Necromancer in another world

Chapter 568 The So-called Negotiation

Chapter 568 The So-called Negotiation

Kael'thas' words silenced Velen. The draenei prophet didn't know the blood elf prince's intentions, so he could only speculate from limited information.

Velen remained silent, Kael'thas also did not speak, and the scene became cold for a while.

"Ahem!" Leo coughed and said after drawing everyone's attention to himself, "Prophet Velen may not know the situation of Prince Kael'thas and the others, may I briefly introduce it?"

As he spoke, Leo's eyes moved on Kael'thas and Velen.

The blood elf prince nodded slightly as he agreed, and Velen naturally couldn't object if he had a chance to get to know the other party, so Leo spoke when both parties involved agreed.

"The blood elves, like us humans, come from the world on the other side of the Dark Portal. Our hometown was once invaded by the Burning Legion. Archimonde the Polluter and Maronus the Destroyer fell under our resistance. In the latest war with the Burning Legion, the blood elves suffered huge losses. Under the leadership of Ner'zhul, the Scourge Legion affiliated to the Burning Legion brought great damage to our world, and also plunged the blood elves into a crisis. crisis."

Hearing Leo say that the polluter Archimonde had fallen in their world, Velen, his expression was quite complicated. Since the previous contact with humans was only tentative, the two sides didn't know each other well. The Draenei didn't know this news. It's shocking to hear it now.However, the Draenei prophet is very curious about the world that can cause Archimonde's fall, and is more enthusiastic about forming an alliance with humans.

"The elves contribute the most to killing Archimonde, so we don't need to doubt them at all against the common enemy of the Burning Legion. Maybe you, Prophet Velen, will wonder why the blood elves are with Illidan , I can’t go into too much detail on this matter, what I can tell you is that Illidan has what they need, and Prince Kael’thas is not doing things for Illidan but has been threatened.”

Leo stopped here. Although he didn't continue, Velen understood what he meant.

The blood elves obeyed Illidan because Illidan, who occupied the Karabor Temple, had something they wanted. For this thing, Kael'thas would be with Illidan. From the heart, they are not voluntary.

"I understand. Prince Kael'thas means that the war between the blood elves and us is Illidan's request."

Velen didn't ask Illidan why he wanted to wage war against the Draenei. In fact, it was normal for the Draenei, a race with technology far beyond this world, to be coveted by others.Whether it is an energy ship, an ecological ship, or a storm fortress, they are all weapons of war, especially the storm fortress, which can take root in the void storm.

"As you can imagine, I brought my people to war with you because I was coerced by Illidan. The reason why this traitor did this was not only to obtain the Storm Fortress that can travel through the Twisting Nether, but also to expand his troops. "

Kael'thas took over the conversation. What he said made Velen a little strange. Illidan launched a war to capture the Storm Fortress, which is easy to understand, but it took a lot of thinking to expand his troops. He was so confident. Make the defeated draenei his army?
"Velen, don't be surprised, and don't question what I said. Under the current situation, as the heir of the Sunstrider family, the prince of the blood elves, I don't have to lie to you at all." Velen doubted his dissatisfaction, "The reason why Illidan can become the overlord of the world of Draenor is that he has enough followers and three forces, namely my blood elves, Vashj's naga and A The Breakers of Kama, among them, Vashj and I already have our own resident, while the Breakers of Akama are in the Dark Temple, do you understand me when I say that?"

How could Velen fail to understand what Kael'thas had said so directly.

When attacked by the orcs controlled by the Burning Legion, the Draenei fought bravely. In that war, due to the demon power of the orc warlocks, many Draenei were polluted, and the Demonic Broken One was born.Akama mentioned in Kael'thas' words is the leader of the Broken, and Akama joined his camp when Illidan attacked the former Draenei Karabor Temple and now the Dark Temple.

Hearing Akama's name, Velen knew what Kael'thas meant when he said that Illidan wanted to expand his troops. The defeated and captured draenei might not directly serve Illidan, but if they were arranged Not necessarily with Akama, the great sage will try his best to persuade them, rather than let them be executed by Illidan in the end.

In this way, the problem of Illidan asking Kael'thas to lead the blood elves to attack the draenei has been satisfactorily explained. After the war, Illidan's forces will not only get a powerful air fortress but also gain from the defeated The captives will be supplemented with soldiers, and because of the grievances between the Draenei and the blood elves, they can also play a role in balancing Kael'thas.

Velen, who had figured out the cause and effect, understood why Kael'thas agreed to negotiate with him. The blood elves were not willing to do things for Illidan. If Illidan had what they needed, he would not be able to persuade them. Yes, from this it can be imagined that Kael'thas was very dissatisfied with Illidan and even harbored hostility. Illidan must have noticed this, so he let the blood elves attack Storm Fortress to do this thankless job.

If there were no human beings intervening in the middle, maybe the current Tempest Fortress would be covered with corpses and blood, Kael'thas' blood elves and his Velen clansmen would be killed and injured countless times, but now things have changed obviously, and this is the variable. An army of humans has come to Draenor from the world beyond the Dark Portal.

