Necromancer in another world

Chapter 566 The Arrival of Kael'thas

Chapter 566 The Arrival of Kael'thas
In Naxxramas, Liadrin is following an elf in a blood-red robe, holding a huge staff, surrounded by three green orbs, and the blood elf countess can walk behind him except The blood elf prince Kael'thas will have no one else.

Kael'thas came very unluckily. When he arrived in Naxxramas, Leo just took the dracolich out.Of course, looking at it from another angle, it might be that the blood elf prince did it deliberately, and because Leo wasn't around, he had more time to observe Naxxramas and get to know the owner of the sky city.

Kael'thas was still in a good mood when he was teleported from the Netherstorm, but after Liadrin had a private conversation with him, the face of the blood elf prince became very ugly.

"you sure?"

It wasn't that Kael'thas didn't believe what Liadrin said, but that he really didn't want to believe that someone he trusted would collude with the demons of the Burning Legion behind his back.What made Kael'thas even more angry was that he would die because of that in the mouth of the human prophet. Isn't this saying that his trust was used by the other party to harm him?
Thinking of this, Kael'thas felt a little lucky. He had seen the yellow-green crystal mentioned by Liadlin before at Passaleon. At that time, he was amazed at the huge energy contained in this crystal. Fortunately, At that time, he had to be busy attacking the energy ship and had no time to take care of other things. Otherwise, he would study the obviously problematic crystal as a treasure, and maybe he had fallen into the trap of the Burning Legion.

"Yes, Your Highness, I am sure."

Liadlin looked serious, she would not take the risk even if the possibility of Prince Kael'thas' life or death was about one in ten thousand, as the saying goes, she would rather believe it than believe it.

Kael'thas took a deep breath, and the green ball kept flying around him, showing that the blood elf prince's mood was very unstable.

Looks like I'll have to talk to that human named Leo.

The person he trusted actually betrayed him. Kael'thas realized that his control over the clan was not as strong as he thought before. Apart from those noisy opponents, there were other forces hiding and watching. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of eternal doom.

I put all my heart and soul into the affairs of the clan, hoping to get Sin'dorei out of the predicament, but I never imagined that I would pay for the clan in the front and some people would hide behind and enjoy everything I won for them At the same time, he was still counting on me.Passaleon, if you dare to betray me, I will make you regret it.

The more Kael'thas thought about it, the angrier he became. What he had paid so much for was actually betrayal, and no one would be able to stand it.

"Your Highness, there is one more thing I must ask you for instructions."

Even though she knew that Kael'thas was angry, it was best to keep silent, but there was one thing Liadrin had to say.

Calming down the anger in his chest, Kael'thas calmed down his emotions and asked, "What's the matter?"

There are very few people that Kael'thas can still trust after learning that Passalen betrayed him, and it happens that Liadrin is one of them. The blood elf countess is the person Kael'thas trusts most. The status of Erthas in his heart is much higher than that of Pasarayn, even the great astrologer Solanlian can't compare, without her in Silvermoon City, how can Kael'thas go to the Outland of Draenor with peace of mind?
It was because of his trust in Liadrin that Kael'thas was only surprised when he heard what the blood elf countess said, and he didn't believe her.

"You mean the humans and the Darkspear trolls are targeting the blood god Hakkar to kill him? Do they have that ability?"

Kael'thas pondered, he really didn't expect Leo and Vol'jin to be so bold, to hunt and kill Haka, this is to kill God, why should they?Even if Haka is just a weak god, he is still a god after all. Is it possible for a mortal to kill a god who is high above him?
"Your Highness, I didn't discuss it with the other party because I didn't ask for your opinion, but as far as I can see, Leo is not a reckless person. Vol'jin's ability to develop the Darkspear tribe to this point also proves his strength. Extraordinary."

Slaughtering a god with the power of a mortal is an impossible task. Liadrin would only treat him as a lunatic if it were someone else, but Leo gave her the impression that she made plans before acting. The person who made the event possible, and there is an unknown god standing behind him, the possibility of killing Xaka is very high for Leo.Besides, Vol'jin, the Darkspear patriarch, is not a simple character. If he is not sure, he will go crazy with Leo?

In this way, the credibility is very high, and there is a certainty of success.

Hearing his subordinate's confidence in Leo from Liadrin's words, Kael'thas began to seriously consider this matter.He had to admit that the body of a god was very tempting to him, so big that it moved his heart.

The strength of the gods is very strong, far beyond what ordinary people can compare. This kind of strength is not only reflected in his soul but also in his body.The bodies of gods often contain enormous energy, which Kael'thas called divine power, and divine power can be transformed, and it is this that makes Kael'thas' heart flutter.

