he dared to show his flaws.

Even though I'm just a fragile human being, why do I feel like I'm facing a top demon?

The abyss commander was horrified. He found that when Leo looked at him coldly, he was actually suppressed by the other party from the root of his soul. This situation can only happen when a low-level demon faces a high-level demon that is far stronger than himself. It will appear that the abyss commander knows his own strength, and unless he faces a top existence like Kil'jaeden in the Burning Legion, this feeling will not appear on him.

I'm a dignified abyss demon who would be afraid of a human being, what a joke!
Commander of the Abyss is angry, there is a word called fierceness and indifference, he is in such a situation now, he is very angry at Leo, a human being who is not as big as his finger, who can actually make himself afraid of Commander of the Abyss, he wants to cover up his anger with anger Panic, so he roared and punched again.

What is Anub'arak, what is the female paladin, what is the group of little ants that are slashing at his other foot, none of these are important, the important thing is to prove that he is not afraid of that human being.This is what Abyss Commander is thinking now.

Surprisingly, Leo didn't pay attention to that huge fist, and unexpectedly turned his head to look at Vibilo and Liverbill in the distant sky.The two Griffin Knights were obviously not on Leo's side. Their appearance made Leo think of a force—the elite troops of the Alliance's expedition to Northrend, and now the Sons of Lothar.

Those two Griffin Knights should be from the Hold of Honor. If you want to get in touch with them, as Scarlett, it is very likely that she will take this elite expeditionary army for her own use.But the problem is that if my memory is correct, the highest commander of Honor Hold is now Danas Trollbane, a powerful mercenary who allowed the Trollbane family to be accepted as members of the royal family.

An elite army, a very threatening enemy, it is really difficult to choose.

Leo rubbed his chin with a troubled expression on his face.He didn't know how scary his actions were now. Commander Abyss' huge fist had already been smashed down, but he turned his head and looked elsewhere, as if he didn't realize that he was in danger at all. This scene was heart-wrenching.

"Humans, go to hell."

Commander Abyss was overjoyed. In fact, he had no hope of hitting the target when he punched this punch. Leo's continuous teleportation left a deep impression on him, but this human being was fighting for some reason. Distracted, his actions gave Commander Abyss hope.

As long as that human doesn't dodge my punch, he can be beaten to a pulp.

A look of ecstasy flashed in Commander Abyss' eyes as he was about to hit the target.

It's a pity, he didn't know there is a word called extreme joy begets sorrow, just when his fist was about to hit Leo, Leo turned his head sharply.

What is this human being up to?
Commander Abyss was terrified for a while, and Leo stretched out his right hand to meet his fist under his fearful eyes.


The wings of the demon surrounded by black mist suddenly spread out, and a powerful demonic aura emanated from Leo's body. The abyss commander who faced him felt like he was facing a top predator. The soul of this big demon was trembling.

Crackling... Grad...

A huge hand suddenly appeared and held the fist of Commander Abyss, and then the crisp sound of bones being crushed was heard clearly by everyone.

This scene made everyone who saw it fall into silence.

Just imagine, if you saw an ant crushing an elephant with one hand, what would your reaction be?

Danas stared straight at the eyes, it couldn't be an illusion, the confrontation between humans and abyssal demons ended in the latter's complete defeat, what is that big hand that suddenly appeared?
Commander Abyss was completely sluggish, a weak human not only caught his fist head-on, but also crushed his bones to pieces.

Looking at Leo with fearful eyes, Commander Abyss couldn't help but have a thought in his heart: Is this guy really human?
"I warned you a long time ago, it's almost as good as Mannoroth if you want to be my enemy, idiot."

As Leo said, he twisted his hand vigorously, and the big hand holding Commander Abyss suddenly tightened. The crisp sound of bones breaking mixed with the sound of muscles being forcibly torn apart, Commander Abyss' arm was twisted into rotten twists. , the entire arm was completely abolished.

The abyss commander, who suffered such severe injuries and severe pain, didn't howl in pain. He was stunned by his own speculation at this time.

Grip of the Legion!

You can't be wrong, this is clearly the grip of the legion!

No wonder I feel fear when facing this human being, no wonder my soul trembles when he shows his murderous intent towards me, this guy is not human at all, he is...


Commander Abyss wanted to shout out his guess with horror on his face, but a huge palm pressed his head heavily into the ground.

The force of this pressing was more than tens of millions, and it shattered the skull of the abyss commander, and the head of this big demon was deformed.

If it were any other creature that received this blow, it would definitely be death. But the abyssal demon is an abyssal demon after all. Even though his skull was shattered, he still held his breath. When the big hand was released, the abyss commander struggled. He raised his head and looked at Leo with eyes the size of a basketball court.


Commander Abyss seemed to want to say something, Leo raised his left index finger and put it lightly on his lips, and his right hand quickly patted down.


The sound of the object being smashed vigorously came out, and the huge palm that appeared after Leo's demon transformation slapped the abyss commander's head into a paste. This poor demon didn't say what he wanted to say until he died.

After the death of Commander Abyss, the demon wings on Leo's back disappeared, and so did the huge palm. He pouted at the corpse of Commander Abyss, and turned to walk towards the battlefield where the coalition soldiers and the demon army were fighting. .

A huge beam of light was sprinkled in Naxxramas to cover the corpse of the commander of the abyss. The corpse that had lost its life and turned into a dead object disappeared under the magic light. When it reappeared, it had already arrived in Naxxramas In the plague area, Veslim was excitedly collecting the poisonous gas and corrosive liquid that flowed out of the giant demon's body after his death.

The figures of Hinasaraia and Pasonia appeared next to Leo, and they helped Leo without any trace, one on the left and the other on the right. At this time, Leo seemed to have no abnormalities on the surface, but in fact his body was very Weakness, but his eyes are so sharp that people dare not look directly at them, so outsiders didn't notice it. Passonia and Hinasaraya discovered this with their keen insight.

"This is the power of a demigod. It is so powerful. How many mortal creatures can withstand its blow?"

Leo looked at the right hand that was stimulating his nerves with bursts of pain, and the flames of madness were burning in his eyes.

Although the demon transformation just now was short, it made him realize how terrifying the power of the top demigod is. Using the power of the law that matches the power to control the hand of the demigod, even if it is stronger than Sinai Saraya and Abyss Commander Will also be killed by himself.

Nagaz of the Argus Recovery Organization of the Shadow Council, I really want to thank you for speaking of it, please pray for yourself, don't let me find you.

(End of this chapter)

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