Thinking about it, Velen's eyes kept wandering between Scarlett and Kael'thas. He felt that the other party's asking him to come to this city in the sky, which was no worse than Storm Fortress, was not as simple as a so-called negotiation.

"Though the wisdom of Prophet Velen has already guessed our intentions, you are right. His Royal Highness Prince Kael'thas has given up this war that should not have been fought under the persuasion of His Majesty Scarlett. No one Wanting to fight the wrong war at the wrong time with a race that would have been an ally."

Seeing Velen's actions, Leo already knew that the draenei prophet had doubts about this so-called negotiation, so he stood up at the right time and made it clear that this negotiation was unnecessary at all, the blood elves had already I don't want to fight anymore, now it depends on what you Draenei mean.

Velen is a smart man, and as a prophet, he is naturally superior. He heard that Leo had something to say. This human wants to establish a three-way alliance. However, the blood elves will not return the energy ships of the draenei. If you want to form an alliance with Velen, you can't use this as an issue.

It is really useless to form an alliance with the other party after being robbed of the energy ship, but does Velen have a choice?If they don't agree to what awaits them, it will be an impossible war to win. The blood elves of Kael'thas can get supplements from another world, but their Draenei only have a storm fortress. Even the sleepy blood elves can Trapped them to death.

"I can agree to the alliance now, but what about after the alliance?"

Velen has a very thorough understanding of the current situation. He knows that the draenei will definitely lose if they really fight, and agreeing to form an alliance is the only way out. However, Velen also knows that forming an alliance is not the point, the point is to face after forming an alliance. Condition.

The blood elves were originally sent by Illidan to rob the Draenei Storm Fortress and plunder their population. If they form an alliance with the Draenei, it would be tantamount to betraying Illidan. At that time, what the blood elves will face is Illidan's army.

Kael'thas will fight Illidan for the Draenei?
If you think about it with your toes, you can understand that this is impossible.

Sure enough, after Velen asked Kael'thas, he said: "Our alliance is naturally carried out in secret, and no one will know about it except us. I will try to delay the time after the alliance, and all you have to do is Get one thing done in a while.”

Velen thought for a while, and he understood what Kael'thas meant. The draenei prophet said, "You want me to persuade Akama? It's very difficult."

"It's not difficult to let Akama be our internal response." Kael'thas seemed very confident in Velen, more confident than Velen himself, "I know what you are worried about, Akama will indeed be defeated by the Dark Temple. I have concerns about the clansmen in the middle, and I also know that his soul has been imprisoned by Illidan, if he dares to openly betray Illidan, he will die immediately, but since I dare to do so, I have my confidence."

Kael'thas smiled proudly when he said this, and there was a merciless mockery of Illidan in his words: "My people have already controlled the food supply, magic supplies, and demon management of the Dark Temple. If I cooperate with you Do you think Akama will agree?"

Hearing what Kael'thas said, Velen's eyes lighted up. The blood elf prince seemed to have planned it long ago. His influence penetrated very deeply in the dark temple. The blood elves were willing to cooperate with him and he was [-]% sure to persuade him. Akama.

Velen lowered his head in thought, and Kael'thas secretly exchanged a glance with Leo. Illidan's attack on the Dark Temple was successful because of Akama's help. Destroying the defensive energy generator of the Dark Temple allowed Illidan to attack smoothly, and having his Broken insider to respond was half the battle.

"The Prophet Velen, the blood elves, and the Draenei will not stand idly by if they attack the Dark Temple. The Kingdom of Arathor has never lacked brave fighters."

Scarlett added a weight at this time. The Outland Expeditionary Force had also attacked the Dark Temple under the leadership of Turayang. Her statement at this time that she would intervene in this matter did not arouse any objection.

Humans really want to participate.

Velen nodded secretly. After Kael'thas said that he would cooperate with them, he had already agreed in his heart. The reason why he continued to look down in thought was to let the third-party human beings here express their attitude.

"I am very grateful to the human allies for helping us. I promise you to persuade Akama. It's just that Prince Kael'thas mentioned that Akama's soul was imprisoned by Illidan. We must resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Persuading Akama is not difficult for Velen, but Illidan imprisoned his soul in order to control Akama, which makes Velen very disturbed. Even though Akama is not afraid of death, those who have left the draenei without him Who will manage the broken people who have been around for many years?
"I am in charge of the box that imprisons Akama's soul."

Kael'thas is very confident, because he has been prepared to betray Illidan for a long time, he has investigated many things very clearly.

"And what about the naga?"

It has to be said that Velen has a lot of concerns, and the naga of Zangarmarsh are also a strength that cannot be ignored. He doesn't want Vashj's naga to suddenly appear when he is attacking the Dark Temple.

"The Naga is in charge of our Kingdom of Arathor." Leo rubbed the ring of forbidden evil words with a strange smile on his face, "Ms. Vashj will like the one I asked Sinestra to prepare for her." gift."

(End of this chapter)

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