If all the divine power contained in the corpse of a god is converted into pure energy, it can be used by the whole blood elves for at least a hundred years. For the blood elves who are plagued by magic addiction and have just experienced the invasion of natural disasters, time is what they are desperately short of. , no one doubts that the blood elves, who have been buffering for a hundred years, can't find a way to solve their magic addiction.

Kael'thas was moved by the thought of solving the fundamental problem that plagued the whole blood elves - the addiction to magic. He admitted that he was seduced by Leo, even though he knew that the other party wanted to draw him to be a thug, he was still moved.

"You arrange it, and I want to talk to him."

Kael'thas made a decision, he wants to meet Leo first, if the other party is really sure that he can kill Hakar, he doesn't mind participating in this time's great cause of killing gods, but if Leo can't tell the reason, he will come I can only express regret, after all, no matter how tempting the corpse of the god is, he has to be killed to get it.

There is a saying that Cao Cao is here, Kael'thas is asking Liadrin to arrange for him to have a conversation with Leo, and the teleportation array in Naxxramas is on, and Leo has returned to this place that belongs to him. In the sky city, the dracolich carried four hundred rock giants to the bone dragon's lair through other passages.

Leo didn't want everyone to know about subduing the rock giant group in Hellfire Peninsula. For these rock giants, he resisted the temptation to upgrade his energy and stopped when the pink crystal was still a fifth of its size. Goldfinger's absorption of its energy.

If Leo completely absorbs the energy in this pink crystal, he will be able to advance to a small level, but in order to allow the rock giant to continue to retain the ability to split soulless, and to study the secrets of the pink crystal, Leo gave up the opportunity to upgrade.

Upgrading to a level is a small improvement for Leo, because it is not a level that can cause a qualitative change, unless he absorbs pink crystals at level 79 and can directly rise to [-] to promote the legend.

Knowing that Leo had returned to Naxxramas Liadrin, he hurriedly led Kael'thas to find him. The blood elf prince left the unhappiness caused by Passalen's betrayal to this well-known human being for a long time. Allies expressed his kindness.

"Hi, I'm Kael'thas."

The characteristics of the blood elf prince are very obvious. The large blood-red robe, the huge sin'dorei gold staff, and the floating green magic ball all show his identity. Leo recognized him at a glance.

"Nice to meet you, Prince Kael'thas."

The blood elf prince was very friendly and Leo naturally wouldn't be stingy with his smile. While exchanging pleasantries with Kael'thas, he asked Scarlett to inform Scarlet that the arrival of Kael'thas was a big event. Forget it, now I know that Scarlett is bound to come, this is the first meeting at the highest level after the kingdom of Arathor and the blood elves regained their covenant—Queen Scarlett of Arathor and Prince Kaelsa of the blood elves The first conversation between the two.

After receiving the news that Kael'thas had come to Naxxramas, Scarlett didn't stop at all. After sending a guard to inform the Draenei messenger Justinus, she hurried with Danas and the others. Farewell, Scarlett is very clear about the role that the blood elves, an ally, can play in the rise of Arathor. Look at the Summoner Legion. It is because of those blood elf warlocks that they can develop so fast. Gotti alone How could Ke be so busy alone?

Scarlett, who was born in an orthodox noble family, met Kael'thas, which made Leo doze off the social etiquette. The tedious process made Leo feel bored. Who would dare to play this game with him? Hedging will be looked down upon by Leo.

"Queen Scarlett, before the arrival of the draenei envoys, I think we should exchange our views on each other. Neither I nor my people have any good feelings for this race that has a deep connection with demons. Therefore, when negotiating I won't budge."

After completing the etiquette among the nobles, Kael'thas immediately entered the theme. The blood elf prince did not beat around the bush but directly expressed his attitude. When dealing with the draenei, the blood elves must be tough. It's mine, the energy ship the Blood Elf won't let go.

If the draenei heard this, they would be very angry, but Scarlett is sitting opposite Kael'thas. They are strong and have the strength to capture the Draenei's Storm Fortress. It is normal for them not to want to return the energy ship. This world is full of big fists. Whether it is a country or an individual, if they have no strength, they are bound to be bullied.

"We are just intermediaries and will not intervene in specific matters."

Scarlett expressed her attitude. The position of human beings is to let the two parties sit at the negotiating table, and they will not care about more things.

After confirming that human beings really won't interfere, Kael'thas felt relieved, he knew that he had already taken the initiative in the upcoming negotiations.

(End of this chapter)

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