Necromancer in another world

Chapter 577 What is the dignity of a demigod?

Chapter 577 What is the dignity of a demigod?

The excruciating pain in his body drove Gazrella crazy. As a demigod, he was hit hard by a group of mortals, and what made him even more angry was that the one who attacked him was actually the human who repeatedly provoked him.

"You are all going to die!"

Gazrella's roar was loud, but what's the use of roaring?

Nalorak rushed up first, the figure of the bear man drew a straight line in the air, and the bear paw slammed on Gazrella's body with a huge impact force, and two bangs and bangs hit Gazrella's body. One scale shattered into two, the power of Spirit Bear Priest was about the same as that of Ice Roar, but because of his small size, his power was more concentrated when hitting, and it was easy to break the protection of Gazrilla's body surface.

Gayalai flew to the top of Gazrella's head with a strange smile, and the flames fluttered down. The dragon eagle priest was like a red bomber with unlimited ammunition, constantly bombarding Ghazrella's body with flame bombs .

Among the three priests, Halaz, who was good at finding the opponent's weak point to launch a sneak attack, used super fast speed to attack the wound on Gazrella's body, and the wound where the saber stabbed the three-headed sea snake was enlarged again.

Injuries added to injuries, and Gazrella couldn't help letting out a cry of pain. No matter how strong the demigod's body was, it couldn't withstand the constant attacks of the legendary powerhouses.

But that's just the beginning.

Flintage held up the scepter, dazzling bright white lightning flashed, suffocating thunder and lightning struck one after another, rumbling muffled thunder filled the entire space, and even the earth seemed to be afraid of this power that symbolized the might of the sky.

The thunderstorm of the kobold geomancer!
The flames of Jayalai, the thunderstorm of Flintag, the savage sweep of Naronak, and the slash of Halraz's saber, these four legendary powerhouses are equivalent to the four spirit priests of Zul'Aman. Even a demigod couldn't bear the combined attack, and Gazrella obviously felt that he was a little weaker after this blow.

Hurt again!

Gazrella was furious, a group of legends that he could easily crush to death, but it was really hateful that he let this demigod of himself be deflated again and again.

But before Gazrella could show his power, two big beetles, one purple and one gold, came out.

Anubrekhan shook his body, and a golden light shone directly into Gazrella's eyes.

The metal spikes came through the air with a sharp whistling, and Gazrella, who had been at a disadvantage in the opponent's hands, hastily turned his head to avoid it, and closed its eyes just in case.

Anub'brakan was pleased with this, and Gazrilla's reaction was exactly what it needed.

Just when Gazrella closed his eyes, Anub'arak came out from its tail with a smirk on his face. The Crypt Lord sharpened his sharp mouthparts, and then bit down hard.

Anub'arak's sharp mouthparts cut Gazrella's tail like sharp scissors, and the scales of the three-headed sea serpent lost their ability to resist after a faint protest.

"Damn bugs!"

The pain from the tail let Gazrella know that he was injured again. When he turned his head to look, he saw Anub'arak's two ridiculously thick arms stretched out from the front. The cave lord's body is even thicker, and these two hands that seem to have great strength are holding its injured tail.

Seeing this scene, Gazrella's eyes were tearing apart. Before that, he saw with his own eyes that Shadra, who was also a demigod, was torn in two by these big hands.

"Bastard, stop!"

Anub'arak returned a ferocious smile to Gazrella's horrified roar, and then pulled Gazrella's tail with his two arms...

Here it is!


The severe pain almost made Gazrella unconscious, and it couldn't help but howl in pain.

Anub'arak tore his tail off his body, Gazrella trembled in pain, Scarlett, Kael'thas, Nalorak and others attacked at the rare opportunity A falling water snake.

The blood sprayed, like the water jet from a high-pressure water gun, starting from Ghazrella's severed tail and extending to 300 meters away. The blood sprayed by the three-headed sea snake was a spectacle.

The massive blood loss made Gazrella weak. Originally, it relied on its body for food, but now that its body is so weak, Gazrella's attack and defense are greatly weakened.

Some people have been waiting for this moment.

"crunch, crunch..."

There was a sound of chewing, and Gazrella followed the sound and saw that Anub'arak was chewing something with relish.

Isn't that my tail?

Gazrella was startled at first, then furious.

After tearing off my tail, you actually dared to eat it in front of me, and even showed such an expression, this is provocation, this is Hong Guoguo's slap in the face!
The angry Gazrella had buried his rationality with his anger, and he no longer cared about Kael'thas. Now Gazrella only had eyes for Anub'arak who was holding it and nibbling on it.

Leo snapped his fingers, which was a new attack signal.

A dark spear struck silently, Gazrella only felt a black light attack, and he instinctively closed his eyelids.

Gazrilla, whose body was weak and whose defenses were reduced, was unable to block the attack, its eyelids let it down, and the dark spear pierced it straight into the hilt.

One eye was just destroyed, and Gazrella shook his head even more like a rattle in pain.

Vol'jin quietly appeared, and it was he who had just thrown Gazrilla hard with a shadow throw.

The attack of the Darkspear chief heralds the beginning of a new offensive.

Just when Gazrella was writhing in pain, two figures rushed out from behind Leo, and went straight to Gazrella who was writhing in pain.

At this time, because Gazrella was already mad with pain, rolling around, Scarlett and the others had already retreated to the side in order not to be killed by the maddening three-headed sea snake, but the two had no fear of it.

"What kind of beast and demigod, in my eyes you are just a reptile, watch me kill you for my master."

A purple-haired youth screamed and punched Gazrella's scales that were crushed by Nalorak.

The white scales burst immediately, and a bloody hole appeared in Gazrella's body under this punch. The punch of the purple-haired youth was so terrifyingly powerful.

With one punch, the purple-haired young man gained momentum, and with the sound of bang bang, he punched several times again, until Gazrella's chest was bloody.

Needless to ask, this purple-haired young man is Twilight Dragon Prince Dragonakos. Among Leo's many pets, his strength is second only to the black dragon queen Xinasaraya and the crypt lord who has merged with the abyss commander. Nubarak, although it has not shown that its true strength cannot be fully exerted, it is not a problem to break Gazrilla's protection at all. The dragon is born with great strength.

The chest was severely injured by Dragonakos, and Gazrella was even more seriously injured. The scales were shattered and the flesh was bruised. The key is the power carried by Twilight Dragon's fist. Gazrella's body trembled even when his fist hit, and that force pierced through the flesh and wounded its internal organs.

Caught and beaten by Dragonakos, Gazrella knew that he had no chance of winning in this battle after being seriously injured. Although his opponents were only a group of legendary powerhouses, the big purple beetle with mana Comparable to a demigod elf mage, a female paladin with a great sword that can easily break through her own defenses, and this purple-haired human who can beat her when she first appeared on the stage, Gazrella weighed the strength comparison He has to admit that he is already at a disadvantage, and his opponent's strength is completely enough to threaten his life.

Being able to be promoted to a demigod with the body of a beast, Gazrella is naturally not the kind of low-level beast who is stupid and only knows how to fight head-on with his opponents. If he feels that his life will be threatened and continues to fight, he will probably fall in the hands of these mortals At that time, Gazrella was scared, and he decided to give up his so-called demigod dignity, and he wanted to run away.

What is the dignity of a demigod? Compared with his own life, it is a scumbag.

With such an idea in his mind, Gazrella was about to twist his body and flee the battlefield desperately, but when he was about to put the idea into practice, he suddenly found that his body couldn't move.

No, it's not that it can't move, it's that a huge force suppresses it, making it unable to move its body.

"A reptile is a reptile, and a lowly beast is also worthy of being a demigod?"

A cold snort of disdain came, and Gazrella was horrified to see a human woman with black hair and black eyes stepping on her back. of humans.

"This is impossible, how can you have such great strength as a human being, I am the powerful demigod Gazrella, I cannot be suppressed by a human being!"

Gazrella couldn't believe his eyes at all, he wondered if the other party had manipulated him to make him hallucinate.


Sinasaraya pointed at Gazrella's body with a look of contempt, and looked in the direction she pointed. Gazrella found that his body unexpectedly bloomed a colorful flower. The flower shyly protruded from its torn wound, and it seemed that the root system had been deeply implanted in its body.

That is my flesh and blood, this flower is crazily absorbing my flesh and blood to support its growth!

Seeing this flower, Gazrilla discovered a horrible fact just now, its small half of the body has been sucked off by this multicolored flower, and all this happened silently, if it wasn't for Sina Sara Ya pointed out that it was still in the dark.

No wonder my body weakened so quickly, no wonder even a human woman can suppress me with strength, it turned out that the culprit was this multicolored flower.

Gazrilla hated it so much, the more colorful the flower was, the more blood dripped from its heart.

"Despicable mortals, you are too shameless!"

Gazrella roared angrily, its eyes became crazy, and its breath became disordered, which was a sign of self-destruct.

"He's going to blow himself up!"

Kael'thas exclaimed when he saw this, but Leo didn't panic, and a charming voice sounded at this moment.

"What a poor little snake, my sister is here to play with you."

The barbed bone whip hit Gazrella's head with a whistling sound, the sanity of the three-headed sea snake gradually became blurred, and Gazrella vaguely saw a succubus.

 The otitis is not good, the headache is still there, the code word is very slow, please forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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